GL (2) Over: Cohomology of Compactified Manifolds of Modules of - Sheaves of Rank 2
GL (2) Over: Cohomology of Compactified Manifolds of Modules of - Sheaves of Rank 2
GL (2) Over: Cohomology of Compactified Manifolds of Modules of - Sheaves of Rank 2
The present paper is one of a series of papers of the author devoted to the proof
of Langlands' conjecture for Gh{~ . The preceding parts were published in Funkts-
ional'nyi Analiz i ego Prilozheniya, 21, Nos. 2 and 4, 1987.
In the present paper we complete the detailed account started in [7, 8] of the part of
Langlands' conjecture for GL(2) over a global field k of characteristic p > 0 , in which
one is concerned with the construction of a map ~ - ~ , where ~ is the set of irreduc-
ible two-dimensional g -adic representations of the Weyl group ~ of the field ~ and ~
is the set of irreducible representations of GL(Z,~) , which enter into the space of ~
valued parabolic forms. We explain that ~ is the ring of adeles of %,6~p , and by an
-adic representation of ~/~ we mean a representation of %~i over ~ , which is defined
over a finite extension of ~e , is continuous in the ~ -adic topology, and has only a fin-
ite number of ramification points. The general outline of the proof is recounted in [5, !i]
and also in [14, 12]. The existence of an inverse map ~ 4 - ' ~ L is proved in [6] and by a
different method in [15, 16].
Throughout the entire paper we shall use the following notation: ~ , p ? and ~I~ mean
the same thing as above; ~ is the field of constants of k ; X is a smooth irreducible
curve over ~ , corresponding to k ; if ~=X is a finite subscheme t h e n A~=~~ ,
and EI~I is the order of ~ We write "scheme" where we should write "scheme over ~ "
If ~ and Z are schemes, then YxZ denotes their product over ~ Analogous con-
ventions are used for rings and their tensor products and also for morphisms of schemes or
rings. The Frobenius endomorphism of the scheme ~ (with respect to ~ ) is denoted by
~S or ~'~ . If ~ is a closed subscheme in Z , then sheaves of Ow -modules are identi-
fied with their direct images with respect to the imbedding ~-~Z 9 In particular, if one
says of a sheaf of 0 z -modules, that it is an invertible sheaf on ~ then one has in mind that it
is the direct image of such a sheaf. The scheme of modules of invertible sheaves on X triv-
ialized over the finite subscheme ~D=~ , and the set of its ~ -points are denoted by
P~)( and P6C~X , respectively.
~- (i. i)
where ~ and ~' are locally free sheaves of 0 XxS -modules, ~ and 9 are imbeddings, the
cokernel of f is an invertible sheaf on ~ , the cokernel of ~ is an invertible sheaf on
~ Speaking loosely we shall say that ~' is a left or right ( ~, ~ ) -modification of
, meaning the diagram (i.I) or (1.2). We recall that in [7] by a left (right) ~ -sheaf
over $ with zero at ~ and pole at ~ is meant a collection consisting of a locally free
sheaf of Oxx s -modules ~ . , a left (right) (~,~) -modification ~' of it, and an isomorphism
(~Xx~isF~ / . In the present paper we shall have to do with ~ -sheaves of rank 1 and
2. In the case of rank i we preserve the definition of [7] according to which an ~ -sheaf
over $ of rank 1 with zero at ~ and pole at ~ is an invertible sheaf ]~ over X x ~ to-
gether with an isomorphism ~{/Ixx~$)*~J~{(~-~) , but we generalize the concept of ~ -sheaf
of rank 2. Namely, by a left (right) ~ -sheaf of rank 2 with zero at ~ and pole at ~ we
shall mean a collection consisting of i) a locally free sheaf of 0xx s -modules ~ of rank
2; 2) a left (right) (~,~) modification ~' of it; 3) a morphism ( ~ x X ~ s f ~ - ~ ' ; 4) an
-sheaf ~ of rank i over S with zero at ~ and pole at ~ ; 5) a morphism d ~ - ~ .
In addition the following conditions must hold:
a) for each point of ~ there exists a neighborhood U such that the sheaves ~
and ~ are isomorphic over ~'~(U) , where ~ is the projection Xx$--~S (this means that
(~)@~'~ ~ for some invertible sheaf C over S , and the morphism d~-~ is defined
by a section s H~ ;
b) the section ~EH~5~6 | , defined by the composition ~(~-~| (~xX~s)~|
~C'%(~'xX~) ~ds =(d~)~-~)=J~(~-~)@~wC~ is equal to g 5~ ;
c) the composition ( { / x X ~ r s F ~ ( ~ ) does not vanish at any point of ~=$d~ , where
For brevity we shall in the future write " ~ -sheaf ~ " meaning ~ etc. ~ is called
nondegenerate if ~=~ i.e., s (and hence also ~ ) vanishes nowhere. In this case the
morphism ~ Xx~ )~ ~ " ~ is an isomorphism and ~ can be identified with ~ Thus, non-
degenerate ~ -sheaves are ~ -sheaves in the sense of [7].
is called degenerate if E=0 , i.e., Sd~ coincides with ~ as schemes. In this
case the morphism ( ~ x X ~ s ) ~ - ~ ( ~ ) has determinant zero but vanishes nowhere. Hence its image
has the form ~(~ , where ~=~ is an invertible subsheaf such that ~/~ is invertible.
Condition d) means that for any S(S the restriction to X xS of the morphism ~:(~xX~r w
~'"~(~) is different from zero. Hence the cokernel of ~ is an invertible sheaf on a rela-
tively effective Cartier divisor ~=X~S Considerations related to the Euler characteris-
tic show that d~=~ , i.e., /~ is the graph of a morphism ~:S-~X called the ~ e r a -
tor of ~ Thus, ~ is an F -sheaf of rank 1 with zero at ~ and pole at ~ . We call
the canonical ~-subsheaf in
Remarks. i) The concept of degenerate ~- -sheaf of rank 2 introduced in [ii, Sec. 3]
(in the case when ~ is the spectrum of a field) is not completely equivalent with that given
above: in [Ii] it is not required that )iv is given. Moreover, in [II] the condition that
the morphism ( ~ ~~$)~-~I~) is nonvanishing is erroneously replaced by a weaker con-
dition (there it is required to be nonvanishing on ~ , and also that the morphism (~%~
~-'~') 9 be nonvanishing.
2) the commutativity of the diagram
9 ~, ~ o,~
is equivalent to the equation !s and consequently follows from condition b) in the defin-
ition of an ~ -sheaf of rank 2.
3) Suppose given a left (respectively right) F -sheaf of rank 2 over ~ . We set
~[$~I~S} , where ~S is the restriction of ~ to ~x$ , and the equation ~ ' ~ 8
means by definition that there exists an isomorphism =~-~$ supplementing (i.i) (respec-
tively (1.2)) to a commutative diagram. Then after cutting ~' along ~ one constructs a
right (respectively left) ~ -sheaf canonically. For this it suffices to supplement (i.i)
(respectively (1.2)) to a cocartesian (respectively Cartesian) square. We note that $'N$~4=
by virtue of condition c) of the definition of ~ -sheaf of rank 2.
Let ~ , ~ , ~ , ~ 3~6 etc., mean the same thing as above. If ~=X is a finite subscheme
such that ~(S)N~-~ , then just as in the nondegenerate case [7, Sec. 2], one defines a fin-
ite locally free group scheme G~i~) over ~ of order ~2.1~I The ring ~ ~~ acts
on ~Zm(~ ) Let us assume in addition that ~(~N~=~ If SdLq= ~ , then it follows
from this (cf. [7, Sec. 2]) that ~%~(~) is etale. In general there is a flat epimorphism
f:Gzm(~d~)-G~(~) , where ~ d ~ is the restriction of ~ to XXgd~ , ~ is the canonical
-subsheaf of o~d~ . Here the geometric fibres of the morphism K~r consist of one
point (with nilpotents), and :~%m(~) is a finite locally free scheme over ~d~ of order
~m' which is etale if and only i f ~(~d~IN~=~ ,
We denote by ~ m the restriction of ~ to ~ ~6 If ~(~N~=~, then by a structure
of level ~ on &6 we mean a pair consisting of a morphism ~-~O7~ ~ and isomorphism!~ -~
Om,s such that the diagrams
\/ x/ \/
are commutative and the morhism ~m-~O~%~ vanishes nowhere. Now if ~ ( S ) N ~ , then by
definition structure of a level ~ on ~ , does not exist.
Remarks. i) If ~(S)nm,# or ~(S~4)fl~§ ~, then there exists no structure of level
~) on ~ : in the first case the morphism (~x~&;)*~-~ ~ is not an isomorphism and in
the second the morphism ( ~ x ~ s 4 ~ - - ~ m is not an isomorphism, and consequently there
9 2w 9 9
does not exist a morphism ~m---~O;~s~, which vanishes nowhere and is such that the diagram
is commutative.
2) In the nondegenerate case the definition of a structure of level 9 given above is
equivalent to the definition of [7, Sec. i].
Suppose given on ~ a structure of level ~ . Then the cokernel of the morphism ~--~
~,S~ is an invertible (~ F~S~ -invariant quotient sheaf of 0 ~ and consequently
defines a point of P~(~xS~ which is invariant with respect to (~xFzs~a~ ~ ~ l.e.~ a
map ~ from to the finite set ~(m)'~ ( ~ 9 From ~ and the section &~M ~o, ,) one
can reconstruct ~ together with the morphisms ( ~ X F ~ s ~ Z ~ , ~ - ~ O l x $ and ~ ~ ' ~
where W$ is the projection ~xS--S , as follows. For each subsheaf P= O~ , isomorphic
to , we construct a cocartesian square
. C')
are commutative. Here is the construction of ~/ under the assumption that the scheme ~ is
affine and ~ ) consists of one point corresponding to P = % e 0 = 01 We take a section
,~~ , whose image in ~~ S) 0~S) is equal to (i, 0) and we apply the morphism ( ~ x
F$S)* X~--~ ~ to it twice. The section ~e H~ obtained is independent of the arbi-
trariness in the choice of d After this we define ~ with the help of (1.3): the morph-
ism ~; p-- %x~ --~ ~ is constructed from ~ , and the morphism (r C'4)~--~ is the comp-
on ~ Then we represent the functor which associates with a scheme ~ over S the set
of structures of level ~ on the inverse image of ~ with respect to the morphism ~-'$ ,
extending the inverse image of the given structure of level ~ , by a finite locally free scheme
over ~ , on which the group ~-~e/~(~L~A~)-'GL~Am~ acts. The degree of the morphism
~: Y-~$ is equal to [~l . Over S -5~ is a principal ~ -bundle. If ~ is a geometric
point of ~ , then the action of ~ on the set of its preimages in Y is transitive.
If ~ is one of them, then the stationary group &A is equal to [ ~ I d z t ~ = 4 ~ I ~ = ~ where
~ 0~ is a one-dimensional free subsheaf corresponding to A ~. The strict Henselization
Yk is isomorphic to the subscheme 7 ~ S ~ x ~ t = I ~ [ - [ ~ ' I o , defined by equations of the form
9~ - E ~ ' ~ ~ = ~ . . . ~ where ~ are functions on ~ and E~~ ~) means the same thing
as in the definition of ~ -sheaf of rank 2 (but here & is considered as a function on $~ ,
i.e., it is assumed that a trivialization of C over ~ is fixed.) For some isomorphism
~x ~ m the action of % on Y~ goes into the natural action of ~ on Z (replace-
ment of ~ by ~ + s 6 ~ ).
Proof. It is clear that the functor considered can be represented by a scheme which is
finitely represented over S In the proof of the remaining assertions one can assume that
is a strictly Henselian scheme and 5~ ~ (the case 5~= ~ is considered in [7, Sac.
LEMMA. If S is a Henselian scheme, 5 ~ ~ and ~(S)N~ =~(S)~=~(Sd~)fi~=~,
then in
there exists a unique subsheaf ~ such that the image C ~ * ~ S ) ~ in ~ is equal
to ~ , and the sheaf ~/~ is invertib!e.
We note that if 5~ 5, then ~=~ , where ~ is the canonical ~ -subsheaf.
Proof. It suffices to apply the functor ~% of [7, Sac. 2]. 9 From the lemma it
follows that in H~ there exists a basis ~, % such that under the morphism ~:(~6[ff
~)~--~ we have i~ 9 In addition one can arrange that the image of ~ A ~ under
the isomorphism ~m&~g~| C ~ (where # is constructed from a fixed trivialization
of ~ ) is invariant with respect to (iC~m xn~)~ ~- Then ~ (~) has the form ~ + ~
~H~ NOW I ~ can be found directly . 9
In [7, Sac. i] some constructions are described which let one construct nondegenerate
-sheaves starting from other nondegenerate ~ -sheaves. Constructions ! and 5 are appiicabl~
unchanged to arbitrary ~ -sheaves of rank 2. Construction 4 occurs essentially in the defini-
tion of ~ -sheaf of rank 2 used in the present paper: to each ~ -sheaf ~ of rank 2 corre-
sponds an ~ -sheaf j~ of rank i. Construction 2 can be modified for a not necessarily non-
degenerate ~-sheaf ~ of rank 2: ~ is replaced by ~ | j~', (~ by ~ - ~ ) | and ~
or @F~ (cf. (I.i), (1.2)) by ~)| or respectively g ( G ) @ J ~ "4 Construction 6 is
also needed in the modification since if a structure of level ;~ is given on i~ and ~ is
the inverse image of the subsheaf /Q~0~ under the morphism ~ S--~ , then the composi-
tion i ~ - ~ 6 i ' O l 7 ~ O ~ s / Q is not generally surjective and its kernel is not locally free. The
way out is to replace ~-~0~--~-~O~xs/~ by I~-~#'~-~--~'g/Q , where ~'~ is, as above,
the sheaf obtained by gluing the sheaves i ~ s , which are fibre coproducts in the diagrams
(1.3), and ~-~'& is obtained by gluing the subsheaves QP~R~ , which are the fibre
coproducts in the analogous diagrams
&,!, 4,
Before generalizing constructions 3a and 3b of [7, Sec. i], we give another construction.
Construction 0. Suppose given an ~ -sheaf ~ over S of rank 2. We define ~ as the fibre
product in the diagram
, {
The sheaf 21 is locally free if and only if ~ 0 ~.~ = ~ In this case ~ is a right
F -sheaf of rank 2 with zero ~~ F~ and pole ~ . Here ~ { ~ ] ~ ) ' ~ - C , ~-g the canonical
-subsheaf ~ c ~ is equal to ~ , and the degenerator of ~ is equal to
Construction ~a~ 9 Let ~ and @r mean the same things as in construction &9~ , but
now we set ~ ( ~ X x ~ ) ~ ' ( ~ X ~%$) w ~ , and ~s ~ we take the fibre product in the diagram
The sheaf ~' is locally free. If we set ~=~)t~-Ce?6=s , then for ~ conditions a), b),
and d) of the definition of F -sheaf hold and for c) to hold it is necessary and sufficient
that ~ N ~-~ Here the canonical ~ -subsheaf ~ ~ ~ is equal to ~ ( ' ~ , and the de-
generator of ~ is equal to ~ o ~.
Application of construction 3a4 , and afterwards of construction 0 (this is possible
if ~ o ~ % = ~ = ~ ) or of construction 0 and afterwards of construction ~4 (this is
possible if ~ 0 ~ = ~fl~ = ~ ) is equivalent with application of 8a~ The constructions
3dg ~ ~=4,~ ,are defined analogously or as the composition of constructions 2, 8s~ , and
again 2. Constructions 1'-6' of [7, Sec. i] generalize to not necessarily nondegenerate ~ -
sheaves in the same way as their nondashed analogs.
2. Compactification
In [7, Sec. 3] schemes M ~ and ~dM over (X-~)~, are constructed, which are rough
schemes of modules of right and respectively left nondegenerate F-sheaves of rank ~ with
structures of level ~ We recall that M ~ 2 ~ , d ~ M ~ , ~ M ~ , ~ b4m'n=
' '~jg 54m~%~
, ,~ ~ where I~$
(respectively, M ~,g
~ ) parametrizes ~ -sheaves ~ of degree % such that ~I~)~ ~ (respec-
tively all F -sheaves of degree ~ ); here and later for any locally free sheaf ~ on a pro-
jective curve ~ over a field ~ the symbol ~(~ denotes the largest degree of invertible
subsheaves of the inverse image of ~F on ~E ~ Here ~'~ = ~ , ~
M~,~ is an open subscheme
of finite type. m,&~ has the analogous structure. In what follows we shall write ~m~
, , etc., instead of Z' M~,~ ~ ,
We fix ?g~%&Z such that Zm ~ 9 (the condition ~ already appeared in Proposition
4.4 of [7]). We construct algebraic spaces ~. , , which are proper over ( X - ~ , and
" 'm ,, respectively, as open dense subspaces.
Definition. An F -sheaf over $ of type (~,~) is an F -sheaf ~ of rank 2 such that
for any $s $ the restriction ~6s of the sheaf ~ to X~S has degree ~ EI~) ~W%
and if ~ , then the canonical ~ -subsheaf ~ = ~ has degree m.
THEOREM 2.1. Let 0 be a complete normed ring and ~ be its field of fractions.
i) For any F -sheaf ~ over ~ E of type (~,~) one can find a finite extension
E=~ such that the inverse image of ~ with respect to S p ~ E - - ' $ ~ E extends to an F -
sheaf of type (~,~) over the spectrum of the ring of integers ~ r
2) Let ~ and ~ be F -sheaves over ~0 of type (~?L,~) Then any isomorphism
between the restrictions of ~ and ~% to $~S extends to an isomorphism ~-~
The proof is in Sec. 3.
We denote by ~$~m the functor which associates with the scheme ~ the set of iso-
morphism classes of pairs (~,~) , where ~ is a right ~ -sheaf over $ of type ~,~) and
is a structure of level ~ on ~ We set ~ ; ' ~ ) = ~ ( ~ , ~ ) ~ $ 7 ~ ( ~ ) I A ~ ( ~ , 9 ) = ~ ] , where
~g___~(~?) is the group scheme over ~ ,which represents the functor S ~-~ the group of auto-
morphisms of the inverse image of ( ~ ) with respect to S'--'S We note that ~6(~,?) =
{~} if and only if A~(~65,~$):{~} for any S~$ which in turn is equivalent to the absence
in (~$,~$) of nontrivial automorphisms and differentials (i.e., infinitesimal automorph-
Proposition 2.2. If ~ is an F -sheaf of type (m, n), where 2m ~ n, then the scheme
A~(~,?) is finite over S
Proof. It suffices to prove the finiteness of A~% ~ Since the scheme A~%~ is
affine over ~ , it suffices to prove that the morphism A_~--'S is proper. This follows
from the valuative test and 2) of Theorem 2.1.
COROLLARY. FS~' is an open subfunctor in ~S~
Prpposition 2.3. The functor ~S~@ is represented by a separable algebraic space
of finite type over
Proof. If A~ X is a finite subscheme then we denote by FS~I ~ ($) the set of iso-
morphism classes of triples (~) where ~ and ~ are the same as in the definition of
~'~ , and ~ is an isomorphism ~-~0;~ s (not compatible either with ~ , or with the
-sheaf structure on ~ ). If the order of ~ is sufficiently large, then the functor
~ can be represented by a quasiprojective scheme ~A On ''~,a there acts the
algebraic group ~A , which represents the functor ~ ~-~ A~0A~$ and ~ is the quo-
tient ~AX ~J~A in the sense of ~pp9 -sheaves.
The action of Ga on w M ~ is free since only rigid (~,~) 9 are considered. Hence
by Corollary 6.3 of [9] ~"~'~ can be represented by an algebraic space ~"" of finite
type over ~ . (However since the group Ga is smooth one could construct an etale covering
of ~[~'~ by schemes directly, thus avoiding reference to [9]; for this it suffices to con-
sider for each point ~ Hm.~ a "transverse" to the orbit ~ passing through it, i.e.,
a locally closed subscheme T ~ = . .~~',~ a such that the morphism n~a xT-'-,,'M
'~ ' '~,A~'~ is etale)
~m, ~
One easily derives the separability of from the valuative test and 2) of Theorem 2.1
We explain that in the expression q-~) the symbol ~ should be understood as the div-
isor ~|174
Proof. We show that (~,~) has no nontrivial automorphisms. Let ~ be such an auto-
morphism. Then ~(~)=~ Since ~ preserves the strucutre of level ~ on ~ and ~ # ~ ,
one has @~= ~ We set ~=(~-~)(~) . Then the image of 6F under the natural morphism
~-~(~) is equal to zero (here 6~(~X @~RI6,~F=C~X'~R)W~ ). On the other hand,
since 9-~ is a morphism ~/~-~ , either 6 ~ ~, or ~'~e6. In both cases the image
of 6 P in ~(~) is nonzero (in the case ~=~e6 this follows from the fact that the im-
ages of ~F and ~ F in ~(~) do not coincide by c) from the definition of ~ -sheaf).
Differentiations of (~,~) are 0X| R -module morphisms ~/~---~4 , where ~ " K8%(~--
O~| 9 We set , ~ = ~ / ~ We have: ~O~(~,~)=0~=~0~(~F)-0 . Morphisms ~[_~F and
induce ~ :~--~ ~mO~F(~ - ~)~ The exact sequence 0-'~(-~)-~/~-'0
shows that KS~= 0 , the cokernel of ~ is concentrated at the point ~ and the fibres
of C,okg'& ~ over are one-dimensional. We have the exact sequence
< (2.2)
Since the morphism ~ i ~ [ ' - " ~ - ~ ) is surjective, the morphism ~-+Co~6~ is also surjective.
Consequently, the map ~Opp~(~)---HOP~(~)~% ~ ) is an isomorphism. Hence it follows from
(2.2) that :~O~.(~@~)~---~Ol'g(~(~-~D~
We consider the functor which associates with a scheme S the set of collections consist-
ing of i) morphisms ~,~)~:S--~X-~ , 2) an ~ -sheaf ~ o v e r ~ of rank 1 with zero W~ and
pole 9 , endowed with a structure of level ~ , 3) an ~ -sheaf ~ over Z of rank 1 with
zero ~ and pole ~ , 4) a nowhere vanishing morphism # : ~ - ~ S ' compatible with the
morphism~(4~F4~)w~--~ This functor is represented by the scheme ~, which is con-
structed as follows. First we consider the open-closed subscheme T ~ H m , determined by the
condition I ~ = % x ; ' 0 If [ ~ [ = 0~xs~0 one can consider ~ as a structure of level
on A , so T~ is the fibre product in the diagram
~v_.n~tC~,,~,+)'4-~-iL~ oJ,,+%,, oJ,,~
~. " " ~"l L._w~) "" '.----~)""
On H a ,GL~,A=) acts (under the action of ~E~L(2,A~) the morphisms ~--~0~ s and J~-~
0m~s are multiplied by ~ and respectively ,d~ ). The subscheme T ~ = ~ m is invariant
with respect to ~+(A~) , where ~+=GL(Z) is the subgroup of upper-triangular matrices while
~+(A~) acts on Tm by means of the composition ~+(A~)-+A~A;--P~o@X x Pi~X and the natural
action of I ~ X x P ~ = X on P_I_'~X~P_.~X (cf. (2.3)). Clearly ~=(GL(~,A~)'T~)/~+(~
We denote by H ~'~ the open-closed subscheme in H~ , defined by the conditions d ~ ' ~ % ~
. ~,~
~ = ~ , and by ~ " % m the set of points of H~ such that the corresponding +% and
Jxb satisfy the condition H 0 m . ( ( ~ | 0 (cf. with (2.I)). The set H 2 m is
open. There is a natural morphism ~ - - ~ y
~,~ ~,~
Proposition 2.5. , , ~ j + is a finite locally free scheme over ,,~ The morphism
~,c@4--" ~ is radical and its degree is equal to ~I~I-~+~-$ ,where ~ is the genus
of X
Proof. Suppose given an ~ -point of the scheme H;'m , where ~ is a field. Thus
there are given ~ -sheaves ~ and ~7~ over ~ of rank i, a structure of level ~ on JV~ and
a morphism ~:~--[~| 9 Giving a morphism $ p ~ --" ~ , ~ over ~ 7 ~m is equivalent with
giving i) an exact sequence of 0X@ R -modules 0 -+~-~--~-'0 , where ~ is a sheaf
isomorphic to ~@~ (we note that ~I~6)=~, since ~ = ~ - ~ % = ~ ); 2) an extension
of the morphism ~-~I~) to an epimorphism ~F__~(~) , where ~ F = ( ~ X | ~ ~(~X
~ ~ ; 3) an extension of the morphism ~;~--~| to a morphism ~ - - ~ 0 ; @ ~ ,compatible
with the morphism ~f--~ and such that ~f=0 (clearly ~ has the form ~o~ , where
is a morphism ~ - - ~ , which is the identity on ~ ). If all this is given then the
kernel of the composition ~ --~--~0~| (we denote it by ~ ) is included in the exact
Here the image of ~ in ~(~) is equal to ~(~-~) Conversely, if there are given an
exact sequence (2.4) and an epimorphism ~ --~(~-~)) , which extends the morphism J~F(-~D)"-+
~(~-~) , then all the rest can be reconstructed; in particular, ~ can be found from the
cocartesian square
if ~ is such an automorphism, then (~-~=0 (cf. the proof of Proposition 3.4 of [7]).
If ~=Kr , then 9-4/i defines an imbedding ~/~---~(-~) , which is impossible since
> 9
We describe ~,~ up to an Q -isomorphism. We have a finite ~ -morphism ~'~ --
IX-~)~xX Its composition with the projection (X-~)~xX--~X we denote by %. The ~ -
morphism ~?{X-~)--~(~-~) ) decomposes into a composition ~4C~i~))--~;'~-~X-~ we de-
note by ,,~ the normalization of (X-~yxX in the ring of rational functions on ~
and we set H~=~'~ 9 Since H~=(~%)xT~)/~+~ , one has R ~ ' ~ ( ~ ) X ~ w ) / ~ + ( ~ ,
where ~ T~ is the normalization of ~-~)~xX in the ring of rational functions on % (in
connection with the structure of T~ cf. the end of Sac. 1 of [8]). The morphism ''m
~4 (with the pair (~) one associates J~ ) extends to a morphism A ~"~--~ M ~ 4 ~ . For
each Ds we identify the points of m~ , having the same image in ~.{~} and M~4 ,
with one another under the condition that the images of these points under the "degenerator"
morphism ~'~-- X land in D The scheme obtained is denoted by "m 9
Proposition 2.10. An ~ -morphism [4(X-~)--H~m~m extends to an ~ -morphism~ ~,~
, ,~)
~-I,~_ ~,)
is commutative. Here , 'm ' '~ is mapped into ~;~,~--u so that the diagram
is commutative '~heme ~ is t~e extension of the morphism ..~ " H~, which associates
with the collection ~,~,~) {~f. the definition of ~ ) the collection I~,~,~~
Cf. Sec. 4 and, respectively, Sac. 3 for the proof of Propositions 2.11 and 2.12.
Remarks. i) The notation $ is chosen because the ant!on of ~ on T~ can be des-
cribed in terms of the diagram (2.3) analogously to the action of ~ and ~, on Mm,I (cf.
(3.2) of [7]).
2) It follows from Proposition 2.11 and 2.12 that the morphism Inm,~ --~ ' 'm,~ is rad-
Suppose given a ~ -point ~ of the scheme ,,~ -,.~ , where ~ is an algebraically
closed field. To it corresponds a nondegenerate ~ -sheaf ~ over ~ of rank 2 with zero
and pole ~ , having an invertible subsheaf ~c~ of degree 11$+~ . It follows from the
proof of Proposition 4.4 of [7] that ~ is unique and is an ~-subsheaf with pole ~ and
zero ~ , where ~=~ or ~=~ (in terms of [7, Sec. 4] these two possibilities correspond
to two types of ~ -decompositions). A structure of level ~ on ~ induces a morphism
~:~m-'~| 9 The next proposition will be proved in Sec. 3.
Proposition 2.13. The composition ~*'~'~-'-- m~"tm"n'-"',M~'g"--",~,~l'~'~'m
~ carries ~ into the point
of ,,@ , corresponding to the collection (=~,@,~Z~
It follows from Proposition 2.13 and the radicality of the morphism lqe,~@--~, ,~,~ that
the ambiguous points of the rational map ..~ --~ . .~ are the points of ,.~,~ such
that the corresponding zero ~ , pole # , and degenerator ~ are related by one of the two
relations ~ = ~4~~ or ~--~o~ , where the preimage in ~0~
M~§ of such a point Z ~ "~m,~
consists of one point Z/e, ,~,~ and the horospherical curve ~= ~= ~''b~-M~'~ ,~ (cf 9 [7, Sec 9
4]). If ~4~=~o~ for all ~ and ~ , then according to Proposition 4.3 of [7], ~ - ~
and hence there is an ~ -isomorphism Pt~-'C=CU{~} If ~#~ but ~ § I"r176 for
some t and ~ , then arguing analogously to [7, Sec. 4] one shows that C is the disconnected
union of ~ copies of ~'~ %>~0 , and hence ~U~Z~}=~ is ~ -isomorphic to a bouquet of
~ copies of Now if &=~ , then C is the disconnected union of ~ curves of
the form
where the horizontal segments represent ~4 , and the vertical ones ~ (these ~ corre-
spond to ~ -sheaves such that in the diagram (i.I) or (1.2) ~/=~ ; hence ~ U { Z ~ =~ con-
sists, of components A ~ , ~ 1 4 ~ ~ I~4~ s , each of which is ~ -isomorphic to ~ , while
ZJe~, ~ intersects ~ in one point different from Z~ ~ 4 f l ~ z = { Z ~} and A~N~b~,i=~ for
field of residues 51 are respectively the field of rational functions on X| and on
X| Since the direct and inverse image functors induce an equivalence of the categories
of locally free sheaves on the punctured and unpunctured spectra of a two-dimensional local
regular ring (cf. [13, Sec. 4]), the following proposition holds.
Proposition 3.1. The category of locally free sheaves ~ on X| is equivalent to
the category of pairs (~, ~) , where ~" is a locally free sheaf on X| , and N is
an 0' -lattice in the fiber over ~p~ ~i 9
By an 01 -lattice in a vector space W we mean an 01 -submodule of finite type which
generates V~ over ~i We explain that the lattice N , corresponding to 8 , is the stalk
of the sheaf $ over 5 p ~ ' .
We denote by %r the stalk of ~ over % p ~ E j.V endowed with a (~|
linear endomorphism ~ such that Et~(V)=V.
Definition. An 0' -lattice M = V is said to be l) admissible if ~(~)C~, ~z(M)~ ~ M
2) nondegenerate if 0!~(~ = M, , 3) an ~ -lattice if ~ corresponds to an ~ -sheaf over
0 extending ~ .
It is clear that ~ -lattices are admissible. It follows from Proposition 3.1 that i)
from an ~ -lattice one can reconstruct an ~ -sheaf over 0 extending ~ , uniquely, 2)
nondegenerate lattices are precisely ~ -lattices corresponding to nondegenerate ~ -sheaves
over 0 , 3) a locally free sheaf over X~0, corresponding to an admissible lattice ~ , "is
almost" an ~ -sheaf only condition c) of the definition of ~ -sheaf may not hold).
Proposition 3.2. i) There exists a ~ -invariant 01 -lattice ~0 ~v , containing all
other ~ -invariant lattices.
2) If ~0 is not admissible, then there are no admissible lattices in V.
3) If ~ 0 is admissible and degenerate, then a) the sublattice ~=~o is admissible
if and only if it contains ~<M~ for some ~ , b) the admissible lattices form a chain
~40 ~ MI = ~ z = . . . . where Mo/M~=OYN~O ~ , c) all of them are degenerate.
4) If ~ 0 is nondegenerate, then a) to each ~ -invariant one-dimensional subspace
6cM/NM (the case when there are none is not excluded) corresponds a chain M 0 = ~ = ~ = ,,,
where ~ are admissible degenerate lattices ~o/M~ = 0 7 ~ 0 ' , the image of ~ in M0/~M0
is equal to 6 , b) M~ and M 0 are all the admissible lattices in V.
5) After replacing [ by a finite extension, there exist admissible lattices in ~/ .
Proof. i) As M0 it is necessary to take the sum of all ~ -invariant lattices. This
is possible by virtue of the following lemma.
LEMMA I. Let NcV be an 0' -lattice, ~ N ~01"~(;~[)c ~ J N . Then a) if (~-~)~%+i > 0 ,
then ~(~N)=N~N , b) if (~-~)~%+~g0 , then ~N contains any ~ -invariant ~ -
Proof. b). Let M be a ~ -invariant 0' -lattice in V , Mc~N,M~N=*4N - . If
~s , then ~-~N , so ~(~'~)~0'~(~) and all the more ~(~-=~)% ~ n ,
i.e., ~ ( ~ ) ~ 4 " ~ N But ~(~)E~=~N . From this s , i.e., (s
Hence if ( ~ - 4)?tb+L~0 , then %)TRY. 9
2) It suffices to note that a ~ -invariant lattice ~ is not admissible if and only
if ~(fi4)-~0 as %-~ (i.e., for any lattice N there exists an ~ such that ~%(H)r
for ~,~o)
3) For any ~>0 the lattice 01~t{~4o)+N~Mo is independent of I% for sufficiently large
We denote it by M~. It is clear that ~(M+) = M~ Since ~(M~)~NM O (otherwise
one would have ~m(Mo~c~M 0 for some 11, ), one has ~(54~)~ ~ 4 ~ , i.e., M ~ is an admissi-
ble lattice. Since ~ 0 is degenerate, ~(54o)=01~+ ~ M 0 for some ZG~I 0 . Then M%=0,~(~)
+N~M0 for sufficiently large 1~ . Since ~(z)'eNM0 (otherwise one would have ~n'~(M0)~Mo),
one has Mo/M~-~0'/~0 ' Since ~0(M~)cM~§ and M~,~+M~, the lattice M~ is degen-
erate. It remains to prove that any admissible lattice 54=54o coincides with one of the
tv1~ Indeed, ~(54)~ N M 0 (otherwise one would have ~m(M)--0 as ~-~=~ ), so the ele-
ment oceM0 mentioned above can be chosen to lie in ~(54) .... and in particular in M 9 Then
54~=0'~)+[ILM~M for sufficiently large ~ If M m ~ , then M=54~ for some ~6 ~ .
4) The preimage in M0 of the one-dimensional ~ -invariant subspace ~c ~ / ~ M will
be denoted by M~6 The lattice ~4~ is admissible. It is degenerate since ~A~(~ 0
/0'~(M~))=~a~ID'~(Mo~/0'~ ( ~ l ) ) = ~ x ~ ( ~ 0 / ~ ) ' ~ > ~ If the lattice ~ ~ M 0 is admissible
and M * Mo , then the image of M in M0/nM0 is a one-dimensional ~ -invariant subspace.
Hence any admissible lattice is contained in precisely one of the lattices M~ . Admissible
sublattices in ~448 are described in exactly the same way as in the proof of 3).
5) We denote by If a norm of ~' such that v(~)'~ By a norm on ~f we mean a map
~):V--'~D{~] , such that 722(~+~)~ ~(I~)(~5),~(~))~(R~5)=I)~)§ for ~ e V ~ b ~ ~ and for some
(and then for any) basis g~,8~6V there exists a ~e~ such that N)~+~I~/~2~(~)($g~)/~(~))+&
(the last condition does not hold automatically since ~! is not complete). We call a norm
LO canonical if N;(~(Z)]--~m(Z)
LEMM 2. There exists exactly one canonical norm.
Proof. If %~ is canonical and ~; is any norm then ~(Z)-6&~(Z)~m~(Z)+f, for some
~e~ so ~ 0 { Z ) - - ~ { ' ~ C ~ [ { ) ) This proves the uniqueness of %00 To prove the existence
we choose a basis V in ~,~ and we set ~(~+~)--I/~(~)(~)$)(Z~)) It is easy to see
that ~ ( ~ ) - ~ r for some Ce~ From this it is easy to deduce that ~ . ~
U)(~I~5)) exists and is a canonical norm.,
Any norm 112 in some basis ~,6z has the form 7/~(~g~§ , where
C~,g~ (cf. [i], Chapter 2, Proposition 3). Now let IJ be the canonical norm. The equa-
tions 1~)(~(~))--~IO(g~) mean that ~ ( 6 ~ + ~ g ~ + ? ~ % ) = ~ C ~ , #J~.(C~+~,C~+TL~)-~ , where
9%{~e Z U { ~ ] From this g{,6~ Let ~-0[~'/~ , where S is a common denominator
of C~ and g, . We define ~ in the obvious way and we set ~ ' V @ @ ~ = ~ ; ~ - ~ + ~ ' ~ ' % 6 z 9 Then
is an admissible lattice in V . Indeed, it follows from the equations %~(6~))=s
w(r that
Let M,M " V be admissible lattices, M c M , ~ / M = 0 ~ 0 ' We denote the images of
0'~(M) in M/~M and M / ~ by ~ and ~ , respectively. The subspaces ~= M / ~ H and
~=~/~ are one-dimensional and ~ -invariant while ~(~)+0,~([)+0 9 Let ~0 and ~0 be
extensions of ~ to locally free sheaves on X | O , corresponding to M and ~ ,~ and
~ be their restrictions to X@~8, ~ and ~ be maximal invertible subsheaves in ~ and
~'whose stalks over 5 ~ ~' are equal to 6 and ~ The imbedding ~--~ induces
morphisms ~--~ and ~--~ . The morphism ~--~ is injective, since it induces an
isomorphism of generic stalks ~[~ Since ~ and ~ are invariant with respect to ~ ,
one has that ~ and ~ are F -sheaves with pole ~ , where ~a:~-~X is the restric-
tion of the morphism ~: 5 ~ 0 - - X We denote the zeros of ~ and ~ by ~ and ~ .
Proposition 3.3. Two cases are possible: either ~ = ~ , ~= ~ or ~ = ~ ) , ~=~"~ The
second possibility is realized if and only if m is an ~ -lattice.
Proof. The preimage of ~ under the epimorphism ~-~a is a locally free sheaf on
X| 0 , whose restriction to X@~ is equal to ~ , and whose stalk over S ~ ~i is equal
to ~ Consequently, this preimage is equal to ~0 . Hence the image of ~ in ~ is equal
to ~ . Hence it follows from the commutativity of the diagram
that either ~--~ and ~ is not surjective, or ~=~(-~ and ~ is surjective. "
If ~=V is a degenerate admissible lattice, then we denote the ~ -sheaf over ~ of
rank 1 constructed in the way described above from the one-dimensional subspace (0~(M)+~)/
~M=MI~M by ~, , and its degree by ~.(M)-
Proposition 3.4. Let ~4=~=... be admissible degenerate lattices in V where M ~ +
M~§ m(M~)'~ for all % We set N=QM{ Then N is a one-dimensional free 0' -sub-
module. A maximal invertible subsheaf ~ corresponding to the subspace N | is
an ~ -subsheaf while ~=r
Proof. Let ~ be the image of 0'~(M~ in MdnM We have ~,6& = ~ Let
• be the extension of ~ [to a locally free sheaf on X| , corresponding to M ~ , ~
be the restriction of ~ to X@SB . We set ~-~- N~ ~ 9 Since the generic stalk of ~s is equal
to ~ , and the image of ~ in M,/nM, is equal to ~4, the imbedding ~$:~I--~ ~ induces an im-
bedding ~--~4, which is in fact an isomorphism since ~=~4=~ Hence {s does
not vanish at any point of X| and consequently the sheaf ~--~ ~ is an invertible
sheaf on X~(O/~O) , where ~=~(MI/M~) If ~ , then ~ = ~ L / ~ , Hence
the sheaves ~ define a quotient sheaf ~0 of the sheaf ~ on the formal completion of
%0 0 along ~ @ ~ , and hence also on the scheme ~| itself. We set ~0__[~$__~ ~o)
Clearly ~o=~ and the stalk of ( ~ ) ~ 0 , over ~g" is equal to N 9 m
Proposti~n 3.4 admits conversion. Suppose given an ~ -subsheaf ~c~ of rank 1 such
that th~ sheaf ~]~ is invertible. Let us assume that ~ extends to an ~ -sheaf ~0 over
0 (one can achiev~ thi:s by extending ~ ). To the sheaf ~0 corresponds a one-dimensional
free 01 -submodule ~ =V s~c~ that 0'~{~)=N If h is an arbitrary 0' -lattice in
V , then for sufficiently large L the lattice #@~--~+n~ is admissible and degenerate while
if ~ is another lattice, then for i~>D M~'- M~.~ for some ~, . Hence we shall write M&
instead of M% .
Proposition 3.5. If ~ is sufficiently large, then ~ ~a~ , where ~e is the re-
striction of ~o to X| In particular, ~ ( ~ = ~ for ~>>0 .
Proof. We have an imbedding ~-~ ~S~ . Hence ~(M&~ ~ Since 0~(M~+~)& ~ ( M ~ ,
one has O~(M~=~O~ for ~0 It remains to use Proposition 3.4. 9
Proposition 3.6. The following conditions are equivalent: a) for some finite extension
E = ~ in V| i there exists a nondegenerate lattice, b) there exists an ~% such that for
any finite extension ~=~ and any degenerate admissible lattice MCV| EI one has
Proof of Theorem 2.1. We prove assertion i) of the theorem in the case when ~ is non-
degenerate. According to Propositon 3.6, after replacing ~ by a suitable finite extension
a maximal ~ -invariant lattice ~0 c V is either nondegenerate or is a degenerate admis-
sible lattice such that 0~I~0)>~?b Let M0 be nondegenerate, ~0 be the corresponding
-sheaf over O , ~" be its restriction to Sp~ ~ If ~{~m)4 11% , then ~ is the
-sheaf sought. If not, in ~ there is an ~ -subsheaf ~ of rank 1 such that ~ >
The generic stalk 6 of the sheaf J is a one-dimensional ~ -invariant subspace of Mg/~ M 0 .
According to Propositon 3.2, to it there corresponds a chain of admissible lattices M ~ m M ~ =
, ..... It follows from Propositon 3.3 that either among the lattices ~ there is an
-lattice such that ~(M~=?~ or there exists an ~/>f~ such that ~(M~)= ql%! for
~>> ~ The second case is impossible by Proposition 3.4. One considers the situation when
~0 is a degenerate lattice analogously9
Now let ~ be degenerate, ~ be a degenerator of ~ . We extend ~ to a morphism
~p~0--~ We choose a finite subscheme ~ =X-{~(Sp~0),~($~0),~($p~0)} such that I~I>
Z~-~+~, and on ~ we fix a structure of level ~ The ~ -point of the space l'i~,~
obtained extends to an ~ -point since the morphism M~,~--~(X-~) is finite by virtue of
Propositions 2.5 and 2.7.
Assertion 2) of the theorem is proved analogously.
Let ~=X be a finite subscheme, ~ be an algebraically closed field, ~ : $ ~ - ~ X - ~ , ~ :
~-~),~%~ ~j~ for all {, ~ ,p be a geometric point of X ~ with coordinates (~,~)
;%p be the stalk of N4~'~
,,~ over P . Suppose given a horospherical curve C w = M~,p (cf.
[7 , Sec. 4]) such that ~wNM~'~
,,m.p~ ~ . . Under the isomorphism ~w--~ ~ (cf. [7, Sec. 4])
Cwn M ~,p
~ is mapped to ~-~ , where S is finite. We recall that %~ (the "index" of
the horospherical curve) is determined by giving i) an ~ -sheaf ~ over ~ of rank i with
zero ~ , equal to ~ or ~ , and pole ~ ; 2) an ~ -sheaf ~ over ~ of rank i with zero
and pole ~ endowed with a structure of level ~ ( ~ is the determinant of ~" -sheaves
"growing" over ~ ); 3) an imbedding ~:~--~ 0~. 5 compatible with the isomorphism ( ~ @
P4~5~ ~& The nonemptiness of M,$,@
CWN, ~,11, means that ~*g
P r o p o s i t i o n 3.7 . If ]g)l>$~v-~+g , t h e n t h e morphism ~ : M - ~ -~,M,$.p
~'~ e x t e n d s to a morphism
--~.p1~__~,~,~,,,p, while 9 ~(@)~ ~2/&_
,~, rO and the image of ~ (~) in W"I",~
,,,,p corresponds to
the collection , where
Proof9 Let 0~ E , and @ have the usual meaning and suppose given a morphism ~ g O --~
Pl, mapping ~p~- into a generic point of P~ , and S~ ~ into =~ It is necessary
to prove that the composition ~pzgE-~-g--~M~'p ~ extends to a morphism S : S p ~ 0 - - ~ ~
such that ~ ( S ~ 8 ) ~ ~,~,p , and the image of $(S~g~) in ,,$,p is as indicated in the
formulation of the proposition. According to Theorem 2.1, the ~-sheaf ~6 over ~ induced
by the morphism ~. --~ i-,~),p
M~'~ extends (after replacing the field ~. by a finite extension
of it) to an P-sheaf @5o over 0 of type (~,~.) Since the curve ~w = M~),p is closed,
%~ does not extend to a morphism ~1__~ IM~,p Hence ~ is degenerate. Moreover, in
the generic stalk V of the sheaf ~ there is no degenerate lattice and hence all admissible
lattices are imbedded in one another9 In particular, if from the ~ -sheaf ~@B~.=~6 of
rank i having a horospherical curve by definition one constructs lattices M~ (cf. Proposi-
tion 3.5), then ~icM for ~>>0 where M is the lattice corresponding to ~0 It fol-
lows from Propositions 3.5 and 3.3 that the degenerator of ~ is equal to ~%0~ Since
~(~)~ ~ , the structure of level ~) on ~ extends to ~0 and thus, it follows from
Proposition 2 9 7 that we have obtained a morphism S:~p~O--~ ~ '~
, ,~ P 9
Moreover, Propositions 3 . 5
and 3.3 let us find the image of S(~ ~ , ) in LJ~'~"
,,$,~ 9
Proof of Proposition 2.8. One can assume that I~ I) ~ - ~+ ~ It follows from Proposi-
tion 3.7 that the closure of 'k4'm
~'~ in M~'~ contains all points of l',m,~
~"~'~ , whose image
in has the form (~,~,~) , where ~ ~4~-,,+ for all ~,~ and there exists an' ~ >i0
such that ~(~)=& or ~(%) ~ The set of such points is dense in f~'~
Proof of Propositions 2.12 and 2.13. Let I~I>~ZI~-I~+% Construction 0 of Sec. 1
defines a morphism ~:U -~,~-,,,~
,~ , where U= i~§ is the open subspace obtained by discard-
irE , .~ - . . ~ , and also the points of ~, ,~,~ such that ~=~ or ~ =~ Here
~I~ ~ ' ~ , ~ i I~ ~" and the diagram
Un, ~,,~
_ _ ,
lation of Proposition 2.13. The proposition being proved will follow from this.
Let ~ be the graph of { ,r be its closure in ~ m xM$ ~ It is necessary to
show that the morphism ~__~§ is radical and to find the preimage in ~ of an arbitrary
point of ~2~--~ ~'" If one considers all complete discrete norms of the ring 0 and
morphisms ~ J : $ ~ 0 - - ~ + " n ~,~ such that ~(Sp~)~ C , then the set of points of the
form ~ ( ~ ) is also ~ Hence, arguments analogous to those used in the proof of
Theorem 2.1 let one a) find the preimage in ~ of an arbitrary point of M~*L~
, ,~ - U and
in particular see that it consists of one point, b) prove the propriety of the morphism
4. Quasismoothness and Local Acyclicity
Definition. The surface ~ over the field ~ is said to be quasismooth ( P-quasi-
smooth). If H~z)(~| =0 (respectively H~}(~| =0 ) for %~ ~ for all ~ p
and all closed points 9 ~ ~|
Definition. The space y is quasinormal if the normalization morphism ~ - - ~ Y ~ , is radical.
The quasismoothness of ~ is equivalent to the fact that the fibers of the resolution
of singularities ~"| are either points (possibly with nilpotents) or curves all of whose
irreducible components are ~ -isomorphic to ~ and the graph of the intersection of component:
is a tree. P -quasismoothness means in addition to quasismoothness that if a fiber is a curve
and A is the intersection matrix of its components, then d~(-A) is a power of P . A sur-
face ~ is quasismooth if and only if ~ is quasinormal and the normalization of ~ is quasismooth.
~ ,'mn = ~' j'~~
We set ' {the preimage of ..~ - " m in l * , ~ } Then the morphism ~q~ -~(X-&D~
is smooth.
Proof. It suffices to verify the smoothness of the morphism M~,~--~(X-~) ~ (4ol) and
the condition ~ 0 ~ | 1 7 4 1 7 4 = 0 which appears in the definition of
P r o p o s i t i o n 2.5, ~ ' -- n~
"'~,~4-- ~'m so t h a t t h e morphlsm
9 ~~m,~__ ( X - ~ is smooth. If Z~-~-~D['~-3
then acoording to the p r o o f of P r o p o s i t i o n 2 . 5 , preimage w i t h r e s p e c t to the
Frobenius morphism ~ ) - ~]~) of a section y of the bundle ~ ( ~ ) , where ~P is a
two-dimensional bundle over ~ with fibre ~ O ~ ) ~ ( - ~ ) ) If ~ is trivialized over
an open subset ~ ~'~ then Y defines a morphism U-~ 4 . The verification shows that
the morphism U N ~ - - ~ ( X' - ~ ) ~ is etale. The smoothness of , ~,~ over follows
from this.
We need a generalization of Proposition 4.2. Suppose given an ~ -sheaf ~ over ~ of
rank 2, a nonempty finite subscheme /~= X and an ~ -subspace V c ~ = ~(~)0~ . We denote
the projection /k~S--~$ by ~ . Let G and ~ mean the same thing as in the definition
of ~ -sheaf of rank 2. By (~,~ -structure on ~ we mean a triple consisting of i) a
9 M
nowhere vanishing morphism ~{:%g--~$ , compatible with the morphism ( ~ $ 1 Z ~ - ' ~ A ~ 2)
a structure of level A on ~ , 3) a section ~ o ( $ ~ ] ~ @ ~ such that the image of
in H ~ 1 7 4 is equal to i, and the image of ~ with respect to the morphism
%~/C'V-~/~ is equal to ~(~) We explain that the imbedding ~@AA--~ is
induced by the morphism ~C--~ which in turn is induced by the composition ~ A ~ ( % ~ & )
-~A~--~*C'~@~A~$6~C "4 We note that for V =0 giving a (~,V) -structure on ~ is
equivalent with giving a structure of level ~ such that for any point SeS~ the morphism
~a-~O;.$ maps ~[~$ to %%| We consider the functor which associates with the
scheme S the set of isomorphism classes of ~ -sheaves over ~ of type (~)f~) with ~,V) -
structure having the property of rigidity (after any change of basis ~'~-*~ there are no non-
trivial automorphisms preserving the (~,V) -structure). One proves analogously to Proposi-
tion 2.3 that this functor can be represented by a separable algebraic space ~ & ~ V . One
verifies analogous to Proposition 2.5 that ! M ~ , ~ is a finite locally free radical scheme
over the following open subset ~~,,V~ c ~,,A : a ~ -point of ~'a
U ~'~ , where 5 is a field, belongs
to ~,v , if the m a p ~ ( X ~ , ~ -~(AgV)| is injective, where % ( ~ | . We
d e n o t e by . ~,V t h e s e t of p o i n t s o f ~
~,V such t h a t t h e n a t u r a l map V | 1 7 4
is surjective. We set l~l~,V=m~7~
- { the preimage of F,~ -- ''~,V in ~,~} Analogously
to Proposition 4.2 one proves.
Proposition 4.3. The morphism is s m o o t h 9
Proposition 4.4. Let ~ and A be finite subschemes in X,~=~)#~,~=~(~L~{~)A~) -~
~(~A~ Then the morphism ~\~,~__~(~_~)z after discarding the preimages in ~ \ ~
of exceptional points of ~ 2 '~ becomes locally acyclic with respect to Z~, ~#p and its
fibre'-become P -quasismooth.
Proof. Only the images of points ";~,di~
~6 ~ ;n Let ~ be such a point. Let us assume
that the image of ~ in ,,~ is not an exceptional point. Under the map ''~,d~ ~ (cf.
Sec. i) the point ~ corresponds to a free OA -submodule of O~ , which in what follows
we shall assume equal to 0~ O0 We consider the action on i',~,~ of the group of matrices
of the form (~0~)~~ E A A , which we shall identify with AA We set I~=~fT~(~-~Am) . Let
be the image of ~ in ~ \ ~ ' ~ The natural morphism g\J~l"~---~\~ 'r~ is etale at
the point ~ , which lets us consider l ~ \ ~ ~ instead of ~\, 'A
LEMMA. If ~II%-1%~-~ then for any ~ -subspace ~'-~I~ of codimension i containing
I~ , one can find an ~ -subspace ~ = ~ - such that a neighborhood of the image of ~ in
~,i~ is ~ -isomorphic to a space which is smooth over (X-~)~
Proof. Let V = ~ be a vector ~ -subspace, Z be the space of modules of ~ -sheaves
of type (4~,,#%) with (~,0) -structure such that the corresponding ~ -sheaf with (~,V) -struc-
ture is rigid. Z is an open subspace of ~'~ On the other hand, there is a radical
morphism V ~ - - ' ~ , ~ ~ Hence it follows from Proposition 4.3 that to prove the lemma it
suffices to find, for any hyperplane ~=~A containing I~ , a V" W such that the image
of ~ in ~i~ belongs to HA,v . Let ~ p ~,~,~ have the usual meaning, ~ be the
residue field of ~ , ~=(~x |174 @~) For given W it is necessary to find a V c ~
such that the map ~~174174 is injective and the map V|174 is
surjective. Since H"(X| = 0 ,
(the image of ~ in I..1~,
..A ~" i"l~,~.
belongs to mA, ) and
H4(~' | (since ~-i%~Z~-~) ), we need that ( V | (V|174 ~ , where
and ~ are the images in A~| of the spaces ~0(X| and ~tX| ) Since
-i& "
l:'=h , it suffices that Aa~ ~ be the direct sum of V @ ~ and I. , i.e., that A ~ @ ~ be
the direct sum of V ~ @ ~ and h~ Here ~ is the dual space, V ~ is the orthogonal comple-
ment of V in A~,
* L~ is the orthogonal complement of h in ~;| For fixed ~ such
6-~C"@~ , where ~ = ~ A ~) ,~ is the projection ~S--$ Hence if we fix a struc-
ture of level ~ on ~ and an isomorphism ~ ~-~-%~$ such that the diagram
is commutative, t h e n on ~ there arises a structure of level ~U ~ and we g e t , as is easy
to see, a morphism ~:$ -~ m~,~
IV1~ug , where ~'~-I~I~=?~-I~/; It is easy to show that ~ is
compatible with the action of the group {(~0~)f~eA~}and maps $ isomorphically to the strict
Henselization of a point of rl~u~ It remains to note that 2 ~ - & ~ 2 $ - 3 a
Proof of Proposition 2.11. It follows from Proposition 4.4 that the quotient of ,'a
by the action of ~ ( ~ ( ~ L ~ - ~ C ~ ( ~ is quasinormal except possibly for the preimages of excep-
tional points of U ~ , ~"
,,m Hence the ~ -morphism Ij:01~~,~
~'~ ~ ~,.~
'J~ is an ~ -isomorphism over
H~ ~ W~,~.
the set of nonexceptional points of -~ Since is normal, ~ is an ~ -isomorphism
over all of ..~ Since ~ is the normalization of ~'~ , the morphism H~'~--~..~
decomposes into the composition of ~ -morphisms u~'~--~,M~'~
,~ ,~,~--~ %~'~ Let ~ be a geometric
point of ~4~'~,,~ which hits ~6g) under the "degenerator" morphism -~ --~X The point
is invariant with respect to ~ ( ~ ( ~ , A ~ ) , where A is the local ring of ~ as a point
of the scheme SD The fibre of the morphism ~,~ _~r~ over ~ is ~ [ , ~ / ~ + (71)
where $'+ is the group of upper triangular matrices with determinant i. Hence the fibre of
the ~ -morphism ,,~,~--] ~ ' ~ over ~ is B~(~,AI/G , where ~§ It is neces-
sary to show that ~=$~(~A) If not, the image of ~ in ~ ( ~ , ~ , where m~ is the
residue field of 7) , is equal to ~ ~) This means that if ~ is the preimage o f ~ in
~,~ , then one can find an open set U ~ ',~,~
~ , containing ~ , such that the image of
the natural map ~4--~(~) (cf. Sec. I) consists of one point. Here U~=U {points of
Ud~ whose degenerator hits ~} Let ~ and ~0 be universal ~ -sheaves over U and
U~ (this phrase makes sense if [ ~ - ~ } ~ ~ ~ t - ~ ~ for all P ~ , which one can as-
sume without loss of generality). We set ~IU~} ~ ~=~IU~} Since the image of
U~ in ~(~=) is one point, ~ can be identified with the sheaf ~/~ (cf. diagram
(1.3)) for some P. Let $~6~~ be the image of a nonzero element of ~~ with
respect to the lower arrow in (1.3). Since U is normal and ~0d%tr~(U-U~ , one has that
$~ extends to ~H~ . Here the image of (Fru~'zd~) 5 with respect to the morphism
~:(Fr~Xldu) ~ - - ' ~ is equal to $ Let Z c U x {v} be the subspace defined by the equa-
tion s = 0. Then (Frv x id{v})-~(Z) c Z. Hence Z is open in U • {v}. It follows from this
and the fact that Z fl (U ~ x {v}) = ~ that Z = ~. This contradicts the fact that over y x {v}
the morphism q0 is nilpotent and consequently ~0 vanishes.
Proposition 4.5. The fibres of the morphism , ~
M~'~ --~(X-~D)
$ are quas inormal.
Proof. It follows from Proposition 4.4 that if ~-~>~I~I+~-~ (in this case there
are no exceptional points), then the fibres of the morphism H~'~--~ (X-~D)~ are quasinormal ex-
cept possibly for points of ' '*,o~ such that the degenerator hits ~ The connectivity
of the fibres of the morphism ~,~ ~,~ (cf. the end of Sec. 2) lets one get rid of
the restriction ,P,-m.-r 9 If u is the fiber of ,,,~ over a point W E (X-;D)
and ~is its normalization, then the arguments used in the proof of Proposition 2.11 show
~,,~. ~' ~,r~,'~,
that the preimage of ' '~,d~ in Y maps to the fiber .,~ over ~b radically. Hence the
morphism ~-+~( is also radical. 9
Proposition 4.6. The fibres of the morphism M~'~---(X-~D)~ are quasismooth except possibly
for points ,,~,~ such that the degenerator hits ~ If in addition the exceptional points
of ''~,~4 are deleted, then for ~# 0 the fibers are P -quasismooth.
Proof. It suffices to make use of Proposition 4.4 and the description of the fibres of
the morphism IVl~
~ ' 4 ' ~ - ~ ,M, ~~'~ at the end of Sec. 2. 9
Let ~ be a closed point of (X-~b~ whose images under the projections X~--*X do not
coincide. We denote the fibre of Mm,~ over ~b by M~'~
Proposition 4.7. The surface , ,~,~ is quasismooth.
Proof. Let [u be a geometric point corresponding to %U . We make use of (i.i) of [8]
b r
(called simply (i.i) in what follows) for ~.(-4~(~a.U
9 M~,4;~.4
' ' ~ , .E.
~6) as an element of the
Grothendieck group of the category of representations of a Galois group. Since the manifold
5~m , which figures in (i.i) is isomorphic with ~ ' ~ I ] ~'+~'~*~ and the "automorphic" sum-
mends in (i,I) have weight 2 by the Petersson conjecture proved in [8], one has ~6~=~s=0~
~= %~ , where ~ is the component of weight ~ of the Euler characteristic of IN~,f~II
--2 ~4'~+~
M The quasismoothness of the manifold M''~,~. I M "=~,,v.
~ ' ~ I~' ~'~'*~ follows from this and its
quasinormality. 9
Proposition 4.8. Let K be the field of rational functions on X ~ , ,,~
M~'~ be the fibre
of ,,~ over Z Then the specialization homomorphism ~ (~8)-'~4 ~(~,'-"
-- }
is an isomorphism.
Proof9 Since M:~ is quasismooth, the pairing
9 H~(~ ~ , ~ ~ ~---~u~(~, ~
is nondegenerate The injectivity of the homomorphism ~ ~3 ~J H U ' ~ ~ ~b) = follows
from this. On the other hand, it follows from the quasismoothness that HL(M2/~,~ ) has
weight ~ Hence the Betti numbers of ~ U ,,~,~ are equal to the numbers ~ with
which we were concerned in the proof of Proposition 4.7. The'explicit formula for ~v~ which
follows from (i.I) of [8] shows that ~v~ is independent of Ib (that the dimension of the
representation P which figures in (I.i) is independent of ~ is simplest to see noting that
~t~P is the number of irreducible components of ''m,~
M'%~'~- ~ , ~ ' ~ Thus , d ~ ~ ~(-~~, ~ ) + ~ / ? ~
LEMM. Let y=x 9 be a closed irreducible curve. Let us assume that there exists a
finite ~ = Y such that the images of any closed point of Y - S under the projections
~ :~--~X ,~--I,2, coincide. Then y = A~ for some
Proof. For almost all closed points ~)g X the preimages of -0 in Y under the maps
~& have the same residue field as ~) . Hence it follows from the Chebotarev density theorem
that the morphisms p~&:Y-'X are radical. This means that Y is the graph of an ~ -morph-
ism of the form ~ o ~ + , where ~ e Z and ~ is an automorphism of X leaving almost all
points of X fixed (in the set-theoretic sense!). Using the density theorem again we get
that ~/- ~ . ,,
The assertion of Theorem 4.1 about local ~-acyclicity follows from Proposition 4.4.
Since in each fibre of the morphism M~'~--'(X-~0)
~ there are only finitely many points at
which local ~& -acyciicity could fail, it does not fail over the set [/~ from Proposition
4.9. Theorem 4.1 is proved.
The author hopes that the completion of "e along ,-le,
~ admits an explicit descrip-
tion from which one would get Theorem 4.1 without difficulty. As a first step one can try
to understnd the Tate uniformization of elliptic modules [3, Sec. 7] in the language of P -
The morphisms ~:~+~S-'S~,~'.~~-~--~ ~ (cf. [7, See. 3]) induce rational morphisms
..~ ~ , ,~) ~ 9
proposition 5.1. If ~ f ~ L + 4 (and all the more if ?t~~>~ r~+4 ), then ~4:"~+m4~ - - + ~ ' ~ is
a real morphism. If ~9~= W% (and all the more if ~ > ~ T ~ ), then ~.~,~-4__~,~ is a real m o r -
The proof of Proposition 5.1 is analogous to the proof of Propositions 2.12 and 2.13
(cf. Sec. 3); it is only necessary to replace construction 0 by constructions 3a~ , 3b~.
We note that the method of getting rid of the restriction ~ = ~ = ~ in construction 0
given at the end of Sec. 3 carries over with slight changes to constructions 3a~ and 3b~.
Let ~eGh(~,~) . For any closed point ocEX we denote by ~m and ~ z numbers such
that ~ze0~(~0m).~~)'~(~,0~ , ~ - < ~m Here 00~ is the completion of the local ring
of ~C , ~ 6 0 ~ is a prime element. Let ~) and ~' be finite subschemes in ~ such that
the multiplicity of occurrence in ~ of any point I@ X is greater than the multiplicity
of its occurrence in ~0 by %- 0~. The action of ~ on ~ ~O (cf. [7, Sec. 3]) in-
duces a morphism ~,~ ~ ~ , where ~%~ f ~ - d ~ 0 ~ = ~ - ~ ( 0 ~ + 6 ~ ) and consequently a rational
~ .~,~__~~
morphism ~: v,~,
, ,~
Proposition 5.2. Let ~>~-~0~ m Then ~ is a real morphism.
Proof. First we show that ~ M~
induces a real morphism i:'--'~, ---~ ._~.m
~ m ' ~ , where LL~'
-- I ~ ~*t~.~,~ ~ , ~~ ~,4~
and ~__~'~ are obtained from ~-'~'~
ivlm, and ~ ,~ by removing the points of ,,~,~ and ~-Im,~
such that the corresponding degenerator hits ~ For this it suffices to verify that
induces a morphism u'~'U~ ' '~U& for any finite subscheme ~=X-~' such that I~U~J~
~-~+~ Since there is no problem with the action of the subgroup ~ = ~ (~,~) one can
assume that ~=0 for all ~ In this case the morphism ~?'~ --~'~ ''~U~
~'~u~ ~ is constructed
as follows. First one applies to the universal ~ -sheaf on ''~UA construction 6 of Sec.
1 (the subsheaf ~ 0~' , which participates in this construction is constructed from
just as in the nondegenerate case studied in [7, Sec. 3]). One gets an ~ -sheaf with struc-
ture of level ~U~ Each point ~6~_~J~.',~ has a neighborhood U~ over which it is an
9 " '~ ~A '
-sheaf of type (~ 4~.) , where ~ ~~ + ~~ 9 >~qT~ " The morphisms
,_ U~~ - -~ ~ a defined as
9 . ~ ~ ~ , ~ . . ~ D ~ ____ ~ , ~
the composltlon [~-~4~ " - - ~ u ~ are glued into a morphlsm ~;'U~ ~WUA "
,7~ mU~ . --~,# ~,~
Let ~ 2 ~' x ~
x , ~_; .-- be the graph of _~ , ~ be the closure of ~ In M ~ XX*, ,~
propriety of ~_ , which can be verified with the help of the valuative test), one has ~ - F
on % , where Tm is the fiber product in the diagram (2.3). We define morphisms ~.'Tm--~Tm
and % :Tm--~Tm ,L= 1,2,3, so that on Tm they have the form W( ~ ~, ~C~,~)=I~,=L,-~-~)~
~(~70~,6~(p4"~)~,~,0~-~-),~(cx;~0L'~(c~'t~4"(~),~)0~+~)~;~&~;~,~)~-~6§Here the
0.-~,~(~)-~--~-~. Since ~4 ~z~ = ~s5 , the morphisms ~)~ are radical. Hence in the ~ -
on T of the group of upper triangular matrices ~+(OJ~) with the help of the natural homo-
We define *:_~--'~__ so that the image of the pair (~,~)~_~(~,~)xT goes into the image of
the pair ((~)-4.(~),~ ~) . We denote by T: the preimage of a closed point ~)e )( under
the "degenerator" morphism T~ "X In the obvious way we define _T;,T ~, ~__~ Then
M~ is the quotient of ~_. by the following equivalence relation: two points of ~__ are
equivalent if there exists a I) such that it lies in ZH and belongs to one 5L(s
where k~ is the completion of k at the point 1)
6. Formulation of the Basic Theorem
Let K be the field of rational functions on X ~)< We denote the fiber of M over
d lkek=~| ~,~ >10 we associate the morphism d~: M ~ - ~ M ~ _ which is the fiber product
over ~ of the morphisms d ~ : ~ - - ' B ~ and ~ ; ~--~ M ~ . If d=~ , then
~= ~$~ Hence on ~(M~.) , ~(~/~)_-C~d ~ A~ I acts and the restriction of d
to ~| has the form ~ | / { subgroup generated by ~[} 9 This action
commutes with the action of GI,(s
We consider the following homomorphism ~ : ~ ( ~ J ~ ) - ~ ( k j k ) x G~(k/~) : with the auto-
morphism d:~ such that dlk~k = ~~' k| one associates (~4,~/)e~(~/~)x~(~/~)
where "~(~'~)~|174 9 Clearly, I f ~ = [ ( ~ 4 , ~)E ~ / ~ ) x ~ ( ~ / ~ ) I the image
of ~ ? ~ in ~ ( ~ ) is an integral power of ~ } In particular, l ~ , = W k x W~
where W k is the Weyl group of
Proposition 6.1. The kernel of ~ is egual to the intersection of all open subgroups
~c~(K/~) , which are normal in ~ G ~ ( ~ )
Proof of inclusion in the "hard" direction. Let ~=~(~/~) be an open subgroup which
is normal in ~(~/~) We show that Um~7~ Let ~ be the field of rational func-
tions on X| k T h e n K=~ ~ ~ To the subgroup ~N~(Kig) corresponds a finite exten-
sion of ~ and consequently a covering ~ : ~ . - ~ X ~ . It follows from the normality of U in
~0~(~/~) that ~ X @ ~ E ~ ( X | lifts to an automorphism of 7 . Applying Proposition
i.i of [7] to ~ 0z , we get that ~ = S 0 | ~ , where ~0. is a curve covering X Thus,
U=UN~(~i~)=~.O~(~/~I , where E4 is the field of rational functions on ~| ~ It
is clear that ~ { ~ / ~ ) = ~ g ~. 9
Proposition 6.2. ~j~ acts on ~(~,Q~ trivially.
Proof. It suffices to show that ~ = U , where U is the kernel of a representation
of ~ ( ~ / ~ ) on ~ , ~ , ~/~, ~)~0 By Proposition 6.1 it suffices to verify that
is open. We have U=~ , where U ~ is the kernel of a representation of ~ (K/~)
module ~ [ ~ ',~,~
~, , Z/~'Z) is isomorphic to ~ (M~,~ ,~/~ Z ) @ V~ , where V ~ = O for
and VP is the free generated by horospherical curves from 9
It remains to note that the modules V? are isomorphic to one another.
Thus, ~b(~,~)~W~x~ acts on ~(M~6) For ~+~ it is easy to describe this repre-
sentation. Since the fibers of the morphism ~:~--~ are nonempty and connected (of.
Theorem i.i of [8]), the explicit description of ~,~ (cf. Proposition 3.1 and formulas
(3.2) and (3.3) of [7]) show that ~a(~,~6) is isomorphic to the space of functions
~'~/k~--~ which are invariant with respect to an open subgroup ~= ~ I k ~ , while ( ~ ~
~)&GL(~tl)xWkxW~ carries ~ into the function ~(~)=~(det ~4 ~ ( ~ 4 ) , ~ ) , where
~:Wk---~/~ ~ is the homomorphism of class field theory normalized as in [i0]. Further,
H4(M~e)-o~H~174 -~) , where ~e(-~,-~) is a representation of Wkx~ , equal
to ~(-~)| ~g6~) (the first factor WK acts on the first factor ~) , and the second
Wk on the second ~6(-~) In order to see this it suffices to note that the morphisms
P~:@M~,~:~-~ induce on the fibers of the morphisms ~--X~ ,~--~X "~ maps of degree
(cf. the description of the action of ~ and ~ on the tangent spaces in [7, Sec. 3]).
It follows from Theorem i.i of [8] that ~4(M~I~)=~(M~,~p.)=0 The rest of the paper is
devoted to the study of ~(M~) 9
We set a~-~_
~+-~- ~,K, ~=~,~ where ~,~ is the set of "indices" of horospherical curves
of type ~ on ~,~ (cf. [7, Sec. 4]). GL(~,~)~G~(~/E) acts on e~ (the action of
~(~/~) is defined with the help of the map d ~--d* ). Here the action of ~O~(K/~)
on Q~- is trivial on ~ (cf. the proof of the proposition of [6.2])so that there arises
an action of Wkx Wk on Q~ For technical reasons (the direct sum is simpler than the
direct integral) instead of ~(~,~) we consider ~(~\~;~)=~(M~ - ~ , where ~ r
c~L(~,~)~) is t h e subgroup g e n e r a t e d by a f i x e d i d e l e of degree 1. I f an isomorphism ~ 6 - -
~(~) , is f i x e d , then to each _~6J\~,~ , $ = q , ~ , c o r r e s p o n d s an element of ~ ( $ \ g , ~ , ~ )
In order to construct it, it is necessary to choose ~ . ~ so that ~ ~0 , to take ~% and
~';~ ~~ ~ , ~ ~ ~,~--
so that C~ =..@,~ , and then apply to the class of the curve u~=,',~,~ in ~ ~m,~,~$
=~{M~,~, ~ ) t h e natural map ~ ~,~,~/-~zI$\%,~,~g) (we explain that the cohomology class
of a curve C on a complete quasismooth surface ~ is determined with the help of a resolu-
tion of singularities %:~-~ , as the image of the class of the curve ='~(C) under the
gysin homomorphism H~(~,~-~z(~,~g) Passing to the limit with respect to ~ , we get
a map C~ ( $ \ ~ ) @ C ~ ( ~ \ ~ ~g)--H~(~\M~,~,~) if the isomorphism ~g-~& of (i) is
not fixed, then one gets a G L ( ~ 9 ~ ) x P G ~ ( R / ~ ) -equivariant map ~'-~($\M~,~ ~) , where
9~=C~($\Q~,-~6(-q,O))~Co(~\Q~;~(O,-~)) We explain that ~(-~,0) in one case and ~--~(~,-~I
in the other appear due to the fact that ~ and P~ act differently on horospherical curves
of type 1 and 2 (cf. assertion 2 of Proposition 4.3 of [7] and the description in [7, Sec.
3] of the action of P4 and Pl on the subbundles ~ and @Z of the tangent bundle).
We fix a Hear measure on GL(~,~) and we define the intersection form ~ ( ~ , ~ ) |
H~\M~I~-~6(-~,-~ so that its restriction to ~(~'U\M~ , where U is a "small"
open compact subgroup of @L(~) (i.e., such that Ufl~=[4}), , is equal to (4~ ~I x
(usual intersection form). We write the intersection form induced on ~ explicitly. Fixing
m e ~,~ we get (cf. (4.7) of [7]) an isomorphism Q~l,(~,~61/~(k)'m+(~ ) , where ~ and N+
are the ~roups of matrices of the form ~O
[O~) , and respectively ~40~) Here ( ~ ~a)
W~x~k acts on G~(~,~)/H(k)'N+(~) by multiplication on the right by ~(~(q~d1)fl) for
i=l and by d ~ ( ~ ; ~ ( ~ 4 ) ) for ~=~ , where ~:Wk-~*/k ~ is the homomorphism of class
field theory. We choose the Hear measure on N+(9~) so that ~(N+(~)[N+(k))=4 It induces
a measure on ~h(Z,~)/~(~)'N+(~) and consequently functionals ~: Co (~IQ~-~(~,-~),~:~0(~l~
formula (~)(~)=; j(~(~40))~ (cf. [2, Chap. 3, Sac. 4.9]) induces maps ~'C~(~Q~,~&(-4,0))--~
oo | ~ i
Proposition 6.3. Let ~4,u,eC0 (~\~R, ~(-4,0)~, ~,1)&s (~QR,~(0,-~)) Then the intersec-
tion indices of curves which are contractible to a point under the morphism ''D,~ -~ ~"w~
are negative, one has C=-4 . I
We denote by ~--~0 the kernel of the intersection form in ~ .
BASIC THEOREM. i) The kernel of the map E-'H*($M~,~) is equal to ~,
2) H*(~M~,~6~ is the direct sum of the image of ~ and its orthogonal complement,
which, as a representation of ~h(2,~)xW~xW~ , is isomorphic to @~6| Here E runs
through the set of irreducible representations of ~(~) which enter into ~ , where ~ %
is the space of $ -invariant ~s -valued parabolic forms on GL(~,E) 9 ~ is the represen-
tation which is contragradient to ~ , and pE is the two-dimensional representation of W k ,
corresponding to ~ in the sense of Langlands.
COROLLARY. Let ~ and ~ mean the same things as in the introduction. Then for each
~6~ there exists a ~e ~ 4 , corresponding to = in the sense of Langlands.
Proof. Tensor multiplying ~ by a suitable one-dimensional representation of GL(~,E)
which is trivial on Ql.I~)k) , we arrange that E enter into ~ , and afterwards we apply
the basic theorem.
Remarks. i) In [4] the existence of ~ , corresponding to ~ , is proved under the
assumption that one of the local components of ~ is cuspidal or special. On the other hand
it follows from the proof given in [4] that under this assumption the restrictions of ~ to
the local Weyl groups are ~ -semisimple in the sense of [i0, Sac. 8].
2) Since H4(MK)~6~=0 , ~ - - {~b4
assertion i) of the basic theorem and the equation ~o @ ~al
set ~z={~4~)~6~=CT(~\Q~ ,~,0}'~)C7(~\Q~-,~6(0,-4))I~i(~)=0 for ~=.~,~,[4~ ,
~(~)>~} Then ~=~e(.~]~) ~ We denote the orthogonal projector ~./~--6"(~)~'/~o'-~/~o
If the following condition of technical character holds (cf. Proposition 3.4 of [8]):
where ~ is the degree over ~ of the residue field of -0 We explain that the left
side of (7.1) is independent of the arbitrariness in the choice of ~ and ~l~ , since the
representations of WkxW k on the subspaces ~(~ %) are invariants of the space ~z(~M~
- ~ . . . ~ _ _ ~ S
~) and .~. ~s unramlfled outside ~ (for H=p\M~ ,~ this follows from Proposition
From (7.1) we derive the basic theorem. It is clear that T2~0~6~ , where # is a
map ~-~H~0\MR,~6) The representation of @L(~,~) on the space ~ - ~ ] ~ e ~ 0 / W ~ )
is admissible and the left side of (7.1) is equal to T~((~$ ~ ) ' ~ ,V ) . If ~'~7)>A(~),
2'~W>A(~) , then T%((~v,~)'~, V)-T~(~,,,~0) under the condition that ~,i>0 , ~-~TJ
=~'~W. From t h i s i t is easy to derive t h a t T~(~,V)=@T~(~,~zo) Hence V=~Vx where ~ runs
through the set of irreducible representations of Gb(~,~) which occur in A% and V ~ is the
~L(~,~)-submodule of V of length 4 whose irreducible subfactors are isomorphic to ~. Since
~O~Gh(~,~)(V ~4 ,V~) = 0 for zl ~ z2, one has that V ~ is invariant with respect to WkxW k. The
semisimplification of ~gr as a (~L(~,~)x W[x W~)-module is isomoprhic to ~| where V~ is a
four-dimensional representation of ~kxWk . It remains to prove that V ~ = ~ ~ P~, where P~
and 9~ are irreducible two-dimensional representations of Wk corresponding to ~ and ~ in the
sense of Langlands. We fix ~ occurring in ~ , we take as ~ the set of points where
9~ is ramified, and we choose ~ so that T $ ( ~ o and the trace of ~ in any represen-
tation of ~ L ( ~ ) , which occurs in ~ , is different from N and is equal to 0. The rep-
resentation ~& is unramified outside 5 If ~),IA)~% and ~>0 satisfy (7.2), then
where P~ and ~ are the representations of the local Weyl
groups corresponding to ~ and ~w in the sense of Langlands. Standard arguments show that
the conditions L,$ > 0 are superfluous. In particular, choosing tO suitably and letting
~=0 , w e get that T~((~,41,V~)=ZT~(~v,gv) for 17#$ , if i<0- ~ , and hence also
for any ~ . Thus, if ~J # 5 and the eigenvalues of ~v in the representation 9~ are
f // l I
equal to oCv,~U then the eigenvalues of (~4) in V~ are d~v,a~v,~j=6'~ Analogous-
ly if W~ S and the eigenvalues of ~ in ~ are ~ a~w
r then the eigenvalues of
(4, ~I~) in V~ are ~b, ~z#, ~I~, ~ W The irreducible components of the restriction
of Vgr in W k x [4} cannot all be one-dimensional: if they were one could find a quasicharac-
~ v'~'l I-"f"-...~ ~ ' ~
ter bJ:'Cb/K ~ such that the rational function ~ g ( ~ - t d ( n 1 ~ ) e ( ~ ) - ~ ( ~ - ~ j ( n1/~ V -~
) ,
where ~ is a prime element of O~ , has a pole for t~ ~ , which contradicts the paraboi-
icity of ~ . The same thing is true for the restriction of ~ to (~}xWk Hence either
V~ = p ~ p~ , where P ~ and 9~ are irreducible two-dimensional representations of ~Vk ,whose
restrictions to the Weyl group k~ correspond in the sense of Langlands to ~z, and ~ for
~ (then it follows from [i0] that this is also so for "UE $ ), or ~f~ has two irreduci-
ble components of the form d~ ~ and 0d @ ~ where d,~ are two-dimensional representations
of W k and LO , ~ are one-dimensional. In the second case, up to replacement of ~I~ by
dSb . , we would have 0J(r]~)=~; and then the eigenvalues of d(~) would be equal to c(~,
a~; Since oL~&~ = ~(~ , where ~ is a central character of ~ , one would have
~i'b equal to ~ (~) for some homomorphism ~: ~ - - ~ which contradicts the irreducibil-
ity of a. To prove that ~,~=~0 , it suffices to note that the representation of
W~ x W~ on ~ , and hence also on %qd~g~ , passes through an Abelian quotient group and
none of the irreducible components of ~f have this property. Thus it remains to prove (7.1).
Proposition 7.1. Let ~6 ~,~EW~,~&Cs Then T~(p%~'(~,~)'~,~/~0)~y,~(~/~)(JJ~l[
II {[
J~,s , where 0~,, ~, are the images of ~ ,~ in ~Tk~ ~ = d ~ ( ~ ) , Y=H0~(~L~/k*..Z,~;,
and and mean t h e same t h i n g s as i n
[8, Sec. 3] (cf. formula (3.13) given there and the trace formula).
The proof of the propostion reduces to the following iemma.
LEMMA. Let P ( ~ ) e d ~ , # , ~ ) ) where 1) the poles of P(Z) are not poles of p~)'~ , 2)
P(~) 2 a s no pole for ~5-0 , and : ~(Z)-4§ for 25=~ . We set V = ~ [ z , z ' ~ ] ~ + ~Z>~ [~,Z"]=~
c~6(Z) . For any %6~ we set V~'--~Z $' P(z)~[~.] ~ + ~ - r ~f~)~--~-Vnz-6~6 [ [ z ] ] ~
In the proof of (7.1) we shall assume that ~ is the characteristic function of the set
~-U~ divided by ~ [J~' , where ~ & ~ , ( ~ and ~)~ are finite subschemes in X ~ U ~ c ~ ( ~
O) is a principal congruence subgroup of level gO , where ~ ) # ~ T~y=~U@~$ ~ . We have:
(,% J)).
We fix a closed point li~ X*, whose images in X are equal to ~O and %0 9 According to
Proposition 4.8, ~ ( $ \ M K , ~ ) = ~ { ~ M ~ 7 ~ Hence ~(-4)~T~(~'(~,~$1"~,~II\M~,~))=L6~(9~,~),
where ~ : ~ ,- ~- _ 3.,
" ~ ( ~m,~
') is the composition of morphisms ~ ' ~ "~4~" J\Mm;~---~'~M~,~ and
v .~,~ ~ m (~)
and ~c:~ ~ , --~ ~Mm, ~ is the natural projection. Here and below if
~ ~ are morphisms V4---~ , where ~ ,4 are quasismooth surfaces over ~ , then
hg~(~,~)0~ ~ ( _ ~ ) ~ T ~ ( ~ , ~ | We denote by Z the surface obtained from J\M~/,~ by
contracting to a point those horospherical curves which contract to a point under both morph-
isms ~ , ~ We have ~,~,~)=I,~(~,~ , where ~0~0:Z --~--~(~)
J\~,~ are induced by the morphisms
, * . It is necessary to show that h~(~0,~0 ~ ~gN)= 5, for ~ > 0 , where )g=]~u %~ ,
~V+j.~ . If one had l(g~))~ then the closures of Ca' and iN' in JIB~W~ ' ~+ 0
would intersect, i.e., (cf. Proposition 3.7), ~,=(~a.~v.~)~ ~, for some ~E Z , where
~6 Q~O~X , is the class of D 9 From this ~ ) - ~ (~ is divisible by ~.~ ,
and on the other hand O < ~ ( ~ / ) - ~ ( ~ ' / ) 4 A ( ~ ) + ~ ' ~ U - ~ ' ~ W which contradicts (7.2). 9
We set L~/(~0,{Q.p~
~g) = ~ @ ~ 0 - ' where ~ runs through the set of geometric points of
~4~'(~0,~ - ~Ga~) ,and ~ is the dimension of the completed local ring of the point
~E~@% as a module over the completion of the local ring of ~o (~) Calculations from
[8, Sac. 3] and Proposition 7.1 show that, t ~' I~ ' ~- ~r for N~ 0 It remains
to prove the following proposition.
Proposition 7.3. Let A and 5 be complete reduced quasismooth surfaces over ~Q and
and ~ be morphisms A--~B , where ~ is quasifinite in a neighborhood of ~ (~,U/ o
p~N) for any N , where P~ is the Frobenius morphism with respect to ~ Then ~6#/(~,
O_u.tline of the proof. One can assume that A and ~ are normal and consequently have
a finite number of singular points. Let d:A~A,~:~-~5 be resolutions of singularities
such that the rational morphisms ~4~d) ~ ~-~6 are regular and the irreducible com-
ponents of the fibres of 6 and ~ are smooth. Since ~ can be replaced by a finite ex-
tension, we shall assume that these components are absolutely irreducible. Let ~ be the
set of points of ~ ( ~ , ~ o ~M) , at which d -~ ( ~ is not defined; ~ is independent of
~-4, since the points where ~-i is not defined are ~Q -points), h be the set of irredu-
cible components of ~~'q(~) Then l.g~(~,~o~N)-l.e~,~zo ~ N ) : ~ N ~ ~ , , where
A 2%
(~%) is the multiplicity of ~ in the divisor ~ >b We have 56;(~oP~N)::IW$m'I+a~W~cfw).
Here W, is the s c h e m e ~LZ(~o ~N), W ~ is the maximal effective divisor contained in ~/N'
W~ is a finite subscheme the sheaf of whose ideals is obtained by dividing the sheaf of
ideals of Z, into the sheaf of ideals of WN~u , and ~ ( ~ ) = ~ $ N - ~ ~ , where SN is
the conormal sheaf on ~5~ , and ~N is the inverse image of the canonical sheaf on ~ with
respect to ~:~--~ If N>>0 ~ , then ~IZN~Cf-~(~-S)I = { contribution of A - ~ to
~'(~,~y~ In particular, IZNNd-~(A-5)I<o= , which lets one define the scheme ~N=Z~
(ZNf]d-4(A-$)) For ~>>0 the scheme ~{~4 is contained in Od'~(&)
s~$ '
where ~% is part
of the scheme ~-4~($)) concentrated at $ Hence o ( ~ N ~ ) = 0 ( 4 ) Let ~c~ be an
effective divisor of the form ~ ~b~- ~ containing [j~-~(Q$) . If T is a subscheme in
then IT~4~I~J~f]A~)#~% I~$ , where /~ ~.~ is bounded in modulus by a number independent
of T . Finally, )~NOAI)4~I=~N'~I(~)~)+0(4) . 9
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