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DNB 22 2 J PDF
DNB 22 2 J PDF
Introduction: The stress -vulnerability model (Zubin et al. 1977) is an extremely useful model for identifying and treating
relapses of mental illness. We accept that human persons carry genetic and other predisposition to mental illness. However, the
question arises as to how stress impacts on a person in order to cause mental illness to develop. Furthermore there arises the issue
as to what other effects such stress has on the human body beyond the human brain.
Our aim was to research and integrate the current literature in order to establish how stress impacts on the brain at the cellular
level, and to establish whether there are other consequences for the human body brought about by the impact of stress on the human
Method: Literature Search, using pubmed.
Results: We have identified much literature on how stress affects biological mechanisms within the brain, and how it relates to
biological vulnerabilities carried by different individuals.
Conclusion: We have identified communalities in how the interplay between stress and vulnerability occurs in different disease
Key words: stress – vulnerability - hypothalamo-pituitary axis – epigenetics – depression - bipolar disorder - schizophrenia
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INTRODUCTION develop. Furthermore there arises the issue as to what
other effects such stress has on the human body beyond
The stress -vulnerability model (Zubin et al. 1977) is the human brain.
an extremely useful model for identifying and treating We aimed to research and integrate the current
relapses of mental illness. We accept that human literature in order to establish how stress impacts on the
persons carry genetic and other predisposition to mental brain at the cellular level, and to establish whether there
illness. However, the question arises as to how stress are other consequences for the human body brought
impacts on a person in order to cause mental illness to about by the impact of stress on the human brain.
OF THE BRAIN AND WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES? Psychiatria Danubina, 2010; Vol. 22, No. 2, pp 198–202
Some of the hypothalamic neurons which regulate depression, patients whose depression had remitted and
stress belong to that system which has orexin as its healthy controls, thus Pituitary Gland Volume is not a
neurotransmitter; they increase arousal, locomotor useful marker of current or past MDD in adult patients
activity, and cardiovascular response, and also link with (Lorenzetti et al. 2009). In Bipolar I Affective Disorder,
other orexin neurons in the hypothalamus which patients have been recently shown to have a
regulate the reward mechanism, thus linking the two significantly larger pituitary volume as compared with
systems (Xiu et al. 2009). controls, but there was no association between pituitary
Chronic stress results in persistently elevated levels volume and illness duration, number of manic/
of cortisol. In all the above conditions, stress has been depressive episodes, daily medication dosage, family
showed to lead to an imbalance in pro- and anti- history, or clinical subtype (i.e., psychotic and non-
inflammatory cytokines in brain, with increased pro- psychotic). (Takahashi et al. 2009a, Takahashi et al.
inflammatory cytokines mediating enhanced production 2009b). Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder
of corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) in the hypo- who suffered childhood trauma had smaller pituitaries
thalamus. The resultant persistent hypercortisolaemia than those who did not (Garner et al. 2007). The number
induces glucocorticoid receptor tolerance thus impairing of parasuicidal behaviours in patients with borderline
the negative feedback mechanism of the HPA axis. This personality disorder is also related to pituitary volume
also results in neurodegenerative changes in the (Jovev et al. 2008).
hippocampus (Myint 2009), which is involved in mood Hence Neuroimaging using MRI is a very useful
regulation together with the prefrontal cortex and the way of demonstrating both the stress related changes in
amygdala. The hippocampus is rich in corticosteroid the Hippocampus and those in the pituitary in numerous
receptors (Reul et al. 1986) and contributes to psychiatric conditions.
regulatory inhibitory feedback of the HPA axis (Squire At the intracellular level, it has also been established
et al. 2000, Fanselow 2000). Hippocampal dysfunction that cortisol impacts on the balance between trophic and
may be responsible for inappropriate context dependent atrophic factors within neurons, thus affecting
emotional responses (Davidson et al. 2002). Hence, a neurogenesis and brain plasticity in areas like the
cytokine-mediated immunological response may hippocampus and the frontal cortex. Neurogenesis is
provide the link between hypercortisolaemia and particularly stimulated by the trophic factors BDNF and
hippocampal damage in chronic stress. BCL-2 (Gould et al. 2000). Reduction in the levels of
Neuroimaging using MRI demonstrates that there is such trophic factors in depression may account for
loss of hippocampal volume in many mental illnesses, reduced hippocampal size observed on MRI (Sheline et
reflecting the hippocampal atrophy described above. al. 1999). Hippocampal volume is also reduced in
This occurs in Schizophrenia (Sumich et al. 2002), Post- schizophrenic illness (Sumich et al. 2002).
traumatic Stress disorder (Felmingham et al. 2009), It is known that the concentration of neuro-
Borderline personality disorder (Weniger et al. 2009), transmitters like serotonin in the synaptic cleft is modu-
and Depression (Sheline et al. 1999). In Bipolar lated by drugs, such as the SSRIs, and by the serotonin
disorder, there are reports that the hippocampus is transporter (SERT) (Richelson 2003). Polymorphisms in
actually enlarged (Javadapour et al. 2010, Jaracz 2008), the SERT gene have been shown to influence different
however, reduction in concentration of hippocampal N- individual responses to stress (Lesch et al. 1996), an
acetylaspartate, a marker of neuronal loss, has been example of a direct stress-vulnerability interaction.
demonstrated in patients with bipolar disorder (Deicken Serotonin release into the synaptic cleft activates
et al. 2003). receptors that trigger BDNF gene transcription, leading
In Depression (Jaracz 2008), Post-traumatic Stress to increased production of BDNF, which has a
Disorder (Rogers et al. 2009), and Borderline protective role in the development of brain neurons.
personality Disorder (Weniger et al. 2009), the Under stressful conditions, however, the BDNF gene is
Amygdala are reduced in size. This causes no surprise not activated, and lack of BDNF in the hippocampus
since the amygdale are associated with fearfulness (van may result in neuron atrophy or death (Stahl 2000).
der Plas et al. 2010). However, in Bipolar Affective Other monoamine neurotransmitters may well be
disorder, the amygdale are reported to be enlarged involved in similar mechanisms to affect down-stream
(Almeida et al. 2009). BDNF production (Duman et al. 1997). It is worth
At the level of the pituitary, a number of noting that there is accumulating evidence that atypical
observations of changes in pituitary volume have been antipsychotics also seem to stimulate neurogenesis
noted in various conditions; Thus in Schizophrenia, the (Wakade et al. 2002), and that the concentration of
pituitary enlarges during the prodromal stage of BDNF appears important in the development of
psychosis, and then shrinks after the first episode psychosis (Ho et al. 2007). Therefore, it appears that
(Garner et al. 2005, Pariante et al. 2004). stress influences development of psychotic illness by
Major depressive disorder (MDD) has been mechanisms that are common to many different mental
associated with increased pituitary gland volume, but a illnesses.
recent study found no significant Pituitary Gland Through a system of polygenic inheritance, the
Volume between patients currently suffering from interplay of many genes, each of small effect, influences
OF THE BRAIN AND WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES? Psychiatria Danubina, 2010; Vol. 22, No. 2, pp 198–202
how an inherited genetic or other vulnerability for Similarities between how different
mental illness ultimately develops into a specific mental conditions respond to Stress (Schizophrenia,
illness with unique manifestations in each individual Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, Depression)
(Craddock et al. 2005a, Craddock et al. 2005b).
Furthermore, it has been now shown that Epigenetic Stress is mediated in all illnesses by the HPA Axis.
factors modify the brain's response to stress. This has The Common effect of stress in all illnesses is
been demonstrated by differences in a neuron-specific therefore Hypercortisolaemia.
glucocorticoid receptor promoter (NR3C1) in The Effect of Hypercortisolaemia is to affect the
postmortem hippocampi of suicide victims who have balance between trophic and atrophic factors in
suffered child abuse and controls. Thus abuse alters the neurons.
HPA function and increases suicide risk (McGowan et There are many similarities in neuroimaging (MRI)
al. 2009). Indeed parental care may affect regulation of changes in These illnesses in the Hippocampus,
hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor expression. Amygdala, and Pituitary volume.
Neurotransmitters, via second messengers (Cyclic
AMP, CREB) modulate concentration of BDNF
BDNF (and BCL-2) is a common trophic factor in
all conditions.
The Immune (cytokine) response to
Hypercortisolaemia is the same for all conditions in
Glucocorticoid receptors in the Hypothalamus
respond to stress similarly in all conditions.
Figure 2. The effects of stress on the brain and the body Hypercortisolaemia causes peripheral effects- on
cholesterol and glucose metabolism and on
However, the effects of heightened cortisol levels atherosclerosis and hypertention in all conditions.
are not confined to the brain. Global metabolic effects The above constitutes a common mechanism
of hypercortisolaemia are those of the 'Metabolic whereby stress may provoke illness in patients with a
Syndrome' (Musselman et al. 1998). There is much specific constitutional vulnerability.
evidence in the literature that diabetes is more likely to
develop in schizophrenia than the ordinary population, Differences between how different conditions
even before commencing anti-psychotic medication. respond to Stress (Schizophrenia, Bipolar
Recently, there has been clear evidence from PTSD in Disorder, PTSD, Depression)
the Bosnian War that metabolic changes such as raised
Different illnesses relate to different neurotrans-
cholesterol levels occur in patients with this illness
mitter systems e.g. dopamine in schizophrenia,
(Dzubur Kulenović et al. 2008). In psychosis, it is
certain that stress is an important factor in the deve- serotonin and noradrenalin in depression. These via
lopment of the illness (Pariante et al. 2004, Garner et al. second messengers modulate concentration of
2005), but cardiovascular risk factors are under-diagno- BDNF intracellularly.
sed in these patients (Bernardo et al. 2009). It appears Hence different illnesses relate to specific genes; e.g.
that whilst genetic factors may influence the onset of SERT in Depression, multiple genes in
diabetes in psychotic patients (Herken et al. 2009), schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, various genes in
obesity and possibly hyperlipidaemia is linked with the PTSD, etc.
use of anti-psychotic medication (Verma et al. 2009). Some specific trophic factors are more related to
Therefore, the development of metabolic syndrome in specific conditions e.g. BAG-1 to bipolar disorder.
psychosis must be viewed as multi-factorial. In at least one illness- bipolar disorder, there are
differences between the Neuroimaging changes in
DISCUSSION the Hippocampus, amygdale, and pituitary volume
from the other conditions.
Finally, we may now look at similarities and As a result of the interplay between genes for
differences in how patients with different conditions Diabetes and Schizophrenia, there is an increased
respond to stress; the similarities argue for a common risk of diabetes and schizophrenia, and also
pathway by which stress affects patients with different specifically increased vulnerability to diabetes with
vulnerabilities who suffer from mental illnesses. The certain treatments (beyond adiposity) to certain
differences are pointers towards different vulne- treatments (e.g. clozapine and olanzapine).
rabilities, and hence different conditions or mental The above constitute a constitutional genetic
illnesses. vulnerability to particular illnesses.
OF THE BRAIN AND WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES? Psychiatria Danubina, 2010; Vol. 22, No. 2, pp 198–202
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11. Garner B, Chanen AM, Phillips L, Velakoulis D, Wood SJ,
equally deleterious in all these conditions, though Jackson HJ, Pantelis C & McGorry PD: Pituitary volume
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weight gain with peroxisome proliferator-activated
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levels affecting areas of the brain like the hippocampus 14. Ho et al.: Association Between Brain-Derived Neuro-
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Mark Agius MD
SEPT at Weller Wing, Bedford Hospital
Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK42 9DJ, UK
E-mail: [email protected]