Gujarat Technological University: Instructions

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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.

Subject code: 735202 Date: 26-11-2013
Subject Name: RTOS, Kernels and Device Drivers
Time: 10.30 am – 01.00 pm Total Marks: 70
1. Q. no.1 is compulsory and answers any FOUR questions from Q. No 2 to 6.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right hand indicate the marks.

Q. No. 1
a. Explain user-space preemption and kernel space preemption with appropriate examples.
[4 Marks]
b. Explain detail diagram of a process set-up in a Linux system? Also describe user-space layout
and kernel space object. [3 Marks]
c. Describe internals execution of read() system call API on a regular file in a regular file system
[4 Marks]
d. Explain about Unix/Linux file system layout by using ext2 file system as an example.
[3 Marks]
Q. No. 2
a. Describe about Round-Robin scheduling with a detailed diagram. [7 Marks]
b. Explain events triggering state transitions of priority based scheduling. [7 Marks]

Q. No. 3
a. What is layout of KVAS and how the various kernel memory managers work and built on top of
buddy allocator subsystem? [7 Marks]
b. Explain in detail how you calculate virtual memory for a system that contains 2GB RAM and 4
GB swap-space. Assume that it is a 32-bit system, with 3GiB of VAS for user-space and 1GiB
of KVAS. What is the maximum size of user-space for a given process and how many such
large processes can be loaded into the system. [7 Marks]

Q. No. 4
a. Explain with detailed diagram, how to solve critical section problem between 2 processes
sharing a common data structure in a shared memory area. [7 Marks]
b. Write a note on the architecture of conventional and unconventional multithreading.
[7 Marks]
Q. No. 5
a. Describe how to integrate a device driver into a kernel source tree. Explain all the steps involved
from adding the source code to configuring the kernel to building the kernel. [7 Marks]
b. Explain in detail the framework of a character device driver and write a sample piece of code
illustrating the various objects and methods involved in writing a character device driver.
[7 Marks]
Q. No. 6
a. Write Short note on architecture of Xenomai RTOS system. [7 Marks]
b. What are various timing parameters of a RTOS system? Explain by assuming that a task is
currently executing and an IO interrupt event is generated which will wake-up a higher priority
process. [7 Marks]

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