Measurement of Color: Accurate, Real-Time Reliable Color Measurements ASTM Color
Measurement of Color: Accurate, Real-Time Reliable Color Measurements ASTM Color
Measurement of Color: Accurate, Real-Time Reliable Color Measurements ASTM Color
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Gardner Color
Gardner color (reference ASTM D1544, ASTM D6166) is typically
Measurement of Color used in measuring drying oils, varnishes, fatty acids, polymers,
and resins. The Gardner scale is from 1 through 18 with 1 being
Turbidity (Haze) Color a light yellow and 18 being a deep reddish brown. Standards
Turbidity can be used to indicate solid breakthrough in a pro- for Gardner color can be made from metal salts used in the
cess. This can be used as an alarm and to invalidate other opti- Platinum∙Cobalt scale (for the lower numbers) and from fer-
cal measurments until the problem can be corrected. Turbidity ric and cobalt chlorides dissolved in hydrochloric acid (for the
values can be found in several different units depending on the higher numbers).
application. Two common measurment standards are ASTM
Method D4176 (Haze), and EPA method 180.1 (NTU).
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