Creepingcold 5e PDF
Creepingcold 5e PDF
Creepingcold 5e PDF
by Silver Bulette
This module is atypical. It isn’t filled with combat Using these sections as written creates a fun and
- in many ways, it is a murder mystery. It takes place satisfying adventure. But, the players at your table may
primarily in one location. The primary antagonist is the make a particular event impossible to complete. In these
frozen storm raging around the heroes. Different can instances, we suggest having the werespider attack and
be great fun. Through it all though, the heroes are still kill a favorite NPC.
heroes. In some playtests, Bjorn was a favorite NPC and would
To this end, the authors suggest becoming familiar with have been a prime candidate for a werespider attack. In
the NPCs within this book. We have given them traits others, Jade could be a favorite interaction to remove. If
and personalities, you must give them life! Giving life you need to change the path of the adventure, make sure
to a character is hard work. Giving life to over a dozen? it is unexpected, fun and impactful.
That’s a worthy challenge.
Throughout this adventure, the heroes face social
challenges while scouring for clues about what’s
happening; they need to find a murderer. As these things
happen, a great blizzard rages around them, covering
clues and making the outdoors dangerous.
This module is written to be played with parties from
level 1 to level 5. The play does not change for higher
level characters, but the challenges increase. Encounters
are more challenging and more frequent. Every gaming
group has their own unique brand of fun, and with a
little effort, this module satisfies all of them!
We suggest using “milestone leveling” for the characters
in this adventure. Two great places to give the milestone
are after the verglas troll attack (on day two) and after
dealing with Threya/the werespider (on day four).
The following cold effects are optional rules but are Die Roll Location Affected
encouraged to prevent the players from venturing into
the cold without any ill effects. The storm is meant to be 1 Right Hand
cold, deadly, and unforgiving. 2 Right Foot
3 Left Hand
5 Horn, Tail or other non-humanoid trait
This module pits deadly cold temperatures against the
group. This section lists some of the real-world problems 6 Face (Nose or Ears)
associated with exposure to cold. As the group fights the
cold, they need to make successful DC 14 Constitution MILD EFFECTS OF FROSTBITE
Saves each half-hour. In addition to the chart below,
reward creative play with bonuses. The cold bites at your skin, causing your fingers
to numb. The color and warmth drain out of them.
Mitigating Effect Bonus or Penalty Finding shelter is an immediate concern.
Cold weather gear +2, Ignore 1st check
If a creature’s hands are mildly affected by frostbite,
Wearing metal armor -1 Cumulative they have a -1 penalty to all attack rolls.
Creative use of spell +1 If a creature’s feet are mildly affected by frostbite, their
movement rate is reduced by 5 feet.
Silver or White +2 If a creature’s horn, tail or face are mildly affected by
Dragonborn frostbite, their CHA based checks are at Disadvantage.
Holding a metal shield or -1
The unrelenting cold made your hands unwilling
The first three checks do not cause penalties. For each to respond to your thoughts. If you can get them to
failed save beyond the third check, negative effects harm move at all, it is slow. If you could feel anything, it
the characters, as seen on this chart. probably would be painful.
Number of Primary Secondary All spell-casting while under the effects of moderate
Failed Saves Penalty Penalty frostbite require a DC 12 Concentration check to be
1 Loss of 1 hp None If a creature’s hands are moderately affected by frostbite,
2 Loss of 1 hp Rapid Heat they have a -2 penalty to all attack rolls. The character
Loss: Mild cannot use 2-handed weapons, shields or an off-hand
3 Rapid Heat Loss: 1 level of If a creature’s feet are moderately affected by frostbite,
Moderate Exhaustion their movement rate is reduced by 10 feet. They cannot
4 Rapid Heat Loss: Frostbite: take the Dash or Disengage actions.
Severe Mild If a creature’s horn, tail or face are moderately affected
by frostbite, all of their CHA based checks are reduced
5 1 Level of Frostbite:
by -4.
Exhaustion Moderate
6 1 Level of Hypothermia SEVERE EFFECTS OF FROSTBITE
Your inability to find shelter in time has jeopardized
For characters above 5th level, replace the primary your extremities. Your hands no longer move at all.
penalty for failing save #5 with hypothermia, and failing They have turned blue, and no heat can be felt from
save #6 with severe frostbite. The secondary penalty for them.
5th level and above characters is 2 levels of exhaustion.
All spell-casting while under the effects of severe
frostbite require a DC 14 Concentration check to be
FROSTBITE successful.
Frostbite is damage to local parts of the body due to cold
If a creature’s hands are severely affected by frostbite,
they cannot attack.
Frostbite has four stages: mild, moderate, severe and
If a creature’s feet are severely affected by frostbite, their
dead tissue. It is recommended that characters below
movement rate is reduced to 5 feet. They cannot take the
5th level do not deal with severe or dead tissue frostbite.
Dash, Dodge or Disengage actions.
Paladins’ Divine Health ability protects them from
If a creature’s horn, tail or face are severely affected by
Moderate, Severe and Dead Tissue levels of frostbite.
frostbite, all CHA based checks are reduced by -10.
Anyone who contracts frostbite rolls on the following
The cold affects everything you do. You feel a
second slower in your thoughts. Your body shivers Most of the time, recovering from cold temperatures is
uncontrollably. fairly quick. All that is needed for most low-level effects
is someplace warm, time and food. A single long rest in
a warm place with ample food, drink and blankets will
The dead area of tissue must be amputated to prevent remove all Exhaustion levels from cold exposure.
the spread of gangrene. Proper spells can recover the If a character is suffering from hypothermia, severe
lost area. Dead tissue only sets in 24 hours after the frostbite or dead-tissue frostbite, the recovery is longer.
onset of frostbite. In these cases, one level of exhaustion is removed for
each Long Rest that includes food and drink and is
RAPID HEAT LOSS inside of a warm environment. Hypothermia requires an
Rapid heat loss happens when a body is not properly equivalent to lesser restoration to facilitate recovery.
protected from cold environs. Hypothermia is the end
result of rapid heat loss.
Mild Heat Loss: All skill checks and attack rolls are at
-1, due to chattering and shivering.
Marena Soitha Human, Female Dark black hair, Vigilant, serious, Guard of Alon and
dark eyes, thin lips, steely, acerbic Brieghan
sober countenance
Shen Liu Human, Male Thin mustache, Quiet, serious, dry Guard of Alon and
bronzed skin, hard sense of humor, witty Brieghan
dark almond-shaped
Alina Half-Elf, Female Light blond hair, Soft spoken, serious Owner of
blue eyes Caravanserai
Jadwiga Half-Elf, Female Brunette, smooth- Flighty, inquisitive, Sister of Alina, Zyta,
(aka Jade) skinned, melodious quick to laugh and Rasine
voice, piercing eyes
Rasine Half-Elf, Female Red-haired, Deliberate, Sister of Alina, Zyta,
muted elven features thoughtful and Jade
pale skin, dark eyes
Zyta Half-Elf, Female Brunette, rich and Witty, clever, sharp Sister of Alina, Jade,
loud voiced, soft dark tongued, amiable and Rasine
eyes, often smirking
Jak Ronalis Human, Male Thin, bulbous nose, Friendly, open, Returning from selling
dark hair, dirty, protective of family crops to large city
shabby clothes
Tabatha Ronalis Human, Female Thin, dirty, Quiet, protective of Wife of Jak, mother of
long brown hair, family, often seems Threya and Tamar
shabby clothes “spacey”
Threya Ronalis Human, Female, Child Long brown hair, Excitable, Daughter of Jak and
cleaner than her quick-witted, Tabatha, sister of
family, mended inquisitive Tamar
clothes, thin, about 13
years old
Tamar Ronalis Human, Male, Child Short dark hair, thin, Quiet, reserved, Brother of Threya, son
worn but well cared observant, of Jak and Tabatha
for clothes, noncommittal
around 9 years old
BJORN THE BLADE with social interactions. He had been checking his trap
Bjorn, the Blade is a common visitor to lines nearby when the blizzard struck and only his
the caravanserai. Currently, he is heading tenacity and experience brought him safely to shelter.
south, following rumors of hobgoblins
massing and the opportunity for work. LALOR MCKENZIE
Bjorn is in his early 40s, and a veteran Lalor has been at the caravanserai since
of several wars and numerous border Alina and her sisters were very young. His
skirmishes. The signs of his trade can be read in the hair was once a deep reddish-brown, but
scars on his hands and arms. He keeps his hair loose-
time has peppered it with gray. He wears
cropped and his long beard braided.
Bjorn is superstitious, believing in spirits and demons it long and keeps a well-trimmed beard.
influencing battles and events. He often talks about His face shows the marks of the seasons, but he always
demons, influencing weather in particular. serves the guests with a pleasant attitude and eye for
Bjorn speaks in a rough and crass manner, cutting straight detail. Lalor isn’t high-born and is nearly illiterate. He
to the heart of things. Many of his profanities are unique talks easily, and often sees things other people miss.
amalgamations of creatures and bodily functions. Bjorn Lalor is known to share experiences with friends and
displays few or no manners, except to Jade who he makes guests over a bottle of libation.
awkward attempts at proper manners.
Bjorn secretly loves Jade, although Alina and Zyta know ALON FELKAN
this and it is obvious to a casual observer. Alon is a human male, in his early 30s. He
Bjorn wants to find a mythical gem, the Algid Cerulean. wears his hair short, hoping to disguise his
He believes it holds magical properties to keep a person balding. Alon has a large rounded nose and
warm regardless of the weather around them. dark piercing eyes. His body carries extra
weight and a layer of softness, an obvious
FERREX sign of his wealth. Alon always dresses
Ferrex is a 17-year old boy - ‘man’ according well, often in fine silks and furs. He wears little jewelry,
to him - with sandy blond hair and the only a plain ring on his left hand.
build of a teenage boy who is about to Being a merchant brings much wealth to Alon, at the
grow into an adult. Although he is tall, he cost of constant travel. He enjoys the life and through it
has not quite filled out and is still slightly he met his second wife, Breighan.
awkward in his ‘new’ body. His first wife, Elleth, took ill and clerics could not find a
He has lived and worked at the caravanserai since remedy. She died two years ago.
his father, a coachman, abandoned him here after his Alon found a cure for Elleth a month after her death.
mother’s death. His father promised to return but that He holds a map to a dungeon called the Shrine of the
was five years ago. Ferrex has made himself useful and Hoarfrost Jarl some distance north from the caravanserai.
is eager to prove his worth to the sisters who run the Alon believes something within can cure nearly any
tavern. They treat him like a little brother. Ferrex is disease.
courageous and hardworking and although he feels like
a part of the family, he knows that he will eventually BRIEGHAN FELKAN
have to leave, perhaps to find his father. Brieghan Felkan recently married Alon.
Ferrex is excited that Threya and her family are visiting Her village far to the north sees more snow
the tavern and hopes they stay for a long time. He is than sunshine. For the first time, she travels
working to convince Alina to hire Jak Ronalis because with her new husband and is glad to be
he has developed a crush on Threya. He is awkward and away from never-ending winter (although
shy around her, but stays near her as often as possible. it seems to have followed her).
He is currently working on carving her a wooden stag Breighan acts a bit shy early in conversations with new
and spends his free time in the common room whittling. people, but warms up quickly. She speaks softly, with a
very melodic voice.
KIRSHELL Brieghan has full, flowing auburn hair and often dresses
Kirshell is a grizzled man of middle-to-late in earthy tones to compliment it. Her pale eyes glitter
40s, although it is difficult to determine his in the light of the common room. Brieghan’s body is of
age because of the years spent struggling average build, and she is slightly taller than most of the
through a hard life alone in the woods. He other women around, standing as tall as Alon.
has dark eyes, and his hair begins to gray. Brieghan has terrible nightmares of an “icy spider
spinning a web from the ceiling toward her face.” She
His body stays strong and lithe because of
has been having this nightmare for over a week. She
the profession he follows. feels silly for being afraid of a dream.
He counts himself lucky to have survived the storm Brieghan knows that creatures made of ice weaken in
and blames his exposure to the excessive cold for his warm environments.
ill health. He is gruff and blunt in conversation and it
is clear he spends limited time with people and dealing
MARENA SOITHA She laughs quickly and is easy to distract. She is an
Marena is a guard in the employ of avid reader though, imagining herself in far away lands,
Breighan Felkan. Both Marena and Alon having adventures, and wielding magical powers only
are very specific about this. Alon feels it is a novelist could create. Although she wants to have
important that Breighan has a confidante adventures and become an arcane caster of high renown,
on the road and expects Marena to fill this she is too timid and easily distracted to actually pursue
role as well as her guard duties. She takes both duties any of these goals or leave her family. She probes new
seriously, often seeing danger where none exists. guests for books they may have to share or trade.
Marena’s brilliant red hair contrasts against her milky-
white skin. Her green eyes betray a bit of wildness in RASINE RANNEAU
her soul. Marena rarely leaves her quarters without her Rasine is the second oldest of the sisters
breastplate and sword. that run the caravanserai. She has little
Marena talks in a deeper voice than one would expect interest in the dead-end wagon stop
from a woman. That, paired with her no-nonsense though. She stays because her sisters are
attitude and gruff manner often make people unfamiliar here. Her real passion is alchemy.
with her re-evaluate how dangerous a petite woman can Rasine is self-taught and smart. But,
be. without a teacher her potential is limited. She has
perfected a poultice with local ingredients that soothes
SHEN LIU wounds (1d4 hp of healing). Racine sells up to four of
Shen Liu has been guarding Alon and his these poultices to people she likes for 15 gp each.
goods for almost a year now. Shen had Rasine is a beautiful woman, with red-orange hair
been a foreigner in a strange land, unable and stunning amber colored eyes. She usually dresses
to speak the local language. Alon, through in vibrant blues, with muted highlight colors. Rasine
the language of business, befriended and speaks eloquently, pronouncing every syllable distinctly.
hired Shen as a bodyguard. Shen has quickly picked up
the common tongue of this area, but still speaks with a ZYTA RANNEAU
heavy accent and often misunderstands metaphors. This Zyta is the third-born of the sisters that
makes Shen seem humorless. run the caravanserai. She is quick to smile,
Shen is a bronze skinned man with a weathered face clever, and witty. Zyta often tends the bar
and high brow. He wears a thin well trimmed mustache and despite her quick smile, she’s known
as dark as his eyes. Shen has begun attempting to court to knock a head when her temper is up.
Marena, but his intentions have gone unnoticed, largely She never backs down from a fight but
due to the language barrier. is difficult to provoke. Zyta is quick with numbers and
enjoys telling and hearing a good story.
ALINA RANNEAU Away from her duties, Zyta likes privacy. When she is
Alina is a half-elven woman, and the oldest not needed for the chores of the caravanserai, Zyta often
of four sisters. Her mother and human shutters herself away in her room. Her sisters tease
parent, died 4 winters ago and left the her and say that Zyta is writing letters to a man who
caravanserai to the daughters. Alina is a frequents the establishment in the summertime, but
lithe woman, and her work ethic shows actually Zyta is teaching herself to paint.
through her body style. She appears to be
in her mid-twenties, with blonde hair so light it appears JAK RONALIS
white. Her blue eyes carry the piercing stare of her elven Jak is a fit man in is late 30s. He is a sturdy
heritage. With elven blood in her veins, Alina has little
man whose hands are calloused from many
need of sleep, often retiring for only 4-5 hours a night.
Alina loves the caravanserai. She sees it as the birthright hours of work. His family farmed and
and blessing of her and her sisters. All the Ranneau raised sheep and a several horses. Before
women were born within its walls, and all protect it with the illness spread through his village, his
their lives. family was doing well. His wife’s parents
Alina knows her father is an elven warlock, but cannot lived with them and they had a strong flock and several
remember the man. She remembers hair that changed promising foals. The army confiscated his herd and all of
colors with the seasons and little else. Alina knows of his horses except the two sturdy draft horses he used to
the megalith in the woods. work the fields. Then he watched the village burn from
a distance. After loading his best leather working and
JADWINGA “JADE” RANNEAU carpentry tools, as well as some household goods. His
Jade is the youngest sister of the family. family has a cache of 113 gp, 94 sp, and 213 cp in a chest
She knows of her fathers past and feels of clothes he built a false bottom into. He also has his
like she could also become a master of father’s old longsword, although he is not too familiar
the arcane. She attempts to be mysterious with its use. He is happy that his family has escaped the
but is too flighty to pull this off effectively. illness but unsure of what they will do to survive. He is a
hardworking man who does whatever it takes to protect
his family and insure their livelihood.
Hoarfrost Werespider
When in arachnid form, a hoarfrost werespider is
Jak does not know that Threya is concerned about being a man-sized or larger, white and nearly translucent
sick, and Threya and Tabatha actively hide this fact. spider-creature. The creature exudes cold and
They don’t want him to worry. striking it is like hitting several feet of ice. It is
incredibly quiet and difficult to spot despite its size.
TABATHA RONALIS The Hoarfrost werespider is a creature of dual
Tabatha is a woman in her mid-thirties creation. They are made when a Hoarfrost Werespider
with rosy cheeks and a nose that has bites but does not drain its victim, which is a rare
clearly been broken in the past. She is occurrence They are also created when the infection
tired, world weary, and concerned for her is gained from contact with an idol, symbol of power,
family’s safety. or rune dedicated to the Creeper in the Cold, or the
Ice Mother.
She and her husband, Jak, recently fled
The practice of becoming a Hoarfrost Werespider
their farm and left most of their worldly is seen as a holy journey to secure and strengthen a
possessions behind. They have a small savings, a cart liminal connection between the profane and the elder
of what goods they could quickly pack, and a desire powers worshiped by ancient tribes.
to find a safe area to make a new home. The village Unlike traditional lycanthropes, this curse cannot be
nearest to them was devastated by an illness that spread removed with simple divine or arcane magical spells
quickly through the area. She was concerned that her like restoration or remove curse. Instead, the old magic
daughter might have been afflicted, but Threya seems to of long forgotten deities and elder powers must be
be improving. Her parents were overcome by the illness used. It requires the creation of a poultice using a
that destroyed their village and they watched the army ritual and ingredients outlined in any number of areas
in the area burn their whole village to the ground; as the on petroglyphs..
Ronalis family escaped with some clothes, her husband’s
tools, and limited household goods.
Tamar is a 9-year-old boy with a mop of
unkempt brown hair. He has aspirations
to become a hero and is excited by the
opportunity to travel with his family. He
has not quite realized or understood the
reason the family left the village although
he recalls his friends becoming sick and
losing his grandparents. He knows that sometimes
Threya sneaks out at night to explore but he won’t tell
on her.
Threya is a striking girl with pale features
and dark hair. She is 13 years old and on
the verge of becoming a woman, or so
her mother tells her. She knows that she
will experience some changes as she gets
older but did not expect the exhaustion
and terrible nightmares that she has been suffering.
Unknown to the Ronalis family, Threya has become a
hoarfrost werespider.
She has been sleeping late and appears weakened and
exhausted each morning. She has spoken to her mother
about the changes but is concerned that she may be have
caught the same illness that decimated her home village
and the villages in the area her family has just fled from.
MAIN FLOOR Zyta’s Room: This room holds a wooden easel and
stool as a center piece located directly between two
Common Room: The main room is spacious with 12’ windows. She has clay pots of paint and jars of horsehair
ceilings crossed with darkened wooden beams. The brushes spread around the room. There are paintings,
daub covering the walls is a creamy warm yellow color. both finished and unfinished around the room. Zyta’s
In several areas, the daub is worn and the mortared bed is made in a haphazard fashion.
stone can be seen between the wooden frames of the
wall. The smells of baking bread and the aroma of meat Jade’s Room: Jade has small jars with various spell
permeates the air. A comfortable sitting space with a components on the shelves. Her bed is unkempt and
couch and leather arm chairs surrounds the fire. Several unmade. Jade has a bookshelf with several books, stacks
books can be seen resting near the side tables. The bar of papers with drawings, diagrams, and sequences
is a polished reddish wood that is immaculately clean. of arcane symbols. Her current collection of books
Three large tables with sturdy and heavy wooden chairs includes:
fill the middle of the room and two longer heavy plank Places of Power and Eldritch Strength: this is a text
tables with benches sit in the middle. The tables show written several hundred years ago by a man who
signs of wear, dings and scratches, but tasteful center claimed to be a powerful wizard. Although much of his
pieces of fragrant herbs and pine boughs decorate and
description is vague and provides hints that could apply
scent each table. Several landscape paintings are are
on the walls. They depict scenes of the forest in all of to any number of random locations found in any land, he
its seasons. Several paintings depict the same scene in does have a few fairly accurate descriptions of ancient
different seasons. The floor is sturdy worn planks with cairns and monoliths as well as his claimed translations
large iron nails and signs of its age can be discovered in of petroglyphs he has encountered (see handouts 1-3).
the occasional section that creaks in protest. Oil lamps A Pupil’s Primer of Basic Alchemick and Magyck: this
attached to sconces are spread through the room to is a basic magic text. It covers the use of components,
provide a warm welcoming light. The ceiling seems to memorization, and technique. It also contains the spells:
swallow noise and though the murmur of conversation Ice Slick, Sand, and Magic Missile.
can be heard, it is a dull wash of background noise. Tybalt’s Eldritch Vengeance: this is a romance novel
A piece of slate leans against the side of the large 8’ about an orphaned half elven man who finds adventure,
wide fireplace. It lists the daily kitchen offerings. The
romance with a princess named Lynora, and his legacy
stones of the large fireplace radiate heat. The kitchen
can be seen in the corner and is a tidy and organized as a king who rules over an enchanted isle of magical
workspace. A second exit can be seen in the kitchen, elves and creatures.
providing easier access to the well. Bunches of dried The Winter of the Hart: this is a romance novel about a
herbs can be seen hanging from nails in the beams of the princess who nurses an injured hart through a desolate
ceiling throughout the kitchen. and difficult winter. The hart is actually a cursed prince
Several handmade rugs are placed throughout the who changes back in the spring and goes on to marry the
common room. Two sets of stairs lead up in the far wall princess and live happily ever after.
opposite the hearth and fireplace. Heavy wooden doors
line the walls of this downstairs room. Lalor’s Room: This room is decorated in an austere
fashion. It is tidy with a made bed and folded clothes
Ferrex’s Room: This room contains a bed and a dresser. and laundry. He has several small personal items on a
There are small wooden carvings and smooth planks bedside table including: a smooth black and gray oval
with charcoal sketches. Ferrex has 27 cp and 13 sp in a river stone, a small wooden carving of a fish, and a
small sack under his mattress. folded handkerchief with the monogrammed initials RL.
Alina’s Room: This room has a dresser and a large Reading Room: This room is filled with overstuffed
bed that is immaculately made. There is a painting on leather chairs, pillows, and throw blankets with warm
the wall of 4 young girls, an attractive human woman colors. Several shelves hold a large collection of 26
with brown hair a quiet smile that shows no teeth, and books. The curtains across the windows of this room are
an elven man with platinum colored hair, and sharp thick and seem to absorb noise. A heavy rug covers the
aquiline features. A loose plank near the bed contains a floor in robust gold and red colors.
fur wrapped metal chest that contains 3784 gp, 1244 sp,
and 11 emeralds worth 250 gp each. There are several Kitchen and Pantry: This kitchen is a well used
books of elven poetry beside her bed. workspace. Everything is tidily placed and neatly
arranged, utensils lined along a counter. Towels hanged
Rasine’s Room: The first thing someone experiences in just the space your hand would levitate towards in a
in this room is the rich and pungent aroma of drying time of need. Dried herbs hang from the rafters above.
herbs which can be seen hanging from the ceiling from Even the metal box grills used along the counters here
numerous spots in the room. The dresser has several are clean, although still warm when not in use.
mortars and pestles and a variety of containers. There
are several texts on alchemy and alchemical procedures. UPPER FLOOR
Rasine’s bed is carefully made.
All of the upstairs rooms have windows that can be
opened but they are currently held firmly shut with a
layer of ice. They can be opened with a successful DC
15 Strength (Athletics) check. The continually falling ice
and snow make it difficult to determine if a window has
been opened recently.
The morning brings a clear, cold day. Shortly after 9:00 AM: Bjorn’s horse is found dead. It too was
daybreak, clouds begin approaching from the West. desiccated and drained. (Discoverer depends on party’s
As noon arrives, the temperature plummets and snow actions with Lalor from day before.)
blinds travelers stuck on the roads.
The relentless storm piles another six inches of snow
between midnight and dawn. Between dawn and
midnight another foot of snow accumulates.
The wooden palisades of the caravanserai beckon you
from a distance. The warm glow of lantern and candle
light seeps from the windows of the second story of
a building peaking over the walls. The howling wind
drives you onward. You reach the gates and hear the
muffled voices of men struggling with animals on
the other side. A horse spooks and rushes the gate,
knocking it open directly in front of you.
Roll Character Information Given The furrier follows behind them shortly after and
10 Bjorn the Blade Headed South looking for appears to have recovered from his own arduous
work journey through the night to the safety of the
caravanserai. His face is filled with color and a slight
11 Alina Winter has never come smile peeks from his cracked lips as he sits down for
here before so fiercely a morning meal.
12 Alon & Breighan The weather to the north Shortly after you have all settled for breakfast,
Felkan had been cold, but sunny the door blows open and one of the stable hands
materializes out of the cloud of whipping snow
13 Lalor & Ferrex Snow has never piled
that attempts to gain access to the common room.
up so quickly within the
His face is pale and his beard is coated in a thin
layer of icicles. He stomps a layer of hoar from his
14 Threya Her name carries the body and quickly moves towards Alina and speaks
blessings of a goddess quietly with her. A scowl of surprise appears on
15 Jak & Tabatha Left their village to flee her face but quickly disappears. The stable hand
Ronalis an illness once again throws the door open and enters the
snowy maelstrom. Then Alina sighs and turns to the
16 Jade Recently cast an ice spell assembled group:
correctly “Something appears to have broken into the barn last
17+ Shen Liu Has a bad feeling about night. The caravanserai walls still seem secure and
this the barn doors closed, but a pig was found dead in its
stall this morning.”
The inn is quiet as the group processes the
As the evening falls into night, a gruff, bearded man information. Tamar is in the firewood, searching for a
stumbles through the door. He wears several pelts serviceable club for a 9-year-old.
with many animals represented in the skins. Over his
shoulder, a stick holds several furs hanging limply
behind him. His lips are blued, and his fingers fight
his will to set down the bundle. His ashen skin and
GM Note: Ferrex left the dead pig in its stall. It’s fluids
labored breathing, tell more may be wrong than just have been drained and the pig has a blood-stained neck.
weather exposure. Regardless, the women running the The stable hands were not sure what to do and plan to
inn welcome him, and usher him to a seat. Jade brings toss the pig carcass into the ever-growing snow berm
him a hot cup of tea. near the west wall of the caravanserai. If the body of
As he drinks hot tea, his color returns to his lips and the pig is examined, two rough puncture wounds can
extremities. Although still gruff, the man’s appearance be found in its neck. Dried froth and spittle surround
softens considerably. its mouth and its flesh is sallow and sunken in as if
something drained liquid from its generous body.
Due to the deep snow, tracking around the barn is
A DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom difficult. A DC 16 Survival check will identify lower
(Perception) check will reveal the following: spots in the snow that may have been tracks once. They
* The man’s name is Kirshell are too obscured by the whipping and drifting snow to
* He is a local trapper. The storm drove him to the identify anything other than the 5-10’ long gait of this
caravanserai. creature.
*He is suffering from frostbite on his hands and face.
A DC 14Wisdom (Medicine) check will reveal it as
The Pig’s Body
Die Roll Arcana Investigation Survival Nature
10 No spells have been Deep pointed tracks It looks as if the pig Insects are the most
cast within the barn in the floor. was lifted by its neck. common creature to
recently. drink blood.
12 The pig was surprised A large insect-like
but struggled. creature has been here.
14 The blood around the The meat appears
wound has not fully safe to consume if it is
coagulated cooked.
16 Only a few drops of Poison is commonly A cloudy, sticky, white
blood from the animal injected through venom is on the wound
touched the floor. similar puncture in the pigs neck.
18 Wispy strands of Wispy strands of Wispy strands of
webbing hang limply webbing hang limply webbing hang limply
from the ceiling. from the ceiling. from the ceiling.
20+ Some fiends, Sticky hairs the Sticky hairs the length (If Investigation
vampires and length of a man’s of a man’s index finger or Survival roll 20
other creatures can index finger are are embedded in the happened)
become gaseous, and embedded in the stall stall walls. The sticky hairs are
enter from a small walls. reminiscent of spider
area. hair, only much larger.
•After 6 rounds, Shen Liu and Marena Soitha arrive from
Bjorn plods heavily down the stairs from his upstairs to help.
room with a surly expression stuck upon his face. •Lighting a fire, oil, or a torch outside in the blizzard
He walks straight to the bar and calls for an ale. requires a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check
After a moment he appears to finally notice the
uncomfortable silence in the inn. The day drags as the snow continues. Bjorn then spends
“What happened?” Bjorn growls. The other guests the remainder of the day sharpening his weapons and
relate the story to Bjorn. He strides to the bar and preparing his equipment. The characters may help the
fills a mug himself, “I’ve heard of ice demons drawn stable hands brave the weather to keep the doors and
out in the depths of a storm. They are drawn to the gate clear, feed and water the animals, and retrieve more
lust, greed, and rich emotions that we all experience. firewood for the several fireplaces that heat the rooms
A village near the one where I was raised was and fuel the stoves of the inn. Their help is appreciated
plagued by such a creature for a whole season. It and be sure to emphasize the dangers of the weather.
started quietly, an animal disappears or is found The other guests nervously engage in chatting, card
dead, then someone old or weak is ‘lost’ in the cold. games, knitting, and other activities to keep themselves
Before they knew what was happening, they were busy. The furrier’s health appears to diminish as the day
decimated and only a few strong folks survived by grows into night.
fleeing. They fled to a neighboring settlement and the
ice demon followed them. It drained the life of many
in that village before the springs thawed the heavy
snows and freed the people from its grasp. Perhaps
one of us has been marked by a demon.”
Just as Bjorn finishes relating his story, the door is
thrown open and Ferrex cries, “The demon! HELP!”
He turns back to the cold with a pitchfork in his
The ‘demon’ is a Verglas Troll, most likely traveling
within the coldest parts of this storm and wreaking
havoc wherever it can.
GM Note: Traveling outside in this weather requires a Overnight, something attacked and drained Bjorn’s
DC 12 Constitution save after only 30 minutes outside. horse (named Steady) of blood. Ferrex finds the poor
The full rules for cold exposure are listed on pages 3-4. creature, and again dutifully informs Alina.
Allow the players to investigate as much as they’d like. Bjorn reacts with rage and sorrow. He wants to fight, and
There are no tracks outside the walls or around the argues with everyone who talks to him.
complex. You can allow them to find some scratches Refer to the chart below for investigation of the horse’s
on the interior walls of the courtyard with a DC 15 death.
Intelligence (Investigation) check. The Ronalis family attempts to keep the news from the
If the heroes set watches at night or convince the other children.
guests to, they will not see anything from inside of the Alon and Breighan argue quietly in the corner. A
inn. Characters staying in the barn or the stables gain successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that
a level of exhaustion every hour as the wind and snow Breighan wants to leave, but Alon considers the cold and
whip against the walls and rattle the whole building. The blowing snow too dangerous.
weather outdoors is too hazardous to attempt to remain Jade locks herself in her room, refusing to leave. If this
there for the night. is investigated, a succesful DC 12Wisdom (Perception)
If guards are placed, the murderer still manages to check reveals that Jade is chanting something,
attack. It sucks the life out of Bjorn’s horse, Steady.
The morning begins as the day before. The staff
again settle into the routine of stoking the fires and
starting breakfast preparations. The guests begin
rousing shortly after with the Ronalis family arriving
first, except for Threya who is still asleep. Kirshell
arrives shortly after and the color appears to have
returned to his face and his strength increased. The
merchant and his wife enter the common room
together and their guards shortly after.
The breakfast routine continues as before and the
stable hands brave the ever-building snow to feed
the animals and to retrieve firewood.
Marena still lives, and a successful DC 14 Wisdom
(Medicine) check allows the heroes and patrons to
determine that she has been attacked and suffers from
the effects of poison. She remains paralyzed for 4 hours.
The Ronalis family quickly report the disappearance of
their daughter, Threya. She did not take her heavy winter
coat with her. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Survival)
check determines that she will only last an hour, maybe
The first signs of the Rime Spiders is the scintillating
two, in this cold and snow without any sort of gear or
glass-like strands of ice coating the stumps of trees in
heavy clothing.
the area. It has a beautiful gem-like quality that draws
If the group conducts a head count, it reveals that Kirshell
the eyes. The crystals differ in size and shape but all
is also gone. Bjorn is drunk, and no use on a battlefield.
twinkle and refract the light in a scintillating pattern.
Shen Liu volunteers to accompany characters of levels
As the characters approach them, the Rime Spiders
1 or 2. Shen chooses to stay with Marena if higher level
(2 for 1st, and 3 for 4th level parties) burst from the
groups give chase to find Threya.
snowy burrows below and attack. The burrows are
Two sets of tracks entered the snow and a DC 14
noticed with a successful DC 18 Wisdom (Perception)
Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check
determines that one set of prints was man-sized, with
heavy footfalls between dragged channels in the snow.
The other set appears to be made from thinner legs and
As the heroes traverse the
a much lighter person who was perhaps resisting or
wilderness, they may notice a
being dragged through the deep snow.
snow-covered hand clutching
The tracks leading from the door of the main building
the trunk of a nearby tree. It
are easy to follow. A successful DC 5 Wisdom (Survival)
is spotted with a successful
shows the tracks climb a snow drift directly north over
DC 14 Wisdom (Perception)
the outer wall. After climbing the wall, a successful DC
check. If the frozen body is
10 Wisdom (Survival) check is required to regain the
uncovered, the characters
trail. This trail continues northward, entering the forest.
find the frost covered face
A third Wisdom (Survival) check at DC 12 is required
of an unshaven man in thick
about an hour into the journey, as the woods become
clothes. A large notched axe
thick and snow continually falls from the trees.
is on his back with a worn but
After the third Survival check, choose or randomly
well crafted handle marked with an
determine a single encounter from the following table. If
intricated knotted design. This is a Woodsman’s Axe +1.
the check was unsuccessful, have the heroes roll another
All other equipment on the dead man succumbed to the
check after the encounter to find the trail. Ten minutes
cold and is unusable.
later, they encounter another hazard from the table.
ground nearby with a heavy wet thud. A successful DC
3. SNOW SQUALL 15 Wisdom (Perception) check allows the heroes to spot
the face in the bark of a large fir tree nearby.
Without warning, you are blinded by a wind blowing The fir treant does not bother the players unless they
snow and sleet cutting into your faces. You cannot see damage living trees. (Use official stats of Treant if this
more than a few feet in front of you. happens.) If the fir treant is provoked to attack, it allows
the group to surrender if they agree to forfeit all axes
If the heroes do not seek shelter, they take 1d6 damage and fire-making items.
for every 10 minutes they spend in the squall (DC 15
Constitution save for half damage). They also must If the fir treant is addressed it speaks with them. It may
make a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Survival) check to reveal the following information:
maintain their current path. Once the squall ends, a DC
14 Wisdom (Survival) check gets them back onto their •An evil presence passed by recently. The treant does
original course. The squall lasts (1d6 x 10) minutes. not experience the time the same way as people, but
knows it was after the storm had decreased in strength.
•There are stones of great power nearby. The treant can
The quiet gurgling of a stream can be heard in the direct the players towards the clearing.
midst of the creaking trees. Ahead of you lies a ten foot
wide open span of snow that stretches off to your left •The forest has many dangerous creatures like spiders
and right. The snowy area is more depressed and spots and wolves.
of running water can be seen in several spots.
•The storm was a natural occurrence. The fir treant felt
no malice nor magic from it.
If the players probe into the snow they will find spots
of ice and snow that drop directly into the water.
Crossing this area requires a successful DC 15 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check. This can be assisted by clever ideas
from your players, like creating a rough log bridge, using
ropes and the trees, pole vaulting, etc. Reward these
clever ideas with advantage or a decreased difficulty (-1
to -5 at your discretion).
Should someone fall into the water, they suffer a -5
to resist the effects of cold weather until they dry off
A pack of wolves emerged from their den with the
breaking of the storm. The pack has caught the heroes’
scent and hunts them down. For parties level 1-2, 1 wolf
for each person emerges and attacks, 2 wolves each
for levels 3-4 and 3 wolves per member for levels 5+.
Wolf stat blocks can be found in the System Reference
The trees creak in the forest and are occasionally
punctuated by the snap of branches collapsing under
the weight of the snow. A large creak and moan sounds
nearby and large heavy clumps of snow plummet to the
After struggling through the deep snow and forest, The interior of the stone structure is exceedingly cold
the land suddenly opens into a large clearing in an and anyone entering suffers Cold Effects (see pages
irregular circle. Large organized but unadorned carved 3-4). Constitution saves must be rolled every 10 minutes
stones rise from the surrounding snow forming a while inside the monolith except in rooms with a frozen
primitive structure. cylinder (rooms 5, 6, 7, 8).
A few paces outside the mouth of the monolith, Kirshell
stands bleeding from his shoulder. He still retains the A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check
strength to aim his crossbow at Threya, who cowers reveals a series of carved symbols limning the interior
inside the opening. Her hands cover her face and wall and ceiling of the entrance (see Player Handout 4.)
her body moves with the uncontrollable rhythm of
someone sobbing.
Occasionally the girl reaches her hand out towards
the opening in the stones. The opening responds with
a low “whump” noise, and the entrance appears as a
slick of oil on water for a moment.
The characters can enter the rough arch into the stone
interior but Threya cannot leave. If anyone enters the
structure, 1d6+4 rounds later Threya’s skin begins
shifting as she cries in pain and runs deeper into the
1. attacks are limited to leg slash attacks for 2 rounds as he
finishes his transformation.
The cavern is noticeably colder than outdoors. The In a belt pouch, he is carrying a large topaz (150 gp), a
party’s breath creates thick clouds. Smooth glass-like sapphire (250 gp), 117 pp and 214 gp. His magical sword,
ice covers the cavern walls. The flicker of light from Vandal’s Dirge, has a silvered blade with intricate swirls
the entrance above (or torchlight) gives the impression and runes carved along its length. Its name is engraved
of movement beneath the ice. A single exit goes deeper in the pommel in an ancient ccommon dialect. His ring
into the cave structure ahead. The light seems to suffuse is also magical and seems to glow faintly.
and distribute itself amongst the walls.
Longsword +1 (Vandal’s Dirge)
2. Uncommon Weapon
The wielder of this magic longsword gains a +1 to attack
Sound travels strangely in this hallway, both echoed and damage rolls made using this weapon.
and dampened in strange and unpredictable manners. If Vandal’s Dirge causes an enemy to drop to 0 hit
The occasional cracking and settling of ice can be points, its wielder immediately heals 1d4 hit points of
heard. A faint glow emanates from the chambers that damage.
intersect the passage.
The ice can be removed from the body, which is held in The body is deceased, and something appears to have
stasis, with a dispel magic against an 8th level effect or gone awry in the initial stasis freezing. The belt pouch
by physically breaking it. The ice has 50 hp, AC 10, is contains 73 gp, a broken wooden wand, and various
vulnerable to fire, and cold damage will ‘heals’ it by the spoiled spell components. The bone scroll cases contain
amount of damage dealt. If the ice is shattered: scrolls of firebolt, flaming sphere, protection from energy,
sand (see page 28). Remnants of the wizard’s spell book
With a loud crack the ice falls away and a man’s scream can be found but the ice and cold destroyed the pages.
fills the air. He immediately begins clutching his head
as his flesh begins to roil and move. His head expands 5.
and large chelicerae burst from his mouth as coarse
hairs burst from his body. As you enter the room, a rune-encrusted stone ring
with a small mound of ice in its center, draws your
attention. The stone ring has crude runes carved into
This man is a Lesser Hoarfrost Werespider. His ring it. This room is colder than the passageway and you
‘transforms’ to fit upon his spider body, while the sword feel your fingers numbing, even at the entrance.
clatters to the ground. He immediately attacks. His
A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check marks cannot leave the cavern network.
these symbols as part of the set near the entrance. If the If she is lured into the ring
symbols are empowered it activates the target rune. A of runes, perhaps they can
successful DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals place her into stasis.
that a 1st level spell must be used to ‘charge’ the ring A DC 16 Intelligence
with power. Once charged, it freezes in place anyone (Arcana) check will
standing within the circle into stasis. The stasis/freezing reveal that a 1st level
is activated by the person who empowered the rune spell must be used to
‘releasing’ the energy and requires a bonus action. The ‘charge’ the ring with
stasis effect and freezing occurs immediately. power. Once charged,
it will freeze and
6. place anyone standing
A familiar stone ring rests in the center of this room. within the circle into
The hair on your arms stand up as palpable energy stasis. The stasis/
fills the chamber. A rune on the ring appears to glow freezing is activated by
faintly. the person who empowered
the rune ‘releasing’ the energy
and requires a bonus action. The
The rune was charged long ago but still retains energy stasis effect and freezing occurs immediately.
and is unstable enough to release. Approaching within
ten feet sets off the rune unless a successful DC 15 9.
Dexterity (Stealth) check is made. The rune will explode The remains of an irregular ice cylinder rests in the
with icy energy requiring a Dexterity Save of DC 15 and center of this room. The torso of a humanoid is still
dealing 3d10 damage on a failure and half damage on a encased in the ice, but with a horrid spider’s face.
success. A dispel magic cast against a level 6 spell or a Frost-coated chelicerae burst from the surrounding
successful DC 16 Proficiency (thieves’ tools) releases the ice, sprouting irregularly from some human-spider
magic within the rune safely. hybrid body. If examined, the head and upper shoulder
appear ‘thawed’ and malleable while the rest is still
7. frozen solid.
As you enter the room, a rune-encrusted stone ring
with a small mound of ice in its center, draws your This creature is dead and was in the midst of transforming
attention. The stone ring has crude runes carved into when something either released it or prevented it from
it. This room is colder than the passageway and you being frozen into stasis. If the ice is chipped away,
feel your fingers numbing, even at the entrance. nothing useful is readily apparent but a false heel in one
of the boots contains a bluish metal rectangle with a
A DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check marks these symbols rune. It is cool to the touch.
as part of the set near the entrance. If the symbols are
empowered it will activate the target rune. A DC 16 CONCLUSION
Intelligence (Arcana) check will reveal that a 1st level
spell must be used to ‘charge’ the ring with power. Once •Alon rewards the heroes with 300 gp, claiming “this is
charged, it will freeze and place anyone standing within the best money I have ever spent on guards!” If Threya
the circle into stasis. The stasis/freezing is activated was frozen, Alon also offers his map to the Shrine of
by the person who empowered the rune ‘releasing’ the the Hoarfrost Jarl and talks about rumors of something
energy and requires a bonus action. The stasis effect and within being able to cure her illness.
freezing occurs immediately.
•If Threya was killed, the Ronalis family is heartbroken
8. and ask for assistance recovering her body. They are
upset, but understand that her death was necessary.
A torn boot sized for a child lays on the floor of the They leave and hope to find a new place to restart their
hallway leading up to this chamber. The shadows ahead lives.
hint at movement but no sound accompanies it. As you
near the mouth of this cave opening, you see the other •If the Ronalises are asked how Threya may have been
boot laying on the floor. Just as you reach the opening, infected, they tell a story about her claiming to be bit by a
a massive spider, with a body the size of a dwarf drops huge spider. Threya’s parents looked her over, but could
from the ceiling. not find a bite on her. They believed her imagination
was getting the best of her, and never considered a curse
Threya is fully transformed into a Hoarfrost could be involved.
Werespider (Lesser for levels 1-3, Greater for 4+) and
seeks her next victim to drain. The heroes have her •The half-elves running the caravanserai thank the
cornered and she cannot retreat. group for their help and extend a permanent invitation
Threya pursues the players if they retreat. While in to return.
the caverns, Threya regenerates 10 hp per turn. Threya
Hoarfrost Werespider, Lesser Hoarfrost Werespider, Greater
Medium Monstrosity, Neutral Evil Large Monstrosity, Neutral Evil
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 86 (9d10+36) Hit Points 143 (15d10+60)
Speed 40 ft., burrow 40 ft. (only in snow) Speed 40 ft., burrow 40 ft. (only in snow)
22 (+6) 22(+6) 20(+4) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 7 (-2) 22 (+6) 22(+6) 20(+4) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 7 (-2)
* These scores will be the same as the original infected * These scores will be the same as the original infected
creature creature
The rime spider is a hunter that waits stealthily for
its prey. It’s pale white body blends perfectly with the
Rime Spider
snow and ice in its home biome. They often work in Small Beast, Neutral
small packs and it is not unheard of to find even larger Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
colonies of these spiders. The rime spider uses stealth Hit Points 33 (6d6+12)
and surprise to hunt any creatures unlucky enough to Speed 40 ft., climb 40’ burrow 40 ft. (only in snow)
encounter them. They make lures from ice and snow
which look like sparkling crystals and diamonds. When
the light refracts off these crystals, the prey often STR DEX CON INT* WIS CHA
becomes distracted and misses the trap they are walking 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
The most prized part of a rime spider is the pedicel, the Saving Throws Dex +6
piece that connects the cephalothorax and the abdomen. Damage Vulnerabilities fire
This glass-like connective tissue is extremely durable
and cold. It can be harvested from a rime spider with Damage Resistances: none
a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Survival) check. The part Damage Immunities: cold
can be used to create Alchemical Ice, the counterpoint Skills Stealth +6
to Alchemist’s Fire. This pedicel also is used to keep Senses darkvision 60’, tremorsense 60’, passive
items cool and is often place in a sealed wooden cask Perception 13
as a means of providing refrigeration for delicate food
stuffs. It has a value of 250 gp and each piece may be Languages none
used to create 10 Alchemical Ice crystals. Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Alchemical Ice (crystal): Pounce. The Rime spider may move 40’ and then make a
Cost: 50 gp 10’ leap onto its prey and make a Multiattack action.
This cool smooth crystal releases a gas that freezes
anything it touches. As an action, it can be thrown up
to 20 feet to break upon a target. Make a ranged attack Actions
using the alchemical ice as an improvised weapon. On a Multiattack: The Rime Spider may make a bite and a slash
hit, the target takes 1d4 cold damage at the start of each attack.
of its turns for 1d6+2 turns.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit. Hit: 5.5 (1d6+2)
piercing damage plus 2.5 (1d4) poison damage and
paralysis (DC 14 saving throw).
The Verglas Troll is a creature of cold and ice. It appears
almost translucent and its hardened skin looks like the
Verglas Troll
Large Monstrosity, Neutral Evil
purest frozen water. The Verglas Troll has long arms
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
reaching almost to the ground and ice coated claws.
Hit Points 76 (8d10+32)
Their facial features are sharp and crystalline. They are
Speed 40 ft., burrow 40 ft. (only in snow)
vicious, ambushing and rampaging settlements during
the heaviest blizzards and deepest colds. Though the
Verglas Troll often travels in packs, it is not unheard of
18 (+4) 12(+1) 18(+4) 7 (-2) 8 (-1) 7 (-2)
to encounter a lone creature terrorizing small farms and
villages in the dead of winter.
Saving Throws Con +4
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Verglas Trolls are seasonal creatures and hibernate
Damage Immunities cold
when the temperature rises over 30°. Verglas Trolls
Skills Survival +8
usually keep to the areas of the world where permafrost
Senses darkvision 120’, passive Perception 12
keeps the soil iced over. During especially cold winters
Languages giant
they travel hundreds of miles looking for food.
Challenge 5 (1800 XP)
A single Verglas Troll can consume 500 lbs of flesh a day.
Regeneration. The Verglas Troll regains 10 hit points at
Their appetites are unquenchable. Once they have found
the start of the turn if it is in a cold environment or has
prey, they attack relentlessly until everything other than
taken cold damage the previous turn, this will override
trolls is dead.
the effect of any fire damage taken. If it has taken fire
Verglas Trolls fight amongst themselves while eating.
damage, this regeneration will not occur at the start of
Every Verglas Troll believes itself to be the strongest
the next turn.
of the pack. This infighting causes no damage to the
pack, as all of the Verglas Trolls regenerate the wounds
Frost Sweat. The Verglas Troll exudes cold and anyone
standing adjacent to it must make a Constitution saving
throw DC 12 or take 2 cold damage. This save is made
each round and damage occurs until a saving throw is
successfully made.
Multiattack. The Verglas Troll may make two claw
attacks per round or a single claw attack and a bite
Bjorn the Blade Marena Soitha
Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral
Armor Class 19 (breastplate, shield) Armor Class 17 (breastplate)
Hit Points 48 (5d10+15) Hit Points 24 (3d10+6)
Speed 30 feet Speed 30 feet
14 (+2) 15(+2) 17(+3) 8 (-1) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 15(+2) 14(+2) 15(+2) 8 (-1) 10 (0) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws Strength +5, Constitution +6 Saving Throws Strength +4, Constitution +3
Skills Athletics +4 Skills Athletics +4
Languages common, gnoll, elven Languages common, orc
Challenge 5 (1800 XP) Challenge 2 (450XP)
Actions Actions
Multiattack: Bjorn may make two shortsword attacks Action Surge: once per encounter, Marena may take a
per turn. second action on a turn.
Action Surge: once per encounter, Bjorn may take a Second Wind: Bonus Action. Once per encounter,
second action on a turn. Marena regains 1d10+3 Hit Points.
Second Wind: Bonus Action. Once per encounter, Bjorn Shortsword Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit. Hit: 5.5
regains 1d10+5 Hit Points. (1d6+2) piercing damage.
Shortsword Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit. Hit: 5.5
(1d6+2) piercing damage.
1st-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Shen Liu Components: V, S, M (fingers moistened in water)
Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral
Duration: Instantaneous
Armor Class 17 (breastplate)
Hit Points 21 (3d10+3)
You create a 10 foot square of slick ice which causes any
Speed 30 feet
target moving across it to require a Dexterity saving
throw at the spell’s save DC. A failure knocks the target
14 (+2) 15(+2) 13(+1) 8 (-1) 10 (0) 12 (+1) prone, success allows the target to move at half speed
through the area.
Saving Throws Strength +4, Constitution +3 At Higher Levels. When this spell is cast using a 2nd
Skills Athletics +4 level or higher spell slot, or the area increases by 10 feet
Languages common, giant for each additional spell level slot used. Additionally, at
Challenge 2 (450 XP) 3rd level, the caster may create ‘black ice’ which requires
a Wisdom (Perception) check at the spell’s save DC to
Actions identify and spot.
Action Surge: once per encounter, Shen may take a
second action on a turn. SAND
1st-level conjuration
Second Wind: Bonus Action. Once per encounter, Shen Casting Time: 1 action
regains 1d10+3 Hit Points. Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a handful of sand)
Katana Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit. Hit: 6.5 Duration: Instantaneous
(1d8+2) piercing damage.
You create up to 2 cubic feet of sand. This can appear
in a container or falling from the sky. If it falls from
the sky, choose a location within range of the spell.
Everything within 20 feet of the chosen location gets
sand on it, extinguishing torches and covering ice and
other mundane hazards.
At Higher Levels. When this spell is cast using a 2nd
level or higher spell slot, you create an additional 2
cubic feet of sand, or the area increases by 5 feet for each
additional level above 1st.
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(d) ”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes Content you Distribute.
the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such
content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement 7. Use of Product Identity
over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an
as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in
covered by this License, including translations and derivative works another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element
under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or
co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in
(e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except
and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of
incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a
formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any
other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights,
characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments,
creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, 8. Identification
logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or
registered trademark clearly identified as Product Identity by the If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate
owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game
Open Game Content; Content.
(f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs 9. Updating the License
that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of
associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the this License. You may use any authorized version of this License
Contributor to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally
distributed under any version of this License.
(g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit,
format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of 10. Copy of this License
Open Game Content. You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the
Open Game Content You Distribute.
(h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
11. Use of Contributor Credits
2. The License You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the
This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from
notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used the Contributor to do so.
under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to
any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or 12. Inability to Comply
subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to
statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Megalith page 22: Ttphoto/Shutterstock
Use any Open Game Material so affected. Threya in ice page 24: Mukanoff/Shutterstock
Spider anatomy page 25: Blueringmedia/Shutterstock
13. Termination Spider page 26: Adrian Hunyas/Shutterstock
This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply Verglas troll page 27: Joe Therasakdhi/Shutterstock
with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days Image in Player Handout 1: Vera Petruk/Shutterstock
of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the All images from Player Handout 2: © J.M. Woiak and Heather Shinn
termination of this License. of the STINKYGOBLIN, 2019
All runes in Player Handouts 3 and 4: Created by Ian McGarty, owned
14. Reformation by Silver Bulette
If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such Swords & Wizardry Complete Rules, Copyright 2010, Matthew J.
provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it Finch
enforceable. All maps drawn by Ian McGarty and owned by Silver Bulette
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