Policies and Procedures
Policies and Procedures
Policies and Procedures
Table of Contents
Customer Service Policy .................................................................... 1
Dress Code ...................................................................................... 2
Management/Employee Relations Policy .............................................. 3
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy ........................................ 5
Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment and Anti-Bullying Policy ................ 7
Remuneration and Performance Appraisal Policy ..................................12
Performance Management Policy .......................................................15
Performance Management Policy .......................................................20
Gross or Serious Misconduct Policy ....................................................22
Grievance Policy ..............................................................................23
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Policy ......................................24
Smoking Policy ................................................................................26
Risk Management Policy ...................................................................27
CoffeeVille Policies and Procedures
CoffeeVille Policies and Procedures
Customer Complaints
Nobody enjoys being the recipient of customer complaints, but complaints
are to be expected as part of being in the hospitality business. Complaints
can give us insights as to how to make our cafe better. Demanding
customers force us to be our best and resolving complaints satisfactorily
can even increase customer loyalty IF they are handled properly.
When faced with a customer complaint:
● Listen to the full complaint without interrupting or getting defensive.
Do everything you can to let the customer know you care and that this
isn’t the kind of experience you want them to have at CoffeeVille.
Telephone Courtesy
It is everyone’s responsibility to answer the phone. Always try to answer
the phone promptly, within three rings. Always answer in a friendly, polite
manner: ‘Good (morning, afternoon, evening), welcome to CoffeeVille,
how may I help you?’
If your are certain of the answer to the customer’s question, you should
respond clearly and politely. If you are uncertain, ask the caller if you may
put them on hold for a moment. If there a staff member close who can
provide you with the correct information, then return to the call and
provide the customer with the necessary information. If there are no staff
members close by that can help promptly, then ask the caller for their
name and put the caller through to a manager, making sure that you brief
the manager on the callers’ name and the nature of their enquiry. Always
thank the person for calling.
2009 – Emma Belcastran (owner CoffeeVille)
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Dress Code
All employees of CoffeeVille are expected to represent the business, and
dress accordingly. Clothing which is faded, tattered or contains holes is
not acceptable. All staff members are required to wear black or khaki
coloured trousers and CoffeeVille branded polo shirts. You will be provided
with at least one polo shirt at no cost, to be returned upon completion of
your contract. If you want to keep the shirt, you may purchase it for
$20.00. You may purchase extra polo shirts for your use at $20.00 each.
Shirts and trousers should be ironed and neat in appearance, shirt tucked
in and a belt worn with the trousers. Closed toed footwear with rubber
soles is required.
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Staff meetings will be held on a regular basis. Meetings are held for a
variety of reasons and can include new menu offerings, upcoming
promotions and events, training, policies, etc. Meetings will be scheduled
to allow maximum attendance. Attendance is required where possible.
Meetings are considered as a shift and paid accordingly. Only
management-approved absences will be accepted. Most meetings offer
employees the opportunity to provide valuable input for feedback and
provide suggestions to enhance our working environment and the
operation of the cafe.
We cannot achieve our goals and provide the highest levels of service to
our customers without working together as a team. Pay attention to the
workload of other employees so that you can identify where another staff
member may be struggling to keep up with the workload. . If a co-worker
is overloaded and you’re not, help them in any way you can. Always help a
customer where you can, even if your role is not a direct customer
service role. If another employee hasn’t quite caught on to something and
you have, ask if you may suggest another way to do it. Genuine teamwork
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makes for a much more enjoyable and satisfying work experience and
results in happier (and more generous) customers.
It is important for every employee to have a good sense of ‘what’s going
on’ in the cafe. It is management’s responsibility to keep everyone
informed of ongoing changes and news affecting CoffeeVille and our
Such communication takes place primarily in staff meetings, via email and
by posting notices and information to the bulletin board located on the
side of the freezer.
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2009 – Rufus Belcastran (owner CoffeeVille)
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Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment
and Anti-Bullying Policy
CoffeeVille is committed to providing a workplace free from discrimination,
sexual harassment and bullying. Behaviour that constitutes discrimination,
sexual harassment or bullying will not be tolerated and will lead to action
being taken, which may include dismissal.
For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:
● Direct discrimination occurs when someone is treated unfavourably
because of a personal characteristic.
● Indirect Discrimination occurs when a rule seems neutral, but has
a discriminatory impact on certain people. For example a minimum
height requirement of 175 cm for a particular job might be applied
equally to men and women, but would indirectly discriminate on the
basis of sex, as women tend to be shorter than men.
● Sexual harassment includes unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature
in circumstances in which it could reasonably be expected to make a
person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated.
● Workplace bullying may include behaviour that is directed toward
an employee, or group of employees, that creates a risk to health
and safety, e.g. physical and/or verbal abuse, excluding or isolating
individuals; or giving difficult or unpleasant tasks to particular staff
● breastfeeding
● carer status
● disability
● employment activity
● gender identity
● industrial activity
● marital status
● parental status
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● political activity/belief
● pregnancy
● race
● religious activity/belief
● sex
● sexual orientation.
Reasonable adjustments
Reasonable adjustments are changes that allow people with a disability to
work safely and productively.
CoffeeVille will make reasonable adjustments for a person with a disability
● applies for a job, is offered employment, or is an employee, and
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● the person with the disability could not perform the genuine and
reasonable requirements of the job even if the adjustments were
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Possible outcomes
If after investigation management finds the complaint is justified,
management will discuss with the complainant the appropriate outcomes
which may include:
● disciplinary action to be taken against the perpetrator (counselling,
warning or dismissal)
● staff training
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● ensure the staff are appropriately compensated for the services they
provide to the organisation
● ensure that remuneration levels are competitive with the external
● encourage and motivate staff to achieve the organisation’s strategic
business objectives
● promote and reinforce the organisation’s key values and appropriate
employee behaviours
● ensure a level of equity, consistency and transparency in employee
Remuneration will comprise base salary, an ‘at risk’ performance pay
component, employer guarantee superannuation, and motor vehicle
allowance where this is included in an employee’s employment package.
The total of these components make up the employee’s remuneration
Policy Coverage
The staff remuneration policy covers all employees at all levels of the
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Performance Appraisals
Performance appraisals will be conducted on a six monthly basis, in late
July/early August, and in late January/early February.
The July/August reviews will comprise an assessment of the achievement
of the targets and outcomes set out in the previous year’s performance
plan/workplans, an assessment by the employee’s manager/supervisor of
the employee’s performance outcomes, and discussion with the employee
about the employer’s outcome and performance expectations for the
subsequent financial year.
The outcomes of this review will be the finalisation of the performance
outcomes for the previous financial year period ending June, and
discussion and sign off of the performance plan for the subsequent
financial year commencing July.
The January/February review is to assess progress towards the
achievement of the employee’s performance plan targets.
The appraisals are also to provide a formal avenue for employees and
their managers/supervisors to discuss issues relating to or affecting the
employee’s job performance and to discuss and clarify the
manager’s/supervisor’s expectations of the employee and vice versa. It is
also an opportunity to discuss remuneration and employee training and
development needs and opportunities.
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Relevant legislation
This policy is guided by the procedures set by industrial law, awards and
employment agreements that apply to CoffeeVille. Among others they
● Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)
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Employees will:
● participate in the formal review discussions openly and honestly
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1. Annual discussion
The annual discussion is a key step in the performance review process.
Essentially, this step involves compiling all the information collected and
assessed throughout the year relating to the employee’s performance.
However, there should be no surprises in this discussion; it is merely a
summary and review of the informal and formal reviews conducted
throughout the year.
The key elements of the annual discussion are to:
● reflect on performance during the year
● clarify key responsibilities of the role and review the job description
● set agreed targets and performance standards for the next six
● agree on key areas of development for effective performance in the
2. Documentation
The performance review documentation provides an important guide to
record standards set, targets and development plans. It is important to
use the correct forms to maintain the integrity of the information, and to
help the manager and employee ensure the review is completed correctly.
3. Timing
Employee performance is to be formally reviewed every 12 months with a
follow-up review in six months. A new plan should be completed at each
annual appraisal discussion.
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Manager’s comments:
Signature: Date:
Staff member’s comments:
Signature: Date:
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1. CoffeeVille will advise the employee of any shortfall in their
performance. The manager will advise the employee in clear terms
what they see as the performance problem or the unacceptable
conduct. To highlight the deficiency they should use specific
examples, and refer to the correct policy or procedure. The employee
should be given an opportunity to respond.
2. Once they respond, the manager will consider their response and
decide if performance improvement action should be taken.
CoffeeVille will provide support such as training where appropriate.
3. If the employee is given a verbal warning, the manager should make
a note of it, date it and sign it.
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1. The manager is to investigate the alleged offence thoroughly,
including talking to witnesses, if any.
2. The manager should ask the employee for their response to the
allegation (taking notes of this discussion) and allow them to have
representation. The manager should also have a witness present. The
manager shall give genuine consideration to the employee’s response
and circumstances.
3. If still appropriate, following a thorough investigation, the manager
can terminate/dismiss the employee.
4. The manager should keep a file of all evidence collected and action
taken in these circumstances.
5. CoffeeVille will send the employee a letter of termination noting brief
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Grievance Policy
CoffeeVille supports the right of every employee to lodge a grievance with
their manager if they believe a decision, behaviour or action affecting their
employment is unfair. An employee may raise a grievance about any
performance improvement action taken against them.
Where a grievance may contravene CoffeeVille’s equal employment and
opportunity (EEO) policy or where the grievance constitutes bullying,
discrimination or harassment, the grievance should be resolved in line with
the procedures outlined in the EEO policy and procedures document.
We aim to resolve problems and grievances promptly and as close to the
source as possible. When necessary, CoffeeVille will escalate a grievance
to the next higher level of authority for more discussion and resolution,
and continue escalating it to the level above until it is resolved.
Managers will do their utmost to action grievances objectively, discreetly
and promptly. Be aware that grievances that are misconceived, vexatious,
and lacking substance may result in disciplinary action being taken against
the employee lodging the grievance.
1. The employee should try to resolve the grievance as close to the
source as possible. This can be informal and verbal. At this stage,
every possible effort should be made to settle a grievance before the
formal grievance process starts. If the matter still can’t be resolved,
the process continues and becomes formal.
2. To start the formal grievance the complainants must fully describe
their grievance in writing, with dates and locations wherever possible
and how they have already tried to settle the grievance.
3. The person(s) against whom the grievance/complaint is made should
be given the full details of the allegation(s) against them. They
should have the opportunity and a reasonable time to respond in
writing before the process continues.
4. A manager should have a discussion with both parties in an effort to
resolve the grievance at the workplace level.
5. If the grievance still can’t be resolved, refer the matter to the most
senior manager for consideration and a final decision. A grievance
taken to this level must be in writing from the employee.
Should the issue recur, a review may be undertaken at any stage thereafter by
the most senior manager or owner. Further reviews may be held if required.
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In order to ensure a healthy and safe working environment, CoffeeVille
● undertake risk assessments and implement procedures to adequately
manage any risks in the working environment
● provide written procedures and instructions for safe working practices
Relevant Legislation
● Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
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Smoking Policy
CoffeeVille provides a healthy and safe workplace for employees. The
workplace is smoke free and smoking breaks are not included in contracts
of employment.
Smoking inside the restaurant, by law, is prohibited. Smoking outside the
restaurant is prohibited by law if combined roof/ceiling and wall area
exceeds 75% of total area. Areas outside of CoffeeVille are unsuitable for
smoking for all customers and staff.
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CoffeeVille is committed to achieving its vision, business objectives and
quality objectives by the proactive management of risk at all levels of the
CoffeeVille will identify, evaluate, control and manage risk throughout the
organisation in accordance with the ‘CoffeeVille Risk Management
Framework’. See risk management strategy for framework details.
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● harassment Policy
● OHS Policy
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● equity/discrimination/diversity policy
Financial policies:
● bad debt policy
Monthly reporting
Decisions to rectify problems are made at regular meetings of the
partners. Comprehensive reporting at staff meetings is designed to
monitor key risks and their controls.
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● legal and regulatory compliance ● product quality
● technology ● communications
● accountability ● interest rates
● conflict of interest.
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Project management
● procedures and tools for project management
● human resources
● financial resources.
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