Class Audio Script: Unit 1 My Life

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Class audio script

Unit 1 MY LIFE 2d Food miles

1d School life in the UK and USA 2

09 Exercise 5, page 25
P: Hello. Today we’re here in the supermarket. We’re
06 Exercise 5, page 15 doing a survey about food and food miles. Do people
Tour guide: Welcome to this tour of Eton College. As you know about the food miles in their shopping bags?
can see the buildings are very old. King Henry Hello. Can I ask you some questions?
VI started the school in 1440. It’s a boarding C: Yes, sure.
school for boys. P: What are you buying today?
Girl teen: A boarding school? C: I’m buying some food for the party tonight. I’ve got
Tour guide: Yes. That means the boys eat and sleep here. some peaches, some grapes, some melon and some
They only go home for holidays. There are 1,300 strawberries for fruit salad.
boys at the school. P: Strawberries? It’s November, so they aren’t British
Girl teen: Are those boys there students at the school? strawberries. Where are they from?
Tour guide: Yes. They’re Etonians. That’s the word for boys C: I think they’re from Spain.
at Eton. And you can see the very old style of P: What about the peaches?
their school uniform. They wear a long black C: I don’t know. Let me look at the box… they’re from
coat, black trousers and a white shirt. California.
Girl teen: Their uniform is amazing. They look like they’re P: The strawberries and the peaches travel a total of
from a film. about 11,000 miles. Do you think about food miles
Tour guide: Yes. The uniform is very expensive. It costs when you go shopping?
more than £1,000. C: No, I don’t. I never think about it. 11,000 miles? That’s
Girl teen: A thousand pounds for the uniform? crazy!
Tour guide: Yes. This school is a very expensive place. It
costs more than £32,000 a year for each boy. Skills revision
By the way, Prince William and Prince Harry
were students at Eton. And nineteen British 2
10 Exercise 2, page 27
prime ministers were at this school.
Thank you for calling Sandbanks Swimming Pool. The pool
Girl teen: Do all the boys have parents with a lot of
is now closed. We are open Monday to Thursday from 6.30
a.m. to 10 p.m. On Fridays we are open from 6.30 a.m. to
Tour guide: Nearly all. But there are twenty boys in the
9 p.m. At weekends the pool is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
school with free places.
Tickets are £4.50. Students pay £3.50. Children under 3
Girl teen: So twenty boys don’t pay?
are free. Our address is Park Street, Bristol. For information
Tour guide: That’s right. They give free places to twenty
about Sandbanks Tennis Club please call 01275 413.
very clever boys.


3a The best thing is the balcony
2c Are there any mushrooms?
2 04 Exercise 7, page 29
07 Exercise 7, page 23
Jo: Which is the best house? What do you think?
Kiran: OK, what do we need?
Dan: I think The Shoe House is my favourite. It’s very
Jodie: Well, I want some big mushrooms and we need
unusual. Where is it?
some cheese.
Jo: It says on the internet that it’s in America and it’s near
Kiran: Let’s get the vegetables first then. How many
a big road so it’s noisier than the other two houses.
mushrooms do you want?
Dan: That’s a pity.
Jodie: Five or six. Do you like mushrooms?
Jo: Do you like The Bubble Palace? It’s got three
Kiran: They’re OK on the barbecue. Now, let’s buy some
swimming pools!
tomatoes for the salad and some olives.
Dan: Wow, that sounds great.
Jodie: Oh yes. I love olives. Now, what did Tom want?
Jo: Yes and it’s also got a place to keep a helicopter.
Kiran: A bottle of cola and some bread.
Dan: Cool. Who lives in it?
Jodie: Oh yes. Well, here’s the cola. … Hi, Tom. Yes,
Jo: I’m not sure. But you can stay in the house for a
we’re coming home now. We’ve got everything.
Mushrooms, cheese, tomatoes, olives and a big
Dan: I bet it’s expensive.
bottle of cola.
Jo: It’s a huge house in the south of France, of course it’s

Dan: Well I like The Tree House. It looks fantastic. I love the Neil: Is it Justin Timberlake?
balcony. TV Presenter: GOOD GUESS!! His date of birth is 31st
Jo: Do you think it’s got a garden? January 1981. So that’s Justin Timberlake the
Dan: No, of course not, it’s in the middle of a forest. A talented actor and singer and he was born on
forest is better than a garden. 31st January 1981. And who’s next in fourth
Jo: It looks very quiet. It might be a bit boring. place, Angie?
Dan: Is it in Britain? Angie: Emma Watson.
Jo: No, it’s in America. So, which house do you want to TV Presenter: No, it’s Taylor Swift. Any idea of her date of
study for our project? birth?
Angie: No, sorry.
3d Famous monuments in the UK and TV Presenter: Well it’s 13th December 1989. Last one. It’s
easy because there’s only one to choose
from, Neil?
3 Neil: Yes, this is easy. It’s Emma Watson. She’s the
11 Exercise 5, page 35
Tour guide: Here we are in the middle of New York on the
TV Presenter: GOOD GUESS!! Emma Watson is number five
corner of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. And yes,
on the list. And what’s her birthday, Neil?
the building in front of you is the Empire State Building.
Neil: It’s 15th April 1990.
I’m sure you recognise it. It’s in a lot of films. Probably
TV Presenter: GOOD GUESS!! 15 th April 1990 is totally
the most famous film with the Empire State Building in
correct. How do you know that, Neil? Are you
it is the first King Kong film from 1933. Anyway, let’s
a fan?
look at this beautiful building by designer William Lamb.
Neil: Yes, I am. I see all her films and I read about
Yes, that really is his name, William Lamb. Lamb like the
her in newspapers and magazines.
animal! The date of this building is 1931. OK everyone?
TV Presenter: Brilliant, Neil. We’ll take a break now.
1931. It’s got 102 floors. Yes, 102, so it’s not a good
idea to use the stairs. There really are a lot of stairs.
I’m not sure how many. But I know how many windows 4d A problem at school
there are. Who’s going to guess how many windows?
Well, it’s got 6,514 windows. Yes, really! 6,514. The 11 Exercise 4a/b, page 45
building from the ground tothe top of the tower is William: Excuse me, Mr Saville, Can I talk to you?
443 metres high. So at 443 metres, it isn’t the highest Mr Saville: Well… I’ve got a class in five minutes. But sure.
building in New York. But it’s still very high. And believe Come into this empty classroom… So, what’s
me, the view from the top is awesome. The Empire the problem?
State Building is open every day of the year from eight William: I’m having some problems with some boys in my
in the morning to two in the morning. That’s right, from class.
8 a.m. to 2 a.m., 365 days a year. And guess how many Mr Saville: Which ones?
visitors come here every year. Four million. Yes. This William: It’s Carl, and his friends. They are the worst in
beautiful building gets four million visitors a year. Let’s the class, but there’re some other boys too.
go inside now and take the lift. There are 73 lifts – yes, Mr Saville: Carl and his friends. OK. What do they do
really, 73 lifts, so it’s going to be difficult to choose! exactly?
William: They laugh at me and tease me about my
glasses. They think it’s just a bit of fun but it
isn’t. It’s awful.
4a What was the date? Mr Saville: Of course. It’s always awful when people laugh
at us.
02 Exercise 5a, page 39 William: They call me a ‘geek’. And they copy my Maths
TV Presenter: Hi, Angie. Hi, Neil and welcome to Good homework.
Guess, the UK’s most popular quiz show. Let’s start with Mr Saville: OK, William. Don’t worry about this. This often
Celebrity Birthdays. You know the rules. You’ve got thirty happens to new students. Another student had
seconds to arrange the celebrities in order of age. So the same problem with some boys last year.
number 1 is the oldest, and number 5 is the youngest. William: Really? What happened?
Are you ready? Let’s play Good Guess! Mr Saville: Well, first, I talked to the boys. Then we had a
4 class discussion about the problem.
03 Exercise 5b, page 39
William: Did that stop then?
TV Presenter: OK, guys. Time to check. And the correct
Mr Saville: Yes, it did. But I think I need to talk to the boys
order is – First Daniel Craig. His date of birth is 2nd
and then we need another discussion! Maybe in
March 1968. Yes, Daniel Craig was born on 2nd
the English Lesson on Friday, OK?
March 1968. Number two is Orlando Bloom. You know
William: OK, Mr Saville. Thanks for your help.
Orlando Bloom, don’t you? He was in the Pirates of the
Caribbean. And his date of birth is 13th January 1977. Mr Saville: No problem, William. Now, you’re late for your
Now who have we got at number three, Neil? next class. Hurry up!

Class audio script
Skills revision A: So what happens on Thanksgiving Day?
B: Families and friends spend the day together.
12 Exercise 2, page 47 A: Is there a special meal?
Welcome to the Golden Gate Bridge Information line. Let’s B: Yes. We eat turkey, potatoes, vegetables ...
start with some measurements! A: Turkey?
The bridge is 2,737 metres long. Let me repeat that. It’s B: Yes. In the USA we eat 46 million turkeys at
2,737 metres long. It’s 27 metres wide. And it’s 227 metres Thanksgiving every year. Can you believe it?
high. Yes, 227 metres high. A: Wow! 46 million! That’s a lot. And after the meal, what
Drivers pay $6 to cross the bridge in a car. But it’s free do you do?
for walkers and people on bikes. There are two special B: Well, Thanksgiving is a big day for sports. There’s
walkways for people on bikes and walkers. They are the always a big football match on TV.
east walkway and the west walkway. Walkers can only use A: What exactly does Thanksgiving mean?
the east walkway from five in the morning to half past six B: It means people give thanks.
in the evening in the winter. In the summer walkers can use A: Oh yes. It started when the first English people came to
the bridge from five in the morning to nine in the evening. America, right?
People on bikes can cross the bridge 24 hours a day. They B: Yes. The Pilgrims had a very difficult time, but the
can use different walkways at different times of the day. Native Americans helped them. And then the Pilgrims
There is no skateboarding on the bridge at any time. gave thanks for their harvest in 1621.
A: When did Thanksgiving become a holiday in the USA?
B: In 1863.
Unit 5 DRAMA A: 1863?
B: Yes. The president made it a holiday.
5a He was wearing weird clothes. A: Which president was that? Was it George Washington?
B: No. Abraham Lincoln. He was the president then and he
04 Exercise 9, page 49 made it a holiday.
Harry: Hi, Poppy.
Poppy: Hi, Harry. Where were you last night?
Harry: I was at the youth club. I was watching my cousin. Unit 6 CITY AND COUNTRY
He was playing in his band.
Poppy: Yeah? What does he play? 6c I’d like a green salad, please.
Harry: The guitar. But it wasn’t very good last night 6
09 Exercise 7, page 63
because he played badly.
Emma: Those prawns were delicious, but I’m still hungry.
Poppy: Oh, dear. What about the other people in the band?
Tom: Me, too. What about a dessert? How much are
Harry: Well, Adam, the drummer, was playing really, really
loudly. The singer Mel was OK, but she was singing
Emma: Ј5.75.
quite quietly so it was difficult to hear her.
Tom: OK.
Poppy: Did you stay all evening?
Emma: I’d like a cheesecake with cream.
Harry: No, I didn’t. I left early because it was so bad. What
Tom: But the cheesecake doesn’t come with cream.
about you? What did you do last night?
Emma: I can ask the waiter.
Poppy: Me? Oh, I tried to do my English project, but I
Tom: Don’t be difficult.
worked really slowly and I missed the X Factor final.
Emma: I’m not being difficult. Anyway what about you?
I’m afraid there aren’t any Italian desserts on the
5d The story of Thanksgiving day menu.
Tom: Ha ha. I think I’ll have the apple pie and cream.
11 Exercise 5, page 55 Emma: Excuse me. Can we have an apple pie and cream
A: UK speaker, and a cheesecake.
B: US speaker Waiter: Of course.
A: We don’t have Thanksgiving Day in the UK. What Emma: Er ... can I have cream with the cheesecake,
exactly is it? please?
B: It’s a holiday in November. Waiter: No problem. It’s fifty pence extra for cream with
A: So what date is it? cheesecake. Is that OK?
B: Well, the date changes every year. But it’s always on Emma: Fifty pence? OK. Why not?
the fourth Thursday.
A: So are the shops and offices closed onThanksgiving
B: All the offices are closed.
A: What about the shops?
B: Well, these days a lot of shops open on Thanksgiving
Day and some people go shopping in the evening.

6d How honest are you? Abby: Mmmm. It all looks good. I really like fish soup.
Abby: So one fish soup, Abby?
12 Exercise 5, page 65 Abby: No. I’m going to have the grilled sardines and a
Abby: Hi, Abby. I feel better now about that money. green salad.
Abby: What did you do with it? Abby: Very healthy! Now it’s Abby and then it’s my turn.
Abby: I took it to the police station in South Street. OK, Abby?
Abby: Well done. What happened? Abby: I’d like grilled chicken and chips, please. And a
Abby: I gave them the money and they asked me for my dessert.
name, address and phone number. And they wanted Abby: What dessert, Abby?
to know the name of the street where I found the Abby: I like chocolate ice cream.
money. Abby: So do you want a chocolate ice cream?
Abby: Where was that? You told me, but I don’t remember Abby: Er ... No. Can I have a chocolate cheesecake,
now. please?
Abby: Park Road. Abby: OK.
Abby: Do they know who dropped it? Abby: So what about you, Abby? What are you having?
Abby: No. But the owner has got twenty-eight days. Abby: Lasagne and a green salad. And for dessert, I’m
Abby: To do what? having apple pie with cream.
Abby: To go to the police station and get their money. Abby: Well done! You can send the order now.
Abby: Let’s say the owner doesn’t go to the police station? Abby: There. Now we just need to wait forty minutes.
Then what happens? Abby: Let’s go and watch TV.
Abby: At the end of twenty-eight days the police call me
and I can have the money.
That’s on 30 th April.
Abby: Is it?
Abby: Yes. 30 th April is twenty-eight days from today. 7b I couldn’t sleep.
Abby: Right.
Abby: Why not put a notice about it on a tree in Park Road 7
as well? 05 Exercise 5, page 71
Abby: No. The police say it isn’t a good idea. They don’t Last summer, teenager Thomas Clark went to a summer
want people to know about the money. Because then fair in his village in the north of England. One of the stalls
some dishonest people are going to say they lost it. had a big sign saying ‘Grand balloon race’. Thomas went
Abby: That’s true. to have a look. There were lots of balloons with pieces of
paper attached to them. You could buy a balloon for £2.00,
write your name and address on the paper, and then send
Skills revision
it up into the sky. There was a prize for the person whose
6 balloon went the furthest.
13 Exercise 2, page 67
Thomas decided to buy a balloon. He paid his money,
Abby: You can order food online from the Hungry Horse
chose a blue balloon and wrote his name and address
restaurant and they bring it to your
on the paper. He threw the balloon up into the air and it
floated away. Thomas watched it for a few minutes and
Abby: How long do they take to bring it?
then, when he wasn’t able to see it any more, he walked
Abby: It says they take forty minutes.
away and forgot all about it.
Abby: That sounds good. Let’s try it.
Two weeks later, Thomas went on holiday with his
Abby: OK, guys what do you all want? Tell me and I can
parents. They went camping in the south of France. One
write the order. Abby?
morning, Thomas was walking along a beach when he saw
Abby: I’d like a pizza, please. And no dessert,thanks.
something on the sand. When he picked it up and looked
Abby: So one pizza for Abby. Abby?
at it, he couldn’t believe his eyes. It was his balloon! When
Abby: I’d like a lamb kebab, with chips and green beans as
he got home, Thomas contacted the people who organised
a side order.
the race and told them about his balloon. That’s when he
Abby: OK. What about you, Abby?
had his second surprise – his balloon was the winner – and
Abby: Hmmm. I like prawns, but I’m not sure. Give me a
he won £100!
Abby: Hey, Abby. I want to change my order.
Abby: Aaah! What do you want now, Abby?
Abby: I still want the chips and green beans. But I’d like
garlic prawns for my main course.
Abby: So that’s garlic prawns for Abby. Fine. Abby? Are
you ready yet?
Abby: Yes. I’d like baked salmon and mashed potato.
Abby: Fine. Who’s next? Abby?

Class audio script
7d You and your computer 8c There’s too much pollution.
7 8
09 Exercise 6, page 75 07 Exercise 7a, page 83
This is a picture of me at school using a computer. We use Interviewer: Thank you for talking to us today, Mrs Maguire.
computers twice a week. One day a week, we use them for Now, we know you have a lot of problems with
French. I don’t like those Lessons. We listen to French and cars outside your school. Could you explain a
speak into a microphone. The problem is that the teacher bit more about it?
can listen to us whenever he wants to. We don’t know Woman: Certainly. Quite simply, there’s too much
who he is listening to. Suddenly, someone hears his voice, traffic outside the school every morning and
shouting at them and telling them to work harder! This every afternoon. Parents drive their children
picture isn’t from that class. This is my favourite Lesson. to school – right up to the gates. There isn’t
Project work. We work in groups and find information on enough space to park so they just stop in the
the Internet. Then we plan what to write and finally we road as near to the school as they can get. It’s
type it up and print it out. The teacher walks around and very dangerous for the students who are trying
helps us if we need her. I think my friend took this picture. to cross the road. But that isn’t the only thing –
She was working in a different group. The teacher was out it’s very unhealthy. The air is polluted because
of the room for a few minutes, and we found this funny of the traffic. It’s disgusting.
website with lots of jokes and games on it. It was great, 8
but we didn’t look at it for long. In this picture, Cathy,
08 Exercise 7b, page 83
Interviewer: So, what is the solution? What would you like to
Becky and I are looking at a cartoon and laughing.
do about it?
Woman: Well, we need a bigger car park. That’s probably
Unit 8 NATURAL WORLD the easiest thing. But I also have some more
ideas. I’d like to have two or three school buses
8a To help the environment to bring the students to school – that’s better than
all these cars everywhere. And I’d also like more
03 Exercise 8, page 79 students to cycle to school. And of course, I think
Assistant: Right, that’s £39,99, please. more of our students should walk to school. When
Martin: Here you are. I was their age, I walked everywhere!
Assistant: Thanks. And here’s your phone.
Martin: Thanks very much. That’s brilliant. Now I can 8d Climate change
throw my old one away!
Assistant: Oh, don’t throw it away! You can send it to a 09 Exercise 4, page 85
charity. Interviewer: Jackie, you and your family were caught in a
Martin: Really? What does the charity do with it? hurricane, I believe. Tell us what happened.
Assistant: They recycle it. First they look at it to see if it Teen girl: Well, we knew a bad storm was coming. The
works. If it’s broken, they repair it and they sell it. weather forecast on the TV told us the day
They use the money to help poor countries. before that something was coming. We knew,
Martin: Oh, that’s good. How do I find these charities? but we didn’t know how big it was. We weren’t
Assistant: It’s easy. You just have to search the net. You expecting a hurricane.
can find a lot of charities that recycle mobile Interviewer: Were you told to move out and go somewhere
phones. safe?
Martin: But what do they do if they can’t repair it? Teen girl: Well, yes, they opened the sports hall and told
Assistant: If they can’t repair it, they give the phone to a us to go there, to be safe. But we didn’t have
recycling company and this company recycles time. We waited at home too long, we didn’t
the materials in the phone. want to leave the house.
Martin: How do you mean? Interviewer: So, what happened when the hurricane
Assistant: Mobile phones have metal and plastic in them. arrived?
Recycling companies can use the plastic to make Teen girl: It was terrible. The glass in the windows of our
chairs, for example. And they can use the metal house smashed and part of the roo was blown
to make jewellery. away. I was so scared.
Martin: I didn’t know that! OK, thank you. Interviewer: How long did it last?
Teen girl: I really don’t know. Maybe two hours. I’ve no
Interviewer: Were you all OK?
Teen girl: Yes, we were. We had all gone to hide in the
basement and we were fine. Well, my dad was
cut by some glass, on his leg. Oh, and a small
bookcase fell on my brother, but luckily he
wasn’t hurt.

Interviewer: And what about the house and all your things? Unit 9 PERFORMANCE
Teen girl: Well, we’ve saved some of our things, but only
a few. Most things are broken or destroyed. 9a Stella’s such a fantastic singer
We can’t stay in the house, it’s too badly
damaged. 03 Exercise 3b and 4, page 89
Interviewer: Well. Thank you for sharing your story with us, 1 [sfx: football crowd roaring]
and good luck. 2 [sfx: soundtrack for Tom and Jerry type cartoon]
Teen girl: Thanks 3 Good evening. The President of the USA flew to China
today for talks about …
Skills Revision 4 Yes, it’s time for you to vote for your favourite Wow
Factor! singers now, just text the numbers you can see
10 Exercise 2, page 87 on the screen. Don’t forget, though, texts cost 50p
Tanya: Hello, One World Modelling Agency. Tanya Burges each …
speaking 5 [sfx: canned laughter]
Sasha: Hello, Tanya. It’s Sasha Winters. 6 Good evening and welcome. Tonight’s guest is 007
Tanya: Hello, Sasha. How are you? himself, Daniel Craig.
Sasha: Oh, you know, so-so. 7 As we watch, we see the mother bird flying back to the
Tanya: Congratulations. You got your first modelling job nest. She calls out to her babies and … look, they’re
with Top Fashions. opening their beaks, ready for the food she’s brought
Sasha: Yeah, thanks. Umm, I wanted to talk to you about back for them …
that. 8 Hello, yes it’s Saturday night and time for another game
Tanya: OK. What’s the problem? of Ask Me Another . So, let’s meet our first contestant …
Sasha: Well, they want me to model fur clothes and ... err
… well, I don’t agree with using animal fur so … 9b I’m going to record an album
I don’t want to do the job. But I do want to be a
model. I mean, I really want to be a model. 09 Exercise 9, page 91
Tanya: Oh, I see. Well, that’s OK. A lot of people don’t Presenter: Hi and welcome to World Music in the Park.
agree with animal fur. We’re talking to you live from Hyde Park in
Sasha: Oh, so it’s OK? London. It’s a beautiful summer evening and
Tanya: Yes, it’s fine. I’ll talk to the company and we’ll find musicians and singers from all over the world
them another model. are here tonight. Now, I’m going to talk to some
Sasha: Oh ... that’s great. Thanks Tanya. of the performers. First, it’s Mac. Tell me, Mac,
Tanya: No problem. Look, I’ve got another interview for where are you from?
you. Do you want to go? Mac: Hi. I’m from Jamaica.
Sasha: Oh, yes, sure. Presenter: What kind of music are you going to play tonight,
Tanya: And don’t worry. This company doesn’t use animal Mac?
fur. Have you got a pen? Mac: I’m going to sing some reggae songs from my
Sasha: Yes. new CD.
Tanya: OK, the interview is with a company called GK Presenter: That’s brilliant. Reggae music is fun! And now
fashions. let’s talk to Tariq. Where are you from?
Sasha: G … K … Fashions. Tariq: Hi! I’m from Pakistan.
Tanya: It’s at 10 o’clock on Saturday morning. Presenter: What are you going to do in tonight’s show,
Sasha: OK. Tariq?
Tanya: And the address is 16 Newly Street … That’s Tariq: I’m going to sing some R&B songs. R&B is
N–E–W–L–Y usually in English, but I’m going to sing in my
Sasha: OK. language.
Tanya: Their phone number is 020 7319 443. Presenter: Thanks, Tariq, Good luck with your performance!
Sasha: 020 7319 443. OK, I’ve got that. That’s great, And finally, here’s Gabriela. Tell us a bit about
Tanya. Thanks very much. you, Gabriela.
Tanya: No problem. And don’t forget, you have to go … Gabriela: Hi! I’m from Brazil. I’m the singer in a band. The
band is called Viva and we play Latin music.
Presenter: Fantastic! I think everyone is going to enjoy this
great music event. And now I can see that Mac
is on the stage …

Class audio script
9c I’m going to apply. Unit 10 FRIENDS
13 Exercise 7, page 93 10d Best friends
Toby: So, how did it go?
Jess: Oh, it was horrible. I was so nervous. 08 Exercise 6, page 105
Toby: What did they ask you? Female announcer: And now, over to Andy Rollins for
Jess: Oh, you know, they asked about my favourite music Friends Talk.
and that kind of thing. Male presenter: This week on Friends Talk, we’re looking at
Toby: That sounds OK. the subject of best friends. Are best friends always
Jess: Yes, I suppose so. But I didn’t say anything very similar? Do they like the same things? Or are they
interesting. sometimes different? Call me and tell me what you
Toby: So, when will you hear? think, but first, here are some people I spoke to
Jess: Hear what? earlier today on the streets of London.
Toby: The result? When are they going to tell you? Billy: Hi, I’m Billy. My best friend is Jake. He’s a great
Jess: They told me then. At the end of the interview. friend, he’s really funny and interesting, but we
Toby: Oh, Jess, I … I’m sorry, … have lots of arguments because we like different
Jess: I got in!!!! things. You know. He likes computer games and
Toby: What? But I thought … oh, wow, that’s amazing. skateboarding but I like museums and reading.
Jess : I know. I can’t believe it. But he’s interesting and I like that. If we do our
Toby: How are you going to celebrate? homework together, he gives me good ideas.
Holly: Hello. I’m Holly. I love football I’m a big Manchester
Jess: I’m not sure. I expect my mum will cook a special
United fan. My best friend is Diane and she goes to
meal tonight. And I’m going to tell my grandparents
every football game with me. If the team play well,
this afternoon, they’ll be really pleased.
we’re really happy. If they lose, we don’t mind too
Toby: Right. So, you’re going to start a new school. I hope
much. We’re both quite easy-going! It’s strange
you won’t forget all your old friends.
because we look similar too – we’ve both got
Jess: Of course I won’t. I’ll miss you a lot. But we’ll hang
blonde hair and blue eyes!
out at weekends, like we do now, that won’t change.
Toby: Hey, Jess, can I have your autograph? You’ll be
famous one day and it’ll be worth a lot of money.
Skills revision
Jess: Oh, ha ha. 10
09 Exercise 2, page 107
Anne: Your brother’s very happy.
9d Music festivals Louisa: Yes, he’s going out with his girlfriend this evening.
9 Anne: Really? Danny’s got a girlfriend? Wow!
15 Exercise 5, page 95 Louisa: Why are you surprised?
Conversation 1 Anne: Well, he’s quite quiet and very shy. What’s his
Len: Did you know that there are over 150 music girlfriend like?
festivals in the UK every year? Louisa: It’s Rebecca Williamson from year 12.
Janet: Wow, that’s a lot! Anne: No way! She’s completely different from Danny.
Len: And for all kinds of music. There are rock festivals, Louisa: How do you mean?
jazz festivals and even dance and electronic music Anne: Well, she’s really outgoing and confident. She loves
festivals. talking to people. Does Danny talk to people when
Janet: I suppose Glastonbury is the best. he’s with her?
Len: It’s certainly one of the biggest, but I don’t think it Louisa: I don’t know, but he likes going out with her.
is the best. I’m going to the Big Chill Multi-media Anne: And Danny’s clothes aren’t very smart, either. He
music festival. It’s much better than Glastonbury. always wears casual clothes. That Metallica T-shirt
Janet: When are you going? is about ten years old! Rebecca always wears
Len: In August. Do you fancy coming along? smart, new clothes.
Janet: I’ll have to ask my dad. Louisa: Yes, do you remember that white jacket she wore
to school?
Conversation 2
Anne: Oh yes! It was really amazing! Where are they
Eliot: What are you doing this weekend, Robert?
Robert: I’m playing in a concert on Saturday night.
Louisa: I don’t know. Danny! Where are you going?
Eliot: Oh. Do you play in a band?
Danny: I’m not sure. Rebecca wants to go shopping, but I
Robert: No, I play in the National Youth Orchestra. It’s much
want to take her to a football match. I love football.
bigger than a band.
The problem is that she hates football, but she
Eliot : Wow. That sounds great. Where’s the concert? loves shopping.
Robert: At the Royal Albert Hall. It’s a bit scary. Anne: Take her to the club shop. They’ve got some great
Eliot: What instrument do you play? clothes in there.
Robert: The trumpet. Danny: Good idea. She can get an Arsenal shirt! Red’s her
Eliot: Best of luck! favourite colour. And mine, too!

CHATROOM 4 Draw your dream, page 111
2 My top five, page 109 11

11 Jamie: Hi, my name is Jamie and I’m here with my friend

Sasha, and today she’s got a weird dream to tell
Harry: Hi. I’m Harry. I’m fifteen years old and I’m from
Sasha: I’m actually going to draw it for you as well.
London. So, I’m English. My dad’s Irish. He’s from
Jamie: Cool!
Dublin. My mum’s from London. She’s English, too.
Sasha: So, I was walking through this field, and I normally
Our house is a semi-detached house in Hampstead,
go through it to get to my boyfriend’s house and
in the north of London. It’s a nice house. There’re
three bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a dining it’s really dark and foggy ... but in this dream it was
room and a bathroom. There’s a big garden, too. really, really dark.
My school is in Camden, in the north of London. Jamie: Really dark!
There’re twenty-eight students in my class. So, Sasha: Yeah. And I was with my mum which is quite weird
there’re fifteen girls and thirteen boys. Are there ...
any teachers? Yes, of course. A lot. There’re twelve Jamie: Yeah, that is pretty weird!
teachers. Sasha: And ... erm ...we got to this bridge, and this bridge
My favourite subject? I’m not sure. Er… football. My is actually haunted ...
favourite subject is football. Jamie: Haunted?
2 Sasha: Yeah haunted! By this ghost, and she’s actually
Nina: Hello. My name’s Nina. Nina Javed. My mum and called the Grey Lady ...
dad are from India. Jamie: What, what happened next?
My mum’s a doctor. She works in a hospital in Sasha: Well, the bridge actually caught on fire and it all
central London. My dad’s a musician, so he travels a started falling on top of me and my mum and my
lot. mum got trapped.
I’ve got two brothers - Sahid and Rajiv. I haven’t Jamie: Then what happened?
got any sisters. Sahid is thirteen years old, Rajiv is Sasha: Well I woke up! And it was all good, because my
eleven years old and I’m fifteen. My birthday is in mum was still there!
the autumn, on the twenty-ninth of October. Sahid’s
Jamie: Great! So that was Sasha’s dream, and if you’ve
birthday is in the spring, on the eleventh of May.
ever had a weird dream, why not tell us?
Rajiv’s birthday is in the summer. His birthday is on
the eighth of August.
We all go to school in Camden. School starts at 9.15 6 Ordering a takeaway, page 113
every day. I always get up at 6.30. I have a shower 11
and eat my breakfast before my brothers get up. I’m 05
never late for school, but sometimes my brothers are Jamie: Hi welcome back to my channel, I’m Jamie and
because they get up late. I usually walk to school in this is Sasha and we’ve been revising all day!
the morning with my friends, but my brothers always Sasha: And we’re revising all day tomorrow.
run. Jamie: We deserve a break. We deserve to eat!
3 Sasha: What would you like to eat?
Nina: OK. We’re making a TV programme. It’s about the Jamie: Pizza!
city you live in. We’ve got one week to make it. I’m Sasha: Oh, brilliant! Yeah!
the director and that’s Simon. He’s filming me. Right Jamie: What kind of pizza do you like?
now we’re looking for a really confident presenter. Sasha: i like meaty pizza ... like meatballs and bacon and
Linda: OK. ham.
Nina: Good luck.
Jamie: I hate meatballs and I hate spicy food.
Linda: I get up every day at half past seven. I always have
Sasha: Well, what pizza do you like?
a shower, then I get dressed. At 8 o’clock, I have
Jamie: I like Hawaiian ... with pineapple!
my breakfast. I always have toast. I sometimes have
Sasha: Fruit? On pizza?
cereal too … and a cup of tea.
Jamie: Yeah!
Nina: What do you do in your free time?
Sasha: That’s disgusting! I think we’re going to need two
Mark: In my free time? What free time? I’m busy, busy,
busy. I listen to music, I watch DVDs, I surf the net, pizzas.
I play computer games, I chat on the phone, I hang Jamie: Yeah. Two large pizzas? Are they big enough?
out with my friends – we play music, we go to the Sasha: That’s too much. I think we’re going to need two
internet café, we go to the cinema, we go shopping, mediums. Although did you want any sides?
we go to gigs… Jamie: Umm ... chips?
Kirsty: I play netball every Monday. On Tuesdays, I practise Sasha: Yeah! And maybe cookies as well... So, who’s
the violin. On Wednesdays I play hockey. On paying?
Thursdays I go to art club. On Fridays, I have riding Jamie: So what are your plans for tonight?
Lessons. On Saturdays … Sasha: What are you eating?
Jamie: Why not tell us?
Class audio script
8 My school project, page 115 8 Who’s got talent?, page 117
11 11
06 07
Lucy: Hey guys it’s Lucy, welcome to my blog. I’m here Jamie: Hi, welcome back to my blog. I’m Jamie and this is
with Michael. Sasha. So, you have something to show us?
Michael: Hiya! Sasha: Er, yes! So, I won this medal in a talent competition
Lucy: How are you Michael? last weekend. I was singing and dancing in a group
Michael: I’m good, yeah. of people.
Lucy: How’s school work? Jamie: What was it like?
Michael: Well, I’m working on a project and it’s about Sasha: What... to win?
climate change. Jamie: Yeah!
Lucy: OK Sasha: Oh, it was amazing! It was like a dream, because it
Michael: But it’s really boring! was like people, were shouting my name. It was so
Lucy: Climate change isn’t boring, Michael, it’s cool!
important! Jamie: Wow, you’re so talented. Yay!
Michael: Weil, i don’t really care. Sasha: Well, what would you do if you entered a talent
Lucy: Why don’t you care? competition?
Michael: Because it doesn’t really affect me. Jamie: Erm ... I could dance?
Lucy: But it does affect you! It affects all of us! Sasha: Oh, i didn’t know you danced!
Michael: How? Jamie: i don’t.
Lucy: It’s going to get hotter and hotter and hotter... Sasha: OK ... right.
Michael: Well I can work on my tan! Jamie: I could sing?
Lucy: No, because if it gets too hot, icebergs melt. Sasha: OK, yeah, what would you sing?
Michael: That can’t be too bad. Jamie: A song from a musical.
Lucy: That means sea levels rise! Do you know what Sasha: That could be quite interesting, actually.
that means? Jamie: I’m not really a singer.
Michael: No Sasha: Right, so, what can you do?
Lucy: it means more natural disasters, so earthquakes Jamie: I could tell jokes!
and floods and tsunamis! Sasha: That’s quite a good idea actually. You’re quite
Michael: That’s not good. funny!
Lucy: No! Jamie: Really?
Michael: Well, is there anything we can do to help it? Sasha: Yeah!
Lucy: Of course! There’s loads of things! Just use less Jamie: If you’ve entered a talent competition ...
energy. Sasha: ... we’d love to hear about it!
Michael: For example ...
Lucy: Turning the lights off when you’re not in the
Michael: OK, i can do that, seems easy enough!


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