Seed and Plant Selection
Seed and Plant Selection
Seed and Plant Selection
This lesson deals with the principle of selecting good quality seeds to grow. It includes the
characteristics of good seeds, sources of good seeds, seed testing, and computing the percentage of
Using high quality seeds of a recommendation rice variety will result in a considerable increase in
the yield.
The characteristic of certified seeds are the following:
1. Pure
2. Clean
3. With the same size and shape
4. 85%or higher percentage of germination
5. Free from seed borne diseases
Seeds of improved variety should be certified by the national seed quality control services(NSQCS).
It could be proven through a blue card attached to the sack. Good quality seeds could be availed
from agencies such as the PhilRice and other accredited seeds producers enumerated below.
Source of Good Seeds
1. PhilRice
2. Bureau of Plant industry(BPI)
3. Agricultural Productivity Commision( APC)
4. Institute of Plant Breeding (IPB)
5. Seed Grower- cooperators in your locality
6. Reliable dealers of farm supplies
How to avail good seeds
1. Buy seeds from accredited seed growers stated above.
2. If there are no accredited seed growers in the locality,then buy seed from reliable
sources(i.e farmers whose fields have uniform crop growth) or produce your own high
quality seeds. However, make sure to perform a seed germination test to ensure quality.
There should be at least 85% germination.
Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque
3. If the variety has not yet been tested in the area, make initial selection based on
recommendmed environnent and cropping season. Then conduct, at least two season of
trial in the locality.
4. During wet season, consider the prevalen pest in the area and the shattering and
logdhing characteristics of avariety. In the dry season, considee palanting hybrid
varieaties because these varaties tend to perform better during dry season.
5. In rained areas,, farmers tend to use varieties fo irrigated lowland area owing probably
to lack of access to rained is recommneded to first choose varieties intended
for rainfed environment. Consider also traditional regionally varities for rainfed
environment knowing that crops can develop adaptabiliy.
6. Farmers also often prefer new varieties,believing that they yield better. However,a
variety may be released base on reason other than yield. Thus it is important to know
the characteristic of the varieties but, more important,to conduct adaptability trials.
To select seeds the following characteristics should be observed:
1.Damage Free: The seeds must be free from damage or plant may not be enough to keep
the seed alive.
2.Good Germinating Ability: If seeds germinate and produce healthy, strong plants, thy have
greater percentage of viability: hence, they are capable of producing good crop yield.
3.Disease Free Seeds: which are free from diseases will naturally produce better quality
crops and greater yield
4.True-to-Type: Seeds should be as strong and healthy as the plant variety from which they
come. Always make a point that the seeds , are harvested from the best fruits of your plants.
There are other factors to consider in the selection of good seeds aside from desirable
characteristics,and these are:
1. Genetic purity. The seed should not be mixed with other rice variety.
2. Physical purity of composition. Seeds should be free from inert matter,chaff,and weed seeds.
They must be clean.
3. Moisture content. The ideal moisture content of rice seeds for sowing is 14%.
4. Capacity of the seed to germinate or viability. The international standards for viability
Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque
You will now compute the adjusted seeding rate of the given.
Seed bulk = 60 kg
Germination = 78%
Seeding rate = 50 kg
Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque
6. How much adjusted amount of seeds will you sow per hectare using the given bulk, germination
percentage and seeding rate. Substitute the values:
Adjusted amount of seeds = 100 X 50 kg
= 1.28 x 50 kg.
= 64.10 kg/ha.
2. Seed Box Method
If you decide to use the seed box method, do the following steps:
a. Prepare a small seed box and fill it with sterilized soil.
b. Get 100-150 seeds (depending on your choice) at random. Sow the seeds in rows in the
seed box. Cover the seeds lightly with soil. Water the seeds occasionally.
c. When seeds have germinated, determine the percentage germination as in the rag doll
3. Dish method
a. Line the dish with moistened, tissue paper, and then place a number of seeds.
b. Cover with another sheets of moist tissue paper.
c. Allow the seeds to germinate for several days. Count the number of seeds that
To ensure high crop yield and good quality, viable seeds should be selected. Desireable
characteristic such as early maturing, resitance to lodging and nitrogen responsiveness are not the
only factors to consider when buying rice seeds. Other factors such as purity, physical composition,
moisture content and capacity of the seed to germinate should be included.
Seed viability is a characteristic of rice essential to profitable rice production because good
quality seeds bring about a maximum yield with minimum expenditure of time,money and effort.
Seed viability test should be done before the seed is sown in seed beds or directly seeding in
paddies following the rag doll or seed box methods.
Due to varied conditions in different localities, crops do not exhibit the same pattern of
growth. It is of prime importance that the variety of crops are adapted to the conditions of the
locality where it will be planted. It is possible that a variety which thrives well in one region may
not necessarily yield the same result if grown in another region. However, a variety may also
produce a good yield in separate regions
To determine which variety of crops are best adapted to your respective localities, there is a
need to study the yielding capacity of crops based on the results of researches done by the Bureau
of Plant Industry and Agricultural Schools. It is worth mentioning that results of studies in nearby
Republic of the Philippines
Tanza, Boac, Marinduque
areas will provide a better basis than results gathered from other places or institutions wherein
conditions may not be similar to your places