Admin Thinkers 21
Admin Thinkers 21
Admin Thinkers 21
5. Max Weber
6. M.P. Follet
7. Chester Bernard
8. Elton Mayo
9. A.H. Maslow
10. Fredric Herzberg
11. McGregor
12. Herbert Simon
13. Fred.W. Riggs
14. Peter Drucker
15. Rensis Likert
16. Y. Dror
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 D. Ravindra Prasad, V.S. Administrative Thinkers, Sterling Publishing House,
Prasad and P . Satyanaryana New Delhi.
Maximum marks: 80
1. Public Administration: Meaning Nature, Scope and Significance of Public
Administration. Difference between Public and Private Administration.
Administration as an Art or Science.
2. New Public Administration,
3. New Public Management. ..
4. E-Governance: Concept, Rationale and significance.
5. Theories of Organization – Classical, Neo classical and Modern theory.
6. Approaches to the study of Public Administration: Structural – functional, systems
approach, Behavioral approach.
7. Public Choice approach.
8. Bureaucracy: Meaning types and Weberian model of Bureaucracy.
9. Organization: formal and informal organizations.
10. Principles of organization – Hierarchy, Span of control, unity of command and Co-
11. Concepts of Public Administration: Power, Authority, and responsibility.
12. Decision Making: Meaning, Classification and Essentials of decision making.
Process of decision making, techniques of decision making, approaches to decision
13. Good Governance: Concept, characteristics, elements . Issues and Challenges.
14. Leadership: Development of leadership, Qualities of leadership.
15. Accountability and control –Executive, Legislative, Judicial.
16. Citizen and Administration: Issues and problems, Methods to promote good
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 Felix, A. Nigro and C. Nigro Modern Public Administration (New York: Lloyd
Harper and Row, Latest edition)
2 John Pfiffiner and Frank Sherwood Administrative Organization (New Delhi: Prentice
Hall, Latest ed.).
3 Peter F. Drucker Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices
(Bombay: Allied Publishers, latest ed.).
4 H. Koontz and Cyril O’Donnell Principles of Management, (Tokyo: McGraw Hill,
latest ed).
Maximum marks: 80
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 Clarie Seltiz , Marie Jahoda Research Methods in Social Relations ( New
York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, latest ed.).
4 William J. Goode and Paul K. Methods in Social Research (U.S.A.: Mc. Graw
Hatt Hill Book Company , latest ed.)
8 F.E. Croxton and Dudley J. Applied General statistics ( London : Sir Isaac
Cowden Pitman and Sons , Ltd. , latest ed.).
9 David Nachmias and Chara Research Methods in the Social Sciences ( New
Nachmias York : St. Martin’s Press, Inc. latest)
10 F.L Bhandarkar & T.S. Wiliknson Methodology & Techniques of Social Research (
Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai).
Max. Marks: 80
1. Organization and its analysis: Concept of Organization , Typology of
2. Organizational goals & individual goals, integration of goals.
3. Nature of Organization behavior (OB) : Concept of organization behavior , Nature
of OB, Role of OB, OB knowledge and management practices.
4. Nature of Human Behaviour :-Individual differences , courses of individual
differences , Models of man.
5. Interpersonal behavior :- Interpersonal cooperative behavior , conflicting behavior
Transactional analyses & its uses.
6. Social Factors & Behaviour:- Social factors , status system , status determinations ,
functions of status system, status determinations & problems of Status system.
7. Organisational Culture : Organizational Culture, components of culture, subculture
concept of
organizations. Culture as a liability.
8. Concept of organizational climate;-, factors affecting organizational climate , impact
of organizational climate , Developing sound organizational climate.
9. Group Dynamics and Behaviour: Types of groups , formal and informal groups ,
concept of group dynamics,group behavior,& group norms, group decision making.
10. Stress & behaviour :- Concept and features of stress; potential sources of stress;
Effects of stress, coping strategies for stress.
11. Organizational conflicts:- Functional & Dysfunctional aspects of conflicts . Types of
conflicts conflict management .
12. Attitude: Characteristics of Attitude , Components of an attitude, attitude and
behaviour and measurement of attitudes.
13. Organizational Effectiveness : Concept of organisation effectiveness Approaches to
the study of organizational effectiveness factors in organizational effectiveness.
14. Organizational Change :- Reasons for organizational change ; planned change,
processes in planned change, Human reactions to change, overcoming resistance to
change. Change agents and their role.
15. Organizational Development ( OD) :- Organizational Development. Need of OD,
steps in OD. OD interventions :- sensitivity Training process consultation and team
16. Personality: Meaning , Determinants of personality . Theories of personality: Trait
theory , Social learning theory and self theory.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 R.A .Sharma: Organizational Theory & Behaviour; Tata Mc Graw-
Hill Publishing co. Ltd. New Delhi.
2 Pfiffner and Sherwood: Administrative Organizations, Prentics Hall of India
, New Delhi.
3 Elizioni, A: Modern Organizations, Prentice Hall of India , New
4 L.M. Prasad: Organizational Behaviour , Sultan Chand & Sons
Daryaganj, New Delhi.
5 Kumar & Mittal Organizational Behaviour, Anmol Publications , New
6 Lazarus , R.S. : Psychological Stress and the coping process, Mc
Graw Hill, New York.
7 Fred Luthans: Organizational Behaviour , Mc Graw Hill Singapur.
8 French & Bell: Organization Development , Prentice Hall , New
9 Stemphen P. Rebbins: Organizational Behaviour : Concept and
Controversies ( Prentice Hall, New Delhi).
10 V.S. Rao,& P.S Naryanan: Organization Theory and Behaviour ( Konark
Publishers Pvt. Limited).
11 Keith Devis: Human Behaviour at work ( Mc Graw, Hill Book
Co., New Delhi.
12 P. Meyer: Administrative Organization , Copenhagen, 1957.
13 Hicks & Guellett: Organization Theory & Behaviour , Prentice Hall,
London, 1960.
Maximum marks: 80
1. Financial Administration: Meaning , Nature , Scope & Signification.
2. Principles of Financial Administration.
3. Centre State Financial Relations.
4. Ministry of Finance & Finance Commission.
5. Budget: Meaning & principles.
6. Preparation and passage of budget.
7. Enactment and Execution of Budget.
8. Budget as instrument of Eco. Development & Management.
9. Performance Budgeting.
10. Zero base Budgeting.
11. Programme Planning Budgeting System.
12. Sun Set Budgeting.
13. Tax Administration in India: Organizational structure and functions.
14. Monetary Control over Finance .
15. Parliamentary Financial Control.
16. Audit & CAG: Types of audit.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 Prem Chand : Control of Public Expenditure in India,N Indian
New, 1963.
2 Jasse Burkhead: Government Budgeting , New York, 1967.
Note: Out of six Optional Papers students are required to opt any two Papers.
Maximum marks: 80
1. Work study: Meaning, objectives and functions.
2. Work Measurement: Meaning, Objectives, Essentials And Techniques of Work
3. Time Management: Techniques of effective time management, Strategies for
effective time management
4. Stress Management: concept of stress, causes of Stress, Effect of Stress, Coping
Strategies for Stress.
5. Quality circles: Introduction, benefits of quality circles, Problems in the
implementation of quality circles,
6. Total Quality Management.; The concept, objectives, components, Significance &
implementation of Total quality Management in India
7. Globalization: Issues and Challenges of Globalization on administration, strategies
to solve problems.
8. Management Information System its Objectives, Essentials of good information
system, Functions, Role of MIS in Planning and control.
9. Administrative Improvement – O & M Approach. Objectives, functions of O&M,
Functions, essentials of O&M Units.
10. O&M in India, Critical approach.
11. Ethical and Moral Techniques: Encouraging morality through ethics and moral
techniques in administration.
12. Administrative Reforms in Indian Administration: Strategies and policies in
administrative improvement.
13. Management by Objective: Pre- requisites, Process, Benefits, Problems and
limitations of MBO, its application in Public Administration
14. O.D. Techniques in Public Administration: Definition ,Characteristics, objectives,
process, OD interventions
15. Job Analysis: Concept of Job analysis, objectives of job analysis, Process &
Techniques of job analysis, Uses.
16. Executive Development: Concept, process and Techniques of executive
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 Rao, V.S.P. Organization Theory and Behaviour, Konark
Publishers private limited, New Delhi 1999
2 Gupta C. B. Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand &
Sons, New Delhi,2005.
3 Goel, S.L., Modern Management Techniques, Deep & Deep
Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2000
4 Srinath, D.S. Pert and CPM: Principles and applications East West
Press , New Delhi , 1975.
5 United Nations: Use of Modern Management Techniques in Public
Administration, Developing countries.
6 Milward, G.E: Organization and Methods –Macmillan London,
7 ------------------ Management in Government, Quarterly Journal
published by the Department of Personnel and
Administrative Reform (Administrative Reforms
8 Michael Armstrong Handbook of Management Techniques (New Delhi:
Excel Books, 1995)
Maximum marks: 80
1. Meaning, Role , Evolution of Management Information Systems .
2. The Information Systems Department; Building and Maintaining Information
3. MIS and Decision Making.
4. Components of MIS with special emphasis on data organization and data base.
5. General Model of a Computer System; Understanding Input Devices; Output
Devices; Primary and Secondary Storage Devices and Media; CPUs.
6. Operating System Basics; PC Operating Systems; OS and User Interface (
Windows XP )
7. Hardware; Software; Types of Software.
8. Networking; Local and Wide Area Networks.
9. Word Processing Software : Uses, Interface and Special Features. ( Using MS
Word) Spread Sheet Software: Uses, Interface and Special Feature. ( Using MS
10. Data Base Management Software: Uses , Interface and Special Features. ( Using
MS Access)
11. Introduction to the Internet; Internet basics ( Using Internet Explorer).
12. E-Governance: Concept , Significance and Scope.
13. Computer Applications in Public Administration.
14. Computer Security, Cyber Crime.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 Alexis Leon and Mathews Introduction to Computers (New Delhi: Vikas
Leon: Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. , Latest Ed.)
Note: Out of six Optional Papers students are required to opt any two Papers.
Maximum marks: 80
1. Labour Welfare: Meaning , Significance , Types , Agencies for Labour Welfare.
2. Labour Welfare measures under taken in India . Role of Labour Welfare officers.
3. Factories Act, 1948: Introduction, Objectives , scope . Inspecting staff, Powers
of Labour Inspectors.
4. Provisions in Factories Act,1948 Related to Health , safety , hazardous processes
, working hours of adults.
5. Social security: Meaning aims , need & significance of Social security Origin &
growth of idea of social security.
6. Social Security measures undertaken in India.
7. Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923: Introduction, objects & scope, main
provisions of the Act.
8. ESI Act, 1948 : Introduction, objects & scope . Benefits available under the Act,
Org.& functions of ESI corporation.
9. Wages: Theories of wages.
10. Minimum wages Act, 1948: Object, Scope & Salient features of the Act
.Minimum wages, Fair wages & Living wages.
11. Fixation of minimum wages: Procedure, advisory Board and Committees &
other provisions.
12. Payment of Wages Act, 1936 : Object & Scope payment of wages & deductions
under the Act , Authorities under the Act.
13. Child Labour: Introduction, causes of Employment of children, Effects of Child
Employment & suggestions for eradicating child employment.
14. Legislations Related to employment of Children: Employment of Children
(Pledging of Labour) Act, 1933. Employment of children Act, 1938.
15. Employment of women: Extent of Employment of women , trends , pattern &
16. Maternity Benefits Act, 1961: Object, scope, Main provisions of the Act.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 C.B. Mamoria & S. Mamoria Social security Labour Welfare and Industrial
Relations in India, Himalaya Publishing House ,
2 S.C. Srivastava Industrial Relations and Labour Laws Vikas
Publishing House, Noida
3 C.B. Gupta Human Resource Management , Sultan Chand &
Sons , New Delhi
4 R.C Saxena Labour Problems and Social Welfare ( K . Nath &
Co. Merrut).
5 G.K. Sharma Labour Movement in India ( Sterling Publishers,
New Delhi)
6 K.M. Subramanium Labour Management Relations in India ( Asia
Publishing House Bombay)
7 T.N. Bhagoliwal Economic of Labour and Industrial Relations
8 S.N. Mishra Labour & Industrial Laws ( Allahabad) Law
9 V.G. Gowsami Labour and Industrial Laws ( Allahabad Law
10 Deepak Bhatnagar Labour Welfare & Social Security Legislation in
India ( Deep and Deep New Delhi)
11 Ratna Sen Industrial Relations in India : Shifting Paradigms
Mcmillan India Ltd. , New Delhi, 2003
12 India Report of the National Commission on Labour ,
Ministry of Labour
Maximum marks: 80
1. Administrative Law : Meaning , Nature, Scope and growth of Administrative
2. Constitutional Law & Administrative Law . Rule of Law: Concept of Rule of
Law and Indian constitution .
3. Principles of Natural Justice & their Judicial interpretation .
4. Administrative discretion and Judicial control.
5. Delegated Legislation : Meaning & Need of delegated Legislation Control ;
Parliamentary procedural & Judicial.
6. Liability of Administration : Liability in contract & Tort .
7. Judicial Review : Principles and modes.
8. Institution of Ombudsman in India : Lok Pal & Lokayukta .
9. Constitutional Protection for Civil Services in India.
10. Amendment of Indian Constitution: Procedure , Basic Structure Concept.
11. Fundamental Rights.
12. Fundamental duties.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 M.C.J. Kagzi Indian Administrative Law (Delhi Metropolitan)
Latest Addition
Maximum marks: 80
1. Public Enterprise: Concept, Rationale and Objectives;
2. Role of Public Sector in the Economic Development;
3. Organizational Forms: The Departmental Undertaking; The Public Corporation; and
Government Company, Joint Stock Company
4. New Economic Policy: Its impact on Public Sector
5. Governing Boards: Types, Functions, Size and Composition; Professionalization of
Boards of Governance in India.
6. Measurement of Efficiency of Public Enterprises, Profitability and contribution to
Indian Economy
7. Pricing Policy and Practices
8. Performance of Central Public Sector Enterprises.
9. Legislative and Ministerial Control over Public Enterprises and Audit
10. Public Sector Reforms including Memorandum of Understanding.
11. Disinvestment: Objectives, Methods, Machinery and Assessment
12. Privatization: Theory, Objectives, Methods, Procedure, and Assessment.
13. Post-Privatization and Regulation Policy.
14. Relationship with the Government
15. Public Relations and the Consumer
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 S.S.Khera Government in Business (Delhi: National, 1977).
2 A.H. Hanson Public Enterprises and economic Development
(London: Routledge and Kegan, 1972).
3 United NationsOrganisation Management and supervision of Public Enterprises
in Developing Countries (New York: V.N., 1974)
4 Government of India Administrative Reforms Commission, report on
Public Undertakings (New Delhi: 1974).
5 United Nations Measures for Improving the Performances of Public
Enterprises in Developing Countries (New York:
6 K.R.Gupta Issues in Public Enterprises (New Delhi: S.Chand,
latest edition).
7 Laxmi Narain Principles and Practice of Public Enterprises
Management (New Delhi: S. Chand, latest edition).
8 L.K.Jha Economic Administration in India – Retrospects and
Prospect (New Delhi: IIPA)
9 P.R.Dubbashi Economics, Planning and Public Administration
(Bombay: Somaiya Publications, Pvt. Ltd., latest
10 S.C.Kuchhal Industrial Economy of India (Allahabad: Chaitanya
Publishing House, latest edition).
11 S.S.Marathey Regulation and Development (New Delhi: Sage
Publishers, latest edition).
12 V.V.Ramanadham The Working of Public Sector (Bombay: Allied
Publishers, latest edition).
13 D.K.Mittal Price Policy for Public Enterprises (New Delhi:
Anmol Publications, latest edition).
14 World Bank Bureaucrats in Business – The Economics and
Politics of Government Ownership (New York:
World Bank, 1995)
15 Steppan J. Beiley Public Sector Economics : Theory, Policy and
Practice (London, 1995)
16 Dieter Bos Privatization: A Theoretical Treatment (Oxford,
17 J.Vickers and G. Yarrow Privatization: An Economic Analysis
(Cambridge:MIT Press, 1988).
18 Govt. of India Five Year Plan Documents
Maximum marks: 80
1. Personnel Administration: Definition Scope and
Significance, Ecology of Personnel Administration.
2. Career Systems – Concept and Types
3. Position Classification – Concept and Bases
4. Human Resource Management and Development
concept, elements and its application in Government.
5. Constitutional Provisions with regard to Civil
Services in India
6. Recruitment : Concept, Policies and Methods of
recruitment of All India Services, Recruitment procedure in U.K.
7. Recruitment agencies at Union and State level,
Problems of recruitment.
8. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC): Role
and Functions
9. Promotion : Methods of promotion , Performance
Appraisal , Promotion procedure for Civil Services in India, Reforms in promotion
system, Promotion procedure for Civil Service in U.K.
10. Pay Commissions in India
11. Training: Objectives of training types of training,
Training Methods Training Instituted in India ,
12. Training for Civil Services in India with special
reference to all India Services, Training of Civil Services in U.K.
13. Administrative Ethics; Code of Conduct
14. Disciplinary Action
15. Employer- employee Relations: Right to form
association , Unions , Institutional arrangement for settlement of disputes in India
and U.K.
16. Problems of Generalist and Specialists in India and
U.K. Integrity in Civil Services, Administrative Reforms since, 1947 in India: A.D,
Gorewala & Paul H. Applleby recommendations about Indian Personnel system,
Northcote Trevelyn & Fulton Committee.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 Rustom S. Davar Personnel Management and Industrial Relations in
India (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 2nd
Edition, 2008).
2 Edwin B. Flippo Principles of Personnel Management (McGraw Hill,
Kogakusha, 4thEdition, 2008)
3 John E. Rouse Public Administration in American Society (ed.)
(Michigan: Gale Research, 2008)
4 United Nations New Approaches to Personnel Policy for
Development (New York: 2008)
5 A.P. Saxena Training and Development in Government (New
Delhi: 2010)
6 H. Koontz and Cyril Principles on Management, (Tokyo: McGraw Hill,
O’Donnell 5th ed., 2008)
7 Administrative Reforms Report on Personnel Administration (New Delhi:
Commission 2010)
8 S.L. Goel and Shalini Rajneesh Public Personnel Administration (New Delhi:
Sterling, 2002)
9 Sahib Singh Bhayana and Public Personnel and Financial Administration
Swinder Singh (Jalandhar: New Academics, 4th ed., 1993)
Maximum marks: 80
1. Meaning, Scope and Significance of Urban Local Government.
2. Features of Urban and Local Government in India. Dimensions of the concept of
Local Government.
3. Evolution of Local Government in India.
4. Problems of urbanization in India.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 Maheshwari , S.R Local Government in India, Agra Lakshmi Naraian,
Aggrawal ,Latest ed.
2 Bhayana , Sahib Singh Local Government in India, New Academic
publishing company , Jalandhar, 1986
3 Nigam , S.R Local Government, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi.
4 Kaushik, S.K Leadership in Urban Government in India Kitab
Mahal , Allahabad, 1986.
5 Singh, K.N. and Singh,D.N. Rural Development in India , Babaras Hindu
(ed.) University, Varanasi
6 Maheshwari , S.R Rural Development in India, A Public Policy
Approach, Sage Publications, New Delhi,1985
7 Lakshman.T.K. & Naravon Rural Development in India, Himalayan Publishing
B.R.(ed) House, 1984
8 Jain , L.C. Grass ( ed.) Grass Without Roots, Sage Publication, New
9 Singh,Sahib and Singh, Local Government in India, (New ed.)
10 Bhatnagar , S Rural Local Development in India , Light and Life
publishers, New Delhi ,1992
11 Mishra, S.N New Horizons in Rural Development
Administration, Mittal publication , New Delhi,1989
12 Khanna, B.S Rural Development in India, Deep and Deep
publication, 1992
13 Singh, Mohinder Rural Development Administration and Anti Poverty
programmes, Deep and Deep publication, 1988
14 Singh, Mohinder Rural Development in India, Currant Perspectives,
Intellectual publishing House, New Delhi,1992
Maximum marks: 80
1. Development Administration: Meaning Nature and Scope, Development
Administration and Traditional Development Administration Dichotomy.
2. Concept of Sustainable Development. Principles of sustainable development, criteria
of sustainable Development, Strategies of sustainable Development.
3. Main Characteristics of Developed and Developing Countries.
4. Administrative Capability for Development, Efficiency and Effectiveness.
5. Urban Planning and Its problems in India.
6. Self Help groups: Objectives, functions and formation of Self Help Groups
7. Non Government Organizations (NGOs): Concept, Significance and Rationale,
Procedure for registration of N.G.O, Sources of NGO Funding :Internal Sources &
External Sources
8. Public Private Partnerships in Development.
9. Administration of Rural Development programmes.
10. Citizens and Development Administration: Responsiveness and Participation.
11. Co-operatives: Concept, Significance and Types, Procedure for Registration of a
12. Strategies for Women’s Development and their participation in Development.
1 Weidner , Edward W Development Administration I Asia Duke University
Press, Durshan , 1970
2 Riggs, Fred W Frontier of Development Administration Duke
University Press, Durshan, 1970
3 Gnat, G.F Development Administration : Concepts Goals
Methods , University Press , Madison, 1979
4 Verma, S.P and Sharma S.K Development Administration, IIPS New Delhi, 1984.
5 Sharma , S.K. ( ed.) Dynamics of Development, An International
Perspective Vol. I & II Delhi, 1978.
6 Panadikar , Pai Development Administration in India, New Delhi,
7 United Nations Administration of Development Programs and
Projects: Some Major Issues , New York, 1971
8 Vayunandan E, Mathew Dolly Good Governance initiatives in India, Prentice Hall
(ed) of India, New Delhi,2003
9 Goel, S.L. Quarterly Journal of Indian Institute of Public (ed)
Administration, Special issue on Right to
Information,July September,2009 PAPER NO
10 P.S.Jaswal and Jaswal Nishtha Environmental Law, Pioneer Publications
11 Cheena Gambhir Consumer Protection Administration, Deep & Deep
Publications, New Delhi,2007
12 Adaikkalam Subbian Human Rights: Philosophy, Promotion, Protection
and Perspectives
13 M.R.Ansari Protecting Human Rights, Maxford Books, New
Delhi, 2006
14 Noor Jahan Bava (ed.) Non governmental Organisations in Development:
Theory and Practice (New Delhi: Kanishka, 1997).
15 R.K.Sapru Development Administration (New Delhi: Sterling
Publishers, 2002)
16 Mohit Bhattacharya Development Administration (New Delhi: Jawahar
Publishers, 2001).
Note: Out of Five Optional Papers Students are required to Opt any Two Papers.
Maximum marks: 80
1. Public Policy: Concept, Significance and Approaches.
2. Policy Analysis: Concept, Significance and Approaches.
3. Models for Policy Analysis: Systems, Institutional, and Rational Policy-Making.
4. Public Policy Making: Structure and Process
5. Policy Making In India: Constitutional Arrangement and Role of Executive,
Legislature and Judiciary.
6. Other Stakeholders in Policy-making: Political Parties, Interest Groups, Mass-media,
Civil Society, and International Agencies.
7. Public Policy Implementation and Control: Role of Executive with Special reference
to Bureaucracy, Legislature, Judiciary, Non-Governmental Organisations, Pressure
8. Approaches to Policy Implementation
9. Major Issues and Problems in Policy Implementation.
10. Policy Evaluation: Purpose and Significance.
11. Criteria for Evaluation: Cost-Benefit Analysis; Efficiency; Effectiveness; Equity.
12. Forums for Policy Evaluation: Legislative and Departmental Committees.
13. Policy change and continuity:
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 Madan, K.D. et. al. Policy Making in Government Publication (New
Delhi: latest ed.).
2 Basu, D.D. Constitution of India (New Delhi : Prentice Hall of
India, latest edition)
3 Stuart, S. Nagel Public Policy: Goals, Means and Methods (New
York: Martin Press, latest ed.).
4 P.R. Dubhashi Policy and Performance (New Delhi : Sage
Publications, latest ed.).
5 R.K.Sapru Public Policy: Formulation, Implementation and
Evaluation (New Delhi: Sterling, latest ed.).
6 James E. Anderson Public Policy Making (New York, Praegr, latest ed.).
7 Ishwar Dayal and K. Mathur Dynamics of Formulation of Policy in Government of
India (Delhi: latest ed.).
Maximum marks: 80
1. Industrial Relations: Meaning, objectives & Significance of Industrial Relations(
IR) Approaches of IR.
2. Industrial Disputes: Meaning , Types . Reasons of Industrial Disputes.
3. Conflicts /disputes: Measures for Industrial Relations Preventive and settlement
Machineries .State and Industrial Relations.
4. Current Trends and Future of Industrial Relations.
5. Human Relations: Concept, Meaning, approaches and Importance. Problems in
Human Relations.
6. Relations Techniques & principles.
7. Settlement of Industrial Disputes: Conciliation, Arbitration and Adjudication.
8. Workers Participation in Management: Concept, Objectives and Significance.
Methods Participation in Management.
9. Trade Unionism: Meaning significance and function of Trade Unions .Classification
of Trade Unions Problems of Trade Unions.
10. History of growth & development of Trades Unions, Recognition & Leadership
issues in Trade Unions.
11. Collective bargaining: Meaning, objectives and importance. Theories of Collective
12. Discipline in Industries: Meaning , Types, Causes of indiscipline. Enforcement of
discipline. Essentials of disciplinary system.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 C.B. Manoria & S. Mamoria Social security Labour Welfare and Industrial
Relations in India, Himalaya Publishing House ,
2 S.C. Srivastava Industrial Relations and Labour Laws Vikas
Publishing House, Noida
3 C.B. Gupta Human Resource Management , Sultan Chand &
Sons , New Delhi
4 R.C Saxena Labour Problems and Social Welfare ( K . Nath &
Co. Merrut).
5 G.K. Sharma Labour Movement in India ( Sterling Publishers,
New Delhi)
6 K.M. Subramanium Labour Management Relations in India ( Asia
Publishing House Bombay)
7 T.N. Bhagoliwal Economic of Labour and Industrial Relations
8 SN. Mishra Labour & Industrial Laws ( Allahabad) Law
9 V.G. Gowsami Labour and Industrial Laws ( Allahabad Law agency
10 Deepak Bhatnagar Labour Welfare & Social Security Legislation in
India ( Deep and Deep New Delhi)
11 Ratna Sen Industrial Relations in India : Shifting Paradigms
Mcmillan India Ltd. , New Delhi, 2003
12 India Report of the National Commission on Labour ,
Ministry of Labour
Maximum marks: 80
1. Public Relations: Evolution, Meaning, Essentials and Principles of Public Relations.
2. Major Areas of PR Activity: Public Relations, Advertising Publications, Media &
Co ordination, Public Relations with constituents.
3. Communications: Meaning, Process and role of Communication in India, Barriers to
effective Communication.
4. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting organization, functions.
5. Media and Publicity: Publicity Media, Types of Publicity ,functions and
Communicating with media .
6. Corporate Public Relations: Process elements and management of corporate Public
7. Aids to Public Relations: Photography Exhibitions, trade fair, Radio, Television and
special events in Public Relations .
8. Advertising in Public Relations: Role, features and states of advertising in India.
9. Employee Relations.
10. Stake holder Relations.
11. Education Relations.
12. Community Relations.
13. Professional code : Meaning , Principles and Code of Ethics ( International , IPRA)
14. Research: Objectives and types of Research.
15. International Public Relation
16. Public Relations and Social Responsibility.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 D.S. Mehta Handbook of Public Relations in India, Allied
Publishers Ltd, New Delhi. (1998)
2 Diwaker Sharma Public Relations: An Emerging Specialized
Profession, Deep & Deep Publication Pvt. Ltd. New
Delhi 2004
3 H. Frarier Moore & Frank B 2002
4 K.R. Balan Applied Public Relations and Communication ,
Sultan Chand & Co., New Delhi 2002
5 U.K. Singh & B . Narayan Pubic Relations Management , Anmol Publications
Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi 1999
Maximum marks: 80
1. Major issues of Law and order in India, Causes of disorders and crime in India.
2. Police Organization and its role at the national, State and District level.
3. Police Citizen relationship.
4. Agriculture in Five Plans.
5. Recent Agricultural Policies.
6. Organization of Agriculture Union Ministry and State Department of Agriculture.
7. Nature and scope of Educational Administration.
8. Problems of Education in Developing Countries with special reference to India
9. Education and five year Plans, approaches, priorities and investments.
10. Nature and Scope of Health Administration.
11. Development of Public Health Policies.
12. The role of Indian Government in Public Health Administration –Ministry of Health.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 P.D Sharma Police in India , Delhi Research , 1976
2 S.C. Mishra Police Administration in India, National Police
3 David H. Baley The Police and Political Development in India,
Princeton University, 1969
4 R.K. Bhardwaj Indian Police Administration , National New Delhi,
5 Indian Journal of Public Police Administration, Special issue of Vol. XXIV
Administration No. Jan March , 1978
6 John P. Kenny Police Administration , Spring Field, Charles C
Thomas, 1975
7 Indian Institute of Public Management of Agriculture
Administration New Delhi
8 Harvinder Virk Administration of Agricultural
9 Rudder Dutt & K.P.M Indian Economy
10 Compell , Corbally Ramsayr Introduction to Educational Administration
11 Lulla , B.P. & Murly, S.K Essential of Educational Administration
12 J.P. Naik Policy and Performance in Indian Education
13 S.S. Mathur Educational Administration , Princiaples and
14 WHO World Health Situation
15 ------------------- Health Statistics of Government of India , New
16 Ministry of Health Annual Reports
17 G. Borakar Health in Independence India
18 S.L. Goel International Administration : WHO South- East
Asia Regional Office , New Delhi ( Sterling
Publishers, 1977)
Maximum marks: 80
1. International Administration: Origin ,Objectives and role with special reference to
the League of Nations till World War second.
2. Factors leading to the Establishment of the United Nations.
3. Major Functions of the UN. U.N.O. & Human Rights.
4. Specialized Agencies of the UN: UNESCO and UNICEF and their functions and
5. Specialized Agencies of the UN: ILO and WHO and their functions and role.
6. The UN Secretariat: Organization, Functions and its Working
7. Machinery to settle International disputes.
8. International Institutions: Functions and role of WTO.
9. World Bank and IMF : Functions and role.
10. Regional Institutions: Functions and Role of SAARC and ASCEAN.
11. Future of UNO
12. International Civil Services. Proposal for Reforms.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks. For ICDEOL and private students each
paper will be of 100 marks, i.e. 20 marks for each question.
1 C.F. Amerasinghe The Law of International Civil Service: As applied
by International Administration Tribunals, Oxford,
The Clarendon Press, 1994
2 H. Amer Politics and Process in the Specialized Agencies of
United Nation, Aldershot, Hants and Gower, 1982
3 R. Basu Personal Administration in the UN New Delhi,
Sterling, 1989
4 Y. Beigbeder Management Problems in the United Nations
Organizations: Reform the Decline, London ,
Frances Printer, 1987
5 J.L. Brierly The Covenant and Charter, London , Cambridge
University Press, 1947
Second Semester
Course -IV Organization Behaviour (Compulsory) 80 20
Course-V Financial Administration( Compulsory) 80 20
Course- VI Indian Administration (Compulsory) 80 20
Third Semester (Note: Out of six optional papers students are required to opt any two
Fourth Semester ( Note:- Out of five optional papers students are required to opt any
two papers).
Course-XIV Development Administration 80 20
Course -XV Public Policy (Optional) 80 20
Course-XVI Labour & Industrial Relations (Optional) 80 20
NOTE: For ICDEOL and Private students each paper will of 100 marks i.e. 20 marks for
each Question.
Third Semester
C-IX: Management Techniques 80 20
C-X: C-X: Computer and Management of Information 80 20
C-XI: Labour and Industrial Laws 80 20
C-XII: Project Report 80 20
Fourth Semester
C-XIII: Business Ethics 80 20
C-XIV: Labour and Industrial Relations 80 20
C-XV: Public Relations and Mass Communications 80 20
C-XVI: Viva Voce* 100
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks.
1 D. Ravindra Prasad, V.S. Administrative Thinkers, Sterling Publishing
Prasad and P . Satyanaryana House, New Delhi.
2 S.R Maheshwari Administrative Thinkers, Mac Millan India
Limited, New Delhi.
3 F.W . Taylor: Scientific Management , Harper and Row
Publishers, USA.
4 Luther Gullick & Lyndall Papers- in Sciences of Administration, Columbia
Urwick: University Press, New York.
5 George Elton Mayo The Human Problems of Industrial Civilization ,
Harvard Business School Boston.
6 Chester I. Barnard: The Functions of Executive , Harvard University
Press, Cambridge.
7 Max. Weber: Economy and Society translated and edited by
Guenther Roth & Claus Wittich , Bedminister
Press New York.
8 Abraham Maslow: Motivation and Personality, Harper & Row, New
9 Douglas Mc Gregor: Leadership and Motivation , MIT Press, Boston.
10 R.N. Singh Management Thought & Thinkers Sultan Chand
and Sons , New Delhi.
11 Prasad & Narayanan : Administrative Thinkers.
12 Navin Mathur: Management Thought, National Publishing
House , Jaipur.
1 P.Subba Rao Management and Organisational Behaviour
Himalaya Publishing House
2 V.S.P.Rao, P S Narayana Organization Theory and Behaviour Konark
Publishers Private Limited
3 John Pfiffiner and Frank Administrative Organization (New Delhi: Prentice
Sherwood Hall, Latest ed.)
4 Peter F. Drucker Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices
(Bombay: Allied Publishers, latest ed.).
5 H. Koontz and Cyril Principles of Management, (Tokyo: McGraw
O’Donnell Hill, latest ed)
6 Amitai Etzioni Modern Organizations (New Delhi: Prentice Hall,
latest ed.)
7 Robert T. Golembiewsky Public Administration as a Developing Discipline
(New York: Marcel, latest ed.)
8 Mohit Bhattacharya Public Administration (Calcutta: World Press,
latest ed).
9 Mamta Mokta, S.S.Chauhan, Challenges in Governance(ed) Anamica
S.K. Mahajan & Simmi Publishers,New Delhi 201
10 David Osborne and T. Re-inventing Government: How the
Gaebler Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the Public
Sector (New York: Addison Wesley, latest ed.)
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks.
1 Clarie Seltiz , Marie Jahoda Research Methods in Social Relations ( New
York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, latest ed.).
2 C.A. Moser and G.Kalton The English Survey
Bookin Society
Social Investigation
and ( Lon
Heinemann Educational Books, lates ed.)
3 Pauline V.Young Scientific Social Research and Surveys (
India: Asia Publishing House, latest ed.)
4 William J. Goode and Paul K. Methods in Social Research (U.S.A.: Mc.
Hatt Graw Hill Book Company , latest ed.)
5 S.P. Gupta Statistical Methods ( New Delhi: Sultan
Chand and Sons, latest ed.)
6 Arthur L. Bowley Elements of Statistics (New York: Staples
Press Incorporated , latest ed.)
7 Murray R. Spiegal Theory and Problems of Statistics ( New York
: Mc Graw –Hill International Book Company
, latest ed.)
8 F.E. Croxton and Dudley J. Applied General statistics ( London : Sir Isaac
Cowden Pitman and Sons , Ltd. , latest ed.).
9 David Nachmias and Chara Research Methods in the Social Sciences (
Nachmias New York : St. Martin’s Press, Inc. latest)
10 F.L Bhandarkar & T.S. Methodology & Techniques of Social
Wiliknson Research ( Himalaya Publishing House,
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks.
1 Bajpai,B.L. Making Management Skills more Effective,
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New
2 Bhushan Vidya And Sachdeve, An introduction to Sociology, Kitab Mahal,
D.R. Allahabad ,1999
3 Davis, Kingsley,
Human Society,Surjeet Publications, Delhi 1987.
4 MacIver, R.M.Society:
and Page,An
C.H.Introductory Analysis, Macmillion and co.
17. Organization and its analysis: Concept of Organization , Typology of Organizations.
18. Organizational goals & individual goals, integration of goals.
19. Nature of Organization behavior (OB) : Concept of organization behavior , Nature of
OB, Role of OB, OB knowledge and management practices.
20. Nature of Human Behaviour :-Individual differences , courses of individual
differences , Models of man.
21. Interpersonal behavior :- Interpersonal cooperative behavior , conflicting behavior
Transactional analyses & its uses.
22. Factors & Behaviour:- Social factors , status system , status determinations ,
functions of status system, status determinations & problems of Status system.
23. Organisational Culture : Organizational Culture, components of culture ,subculture ,
24. Culture as a liability.
25. Concept of organizational climate, factors affecting organizational climate , impact
of organizational climate , Developing sound organizational climate.
26. Group Dynamics and Behaviour: Types of groups , formal and informal groups ,
concept of group dynamics group behavior,& group norms group decision making.
27. Stress & behaviour :- Concept and features of stress; potential sources of stress;
Effects of stress, coping strategies for stress.
28. Organizational conflicts:- Functional & Dysfunctional aspects of conflicts . Types of
conflicts conflict management .
29. Attitude: Characteristics of Attitude , Components of an attitude, attitude and
behaviour and measurement of attitudes.
30. Organizational Effectiveness : Concept of organizational effectiveness Approaches
to the study of organizational effectiveness factors in organizational effectiveness.
31. Organizational Change :- Reassures for organizational change ; planned change,
processes in planned change, Human reactions to change, overcoming resistance to
change. Change agents and their role.
32. Organizational Development ( OD) :- Organizational Development. Need of OD,
steps in OD. OD interventions :- sensitivity Training, process consultation and team
33. Personality: Meaning , Determinants of personality . Theories on personality: Trait
theory , Social learning theory and self theory.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks.
1. Industrial Psychology: Concept, Development of Industrial Psychology,
2. Nature and Scope of Industrial Psychology, Major Problems of Industrial
3. Psychological Tests: Characteristics of Psychological Tests, Importance &
limitations of Psychological Tests.
4. Learning & Development : Concept of Learning & Development, Conditions of
learning Development Process.
5. Personality: Concept of personality, Personality theories, Personality Development,
Determinants of Personality, Personality and Behaviour.
6. Attitude :Features, component, Characteristics, factors in attitude formation
,Theories of Attitude Formation, Sources of Attitude ,Possible way of changing
7. Human Engineering : Job Enlargement, Job enrichment.
8. Management of Interpersonal Relationships.
9. Perception: Concept of Perception, Perceptual Process, Perceptual Selectivity,
Perceptual Organization, Interpersonal Perception, Barriers to perceptual accuracy.
Managerial application of perception.
10. Values : Concept, Types, Factors in value formation, Values and behaviour, Values
and Manager Behaviour.
11. Morale: Concept, Nature and Determinants.
12. Group Dynamics : Formal & informal groups.Group Decision making.
13. Fatigue, Monotony and Boredom: Concept, Causes and Effects
14. Industrial Stress : Major causes, Effects and coping with stress.
15. Motivation of Industrial Employees: Concept and Determinants.
16. Counseling : Meaning, need of counseling nature, Types & Counseling Techniques.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks.
1 M.L,Blum & J.C. Naylor Industrial Psychology,1984,GBS
2 E.J. Mc Cunnic and Iigen Industrial Psychology 1984-PIII,New Delhi
3 Robert C. Beck Applying Psychology understanding People.PHI
4 Edger Schein Organisation Psychology ,PHI ,New Delhi
5 C.B. Gupta Human Resource Management,Sultan Chand &
6 P.C.Tripathi Human Resource Development,Sultan Chand &
7 R.A. Sharma Organisation Theory and Behaviour,Tata Mc
Graw –Hill Publishing Company New Ltd. New
8 L.M. Prasad Human Resource Management,Sultan Chand &
Sons,New Delhi,2001
9 L.M. Prasad Principles and Practice of Mgt. New Delhi,
Sultan Chand and Sons, 1989
10 L.M. Prasad Organizational Behaviour , Sultan Chand and
Sons New Delhi,2003
11 L.M. Prasad Human Resource Management Sultan Chand
and Sons, New Delhi, 2003
1. Human Resource Management (HRM): Meaning & Definition, Nature & Scope
and evolution of HRM.
2. HRM Objective & Functions, Organisation of HRM Arguments &
3. Organising the Personal Function: Organisation of Personal Department, Image
& qualities of Human Resource (HR)/Personnel Manager, Need and
Significance of Personnel Policies, Essentials of Personal Policies.
4. HRM Trends in a Dynamic Environment:
External factors Vs HR functions, Total Quality Management, Internal
Environment Vs HR function , Managing Diversity.
5. Human Resource Management in India: Genesis & growth in India, Evolution
of the concept, Impediments to progress, Environment of HRM, Measures to
speed up growth.
6. Human Resource Planning: Concept and objectives, Need & Importance,
Factors Affecting Human Resource Planning (HRP), The Planning Process,
HRP & the Government, Barriers to HRP.
7. Job analysis : Learning Objectives, Meaning & Definition, Process & Methods
of Job Analysis, Job description &Job specification.
8. Approaches & Methods of Job Design & Redesign.
9. Recruitment & Selection: Meaning & Process of Recruitment, Recruitment
Policy & Process, Meaning & Process of Selection, Selection test.
10. Job Evaluation: Concept, Process & Objectives of Job Evaluation, Advantages
& Limitations, Essentials of Job Evaluation, Methods of Job Evaluation.
11. Employee Benefits & Services: Learning objectives, Meaning & Definition,
Importance of Employee Benefits & Services, Types of Employee Benefits &
Services, Guidelines to make Benefits & Services Programmes more effectives.
12. Quality of Working Life : Concept, Measurement Dimensions, Principle &
13. Personal Records, Research & Audit : Objectives & Significance of Records,
Types & Principles of Personnel Records, Meaning & Significance of
Personnel Research, Objectives of Personnel Audit, Scope & Approaches to
Human Resource Audit.
14. Human Resource Accounting : Meaning & Objectives of Human Resource
Accounting , Advantages & Disadvantages.
15. Human Resource Information system: Meaning, Need for Information in
HRM, Advantages & Limitations of Human Resource information system.
16. Personnel Research, Changes and the future: Nature of Personnel Research, The
Personnel Manager as Change Agent, Future of HRM.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at
least two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required
to attempt one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all
the units of the syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts
and each part will be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of
notes and each part will have four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks.
1 David A . Decenzo & Personnel / Human Resource Management,
Stephen P. Robbins Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi(2000)
2 Edvin B. Flippo Personnel Management, McGraw Hill Book
Company, New York(1984 )
3 K.Aswathappa Human Resource & Personnel Management ,
Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, New
4 R.S. Diwedi Manpower Management, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi(1984)
5 C.B. Gupta Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand &
Co, New Delhi (2000)
6 V.S.P. Rao Human Resource Management, Excel Book,
New Delhi(2000)
7 L.M.Parsad Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand &
Sons, New Delhi (2000)
1. O & M Approach. Objectives, functions of O&M, Functions, Essentials of O&M
Units, O&M in India, Critical approach.
2. Work study: Meaning, objectives and functions.
3. Work Measurement: Meaning, Objectives, Essentials And Techniques of Work
4. New Public Management Techniques: Factors driving new Public Management,
Goals of New Public Management.
5. Quality circles: Introduction, benefits of quality circles, Problems in the
implementation of quality circles,
6. Total Quality Management.; The concept, objectives, components, Significance &
implementation of Total quality Management in India
7. Globalization: Issues and Challenges of Globalization on management,
8. Management Information System : Objectives, Essentials of good information
system, Functions, Role of MIS in Planning and control.
9. Ethical and Moral Techniques: Encouraging morality through ethics and moral
techniques in administration.
10. Reforms in Corporate Governance.
11. Time Management: Techniques of effective time management, Strategies for
effective time management
12. Stress Management: concept of stress, causes of Stress, Effect of Stress, Coping
Strategies for Stress
13. Management by Objective: ,Prerequisites Process, Benefits, Problems and limitations
of MBO, ,its application in Management.
14. Organisation Development ; Definition ,Characteristics, objectives, process, OD
15. Job Analysis: Concept of Job analysis, objectives of job analysis, Process &
Techniques of job analysis, Uses.
16. Executive Development: Concept, objectives, importance ,process and Techniques of
Executive development
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks.
1 Rao, V.S.P. Organization Theory and Behaviour, Konark
Publishers private limited, New Delhi 1999
2 Gupta C. B. Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand &
Sons, New Delhi,2005.
3 Goel, S.L., Modern Management Techniques, Deep & Deep
Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2000
4 Srinath, D.S. Pert and CPM: Principles and applications East
West Press , New Delhi , 1975.
5 United Nations: Use of Modern Management Techniques in
Public Administration, Developing countries.
6 Milward, G.E: Organization and Methods –Macmillan London,
7 ------------------ Management in Government, Quarterly Journal
published by the Department of Personnel and
Administrative Reform (Administrative Reforms
8 Michael Armstrong Handbook of Management Techniques (New
Delhi: Excel Books, 1995)
1. Evolution of Management Information Systems : Meaning and Role of Management
Information System.(MIS).
2. The Information Systems Department; Building and Maintaining Information
3. MIS and Decision Making.
4. Components of MIS with special emphasis on data organization and data base.
5. General Model of a Computer System; Understanding Input Devices; Output
Devices; Primary and Secondary Storage Devices and Media; CPUs.
6. Operating System Basics; PC Operating Systems; OS and User Interface ( Windows
7. Hardware; Software; Types of Software.
8. Networking; Local and Wide Area Networks.
9. Word Processing Software : Uses, Interface and Special Features. ( Using MS Word)
Spread Sheet Software: Uses, Interface and Special Feature. ( Using MS Excel)
10. Data Base Management Software: Uses , Interface and Special Features. ( Using MS
11. Introduction to the Internet; Internet basics ( Using Internet Explorer).
12. Office Management : Concept , Significance and functions of office management .
13. Systems and procedures, planning and organizing an office and controlling office
activities .
14. Coordinating office layout and handing office correspondence , filing and indexing
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks.
1 Alexis Leon and Mathews Introduction to Computers (New Delhi: Vikas
Leon: Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. , Latest Ed.)
2 Christian Crumlish: ABC’s of the Internet ( N. Delhi: BPB
Publications, latest edition)
3 Gordon B. Davis and Management Information Systems: Conceptual
Margrethe A. Olson: Foundations , Structure and Development ( Tata
McGraw Hill, latest ed.)
4 Henry C.Lucas, Jr. Information Technology for Management ( New
Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000)
5 Kenneth C. Laudon and Management Information Systems: Managing
Jane P. Laudon: the Digital Firm ( New Delhi: Pearson Education
, 2006)
6 James O’ Brien: Management Information Systems ( Tata
McGraw Hill , latest edition)
7 Peter Hodson: Local Area Networks ( N. Delhi: BPB
Publications, latest edition)
8 P.K. Sinha: Computer Fundamentals ( N. Delhi : BPB
9. R.K. Chopra: Publications, latest edition).
Office management , Himalaya Publishing house
10. Varsha Mehta: Bombay.
Management Information System, Anmol
Public- ations, New Delhi.
1 C.B. Manoria & S. Mamoria Social security Labour Welfare and Industrial
Relations in India, Himalaya Publishing House ,
2 S.C. Srivastava Industrial Relations and Labour Laws Vikas
Publishing House, Noida
3 C.B. Gupta Human Resource Management , Sultan Chand &
Sons , New Delhi
4 R.C Saxena Labour Problems and Social Welfare ( K . Nath
& Co. Merrut).
5 G.K. Sharma Labour Movement in India ( Sterling Publishers,
New Delhi)
6 K.M. Subramanium Labour Management Relations in India ( Asia
Publishing House Bombay)
7 T.N. Bhagoliwal Economic of Labour and Industrial Relations
8 S.N. Mishra Labour & Industrial Laws ( Allahabad) Law
9 V.G. Gowsami Labour and Industrial Laws ( Allahabad Law
10 Deepak Bhatnagar Labour Welfare & Social Security Legislation
in India ( Deep and Deep New Delhi)
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks.
1 A.B. Rao ( 2006) Business Ethics and Professional Values,Excel
Books , Delhi
2 R.A.S. Sharma( 2000) Organizational Theory and Behaviour , Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. ,New Delhi
3 R.C. Sebhar ( 2002) Ethical Choices in Business, Response Books,
New Delhi
4 S.K. Bhalia ( 2004) Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Deep
& Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
5 Thomas M.Garrell ( 1970) Business Ethics , The Tunes of India Press,
6 V.S.P. Rao & P.S. Organization Theory and Behaviour, Konark
Narayana(1996) Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Delhi
17. Industrial Relations: Meaning, objectives & Significance of IR. Approaches of IR.
18. Industrial Disputes: Meaning, Types . Reasons of Industrial.
19. Conflicts /disputes: Measures for Industrial Relations Preventive and settlement
Machineries .State and Industrial Relations.
20. Current Trends and Future of IR.
21. Human Relations: Concept, Meaning , approaches and Importance. Problems in
22. Relations Techniques & principles.
23. Settlement of Industrial Disputes: Conciliation, Arbitration and Adjudication.
24. Workers Participation in Management: Concept, Objectives and Significance.
Methods Participation in Management.
25. Trade Unionism: Meaning significance and function of Trade Unions .Classification
of Trade Unions.
26. History of growth & development of Trades Unions, Recognition & Leadership
issues in Trade Unions.
27. Collective bargaining: Meaning , objectives and importance. Theories of Collective
28. Discipline in Industries : Meaning , Types causes of indiscipline. Enforcement of
discipline Essentials of disciplinary system.
29. Grievances & their Redressal : Meaning , causes of grievances, Redressal of
grievances. Procedure for redressal of grievances.
30. Issues & Trends in Industrial Relation in India: Problems of Automation ,
Productivity and Ralationlistion.
31. Industrial Relations System in India: An Analysis of Labour Policy.
32. International Labour Organization ( ILO): Organization, Structure, Functions & Role
of ILO in Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations.
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks.
1 C.B. Manoria & S. Mamoria Social security Labour Welfare and Industrial
Relations in India, Himalaya Publishing House ,
2 S.C. Srivastava Industrial Relations and Labour Laws Vikas
Publishing House, Noida
3 C.B. Gupta Human Resource Management , Sultan Chand &
Sons , New Delhi
4 R.C Saxena Labour Problems and Social Welfare ( K . Nath
& Co. Merrut).
5 G.K. Sharma Labour Movement in India ( Sterling Publishers,
New Delhi)
6 K.M. Subramanium Labour Management Relations in India ( Asia
Publishing House Bombay)
7 T.N. Bhagoliwal Economic of Labour and Industrial Relations
8 SN. Mishra Labour & Industrial Laws ( Allahabad) Law
9 V.G. Gowsami Labour and Industrial Laws ( Allahabad Law
10 Deepak Bhatnagar Labour Welfare & Social Security Legislation
in India ( Deep and Deep New Delhi)
11 Ratna Sen Industrial Relations in India : Shifting Paradigms
Mcmillan India Ltd. , New Delhi, 2003
12 India Report of the National Commission on Labour ,
Ministry of Labour
Note: The paper should be divided into Five Units. Paper setter is requested to set at least
two questions from each unit, i.e. unit I, II, III and IV. The students are required to attempt
one question from each unit. Unit V is compulsory and it should cover all the units of the
syllabus, i.e. one part from each unit, hence it will consist of four parts and each part will
be answered in 150 words and question must be in the form of notes and each part will have
four marks. Each question shall be of 16 marks.
1 D.S. Mehta Handbook of Public Relations in India, Allied
Publishers Ltd, New Delhi. (1998)
2 Diwaker Sharma Public Relations: An Emerging Specialized
Profession, Deep & Deep Publication Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi 2004
3 H. Frarier Moore & Frank B 2002
4 K.R. Balan Applied Public Relations and Communication ,
Sultan Chand & Co., New Delhi 2002
5 U.K. Singh & B . Narayan Pubic Relations Management , Anmol
Publications Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi 1999
17. Human Resource Development:- Concept of HRD , Need for HRD, organization of
HRD , Learning concepts &Principles , types and methods of learning, career Planning
& development , qualities of a HRD manager. Employee counseling .
18. Training & Development:- Coverage of operative training programme , steps in training
programme , training methods, Impediments to Effective training.
19. Management development:- Nature of managerial functions, Managerial skills ,
Management development :- Concepts & assumptions . Management development
process, Management development Methods, on the job development, off the job
development , self development, organization of Management Development
Programmes, Evaluation of off training & development programmes.
20. Organization Development:- Concept of OD., process of OD,OD Interventions :-
Survey feed back, process consultation , sensitivity training, transactional Analysis,
Change Agents , role pf change agents.
21. Dynamics of Employee Morale and Productivity:- Meaning, factors affecting morale,
types of morale , effects of morale, morale & productivity, morale & performance,
measurement of morale , improving morale. Relationship between morale &
productivity , factors influencing industrial productivity ,steps to increase productivity.
22. Motivation :- Meaning, Importance, theories of motivation viz, Maslow’s need
hierarchy theory, two factor theory, ERG theory, achievement motivation theory,
Equity theory, Reinforcement theory. X,Y&Z theories .
23. Leadership :- Concept of leadership , Theories of leadership i.e. Trait theory,
Behavioural theory and situational theory. Leadership styles in Indian organizations.
24. Career Development and Planning:- Concept of career, career planning, the process of
career planning, limitations of career planning, career development, Essentials of
success in career.
25. Performance Appraisal:- Concept, performance appraisal process, methods, Barriers to
effective appraisal .
26. Stress Management:- Concept of stress, Causes of stress, Effects of stress, Stress
management, Methods of stress management.
27. Conflict Management:- Meaning, levels of conflicts , Conflict management Techniques.
28. Management of Change:- Meaning , Kinds of change, Identification of Problem,
Implementation of change. Concept of planned change, strategies of planned change,
Change process. Resistance.
29. Safety & health Management:- Safety , Causes of accidents , Safety measures, Statutory
provision concerning safety, Health management, statutory provisions concerning
1. Keith Davis; Human behavioural work, Tata MC Graw Hill, Publishing Co, LTD
,New Delhi, 1993.
2. Nair & T.V. Rao; Excellence through Human Resource Development, Tata MC Graw
Hill , New Delhi, 1990.
3. Prem Kumar &
A.K.Ghosh; (ed) Human Resource Management Anand Publications, 1991.
4. K. Aswathappa ; Human Resource & Personnel Management , Tata MC Graw Hill
Publishing house ,New Delhi, 2002.
5. C.B.Gupta; Human Resource Management Sultan Chand & Co, New Delhi,2001.
6. Frank, H.E; Human Resource Development: The European Approach, Gulf
Publishing Co, 1974.
7. Fred Luthans; Organizational Behaviour, MC Graw Hill New York 1975.
8. R.M.Steers ; Motivation & Work Behaviour, MC Graw Hill New York 1975.
9. L. M. Prasad; Organization Behaviour Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 1991.
10. C.B.Mamoria; personnel Management , Himalaya Publishing House ,Bombay, 1995.
11. T.N.Chhabra; Human Resource Management: Concepts and issues, Dhanpat Rai &
Co, Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi,2000.
12. P.C. Tripathi; Human Resource Development : Sultan Chand & Sons , New Delhi
1. Personality.
2. Perception
3. Attitudes and Values
4. Power and Authority
5. Inter personal behaviour
6. Work Environment
7. Absenteeism and Labour Turnover
8. Organizational Effectiveness
9. Team Building
10. Communication and Counseling
11. Decision Making
12. Time Management
1. Hayes and Hedlumd ( Eds.) Conduct of Political Inquiry, New Jersey, 1970.
2. Lillian Conhen; Statistical Methods for Social Science , New Delhi.
3. Kaplan, Abrahan; The Conduct of Inquiry, Chandler, 1969.
4. Young , Pauline; Scientific Social Surveys.
5. Deckinson Mc Graw and
Waston; Political and Social Inquiry , wiley,1976.
6. Meser,C.A; Survey methods in Social investigations , Heinemann,
7. Goode & Hatt; Methods in Social Research ,New York Mc Graw Hill
8. P.l . Bhandarkar &
T.S. Wilknison ; Methodology & Techniques of social Research ,Delhi
Himalaya Publishing House, 2000.
9. C.R. Kothari; Research Methodology , New Delhi Wishwa
parkashan, 1999.
17. Human Resource Management: Meaning & Definition, Nature & Scope of HRM,
HRM: Objective & Functions, Development of HRM, Organisation of HRM,
Evolution of HRM, HRM : Arguments & Conclusions.
18. Organising the Personal Function: Organisation of Personal Department, Image &
qualities of HR/Personnel Manager, Need and Significance of Personnel Policies,
Essentials of Personal Policies.
22. Job analysis and Job Design: Learning Objectives, Meaning & Definition, The
Process, Process& Methods of Job Analysis, Job description &Job specification,
Approaches & Methods of Job Design & Redesign.
23. Recruitment & Selection: Meaning & Process of Recruitment, Recruitment Policy &
Process, Meaning & Process of Selection, Selection test.
24. Job Evaluation: Concept, Process & Objectives of Job Evaluation, Advantages &
Limitations, Essentials of Job Evaluation, Methods of Job Evaluation.
25. Employee Benefits & Services: Learning objectives, Meaning & Definition,
Importance of Employee Benefits & Services, Types of Employee Benefits &
Services, Guidelines to make Benefits & Services Programmes more effectives.
26. Quality of Working Life : Concept, Measurement Dimentions, Principle &
27. Personal Records, Research & Audit : Objectives & Significance of records, Types &
Principles of Personnel Records, Meaning & Significance of Personnel Research,
Objectives of Personnel Audit, Scope & Approaches to Human Resource Audit.
28. Human Resource Accounting & Human Resource information system: Meaning &
Objectives of HRA, Advantages & Disadvantages, Need for Information in HRM,
Advantages & Limitations of HRIS.
29. Personnel Research, Changes and the future: Nature of Personnel Research, The
Personnel Manager as Change Agent, Future of HRM.
Annexure –I
M.Phil Syllabus in Public Administration w.e.f 2010-11 session
The M.Phil course will be one year duration divided into two semester caring total
300 marks.
Semester –I
Course No.I Name of the Papers Marks
1. (i) Advanced Public Administration 75
(ii) Seminar 25
2. (i) Advanced Research Methods 75
(ii) Book Review 25
1. Theory paper : For regular students each theory paper will be of 75 marks and
duration of each paper will be 3 hours. In each theory paper 10 Questions are to be
set and candidate has to attempt only 5 Questions. All Question will carry equal
2. Two seminars and one book review will be valuated by the Department teachers/staff
3. Dissertation 100
The division of 100 marks will be as given below:
(i) Dissertation writing 75
(ii) Dissertation viva-voce 25
Total 100
Selected Readings: