Protocol MMS Dmso

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The text discusses an inexpensive yet effective cancer treatment protocol using DMSO and chlorine dioxide that aims to revert cancer cells into normal cells rather than kill them.

The text states that cancer is caused by microbes that get inside normal cells and turn them cancerous, not by DNA damage.

The goal of the protocol is to create a 'gentle' version of the 'Overnight Cure for Cancer' treatment that is as effective but less intense.

DMSO - Chlorine Dioxide Protocol For Cancer

(Overnight Cure For Cancer - Version 7)

by R. Webster Kehr

Chapter 1: Overview of the DMSO - Chlorine Dioxide Protocol

The main reason for researching this treatment is that it is very, very inexpensive.
Many people who have had extensive orthodox cancer treatments have virtually no
money for alternative cancer treatments. Thus, inexpensive, yet highly effective,
cancer treatments need to be developed.
But there is a second reason for researching this protocol which is even more
important. Some of the "alternative cancer treatments" which are commonly used do
not actually "cure" cancer. What they do is supercharge the body with nutrients. Doing
this keeps the patient alive, which is fantastic, but the treatment may not "cure" the
cancer. For example, these treatments energize the cancer cells which in turn largely
negates their damaging affect on the human body.
While it is absolutely critical to keep the patient alive, eventually the cancer cells must
be removed. That is what this article is all about - gently, safely and quickly reverting
cancer cells into normal cells!!
Yes, that is not a misprint. The goal of this protocol is to revert cancer cells into normal
cells. Once the reader understands what causes cancer in the first place, they will
understand that cancer cells can be reverted into normal cells.
This has a lot of advantages over killing the cancer cells. By reverting them into normal
cells the treatment creates far less debris and toxins created by dead cancer cells.
Thus, this treatment can work much, much faster than normal cancer treatments. And
there are other major benefits to reverting the cancer cells into normal cells.
This is a "research cancer treatment," meaning it has already been proven to be totally
safe. It also means that we at the ICRF want to communicate with anyone who is using
this protocol. The email address of Board Members of the ICRF are rarely given out,
but for this protocol the email address of Webster Kehr (who wrote this article) is
linked to at the bottom of Chapter 3. I want to hear from you if you are thinking about

using this protocol and I will be happy to work with you by email or in some cases
telephone - for free !!! That is how anxious I am to see the effectiveness of this
Actually, the Overnight Cure for Cancer has been proven to be very effective. The OCC
consists of two treatments, the DMSO / Chlorine Dioxide protocol (this protocol) and
the DMSO / Colloidal Silver protocol.
The goal of this protocol is to create a protocol which is just as effective as the OCC
but not nearly as intense. In other words, the purpose of this protocol is to create a
"gentle OCC."
This protocol is completely safe and is based on very solid cancer theory. I have
personally used much, much higher doses of DMSO on myself than are used in this
protocol. Chlorine dioxide has been used by thousands of people using higher doses than
this article recommends.
Before understanding how this protocol is designed to cure cancer, it is first necessary
to understand why a cell is cancerous?
Cancer Theory Section
What Causes Cancer?
What causes cancer? Most people believe that it is DNA damage that causes cancer.
While in rare situations, DNA can have a negative affect on a person's immune system,
DNA normally has absolutely nothing to do with the development of cancer.
The fact is that cancer is caused by a special type of microbe which gets inside of
normal cells and turns the cells cancerous (or an already cancerous cell divides and
creates two cells with microbes inside of them).
Actually, everyone has cancer cells forming in their body at all times. The immune
system generally safely kills them. Thus, a weakened immune system, and many other
things, can allow cancer cells to overcome the immune system. But the actual formation
of cancer cells is exclusively caused by microbes which get inside of normal cells.
Dr. Royal Rife did an enormous amount of research into the relationship between
microbes and cancer in the 1930s. He would inject mice with a virus and in 100% of the
cases the mice would get cancer.
Dr. Rife proposed a cure for cancer which did nothing but kill these viruses. His cure
was 100% successful. However, note that his cure had no intention of killing cancer cells
or fixing DNA (which had not been discovered in the 1930s); its only goal was to kill
microbes inside the cancer cells. ONCE THE MICROBES INSIDE THE CANCER CELLS WERE

Dr. Rife was well aware that the critical microbes which needed to be killed were inside
the cancer cells. The electro-medicine device he used killed microbes inside and outside
of cancer cells.
Almost all natural substances do not normally get inside of cells, thus it is almost
impossible for natural substances to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells. Natural
substances can kill cancer cells and build the immune system, but they generally cannot
kill microbes inside the cancer cells.
So how do microbes cause cancer? I will quickly give you a thumbnail version.
The energy of a cell comes from molecules called: ATP molecules. ATP molecules are
made inside the mitochondria by two chemical chain reactions: first the Krebs Cycle (i.e.
Citric Acid Cycle) and as a spin-off of the Krebs Cycle: the Electron Transport Chain
It is well known that microbes consume huge amounts of glucose. Inside a cancer cell
these microbes intercept the glucose that would normally be converted into pyruvate.
But it is the pyruvate which is used inside the mitochondria which starts the Krebs
Cycle (i.e. Citric Acid Cycle). Thus, the Krebs Cycle is greatly suppressed when microbes
are intercepting the glucose.
But the Electron Transport Chain, which is actually more important than the Krebs
Cycle, absolutely, totally depends on the Krebs Cycle to create its quota of ATP
molecules. Thus, the presence of microbes severely damages or totally destroys the
production of ATP (energy molecules) in the mitochondria.
In addition microbes excrete mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are highly acidic waste products
which are totally useless to the cell. Thus, the mitochondria, instead of swimming in a
sea of pyruvate are swimming in a sea of toxins.
Here is a critical point: Just as the presence of microbes cause cancer in a cell, if you
kill all the microbes inside a cancer cell the cell is able to restore its production of ATP
molecules and revert into a normal cell. More than a dozen substances have been proven
to revert cancer cells into normal cells.
The DNA damage inside of some cancer cells is caused by the DNA of the microbes
which cause cancer. A discussion of this issue is far beyond the scope of this article.
A far more detailed discussion of how microbes cause cancer can be found in another
article. The cancer theory article also discusses the different categories of treatments
which can cure cancer. See this article:
The Theory of Cancer

You may have noted in the article just linked to that as long as microbe(s) are inside
cancer cells, the cells are unable to revert into normal cells.
How the DMSO - Chlorine Dioxide Treatment Works
This alternative cancer treatment, by itself, has already been shown to be very
effective against melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
For other types of cancers its effectiveness has not yet been determined. However,
because melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma have regular cancer cells (what makes
them unique is not their cancer cells, but the way they spread), it is expected that this
treatment will be effective on other kinds of cancer.
This treatment uses low doses of chlorine dioxide repeated twelve times each day. In
other words, instead of using high doses once or twice a day, it uses low doses several
times a day.
The key to this protocol is that for twelve hours a day, beginning in the morning, all of
the liquids your cancer cells have to "drink" include microbe killing chlorine dioxide!!
This is not healthy for the microbes and it is these microbes (not the cancer cells) that
this protocol is designed to kill.
Once the microbes inside the cancer cells are killed, the cancer cells will be able to
revert into normal cells.
This treatment has two major advantages over many other alternative cancer
1) This treatment was designed to revert cancer cells into normal cells, meaning if it is
used properly it should not cause any type of swelling or inflammation, and
2) This treatment can be taken transdermally (through the skin) or orally. This means
those on a feeding tube or I.V. can use this treatment. It also means those who cannot
digest foods can also use this protocol.

Chapter 2: The Elements of This Protocol
What Is DMSO?
This treatment includes DMSO, which is technically called: dimethyl sulfoxide. DMSO is
a purely natural product from the wood industry. Many, many millions of people have
used DMSO around the world. Not one person has died from its use.
DMSO targets cancer cells and "opens" the ports on the cancer cells, which in turn
allows chlorine dioxide to get inside of the cancer cells to kill the microbes which are
inside the cancer cells.
DMSO also "binds" to certain chemicals and experiments have indicated that chlorine
dioxide is one such molecule. This means the DMSO doesn't just open up the cancer cell
ports to chlorine dioxide, but it also drags the chlorine dioxide inside the cancer cells!!
As already mentioned, if you kill the microbe(s) inside the cancer cells, the cells will
revert into being normal cells without any type of debris from dead cancer cells. Thus,
there is no swelling or inflammation caused by dying cancer cells. In fact, DMSO is
known to help reduce swelling and inflammation.
But regardless of how many cancer cells it reverts into normal cells, what is known is
that DMSO with chlorine dioxide will kill any microbes in the blood and thus will help
build the immune system. Furthermore, by purely chemical means, chlorine dioxide will
help build the immune system in other ways.
If you want to know more about DMSO, see this website:
What Is Chlorine Dioxide?
Chlorine dioxide is made from sodium chlorite, otherwise known as stabilized oxygen.
The stabilized oxygen product normally used to make chlorine dioxide is called the
Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS). Stabilized oxygen has been used in alternative
medicine for over 70 years to prevent colds and the flu.
Chlorine dioxide has been studied by scientists for many years and has been mentioned
in many scientific journals. However, it was Jim Humble who brought chlorine dioxide to
the forefront of alternative medicine.
Jim used 15 drops of chlorine dioxide (meaning 15 drops of MMS plus the activator),
followed one hour later by another 15 drops, to cure malaria. AIDS/HIV can also be
cured with chlorine dioxide, though the administration of chlorine dioxide for AIDS
uses injections. However, using this article to treat AIDS may be just as effective as
injections. This article will help keep the AIDS virus from traveling through the blood.

The Bob Beck Protocol, which is known to cure AIDS in 21 days, only cleaned the blood
once a day. This protocol cleans the blood continuously for twelve hours.
Another thing Jim Humble discovered is that chlorine dioxide can be made at home by
mixing stabilized oxygen (i.e. sodium chlorite) with an "activator." It is the "activator"
which converts the sodium chlorite into chlorine dioxide.
Normal stabilized oxygen (e.g. Vitamin O, Aerobic O7 or Aerobic KO7) is usually
between 3% and 7% sodium chlorite. This is NOT the same thing as table salt, which is
sodium chloride.
However, the Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) is 28% sodium chlorite. The reason
for this mixture is so that it will react more readily to the "activator" to make chlorine
Vendors may sell bottles which recommend adding MMS to some form of vinegar. This is
old technology. DO NOT USE VINEGAR WITH MMS!!! Vinegar can actually feed yeast
The three things you can mix with MMS are (these are the three activators):
1) 10% or 50% citric acid (in liquid form or a powder form converted into liquid form), or
2) fresh squeezed lemon juice, which you squeeze yourself (filter out the particles), or
3) fresh squeezed lime juice, which you squeeze yourself (filter out the particles)
Any of these three items will chemically react to the sodium chlorite to create chlorine
dioxide. The 50% liquid citric acid is the highly preferred item to mix with MMS for
reasons to be understood in the next chapter. Citric acid can be purchased over the
Internet in liquid form or powdered form. If purchased in powdered form, it must be
converted to liquid form before use. MMS should always be purchased from the vendor
of MMS. MMS vendors have high turnover of citric acid, thus the product is always
The things you should NOT mix with sodium chlorite are just as important as the things
you should mix with it. For example, do NOT use any type of bottled lemon juice, such
as ReaLemon, as it may have vitamin C added as a preservative.
The highly preferred method is to use 50% citric acid, purchased from a vendor of
When making chlorine dioxide, only one drop of 50% citric acid is used for each drop of
MMS. The reason this is recommended is because for transdermal (through the skin)
use of DMSO/Chlorine Dioxide this mixture will penetrate the skin much easier than
using anything else. This is because less water must be carried though the skin by the

Also note the Miracle Mineral Supplement bottle should NOT be exposed directly to
While you can buy chlorine dioxide over the internet, this website strongly recommends
that you make it yourself at home from sodium chlorite (i.e. MMS). Chlorine dioxide is a
gas, and will not remain within water for more than a couple of hours. You should make it
at home fresh every time you use chlorine dioxide just to make sure you are getting the
maximum effect possible from the product.
Let me repeat that last statement to make sure the reader understands this issue.
Chlorine dioxide does not remain stable for more than a couple of hours, and because
there is one hour between treatments, a significant amount of the chlorine dioxide may
evaporate into the air if you use the same mixture twice in a row. In other words, the
chlorine dioxide must be made FRESH each time it is used!!!
For more information about chlorine dioxide, see: or
Items That Can Neutralize Chlorine Dioxide
This treatment can easily be neutralized by Vitamin C, immune builders, herbs, Protocel,
Cantron, and other antioxidants. Because it is so sensitive to other substances, this
treatment should not be used with other alternative cancer treatments. Even Cellect
includes immune builders which can neutralize this treatment. Do not use any of these
products, or any other supplements which contain antioxidants (including do not use
multi-vitamins, herbs, etc.), at the same time as this treatment.
The following information from the Bill Henderson Newsletter will clarify these points:
• They had started with just 2 drops of the MMS and worked up to a dose of 15
drops, twice a day. for ten days. There was no noticeable effect -- no nausea, no
diarrhea -- nothing. They were aware of the effect of Vitamin C on the MMS, so
they had moved the Heart Plus and Daily Advantage to later in the day.
They did some research, though, and found that the Beta 1,3D Glucan immune
stimulant is a strong antioxidant also. They were taking it at roughly the same
time as the MMS. As soon as they stopped taking the Beta Glucan for a couple of
days, the MMS had an immediate effect -- diarrhea, cleansing -- the whole thing.
(Chemist) I am a chemist who bought your (previous edition) book and am
receiving your e-newsletter (and I have cancer). I am not surprised to finally
read in letter #114 that antioxidants 'kill' MMS. They should. And that’s what I
have been telling a friend of mine who has lung cancer. However, antioxidants

stay in the body for more than three hours. Ideally, if you have enough
protection, you should have a more or less permanent steady state of them. The
beta-glucan instance, where the people waited three DAYS, certainly suggests
this also. I am not sure what the solution to the problem is, but if I were taking
MMS (and I intend to) I would stop all antioxidants for a while to let the MMS
work unhindered."
(Bill Henderson) As I mentioned in my last newsletter, the MMS is still in an
experimental stage. I would certainly heed Robert Peterson's advice. At least try
discontinuing your use of the Beta Glucan, the Heart Plus and the Daily Advantage
for a couple of weeks while you take the MMS. You need to be the judge of
whether it is working for you. If you experience the normal MMS diarrhea after
you stop the antioxidants, then it is probably working for you. This should not
continue for long (a day or so). Then, you should begin to have normal bowel
movements with no constipation. Bill Henderson Newsletter
In other words, do NOT use the chlorine dioxide protocol at the same time as any
substance which has Vitamin C, or any other antioxidant, including immune builders.
Wait at least a couple of days after discontinuing these treatments before starting the
chlorine dioxide treatment.
The "Cancer Diet"
Any time you use a protocol which is designed to kill microbes it is very, very critical to
avoid eating foods and drinks which feed or excite the microbes. This includes cancer
because cancer is a microbial disease.
An acidic diet of foods and drinks will make this protocol less effective because
microbes will breed much faster and be more aggressive in the presence of an acidic
diet. In other words, the microbes will breed faster than you can kill them!! This
includes the microbes which are inside the cancer cells.
What this means is that without a solid "cancer diet" there is no way this cancer
protocol, or any other cancer protocol, is going to be effective!! The "cancer diet" is
also the number one way to stop the spreading of cancer!!
An alkaline diet includes, among other things:
1) ZERO sugar,
2) ZERO white flour,
3) ZERO soda pops (even diet soda pops are forbidden),
4) ZERO meat,
5) ZERO dairy products,
and so on.

After eliminating all the foods that feed or excite microbes, what is left over is
basically whole foods, whole fruits, vegetable drinks and other healthy foods and drinks.
During the twelve hours a day of this protocol, very little should be eaten and virtually
no liquids should be taken (except in cases where a person needs liquids to stay awake
while driving or for some other valid reason).
See this article for more information about the cancer diet:
Cancer Diet article

Chapter 3: The Implementation of the Protocol
This protocol takes twelve hours each day, but don't worry, it is a simple and easy
protocol. It will not interfere with your day's activity very much at all.
DMSO can cause severe body odor, so the patient needs someone who has not touched
the DMSO to determine just how bad the body odor is. Anyone who touches it will not
be able to smell it.
In many cancer treatments in which high doses of DMSO are taken the person needs to
stay out of the public after the first dose of DMSO. But hopefully some people will not
have any noticeable body odor (sulphur smell) from the very low doses in this protocol.
The theory of this protocol is that for twelve hours the cancer cells have nothing to
"drink" except liquids which contain chlorine dioxide. Essentially, starting first thing in
the morning, before the patient drinks any liquids, they start taking very small doses of
DMSO and chlorine dioxide.
Rule #1: During the twelve hours of the treatment they should drink as little as
possible. This does not mean the patient cannot drink anything, only that they should
drink as little fluids as possible!!!
Rule #2: Food is allowed during the twelve hours, but also as little as possible. Again,
food is not prohibited, just take as little as possible.
Rule #3: One hour after the last application of DMSO and chlorine dioxide they can
drink or eat anything they want for the rest of the day.
By doing this, most of the liquids the person takes for twelve hours includes chlorine
dioxide. Since cancer cells consume liquids continuously, a great deal of chlorine dioxide
will get inside of all cancer cells. This means many, and hopefully all, of the microbes will
be killed.
The DMSO is used to "open" the ports of the cancer cells so a higher percentage of the
chlorine dioxide water gets inside the cancer cells!! Thus it is a one-two punch:
1) Very little water combined with chlorine dioxide means the cancer cells get mainly
water mixed with chlorine dioxide for twelve hours a day, and
2) In addition the DMSO will further allow the chlorine dioxide to target and get inside
of cancer cells!!
In addition, the DMSO and chlorine dioxide actually bind together, thus far more of the
chlorine dioxide gets into cancer cells than a product which does not bind to DMSO.

The cancer cells will soon revert into normal cells, which is the goal of this protocol. As
long as the person is not on a bad diet which will allow the microbes to breed faster
than they should, this protocol should be very effective.
As mentioned, one hour after the person is done with the twelve hours of this protocol,
they can eat and drink healthy things the rest of the day.
WARNING / WARNING: I cannot emphasize this often enough: you MUST make the
chlorine dioxide fresh every time you mix DMSO and chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide
is a GAS inside of a liquid and within one-half hour the gas will evaporate. You MUST
make a NEW mixture of chlorine dioxide EVERY HOUR!!!
In other words, when you make and use chlorine dioxide, you must use it immediately
then throw away any chlorine dioxide which is not used. It will be worthless after 1/2

DMSO Protocol and Safety Warnings

DMSO is an amazing product. Unfortunately, there are some strong warnings that go
with its use. Do not be alarmed by these safety warning, they are easy to implement.
First, pregnant women, women who may be pregnant, women who may become pregnant,
or women who are nursing, should not use DMSO - period! Even though there is no
evidence that DMSO causes birth defects, the similarity between early fetal cells and
cancer cells is so great that it is better to err on the side of caution.
Second, do NOT let it come into contact with your eyes. Again, there is no evidence this
will cause problems, but it is better to err on the side of caution.
Third, do NOT use plastic, latex or rubber gloves, or any other kind of gloves, when
handling DMSO. The DMSO may bind to the gloves and take the substance into your
cells causing severe illness. A technician who was working with the scientists who
originally discovered DMSO became very sick from handling the newly discovered
DMSO with lab gloves. While some surgical gloves may be of such quality that they can
be used to handle DMSO, if you use any type of gloves you do so at your own risk.
Fourth, do NOT let the DMSO come into contact with any type of clothing or anything
In short, it should go straight from the bottle, into a mixing glass (made of glass, wood,
ceramic or metal) and then the mixed product should be put on the skin, above (or on)
where the cancer cells are located.
The following substances are always safe to use with DMSO: GLASS, WOOD, CERAMIC
or METAL containers.

Rigid plastic containers are generally safe to use as well, such as spray bottles. In fact,
spray bottles, of glass, rigid plastic or metal, are the preferred way of administering
DMSO. Of course, it will still need to be spread by hand.
Having said all of that, DMSO is a superb product and very safe to use if you take
reasonable precautions.
The DMSO can be purchased as a liquid, gel or cream. The rules are the same for each.

What to Buy For This Protocol

The ingredients in the protocol consist of:
1) DMSO - two 8 ounce bottles,
2) MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement - 28% sodium chlorite) - at least three bottles,
3) 50% citric acid (which should come from the MMS vendor)
DMSO usually comes in the form of 99.9% pure DMSO, mixed with 30% water. This
makes a 70/30 ratio. Do NOT use DMSO with less than 30% water. In other words, if
you purchase 99.9% DMSO, then you must mix it with distilled water until it is a 70/30
ratio. You must use a 70/30 mixture so it will penetrate the skin properly.
Here is one of many vendors of DMSO on the Internet where you can obtain 70/30
liquid DMSO:
To buy Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) and citric acid, here are two different
vendor product lines (Note: for the first vendor the citric acid comes already mixed
with water, thus you need to buy 1 bottle of 50% citric acid for each bottle of MMS:
H2O Air Water America
Global Light Network
There are many other vendors of MMS if you wish to use Google. Whatever vendor you
choose make sure the package also comes with a form of 50% citric acid or you can
make the 50% citric acid.
Note: Because MMS is legally sold as a "water purifier" and because DMSO is legally
sold as a "solvent" (due to potential FDA persecution) most health food stores are
reluctant to sell these products so you are likely wasting your time going to a health
food store to buy these two products.

The General Principle of Making Chlorine Dioxide
WARNING: I cannot emphasize this often enough: you MUST make the chlorine dioxide
fresh every time you mix DMSO and chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is a GAS inside
of a liquid and within one-half hour the gas will evaporate. You MUST make a NEW
mixture of chlorine dioxide EVERY HOUR!!!
This section will give you the general principle of making chlorine dioxide from sodium
chlorite (i.e. MMS) and citric acid.
1) To make one drop of chlorine dioxide mix one drop of sodium chlorite (i.e. MMS) with
one drop of 50% citric acid (if you already have 10% citric acid, then use five drops of
10% citric acid for each drop of MMS).
2) To make two drops of chlorine dioxide mix two drops of sodium chlorite (i.e. MMS)
with two drops of 50% citric acid.
2) To make three drops of chlorine dioxide mix three drops of sodium chlorite (i.e.
MMS) with three drops of 50% citric acid.
You will not exceed three drops at one time. Basically, for EACH drop of MMS add one
drop of 50% citric acid.
Now let us apply this principle to learn how to safely "build-up" to the therapeutic doses
of chlorine dioxide.
A note about water is in order. Use purified water or distilled water during this
protocol, never tap water.
I also would not recommend alkaline water or ozonated water because they may
interfere with the chlorine dioxide chemically.
After the twelve hours of each day of build-up or protocol you can live a normal
lifestyle as long as you stay on a strong "cancer diet."

The Transdermal Way of Making and Taking Chlorine Dioxide

This example makes "three drops" of the DMSO/CD combination.
The patient should avoid liquids as much as possible from waking up in the morning to
finishing the twelve hours of this protocol.
The Hourly Treatment (Making "3 Drops" of the Mixture)
1) You put THREE drops of MMS in a small glass bowl and then
2) Mix in THREE drops of 50% citric acid, then
3) Stir them together periodically for three minutes, then
(Do NOT Add Any Water)

4) ADD in 6 drops of DMSO (perhaps a little more than 6 drops, each person is a little
5) Stir them together periodically for ONE minute, then
(Do NOT Add Any Water)
6) Rub the mixture on your arm, leg, chest and/or back. Rub it such that it is spread
very, very thinly.
Note that when mixing the 3 drops of MMS with 3 drops of citric acid and then with 6
drops of DMSO, the resulting mixture is DEFINED to be "3 DROPS" of the mixture
even though it contains 12 drops of substances.
Do this exactly once an hour for twelve hours. Note that the DMSO is only mixed for
one minute before use. Note also that water is never added to this mixture!!
After the twelve hours you can drink purified water and eat healthy foods for the rest
of the day.
Other Important Comments
For advanced cancer patients, the patient can take 2x (two times) or 3x (three times,
as shown above) the recommended doses of the chlorine dioxide. In extreme cases even
5x (five times) the standard doses can be used.
The DMSO/CD should be put on the skin directly on the cancer or tumor or on the skin
above the cancer or tumor. However, if a skin rash develops then you may need to move
it to a different location on the skin, but as close as possible to the cancer or tumor.
Assuming you work Monday through Friday, you may want to do your first transdermal
session on a Saturday to see whether you are subject to body odor. Always have a
trusted person, who is not using DMSO, be the judge of any body odor.
AFTER the twelve hours you can eat and drink anything you want, in any amounts you
want, as long as it is consistent with the "cancer diet" discussed in the prior chapter.
How Long Should the Treatment Be Taken?
This treatment can be taken indefinitely, but normally it will only be taken for 4 or 5
weeks. Two months after starting this treatment (and for each two months the patient
is on this treatment) the patient should take the CA Profile test or Red Drop Test (see
If the CA Profile (or Red Drop Test) number does not increase each time it is taken,
continue with this treatment as long as you wish.
If the test numbers increase, discontinue this treatment and use a more proven
alternative cancer treatment, such as the Cellect-Budwig protocol (see the "Cancer
Tutor" website).

In EITHER CASE, please notify the ICRF every time you take a CA Profile or Red Drop
test and provide a short description of your case history. If the treatment is not
working, we will be happy to recommend a stronger treatment for your situation.

How You Can Help Other Cancer Patients!!

This treatment can never be perfected without information from people who have used
this treatment. It is this information, and nothing else, which will allow us to fine-tune
this treatment for other cancer patients. You become a cancer researcher when you use
this treatment. If you do not contact the ICRF, then you are only benefiting yourself,
not others, with information that may help them!!
Before starting this treatment, or as soon as possible, the cancer patient should take a
CA Profile or Red Drop test to establish a "baseline" for how well this protocol works.
Please send me an email when you get your CA Profile test or Red Drop result (you may
have already started the treatment by then).
The patient should take the test every four to six weeks. Every CA Profile or Red Drop
score should be forwarded to the ICRF with information about what treatment is being
used, how the patient is doing, etc.
Then, 3 or 4 weeks AFTER the treatment is finished, please take another CA Profile or
Red Drop test and let us know the results.
The Red Drop TK Test and CA Profile Test

ICRF Email Address (Webster Kehr)

To contact the ICRF, whether you have questions or comments or need to tell us you are
taking the protocol, email support is provided. Be sure to include the word "cancer"
somewhere in your Subject line so your email is not mistaken for spam (occasionally a
valid email will be put in spam by Yahoo):
Send the ICRF an E-mail (Webster Kehr)
Let us know how we can help!!


FDA and ICRF Disclaimer
Please click this link to see the disclaimer:

Critical Warnings
Advanced cancer patients should NOT use this treatment except as a supplemental
While this protocol is exceptionally safe and easy to use, it is first necessary to deal
with situations where this protocol may not be the best choice

WARNING: Age and Size Restrictions

Children under the age of 12 should not use this treatment. The doses in this treatment
are designed for a person who weighs 130 pounds or above. If you weigh less than 130
pounds, then take proportionately lower doses every hour.

WARNING: Certain Nutrients Can Be Neutralized By This Treatment

This protocol should NOT be used with: multi-vitamin supplements, vitamin C, vitamin E,
selenium, immune builders, or any other supplement which contains anti-oxidants.
Chlorine dioxide is an oxidant and can neutralize these anti-oxidants.
To avoid any problems of anti-oxidants being neutralized (chlorine dioxide will be
unaffected) do not take any anti-oxidant within one hour BEFORE the chlorine dioxide
and one hour AFTER the chlorine dioxide.

WARNING: Do NOT Use This Treatment With Prescription Drugs

The DMSO in this treatment may enhance the effectiveness of prescription drugs, thus
the cancer patient may effectively overdose on their prescription drugs. Use this
treatment with prescription drugs with caution and close observation. Try to take all
prescription drugs at least one hour after the end of the daily twelve hour protocol.
Do NOT use this protocol with aspirin or any other blood thinner.

Warning For Women Who Are, or Who Might Be, or Who Might Become Pregnant
Women who are pregnant, might be pregnant, might become pregnant, or are nursing,
should NOT take this treatment - period!! The affect on an unborn fetus could be fatal
to the fetus due to the high doses of chlorine dioxide in this treatment combined with
the extremely low weight of the fetus!! In addition, fetus have many undifferentiated

cells and this treatment will TARGET cancer cells (because of the DMSO), which are
also undifferentiated!! Thus, this treatment may inadvertantly target undifferentiated
fetal cells and cause death to the fetus or cause birth defects!!!!

This treatment is not designed to shrink tumors, so if any tumors are in dangerous
locations (such as they are pressing on the bile duct) do not use this treatment. Seek
medical help and use one of the treatments which shrinks tumors, such as the Cellect-
Budwig protocol or Overnight Cure For Cancer.
Also, if the patient has swelling in their brain, or any other dangerous condition, seek
medical help immediately.


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