A2 Talk2Me - : Unit 1: My Surname Is

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Talk 2

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Unit 1: My surname is … from 9:30 to 11am. And the bad news is …

we can only rehearse on Saturdays. Friday
Evie: Hi, Max. Hi, Jojo. night is always Zumba night.
Jojo/Max: Hi, Evie. Evie: That’s three hours of rehearsal in total! No
Evie: So what’s this dance competition that you way. Right, we need to find the Dance Slam
want to tell me about? website. I’ll look for a phone number and
call them to say that we can’t enter the
Max: It’s called ‘The Great Big Dance Slam’. It’s
in Brighton.
Jojo: What’s so funny?
Jojo: And it’s on every year, in err … June, isn’t
it? And it’s going to be great dancing with Evie: Listen! ‘Don’t forget kids! The Great Big
my twin brother and my best friend. Dance Slam is on the 6th … of July!’ The
competition isn’t in June … it’s July! We’ve
Max: Yes, I think it’s on June 6th. Is that
got another month to rehearse!
right, Jojo?
Jojo: Fantastic!
Evie: So, you want me to dance with you, but you
don’t know exactly when the dance Max: Great!
competition is?
Jojo: Well, it’s always at the weekend and it isn’t Unit 2: It starts at …
usually in the holidays, … but I can’t find
the letter. Evie: I’m tired. I’m so busy all the time.
Evie: Well, let’s not worry about the letter. The 6th Max: Me too. At least it’s nearly the weekend.
June is in two weeks. We need to start Jojo: I’m busy this weekend. I have homework
practising … and now! and need to practise for my piano lesson
Jojo: OK. Let’s see when we’re all free. on Monday.
Evie: So in my free time, I go to art club and Max: Hmm … we’re best friends, but we never
drama on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. have time to do anything fun together.
Jojo: I’m busy on Mondays, but I’m always free Evie: You know Sophie and her friends? They
on Thursdays and so are you Evie. meet on Fridays every week at 6 o’clock
after school.
Evie: Great. Let’s practise on Thursday evenings.
Max: Well, it is Friday today. Why don’t we do
Max: I can’t practise on Thursdays. After school I something together tonight?
have band practice, then I often play tennis.
Sorry. Evie: Good idea.
Evie: So we can’t practise on Mondays, Tuesdays, Jojo: What shall we do?
Wednesdays and Max is busy on Thursdays. Max: Who likes watching movies?
Jojo: Well, that still leaves Fridays, Saturdays Evie: I do! Perfect.
and Sundays. Jojo: Me! You know I do.
Max: But mum and dad like us to keep Sundays Max: Exactly. So tonight, I’m watching a movie
free, for family time. with my best friends.
Evie: So, let’s phone to book the dance studio for Jojo: Brilliant. Then Evie can come back to our
Friday evening and Saturday morning for house after the film for pizza.
the next two weeks. Evie: OK, I’m on the cinema website. Brilliant!
Max: OK. ‘Ballet Blast’ is on.
Dance studio reception:  Jojo: What time does it start?
Dance Studio, how can I help you? Evie: It’s every night this week from 8:00 until
Max: Hi, it’s Max. Can we book the dance studio 10:30 pm … That’s a bit late for us.
for Friday evening and Saturday morning Max: OK. How about ‘Crazy Crash 7’? I really
for the next two weeks, please? want to see it.
Dance studio reception:  Jojo: I’m not spending my free time watching
Sorry, what’s your surname Max? cars crashing. Oh, no. I’d like to see ‘The
Max: My surname is Richardson. Missing Girl’ … That sounds exciting.
Dance studio reception:  Max: Oh, come on. Why don’t we take a vote?
How do you spell it, please? Which one do you want to see, Evie?
Max: That’s R-I-C-H-A-R-D-S-O-N. Evie: I really don’t want to watch ‘Crazy Crash’,
Max: OK, bye. but I’m not interested in ‘The Missing Girl’
Evie: Well? either. However, ‘The Freedom League’
sounds interesting.
Max: Well, the good news is we can rehearse in
the dance studio on Saturday mornings Max: I don’t want to see that.

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Jojo: Well I don’t want to see your film either. Jojo: It was an accident, Evie, sorry.
Evie: Well why can’t we just agree? Evie: OK. Don’t worry. Dad bought a cake in the
Max: Let’s have another look. supermarket. We can eat that.
Evie: OK, here’s what we’re going to do. We’re Jojo: Shall I carry on cleaning?
meeting at 6pm at the cinema. Evie: No, no, please. There’s no need for you to
Jojo: Then we’re buying drinks and popcorn and help any more. Why don’t you two take a
Max is going to see ‘Crashing cars 26’. break while I’m finishing off in here?
Max: Er, ‘Crazy Crash 7’. What time does it start? Jojo: What a shame I broke the lemon cake. I’m
glad we came to help Evie though.
Jojo: It starts at half past 6 and finishes at 8:15.
I’m going to see ‘The Missing Girl’, but it Max: Me too, because I found out I hate
finishes at 8pm. cleaning …
Evie: And I’m watching a brilliant adventure film Jojo: Me too. I prefer eating cake.
until ten past eight.
Jojo: Then we’re all going back to our house Unit 4: Did you say …?
for pizza.
Jojo: Look, Max and I were thinking that we all
Max: Well, it’s not exactly perfect, but at least I need to do some more exercise.
finally get to spend some time with my
Max: Yes, I was running for the bus yesterday. I
best friends.
felt exhausted.
Evie: Well, running is a good way to get fit, but it’s
Unit 3: It’s my favourite because … a bit boring.
Evie: Hi, guys! Jojo: No, we’ve got a much better idea. We were
Jojo: Hello! Hey, nice rubber gloves! What are looking online when we came across
you doing? this website.
Evie: I bought them yesterday! It’s Mother’s Day Evie: ‘Buy and sell things in your area’.
tomorrow, so I’m cleaning the house for my Jojo: Brilliant, isn’t it?
mum. Evie: I’m not sure.
Jojo: Wow! You’re so good, Evie. We made our Max: The plan is, we all buy a bike and cycle to
mum a card last week, and we’re getting her school instead of taking the bus!
some flowers and taking her breakfast in
Evie: Pardon? Did you say … buy a bike?
bed tomorrow.
Jojo: Yes. It’s a brilliant idea because we save
Max: We’re making her favourite things. Toast
money on bus fares and we get fit
and butter, strawberries and coffee. But
by cycling.
cleaning the house is so difficult.
Max: All we have to do is find three bikes on this
Jojo: Hey, why don’t we come and help you?
website. Let’s try this one. Hello, yes, can
Evie: Er … OK. Perhaps you can help tidy you help me? I was looking through ‘Things
the kitchen? for Sale’ and I saw your bike. How much is it
Jojo/Max: OK. please? ... I’m sorry, did you say £150? …
Jojo: I love this apron. It’s my favourite because OK, thank you. Bye.
of the colour – I love pink. Jojo: I’m sorry, could you repeat that? ... How far
Max: That cake looks delicious, Evie. Is it an is that from Brighton? ... Did you say 20
orange cake? I love orange cake because it’s miles or 20 minutes? … Miles. OK, no I
so sweet. think that’s too far. Thank you.
Evie: No, it’s a lemon cake, I baked it this Evie: Pardon? Did you say it’s a new bike? … Oh,
morning. I prefer lemons to oranges – and right, it’s a blue bike, not a new bike. How
so does my mum. Now, I cleaned the old is it? … I’m sorry, could you repeat
bedrooms earlier so now we’re doing the that? … It’s 30 years old? … Oh, right, it’s 13
kitchen, starting with the floor. years old … Yes, I was listening ... Yes, sorry!
Thank you.
Max: Cool! I used a brush once at home. I wasn’t
very good at it. I hit a picture and it fell off Max: Wow! When we were talking earlier,
the wall. Mum was angry with me. I thought it would be easy to find a bike.
Evie: Yes, well, luckily there aren’t any pictures Jojo: Then we called nearly 20 people and we
in here. didn’t find one.
Max: That’s good. Evie: They were all really expensive …
Evie: Jojo, can you clean the table? Max: … or old, or too small …
Evie: Oh no! Jojo: … or too big. Or miles from Brighton.

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Max: Hang on. Look at this. Three bikes for sale. Max: The list said two tins, not 20 tins – that’s too
It’s on our road. I can’t believe it – it’s our much tuna.
neighbours! I’ll go round and see if we can Jojo: Maybe you just entered a bigger number
buy them. by mistake?
Jojo: So our neighbours wanted to empty Evie: I don’t think so.
their garage?
Max: Hang on. Felix was on the tablet,
Max: Yes, they have got three kids, who all grew remember?
up and left home ages ago. When I told
Evie: While we were talking, Felix ordered
them that we wanted to use them to get fit,
more tuna!
they said that we could have them for free!
Max: No way! Naughty cat! That’s the funniest
Evie: Max, I never thought I’d hear myself say
thing ever!
this, but you’re a genius!
Evie: Actually, he’s more than just a naughty cat.
Jojo: I’m sorry, could you repeat that, please?
He’s a very clever cat.
Max: It’s OK. I heard you, Evie. I am a genius!
Jojo: He can use a tablet! Evie, I think he’s the
cleverest cat in history!
Unit 5: It’s better to …
Jojo: Who’s that? Unit 6: The address is …
Evie: It’s my dad. He wants me to do Evie: Have you seen this advert about a clothes
some shopping. sale on the school website?
Max: No problem. We’re not doing anything at Max: ‘Have you ever looked in your wardrobe
the moment. and realised that you have too many
Evie: Yes, but there’s one big problem. clothes?’ I haven’t – I don’t have
Max: You ... haven’t got a shopping list? many clothes.
Evie: Yes, I have. It’s in the message. The problem Jojo: Yes, me! I have loads of clothes.
is how we get to the supermarket. Evie: It says that there’s a clothes sale tonight at
Jojo: On our bikes? school. Shall we sell our old clothes to get
some money, Jojo?
Evie: It’s better to go on the bus. It’s easier with
all the shopping. Although it’s a long walk to Jojo: Yes. Good idea.
the bus stop. Evie: I want to buy a tablet. I’ve got £100 saved up
Evie: Hang on! I know what to do. Online from my birthday money, but I need a
shopping! More and more people are lot more.
doing it. Jojo: And I’ve never had a new phone. My mum
Max: Brilliant. It takes less time than actually gave me her old one.
going to the shop. Evie: OK! I’ll go and get my old clothes. We’ll
Jojo: And there are always offers online, so meet back here in one hour.
shopping is cheaper. Jojo: Great, you’ve found loads of old clothes.
Evie: I like online shopping the best, because you Evie: Now, it says here the sale is on tonight at
can stay at home, watch TV and wait for the 6pm. It’s 4pm now, so we’ve got just over an
shopping to arrive. hour to sort out these clothes and then go
Max: It says to buy some fruit juice. Do you want and sell them.
apple juice, pineapple juice or orange juice? Jojo: Where’s the sale?
Jojo: I like apple juice the best. Evie: The address is at ‘6 Park Lane’. It’s at the
Evie: Orange juice. Dad thinks orange juice is Community Centre.
better than apple juice. Jojo: I’ve never been to a sale like this one. Do
Max: OK, cat food. How much cat food? Six tins? we get our own stall?
Evie: Yes, six tins of cat food and two tins of tuna. Evie: I don’t know but it says you can call for
The cat prefers tuna, but we only give it as more information. The phone number is …
a treat. oh, one, three, eight, five – double seven,
two, one, double five.
Max: Oh, I’m hungry.
Jojo: So, we do get our own stall. We pay £5 and
Evie: OK. Let’s have a break. Would you like some
then we can keep any money we make from
toast or a biscuit?
our clothes.
Jojo: Have you got any chocolate?
Evie: Great. I never knew I had so many clothes.
Max: Look at the cat! There are things in here that I haven’t worn
Evie: OK, we’ve got some bread, some milk, some for years.
orange juice, a packet of chocolate biscuits
and … OK, who ordered 20 tins of tuna?

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Jojo: Oh, I really like this. When did you Jojo: Definitely. In the future, we’ll be delivering
buy this? faster than today … because we’re going to
Evie: My mum gave it to me for Christmas last buy better bikes.
year, but I’ve never worn it. I don’t like Evie: How about when you leave school? Will you
the colour. be going to university?
Jojo: Oh, I love this colour. Can I have it? Max: Oh, definitely. One day I plan to have a
Evie: No problem. Actually, I’ve always liked really good job. I’m not going to be
these skinny jeans you bought ages ago, but delivering newspapers my whole life.
you’ve never worn them … Jojo: I think that when I leave school, I’ll have a
Jojo: Why don’t we swap? newspaper business of my own.
Evie: Great idea. What else have you got? I never Max: Oh, yes, that’s right. And I’m going to work
knew you had so many nice clothes, Jojo. really, really hard. So, please give me
the job.
Max: Are you ready? What are you taking to sell?
Evie: That’s great, guys! Give them a call. See
Evie: Well, I thought I wanted to take all this stuff
you later.
but …
ALL: Hi!
Jojo: … but I really liked all of it, so she gave it to
me and, well … Evie: How did the interview go?
Evie: … and I’ve always liked Jojo’s style, so she Max: The interview was really, really difficult. It’s
agreed to let me have her stuff … a good job you helped us to prepare, Evie.
Jojo: So we just swapped. Evie: It’s OK. What did he ask you? What was it
like? Were you nervous?
Max: So you won’t make any money today then.
Jojo: We’ll show you. ‘Hello. Are you fit and
Evie: No, but we’ve both got lots of new clothes.
healthy? Have you got a bike?’
Max: Err … yes.
Unit 7: In one year’s time …
Jojo: ‘Good. You start tomorrow. I’ll see you
Evie: Hey, you two. You both look sad. Are at 7am.’
you OK? Max: It was easy! There’s only one problem,
Max: We’ve spent all our pocket money. Evie …
Jojo: We’re not going to get any more for another Jojo: We don’t think we’ll wake up in time
two weeks, so no more fun until next month. tomorrow morning. Will you come round to
Max: We always spend money really quickly. our house and wake us up?
Evie: Maybe you need to get a job. Evie: What?
Jojo: Well, one day, I plan to get a job, but not Max: Only joking. We’ll set our alarms. And to
now. We’re still at school. thank you for helping us, we’ll buy you
pizza after our first week at work!
Max: We’re too young to work now. I want to go to
university and then perhaps work Evie: Great. Let’s go.
in technology.
Evie: Sounds great, Max. But for now, there are Unit 8: Can I buy …?
lots of part-time jobs you could do. Look –
Evie: Hello, you two. Is everything OK? Do I
I’ve found something already. ‘Boys and
need to talk louder?
girls to deliver newspapers. Four days per
week. Must be fit and healthy. Best to have a Max: Oh, hey Evie. It’s great to see you. In
bike. £10 per day.’ fact, it’s just great to be alive.
Max: We can do that. We’ll earn £40 per week! Jojo: This is such a great day!
Evie – you’re fantastic! I’ll call them up now Evie: OK, what’s the matter?
about the job. Jojo: Something amazing has happened.
Jojo: Wait. We need to think about what we’re Evie: Really?
going to say.
Max: Look!
Evie: I can help. There are some career websites
Jojo: We’ve got new phones!
online. They may help.
Evie: Right, OK, great! That’s exciting, but
Evie: OK, Max. Tell me – where do you see your
they look just like your old ones.
career in one year’s time?
Jojo: Evie, you need to see what they can do.
Max: My career? Oh, right, yes. Well, I think that
They can talk! Where’s the button? Is
next year I’m going to be delivering
there any sport on TV today?
Jojo’s phone: Hello, Jojo. Can you say that
again, please?

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Jojo: Of course. Is there any sport on TV? Jojo: If she’s nice, you’ll have a great time!
Jojo’s phone: Thank you for asking that, Jojo. What Evie: I suppose so. But I’d prefer to go to Paris.
can I tell you about spots? Jojo: Do you know her name?
Jojo: No, that’s not right, I said sport, Evie: Yes. I have a message. ‘Hello. My name is
not spots. Anouk Dupont and I’m French. I live in a
Jojo’s phone: OK, Jojo, why do you think you small village near the border with
need support? Switzerland. It’s a beautiful place to live but
Evie: Let me try with a different question. if you like busy places, my village is not for
Can I buy some new trainers online? you, because it’s quiet most of the time.’
Jojo’s phone: I’m sorry, can you repeat that, please? Max: Living near Switzerland sounds cool,
especially if you like chocolate. Why don’t
Max: Let me try with my phone. Just a
you reply to her?
second. Hi, phone. What time is the
United game on TV? Evie: OK. I will. ‘Hi, Anouk. My name’s Evie
Proudfoot. I live in a town called Brighton.
Max’s phone: Hello, Max. I’m sorry, can you say that
It’s a really fun place to live. The thing I like
again, please?
most about it is that it’s by the sea. Have
Max: When is football on TV? you ever been to a big city?’
Max’s phone: I don’t know Max, what do you want for Max: Come on, Evie, she lives near Switzerland,
your tea? not at the South Pole.
Max: No! Let me ask again. I didn’t ask about Jojo: Ooh, Anouk’s typing. ‘The thing I like most
tea, I asked about the TV. about my street is that there is a ski lift at
Max’s phone: India and China are the world’s biggest the end of it. So, when it snows, we go
tea producers. skiing.’ Evie, she lives in a ski resort! We
Max: Never mind! It’s rubbish! love skiing, and France. Do you think she’d
invite all three of us on an exchange visit?
Max’s phone: People in Turkey, Ireland and the UK
drink the most tea per person. Max: She’s typing again. ‘Great. If you came to
see me for two weeks, we could also have a
Evie: I think you two are going to have to do
few days in our flat in Paris.’
some more phone training. Never
mind, let’s have a snack and watch TV. Jojo: A flat in Paris! Evie, she’s the coolest
exchange partner ever!
Max’s phone: Hello, how can I help you?
Max: Ask if we can come too!
Jojo’s phone: Yes, of course I can help you.
Evie: Mmm I’m not sure, but OK. ‘That sounds
Max’s phone: Can you tell me what Max wanted
amazing! My two best friends would love to
to know?
come to visit too. They are twins and they
Jojo’s phone: Unfortunately, I couldn’t understand. love skiing.’
Max’s phone: Let me say that again, please. Max: She’s not answering. She probably doesn’t
Jojo’s phone: Sorry, can you say that again? Goodbye. like us now.
Max’s phone: Goodbye. Crazy phone! Jojo: Oh, no, if Anouk doesn’t like us, she won’t
Jojo’s phone: I heard that … invite us to visit her and it’s goodbye (or ‘au
revoir’) Paris.
Evie: ‘Sounds cool. The thing I like least about
Unit 9: It’s a fun place to live. living here is we don’t often get to meet
Max: Hey, Evie. How are you? We’ve just finished new people. If you send me a selfie of you
our German class. and the twins, I’ll show my friends and
Jojo: Was your French lesson good? maybe you can all come for a visit.’
Evie: Yes, our French teacher told us who our Evie: Say ‘fromage’! That’s ‘cheese’ in French.
exchange partners will be and we have to ALL: Fromage!
write to them.
Jojo: That sounds fun. Will they be French? Unit 10: Let me think …
Max: If they’re French, will you have to speak to
Max: Evie, how long have we been here? When
them … in French?
can you make the call?
Evie: Yes, of course. I have to speak in French
Evie: Let me think, you’ve been here since
and she has to speak in English.
7am. So, you’ve been here for almost
Max: Are you going to France to visit her? an hour now.
Evie: Yes. I have to spend time at her house and Jojo: Well, not long now. I’ve waited for
she has to come and visit me too. The months for this moment. 5,4,3,2,1 … go!
problem is she lives in a small village.

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Max: I can’t believe how expensive it is. Tell Jojo: Wow! Four tickets for free!
me again, how much is a ticket? Max: VIP tickets. Fantastic!
Evie: Just a minute, please, Max. I’ve only just ALL: Thanks!
told you.
Jojo: Adult tickets are £60 and it’s £45 for Unit 11: My mum is a …
under-18s and students. It’s expensive,
but you’ve saved money from your job. Evie: Hello?
Evie: My mum is paying for mine to say thank Twins’ mum: Hi, Evie! It’s the twins’ mum. Can you
you. I looked after her when she broke come to Jojo and Max’s birthday party
her ankle. next Friday?
Max: So, four tickets … one each for us and Evie: Of course!
one for Evie’s mum. Twins’ mum: I’ve booked a table at Paolo’s, the Italian
Evie: Yes, that’s right. My mum enjoys listening restaurant which has just opened. They
to their music. And she’s going to drive want to know today how many we’re
us there. booking for.
Jojo: Of course. Look. We have to go in a few Evie: Well, I’d love to come. My mum is a chef
minutes. Max and I have a dentist and she says Paolo’s is a really good
appointment in 30 minutes, but we’ll be restaurant. Who else is going?
back later. Twins’ mum: Well, there are only five people so far.
Evie: OK. I’ll be here. Don’t worry – I’ll get The twins, you, me and their dad. I’ve
your tickets. tried to call the twins to ask them who
Max: What if there are no student tickets left? else they want to invite, but their phones
Will you buy adult tickets? are switched off. Can you find out for
me, please? I’ll call back in a little while.
Evie: Let’s see … Yes, I’ll buy adult tickets.
Evie: No problem. Bye.
Jojo: See you later.
Jojo: Hi, Evie.
Evie: Bye!
Evie: Hi.
Jojo: Hi. We’re back and we’ve bought lunch.
All healthy food. We’ve got to look after Jojo: We’ve just had a careers lesson.
ourselves ... Max: I was planning to do technology, but I’m
Max: … and our teeth. not sure now.
Evie: Oh, I’ve just moved forward in the queue. Jojo: I can’t decide either. An actor would be
exciting, but so would a journalist or a
Jojo: Do you remember first making this call?
What time was it?
Evie: Your mum’s just called. We need to make
Evie: 8am. And it’s now 12:30 and we’re
a list of who you want to invite to your
number two in the queue … Oh, hello,
birthday party.
yes, I’d like four tickets to the New
Horizon concert on … What? Hello? Oh Max: I hope you’re coming, Evie. You’re our
no! My phone’s died! best friend.
Max: But I remembered to plug it in, like Evie: Of course, I am.
you said. Jojo: We could invite some of our cousins.
Evie: However, you forgot to turn it on. Max: Yeah. We’ve got 22 cousins.
Jojo: I can’t believe it! How did you forget? Jojo: Let’s just invite the ones who live locally.
Max: It was early. I was a bit tired. I’m sorry. There’s Billy, Charlie, Daisy, Emma,
Flossy, Gary, Hettie, Imogen, Jackie, Lou,
Jojo: Looking at the information, it says tickets
Molly, Ned, Olive, Pete and Rachel.
usually sell out really quickly.
Evie: That’s another 15 people. So, 20
Evie: Never mind, we might be able to go
altogether. Wow! I’m an only child but I
next time.
have a few cousins – not as many as you
Evie: Hi, Mum. two. In my family, there are fewer than
Evie’s mum: Evie, have you already bought those New 15 people in total.
Horizon tickets? Jojo: Should we invite some aunties and
Evie: No, we haven’t got them yet. uncles? How about Uncle Rich and
Evie’s mum: Good. My friend Jane has just called. She Aunty Claire? They live nearby and
won four VIP tickets in a competition but they’re great. And then there’s Uncle
she doesn’t like New Horizon. Shall Ben. He’s a singer, so he may sing for us.
we go? Max: What about Aunty Maria, the artist?
Evie: Yes! Mum you’re amazing! She’s good fun.

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Evie: Er, that’s 24 people. I’m not sure we’ll all Max: Mmm, maybe. Oh, yes. I forgot to say.
fit in the restaurant. Sorry the coffee isn’t made yet. We’re
Jojo: What about our school friends? Let’s waiting for our friend Evie to arrive.
invite the whole class. There are 28 She’s good at stuff like that.
including us, so that’s another 26 people. Jojo: That’s right. She’s great!
How many’s that? Aunty Maria: She sounds like a brilliant friend to
Evie: Err … Hello? have. That’s fine we can wait for coffee.
Twins’ mum: Hi Evie! The restaurant has just called. Do you still play …
They say they’ve got enough space for Jojo: I remember, you love gardening. Let’s
about 15 people. How many have have a look at the garden while we’re
you got? waiting for everyone to arrive.
Evie: Err … I’ll call you back in two minutes. Evie: Hello. Is anyone here? Oh, dear, the
OK, Max, Jojo. There may be a slight table isn’t laid. And I haven’t made the
problem – we can invite up to 15 people. coffee yet. Oh well, here goes. That must
Jojo: 50? That’s exactly the number we have. be Aunty Maria. Where are the twins?
It’s really nice to meet you. I’m Evie. I’m
Evie: No. Sorry, Jojo. It’s 15, not 50.
a friend of the twins. Now, just a minute
Max: Oh, so we can’t invite everyone? please, I’ll go and get the coffee. Here we
Evie: No. Shall we start again? go. The cake was made by the twins’
Jojo & Max: OK. Mum. It’s a strawberry cake and the
coffee was made by me. Do you take
milk or sugar?
Unit 12: How much is …? Christina: Erm … just milk, please.
Evie: OK, so your Aunty Maria is invited for Evie: Well, this is nice. The twins told me that
coffee and cake by your parents. But the painting on Jojo’s wall was painted
they’re stuck in a traffic jam, so they’re by you. Are you a professional artist?
going to be late.
Christina: Sorry?
Max: Correct. We want you to come round
Evie: Do you know about the art exhibition at
here and meet her, because Aunty Maria
the local art gallery? I’m going with my
is great and you’ll love her.
mum. There’s no charge to go in and
Evie: I think you need me to come and make there’s a free car park.
the coffee, don’t you?
Christina: No, but …
Jojo: Well, actually, we don’t have any coffee.
Evie: Well, this is lovely. Tell me, how long
Can you buy some on your way
have you been the twins’ Aunt?
round, please?
Max: Hi, Evie. Meet Aunty Maria.
Evie: Really?
Hello, Christina.
Max: Aunty Maria’s an artist. You know that
Christina: Hi.
gorgeous picture on Jojo’s bedroom
wall? Well that was painted by her. Evie: Just a minute, please. I thought this was
Aunty Maria … but suddenly she’s
Evie: OK. I’m coming. How much is
called Christina?
the coffee?
Jojo: Yes, that’s Christina. She’s our cleaner.
Jojo: It costs £3.50 and we’ll pay you later.
She always comes on Saturday
Thanks, Evie.
Evie: OK. See you soon.
Max: You’re so funny, Evie! Why did you think
Max: Wow! That was quick. Christina was Aunty Maria?
Jojo: That can’t be Evie, silly, it’s Aunty Maria. Evie: Well, you asked me to come round and
Aunty Maria: It’s so good to see you. Tell me all about meet your Aunty, so I came round and
school. How are you getting on? What nobody was in. And then the doorbell
are your favourite subjects? Do you rang and I answered the door and …
like art? Jojo: Would anyone like some cake?
Jojo: Hmm, I do like art a little. But it’s Aunty Maria: Yes, please!
quite difficult.
Christina: Definitely!
Max: I loved art when I was younger. Look at
Evie: Great!
the picture I made next to the door.
Max: Yum.
Aunty Maria: Oh, yes. It’s lovely. I remember that one.
Can you show me what you’ve done this
year at school?

Optimise A2 Optimise A2 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017.

This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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