On The Kinematic Design of Anthropomorphic Lower Limb Exoskeletons and Their Matching Movement

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Intelligent Manufacturing and Robotics - Research Article

International Journal of Advanced

Robotic Systems
September-October 2019: 1–9
On the kinematic design of ª The Author(s) 2019
DOI: 10.1177/1729881419875908
anthropomorphic lower limb journals.sagepub.com/home/arx

exoskeletons and their matching


Bin Ren1 , Jianwei Liu1 , Xurong Luo2 and Jiayu Chen3

The lower limb exoskeleton is a wearable device for assisting medical rehabilitation. A classical lower limb exoskeleton
structures cannot precisely match the kinematics of the wearer’s limbs and joints in movement, so a novel anthro-
pomorphic lower limb exoskeleton based on series–parallel mechanism is proposed in this article. Then, the human lower
limb movements are measured by an optical gait capture system. Comparing the simulation results of the series–parallel
mechanism with the measured human data, the kinematics matching model at the hip joint is established. The results show
that the kinematic matching errors in the X, Y, and Z directions are less than 2 mm. So, the proposed kinematics matching
model is effective and the anthropomorphic series–parallel mechanism has a significant improvement in tracing the human
positions at the hip joint.

Lower limb exoskeleton, series–parallel mechanism, kinematics matching model, human hip joint, optical gait capture

Date received: 31 March 2019; accepted: 17 August 2019

Topic: Humanoid Robotics

Topic Editor: Henry Leung
Associate Editor: Bin He

Introduction limbs the better. According to the analysis based on human

anatomy, there are seven DOFs for each leg of human
Lower limb exoskeleton (LLE) is a wearable human–
lower limbs. The hip joint is considered as a ball and socket
machine integrated mechanical device, which can rebuild
and enhance wearer’s lower limb motor ability. It has broad
application prospects in the fields of helping the elderly and
disabled, medical rehabilitation, military, and disaster School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, Shanghai Key
relief.1–5 LLE is a human–machine coupling system, which Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing and Robotics, Shanghai
University, Shanghai, China
is connected with the human body through a series of links. 2
Shanghai Aerospace Electronic Technology Institute, Shanghai, China
Once the LLE is not synchronized with human movement, 3
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of
it will interfere with the wearer’s movement. The complex- Hong Kong, Hong Kong
ity of LLE is entirely dependent on the numbers of displa-
cements or motions at the joint, which is denoted by the Corresponding author:
Bin Ren, School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, Shanghai
term degrees of freedom (DOFs). The minimum collision, Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing and Robotics, Shanghai
maximum safety, comfortable walking, and architecture of University, Shanghai 200444, China.
LLE should be closer to the locomotion of the human lower Email: [email protected]

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
(http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/
2 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

joint with three DOFs, that is, flexion/extension (FE), velocity in various moving situations, such as walking or
abduction/adduction (HAA), and internal/external rotation climbing stairs. Compared to exoskeleton-based systems
(HIE). The knee joint is considered as a revolute joint that can support the knee during the stance phase, the
between the femur and tibia, which has one DOF, that is, end-effectors based devices may require manual assistance
flexion/extension (KFE). The ankle joint which is similar to during stance phase. Rutgers Ankle20,21 is a typical ankle
the hip joint has three DOFs, that is, dorsiflexion/plantar- rehabilitation robot based on Stewart platform, which is a
flexion (ADP), abduction/adduction (AAA), and internal/ 6-DOF parallel mechanism. The movement of this parallel
external rotation (AIE).2 Therefore, the LLE should be mechanism is realized by the synergistic movement of its
designed with seven DOFs for each leg to follow the loco- six electric cylinders. A parallel robot for ankle rehabili-
motion generated by the wearer in an anthropomorphic and tation22 was proposed in Italian Institute of Technology to
ergonomic way.6 carry out the required exercises, but this device only
Serial mechanisms are adopted in many multiple-joint allows movements in plantar/dorsiflexion and inversion/
exoskeleton systems, which have larger workspace eversion. In addition to the research above, there are many
compared to the parallel mechanisms. With an anthropo- exoskeletons based on parallel mechanisms, such as ankle
morphic design, BLEEX7,8 has two three-segment-linkage rehabilitation robot ARBOT 23 with 3UPS/U1 parallel
legs, which are analogous to the human thigh, shank, and mechanism developed by Saglia et al. A wearable ankle
foot. Each leg has seven DOFs whose HFE, HAA, HFE, parallel robot (PMAs)24,25 is developed by Jamwal et al.
and ADP are powered by the actuator, while HIP, AIE and and a 3-DOF ankle parallel robot is developed by Xie and
AAA that equipped with mechanical impedances are pas- Jamwal26 from the University of Auckland.
sive. The commercial lower limb exoskeleton {Hybrid The series–parallel LLE combines the advantages of
Assistive Limb} (LLE HAL-5)9–11 is designed with six series and parallel mechanisms, especially the sufficient
DOFs in total. It provides the motion assistance on the active DOFs to maximize the anthropomorphism. Pan
sagittal plane. The HFE and KFE joints are driven by direct et al.27 proposed a novel LLE model with a 6-DOF (four
current servomotors mounted with harmonic reducer, while active DOFs and two passive DOFs) series–parallel
the movement of ADP is passive. There are also some mechanism. And the kinematic accuracy, reliability,6 and
discussions in underactuated Robotics,12 redundant parallel dynamic characteristics28,29 of this device are studied to
manipulator,13 and series–parallel hybrid mechanics.14 The explore and find out the characteristics of this novel LLE
ReWalk Rehabilitation and ReWalk Personal 6.0 devel- model.
oped by Argo Medical Technologies are commercialized Inspired by the research results achieved in the litera-
LLE to assist patients with spinal cord injury to walk again ture,3,25–27 a new novel bionic LLE model is proposed
independently.15,16 Wearers equipped with these devices based on the series–parallel mechanism. This LLE model
need to hold on crutches to maintain body balance during has twenty DOFs, with one 6-spherical–prismatic–spheri-
walking. ReWalk has six DOFs. The HFE and KFE are cal (SPS) parallel mechanism at the pelvis, two 3-SPS par-
actuated by motors to move the wearer’s legs, while the allel mechanisms at the thighs and foots, one 1-SPS serial
ADP moves passively by using a spring. Most of these mechanism at the shank.By analyzing this series–parallel
existing multijoint exoskeletons with serial mechanisms hybrid structures, we obtained the analysis result that this
are less than seven DOFs, which means it is hard for these model can realize a more anthropomorphic gait pattern,
devices to accurately match the lower limb kinematics of while the motion of some existing LLEs is limited to the
wearer. sagittal plane through the comparison between optical
Existing limb exoskeletons based on parallel mechan- motion capture experiment results and kinematical analysis
isms are mainly single-joint exoskeletons used for hip or of our proposed model. The assessment of the synchronous
ankle joint rehabilitation. Parallel mechanisms have better effect of our model at the hip joint indicates this series–
precision, stiffness, and load-carrying capacity than serial parallel hybrid structure can realize a good matching result
mechanisms,17 and it can match the kinematics of the wear- at the hip joints during the movement of the wearer, and
er’s single joint accurately. Therefore, the parallel mechan- further research will verify the matching effect at the knee
ism is suitable for the configuration design of the pelvis and joint and ankle joint.
the hip joint due to its abundant configuration modes, var- The rest of this article is organized as follows: In the
ious DOFs, and flexible wearing forms. Yu et al.18 pro- second section, we propose the anthropomorphic series–
posed a parallel hip joint exoskeleton arranged in a parallel hybrid mechanism of LLE. In the third section, the
parallel kinematic chain fashion, which consists of a 6- kinematic model of the hip joint in the series–parallel LLE
DOF platform, with three universal–prismatic–spherical is established. In the fourth section, we design a gait cap-
serial chains per side, surrounding the user hip articulation. ture experiment to evaluate the matching effect of the
Yoon et al.19 presented a 6-DOF gait rehabilitation robot. anthropomorphic series–parallel mechanism and assess the
The foot end-effector of this gait rehabilitation robot is kinematics matching model at the hip joint. In the fifth
designed as a parallel mechanism driven by two linear section, discussion and conclusion, and some related
actuators and it allows patients to alter their walking research that still need to be further studied are given.
Ren et al. 3

Figure 1. Human anatomy planes and basic axes.

Figure 2. (a) The series–parallel LLE and (b) established 3-D
model. LLE: lower limb exoskeleton.
Anthropomorphic series–parallel
mechanism According to the definition of human anatomy, there are
differences in the freedom of movement of different joints.
Lower limb of human body Generally, DOF is used to describe the freedom of move-
The main feature of the exoskeleton device is that they can ment. Lumbar spine joint has six DOFs, including pitch,
be worn naturally on the user. The exoskeleton is closely roll, and yaw and the moving ability along X-axis, Y-axis,
connected with all kinematic joints of the human body, and Z-axis. Both the hip and ankle joints have three
making the human body and the exoskeleton device syn- DOFs, which are roll, pitch, and yaw. The knee joint only
chronize in motion. Therefore, the idea of robot bionics has one DOF, which is pitch.
should be used for reference when designing the mechan-
ical structure of the exoskeleton intelligent system. The Series–parallel hybrid LLE
motion mechanism of human physiological joints is ana-
To move forward, the hip joint and the ankle joint of the
lyzed in this section, which provides a reference for design-
exoskeleton in the lower limb must be equipped at least
ing bionic exoskeleton.
with a pitch DOF, respectively, to generate the movement
Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the human anatomy
of the supporting leg and the upper body. To transfer the
plane and the basic axis. The basic human anatomy plane
center of gravity, the roll DOF of the hip joint and the ankle
includes the sagittal plane, the coronal plane, and the
joint is essential. What’s more, the movement of turning
transverse plane. The basic axes include the sagittal axis,
body to alter the walking direction needs the yaw DOF at
the frontal axis, and the vertical axis.30 The sagittal plane
the hip joint and ankle joint. In addition, the knee joint is
is a longitudinal section that divides the body into right equipped with one pitch DOF, which can adjust the landing
and left parts along the anterior and posterior diameter of height of the swinging leg, making it possible to walk up and
the body. The coronal plane is a longitudinal section that down steps and realize different gaits. To balance the move-
divides the human body into anterior and posterior parts ment of lower limbs and achieve the bionic effect, the lum-
along the left and right diameter of the body. The trans- bar spine joint is designed with a 6-DOF parallel structure. In
verse plane is the cross section that divides the human some previous study, LLEs are serial connected by several
body into upper and lower parts. The frontal axis is the actuators, which have a limited freedom of movement. To
intersection line between the transverse plane and the fully simulate the motion of the lower limb joints in space
sagittal plane. The sagittal axis is the intersection line instead of only in a single plane, the novel bionic LLE model
between the horizontal plane and the sagittal plane. The based on series–parallel mechanism is proposed in this arti-
vertical axis is the intersection line between the sagittal cle, as shown in Figure 2.
plane and the frontal plane. For convenience of descrip- Firstly, to realize the moving ability of pelvis, a 6-SPS
tion in the following mathematical analysis, three basic parallel mechanism is employed as shown in Figure 3,
axes are denoted as X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis, respec- which can provide six DOFs for lumbar spine joint. This
tively, as shown at the downright corner in Figure 1. At 6-SPS parallel mechanism consists of two major rings,
the same time, we replace the flexion/extension, abduc- which are denoted as lumbar spine ring and hip ring
tion/adduction, and internal/external rotation by terms considering their working position. These two major
roll, pitch, and yaw, respectively. rings are connected by six groups of prismatic joints
4 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

coordinate system. The position and orientation of hip

ring can be expressed by a transformation matrix T,
which combines a translation vector P and a rotation
matrix R
T¼ ð1Þ
0 1
The translation vector P is the coordinate value of the
center of movable hip ring, and the rotation matrix R is the
orientation of the center refer to the fixed lumbar spine
Figure 3. Kinematics model of 6-SPS parallel mechanism pelvis. ring, which are
SPS: spherical–prismatic–spherical.
P ¼ ½x; y; z T ð2Þ
at appropriate location. Secondly, two 3-SPS parallel 2 3
r1 r4 r7
mechanisms are used to realize the moving ability of 6 7
the thigh and foot, which can provide three DOFs for R ¼6 7
4 r2 r5 r8 5
hip and three DOFs for ankle. The three groups of pris-
r3 r6 r9
matic joints connecting the hip ring and knee ring at 2 3 ð3Þ
appropriate position represent for human thigh. Also, cgcb sgca þ cgsbsa sgsa þ cgsbca
6 7
three groups of prismatic joints connecting the ankle 6
¼ 4 sgcb cgca þ sgsbsa cgsa þ sgsbca 7
ring and toe ring at appropriate position represent for
sb cbsa cbca
human foot. Thirdly, a 1-DOF redundant mechanism
with two prismatic joints is employed as the human where ca, cb, cg, sa, sb, and sg represent cos a, cos b,
shank, which connects the knee ring and ankle ring link cos g, sin a, sin b, and sin g, respectively; and the a, b, and
and provides one DOF for knee joint. Finally, a 20-DOF g represent for those Euler angle with respect to the fixed
series–parallel mechanism of LLE is serially connected coordinate system O1. Suppose the coordinate value of
by one lumbar spine joint (1  6 DOFs), two hip joints point Ai in the coordinate system O1 and the coordinate
(2  3 DOFs), two knee joints (2  1 DOFs), and two value of point Bi in the coordinate system O2 of movable
ankle joints (2  3 DOFs). The established 3D model of hip ring are
series–parallel LLE and the mechanism design with
human lower limb aligning is shown in Figure 2(b). Ai ¼ ðaxi ; ayi ; 0Þ T ð4Þ

Bi ¼ ðbxi ; byi ; 0Þ T ð5Þ

Kinematics matching model
So, Li2 can be obtained from the geometry and calcula-
Kinematics model of 6-SPS parallel mechanism pelvis tion relation of the connecting initiative prismatic joints by
was established to study the kinematics matching at the the following expression
hip joint, which is located at the movable ring. The coor-
dinate system defining is demonstrated in Figure 4. A Li2 ¼ ðRBbi  P  Aai Þ T ðRBbi  P  Aai Þ i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; 6
coordinate frame O1 is arranged on the lumbar spine ring ð6Þ
with the origin fixed at the center of lumbar spine ring
and axes aligned to the frontal axis, the transverse axis, Since the rotation matrix R is orthogonal to the unit, then
and the vertical axis defined in human anatomy. Simi- r 21 þ r 22 þ r 23  1 ¼ 0 ð7Þ
larly, coordinate frame O2 is arranged at the thigh link.
With the analysis in the second section, there are six r 24 þ r 25 þ r 26  1 ¼ 0 ð8Þ
groups of initiative prismatic joint equipped in this par-
allel mechanism by connecting lumbar spine ring at one r1r4 þ r2r5 þ r3r6 ¼ 0 ð9Þ
end and hip ring at the other end. The connecting joints
are 3-DOF spherical joint which moves passively. We r4r8  r5r7  r3 ¼ 0 ð10Þ
denote the centers of spherical joint around the lumbar
r2r7  r1r8  r6 ¼ 0 ð11Þ
spine ring by Ai ði ¼ 1; . . . ; 6Þ. Similarly, we denote
the center of spherical joint around the hip ring by r1r5  r2r4  r9 ¼ 0 ð12Þ
Bi ði ¼ 1; . . . ; 6Þ. The length of prismatic joint is
denoted by Li ði ¼ 1; . . . ; 6Þ. The lengths of six initiative prismatic joints of the 6-SPS
To describe the position and orientation of hip ring, parallel mechanism will determine the position and orien-
we fix the lumbar spine ring and consider it as referring tation of the hip ring. Conversely, given any position and
Ren et al. 5

Figure 4. (a) Squatting gait and (b) layout diagram of markers and coordinate system.

orientation of the hip ring, the length of six initiative

prismatic joints can be calculated by equation (6).

Experiments and comparisons

Lower limb gait capture experiment
In this study, Motion capture investigator system of Opto-
trak Certus from Northern Digital Inc. is used as 3D optical
gait capture system to collect the 3D motion data of lower
limb. The Optotrak Certus System is an optical measure-
ment device used to track the positions and motions of
Figure 5. The pitch, roll, and yaw angles of pelvic in the gait of
infrared light-emitting diodes (markers) within a specific
area. In this research, six markers were attached to six
positions on the volunteer’s body surface: waist, pelvic, Simulation and assessment of series–parallel model
hip, knee, ankle, and toe, respectively. Marker points at the
six positions are defined as marker 1 to marker 6, respec-
in the hip joint
tively, as shown in Figure 4(b). The classical gaits collected The pitch, roll, and yaw angles of the pelvis were used as
were squatting down and standing up (abbreviated as squat- the target trajectory of the 6-SPS parallel mechanism for
ting), as shown in Figure 4(a). The sampling time was 10 s, kinematics simulation. To evaluate the synchronous motion
and a complete and stable posture data in a complete gait performance of exoskeleton model and human hip joint, the
cycle were extracted. 3D motion data of point B1 on the lower movable ring were
The 3D coordinates of six marker points in space can extracted and compared with the 3D data of marker 3.
be obtained by the optical motion capture system. The Therefore, marker 2 is taken as the origin of coordinates
pitch, roll, and yaw angles of pelvic which rotate around of human body, and point A1 on upper fixed ring is taken as
the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis can be obtained from the the origin of coordinates of 6-SPS parallel mechanism.
spatial coordinates of markers 1, 2, and 3. The result shown Meanwhile, the projection of marker 3 and B1 on the three
in Figure 5 is the pitch, roll, and yaw angles of pelvic in a coordinate planes is obtained by coordinate transformation,
complete gait cycle. By the same way, the movement at hip with marker 2 and point A1 as the origin, respectively. The
knee and ankle joint can be obtained. comparative results are shown in Figures 6 to 9.
6 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

Figure 6. Three-dimensional coordinate comparison of marker 3 (on human body) and point B1 (on exoskeleton).

Figure 7. Error of marker 3 (on human body) and point B1 (on exoskeleton).

In Figure 6, the abscissa is the gait period, and the ordi- angle in YOZ plane, which is the rotation angle of the hip
nate is the coordinate value of X, Y, and Z. X coordinate is the joint around X-axis, is the smallest and the smoothest. In
lateral displacement of the hip joint (marker 3) when lower addition, the peak errors are concentrated at 40% of the gait
limbs move, Y coordinate is the tilt displacement when mov- cycle. When the gait cycle is 40%, the test is switched from
ing forward, and Z coordinate is the vertical displacement. squatting to standing. At this time, no matter the coordi-
The comparison results indicate that the absolute value nates or the projection angle, there is relatively large track-
of motion error in the X, Y, and Z directions are less than 3.5 ing error.
mm, and the absolute value of angle error projected into
coordinate plane is less than 2 . Among them, the Y direc-
tion, which is the forward direction during walking, has the Discussion and conclusion
smallest error and the smallest error fluctuation in the In the process of squatting down and standing up, the hip
whole gait cycle. For projection angle, error of projection joint has lateral stride movement, forward flexion and
Ren et al. 7

Figure 8. Projection angle in coordinate plane.

Figure 9. Error of projection angle.

extension, and rotation around the vertical direction. Typ- hip of the lower limbs. It can realize the walking function in
ical LLE robots, such as those used in medical rehabilita- all directions, so as to achieve the goal of accurately match-
tion, can only move in a single plane and cannot actively ing the movement of the wearer’s lower limbs and joints in
realize lateral stride and rotation around the vertical direc- kinematics.
tion. HAL is the typical commercial exoskeleton, used for When designing the series–parallel LLE, the accessi-
lower limb assistance, which can only move in sagittal ble workspace of the parallel mechanism at each joint
plane, so that it cannot meet the needs of lower limb assis- should also be considered. The isomerism of human–
tance in outdoor auxiliary space. For a lower limb paralysis, machine system is a common problem in existing LLE
passive freedom is difficult to play a role because the user systems. There are two main consequences caused by the
cannot control the movement of the thigh. In this article, the human–machine isomerism system: (1) the absence of
anthropomorphic LLE is based on a 20-DOF series–paral- exoskeleton structure movement space compared with the
lel mechanism, which is active in any direction to drive the wearer’s movement space which will result in the
8 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

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