The Day Punctuation Came To Town: Story Summary
The Day Punctuation Came To Town: Story Summary
The Day Punctuation Came To Town: Story Summary
The Punctuations all have jobs. What are some of the jobs you
have at home? What are some jobs you have in the classroom?
What happens if you don’t do your job?
How does comma feel at the end of the story? What changed?
0:37 What clue is there for when to use an exclamation point as punctuation?
1:07 What clues are there for what a comma does? What does a period do?
4:11 Why do you think all of the letters got jumbled and spilled over into the hall?
1. The letters and punctuation all work together. 3. Can you think of any other members of the
What are ways you work together with Punctuation family that were not in the story?
someone else?
1. 2. 3. 4.
Write the correct punctuation mark in the box provided and match the
punctuation mark with its definition. Draw a line to connect the two.
Adds excitement
Question Mark
to the words.
I like to play
outside with my friends ? ! .
Commas help put a pause and slow words Example without comma:
down in sentences. Without commas, some I need to study Grandpa.
sentences can be very silly. Add commas
to fix the silly sentences below. Example with comma:
Your turn: