The Day Punctuation Came To Town: Story Summary

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The Day Punctuation

Came to Town
Story Summary
A new family has moved to Alphabet City—the
Punctuations! It’s the first day at a new school for
Exclamation Point, Question Mark, Period, and
Comma. As the letters in school begin forming words,
the Punctuations join in the fun. Exclamation Point
adds excitement to the words! Question Mark helps
the words ask questions. Period brings a nice stop
to things. But, Comma isn’t sure how he fits in. He
can’t help but feel like he’s just getting in the way
Book Information and slowing things down. Do the letters even need
Comma? What would happen if he wasn’t around?
Run Time 6:56

Author Kimberlee Gard Lesson Focus

Punctuation Marks: Period, Comma,
Illustrator Sandie Sonke
Exclamation Mark, and Question Mark.
Narrator Christie Cate, Ashton Sundholm, Coraline
Schrater, and Samara Schrater
Publisher Familius Activity Ideas
Ages 5–8 Punctuation Rules—Create a poster with the rules for
using each punctuation mark (!, ,, ., ?)
Genre Fiction
Punctuation Cards— Create cards for children with
Themes & Ideas Punctuation; sense of purpose; sense of
the punctuation marks on them. Read sentences and
belonging; The comma is very important to
letters when making words and sentences. ask children to hold up the right punctuation mark
Language & Written to help struggling readers; when it should be inserted.
Literary Features examples of correct use of punctuation
marks and the intonation that is used when Moving to the Marks—show children how to make
reading the marks with their bodies - as they hear the story,
Sentence compound and complex sentences with have them make the marks.
Complexity examples of punctuation marks to help
write sentences correctly Misplaced Punctuation—Read sentences with
Vocabulary burst, jumbled, tangled, heap, disaster, misplaced punctuation marks and talk about the
difference in meaning.
Special punctuation, comma, exclamation point,
Vocabulary question mark, period
Illustrations Letters and punctuation marks come alive Additional activities can be found in the following
to show what they do and how important
their jobs are. pages of this document.

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Book Chat
The Day Punctuation Came to Town
A new family has moved to Alphabet City—the Punctuations! It’s Discuss the story and write your
the first day at a new school for Exclamation Point, Question Mark, answers together.
Period, and Comma. As the letters in school begin forming words,
the Punctuations join in the fun. But, Comma isn’t sure how he fits
in. What would happen if he wasn’t around?

What is The Day Punctuation Came to Town about?



The Punctuations move to a new school. Have you ever moved

somewhere new—even to a new class? How did you feel?


The Punctuations knew they were different from letters.

Have you ever felt different? Why?


The Punctuations all have jobs. What are some of the jobs you
have at home? What are some jobs you have in the classroom?
What happens if you don’t do your job?


How does comma feel at the end of the story? What changed?


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Vooks Pause & Ponder
The Day Punctuation Came to Town Pause at the indicated time
stamps and discuss the story

0:08 Name all of the punctuation marks you see.

0:37 What clue is there for when to use an exclamation point as punctuation?

0:50 What words signal a question mark?

1:07 What clues are there for what a comma does? What does a period do?

1:25 Who are the other students in the class?

2:12 What does Exclamation Point do for words?

3:10 Why does Comma sneak out of the room?

4:11 Why do you think all of the letters got jumbled and spilled over into the hall?

After viewing the Book:

1. The letters and punctuation all work together. 3. Can you think of any other members of the
What are ways you work together with Punctuation family that were not in the story?
someone else?

2. What would happen if there were no

punctuation marks?

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Punctuation Coloring Sheet NAME

Color the punctuation marks and write the correct

punctuation name on the lines provided.

1. 2. 3. 4.

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Connecting Activity NAME

Write the correct punctuation mark in the box provided and match the
punctuation mark with its definition. Draw a line to connect the two.

Helps the words

ask a question.

Brings a nice stop

to the words.

Exclamation Helps the words

Point slow down and pause.

Adds excitement
Question Mark
to the words.

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Add The Correct NAME
Punctuation Mark

question exclamation period

mark point
Read the sentences aloud three times using the three Brings a
Helps the Adds nice stop
different punctuation marks. Then, write the correct words ask a excitement to to things.
punctuation in the box provided to finish the sentence. question. the words.

What is your favorite color ? ! .

Wow, it’s really raining today ? ! .

How many letters

do you have in your name ? ! .

The frog is green ? ! .

Hurry, you’re going to be late ? ! .

I like to play
outside with my friends ? ! .

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Fill in the Commas NAME

Commas help put a pause and slow words Example without comma:
down in sentences. Without commas, some I need to study Grandpa.
sentences can be very silly. Add commas
to fix the silly sentences below. Example with comma:

Hint: Some sentences need more than I need to study, Grandpa.

one comma.
Without a comma, the sentence is pretty silly.
It reads that you need to study Grandpa.
With a comma, we understand that you are
telling Grandpa that you need to study.

Your turn:

1 Let’s eat mom.

2 I like baking my toys and recess.

Sara kept walking her head a little

higher than usual.

4 The teacher said the child is sad.

5 Commas are important students!

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