How Much Good Smell
How Much Good Smell
How Much Good Smell
Cases 717
.~&efore,the store had a complete sellout, this keeps them in a free-spending state of mind. I
,'~mefive days before Christmas. Sales last year think we should keep the price at $9.95, despite
. ere 600 units. '. the poorer markup. And if we can sell many
This year, the wholesale price has gone more at this price, we'll realize the-same dollar
to $5.50, and store personnel are trying to gross margin as last year. I think we should buy
.termine the correct· retail price. The owner 1,000. Furthermore, if people see us raising a
..nee again wants to hold the price at $1 ° familiar item's price 25 percent, they might
wonder whether our other prices are fair."
-J~9.95), but the buyer disagrees: "It's my job to
.",ush for the highest possible markup wherever
:'1 can. This item is a sure seller, as we're still
:rtheonly store around with it, and we had some DISCUSSION QUESTIONS
';'unsatisfied demand last year. I think we should 1. What prices caused Courtney's new
~~ark it $12.50, which will improve the markup charges?
':to 56 percent. Staying at $10 will penalize 2,~ich price WP\1ldresult in the highest
'.us unnecessarily, especially considering the
f markup would be even lower' than last year.
3. What other factors should Courtney's
,. Even if we run into price resistance, we'll only
.. have to sell 480 to maintain the same dollar
, volume." 4. Whatprice would you charge, and how
many Units would you order?
The owner demurs" saying, "This scent is • ••••. to. ~: ~ •.
ipart of our store's ambience. It acts as a draw to This case was written by Professor David Ehrlich, Mary-
7'~etpeople into the store, and its pleasant smell mount University.