Documents Required To Be Produced Along With The Housing Loan Application
Documents Required To Be Produced Along With The Housing Loan Application
Documents Required To Be Produced Along With The Housing Loan Application
A. Identity Proof
1. PAN Card (mandatory) and any one of the below documents
2. Voter Card
3. Aadhar Card
4. Valid Passport
5. Driving License
6. Photo Credit Card
7. Photo Identity card issued by Govt. body
8. Letter from recognized public authority or public servant verifying the identity of the customer
with photograph (not more than 30 days old)
B. Address Proof
1. Voter Card
2. Aadhar Card
3. Valid Passport
4. Letter from a recognized public authority or public servant verifying the identity and residence
of the customer
5. Latest Utility bill
6. Rent agreement on stamp Paper
7. Bank Statements reflecting address of borrowers of any commercial nationalized bank
8. Credit Card Statement not older than 3 months
9. Life Insurance Policy
10. Residence address Certificate /letter by employer on company letterhead
11. Copy of Sale Deed of the property (residence), if owned
12. Municipal or property tax receipt
13. Post office saving bank account statement
14. Pension or family pension payment orders (PPOs) issued to retired employees by Govt.
departments or Public Sector Undertakings, if they contain the address
15. Letter of allotment of accommodation from employer issued by State or Central Govt.
departments, statutory or regulatory bodies, and public sector undertakings, scheduled
commercial banks, financial institutions, and listed companies. Similarly, leave and license
agreements with such employers allotting official accommodation
16. Documents issued by Govt. departments of foreign jurisdiction and letter issued by Foreign
Embassy or Mission in India
C. Proof of income
D. Other documents
Documents related to running loans along with 6 months repayment bank statements.
E. Property Documents
1. Voter Card
2. Aadhar Card
3. Valid Passport
4. Letter from a recognized public authority or public servant verifying the identity and residence
of the customer
5. Latest Utility bill
6. Rent agreement on stamp Paper
7. Bank Statements reflecting address of borrowers of any commercial nationalized bank
8. Credit Card Statement not older than 3 months
9. Life Insurance Policy
10. Residence address Certificate /letter by employer on company letterhead
11. Copy of Sale Deed of the property (residence), if owned
12. Municipal or property tax receipt
13. Post office saving bank account statement
14. Pension or family pension payment orders (PPOs) issued to retired employees by Govt.
departments or Public Sector Undertakings, if they contain the address
15. Letter of allotment of accommodation from employer issued by State or Central Govt.
departments, statutory or regulatory bodies, and public sector undertakings, scheduled
commercial banks, financial institutions, and listed companies. Similarly, leave and license
agreements with such employers allotting official accommodation
16. Documents issued by Govt. departments of foreign jurisdiction and letter issued by Foreign
Embassy or Mission in India
C. Address Proof for Business Entities
D. Proof of income
1. Income Tax Returns along with computation for last 2 financials years
2. Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account along with all annexures (duly CA certified and audited
if applicable)
3. Last six months current account statement of the business entity and saving account statement
of individual
E. Other documents
1. Documents related to running loans along with 6 months repayment bank statements
2. Latest List of share holding pattern (duly CA/CS certified)
3. Business profile
4. MOA (for private Limited companies)
5. Partnership deed (for partnership firms)
F. Property Documents