Hiweld™ Optimized Fabrication of Pelton Turbine Runners: Va Tech Hydro
Hiweld™ Optimized Fabrication of Pelton Turbine Runners: Va Tech Hydro
Hiweld™ Optimized Fabrication of Pelton Turbine Runners: Va Tech Hydro
Optimized Fabrication of Pelton Turbine Runners
www.vatech-hydro.com 1
HIWELD™ – Optimized Fabrication of
Pelton Turbine Runners
A project team formed by engineers and forged stainless steel CrNi 13.4 block. The choice of
technicians coming from various competence the bucket separation planes allows to fabricate a
fields from HYDRO VEVEY SA and narrow disk.
VOEST-ALPINE MCE has developed a new It indeed ensures that high stress areas remain inside
process to manufacture Pelton runners. the disk, therefore taking profit of the higher
mechanical properties (ultimate tensile strength) of
The rigorous studies performed to validate forged steel.
each stage of the fabrication have led to an
operational technique, whose benefits will The central pieces of the buckets are casted in
convince the power plant owners. CrNi 13.4 steel with an overthickness. Those pieces
are welded on the bucket roots following a sequence
Pelton runners are traditionally casted in one piece, to correct continuously the distortion.
more often with stainless steel G-X5 CrNi 13.4.
This process leads to long delivery times, especially We take profit of the good lateral access to mill the
due to the mould preparation and runner finishing inner profile of the bucket before welding the lateral
tasks. parts of buckets.
An optimized process
Demonstrated Quality
The results of non-destructive and destructive Apart from the material supply, all the fabrication
controls performed from this qualification test have (milling, machining, welding, grinding and testing) is
demonstrated that the welding rocedure developed performed in our own workshop, under our own
for this application reached atisfactorily the very responsibility, leading to a perfect mastery of quality
demanding quality criteria imposed for the welding and delivery time.
VA TECH HYDRO worldwide
Set ups in Austria, Australia, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Malaysia,
Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Sweden, Switzerland, South-Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates,
United Kingdom, USA, Venezuela and Vietnam
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