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1 (2) provide assistance with respect to com-
2 plaints, grievances, and requests referred to in para-
3 graph (1), including—
4 (A) helping individuals determine the rel-
5 evant information needed to seek an appeal of
6 a decision or determination;
7 (B) assistance to such individuals with any
8 problems arising from disenrollment from such
9 a plan;
10 (C) assistance to such individuals in choos-
11 ing a qualified health benefits plan in which to
12 enroll; and
13 (D) assistance to such individuals in pre-
14 senting information under subtitle C (relating
15 to affordability credits); and
16 (3) submit annual reports to Congress and the
17 Commissioner that describe the activities of the Om-
18 budsman and that include such recommendations for
19 improvement in the administration of this division as
20 the Ombudsman determines appropriate. The Om-
21 budsman shall not serve as an advocate for any in-
22 creases in payments or new coverage of services, but
23 may identify issues and problems in payment or cov-
24 erage policies.

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