Fagan Inspection Fagan Inspection: Philippines:: Malaysia:: Vietnam:: Indonesia:: India:: China
Fagan Inspection Fagan Inspection: Philippines:: Malaysia:: Vietnam:: Indonesia:: India:: China
Fagan Inspection Fagan Inspection: Philippines:: Malaysia:: Vietnam:: Indonesia:: India:: China
Offline Process
Review Types
Walkthrough Process
Software Product
Inspection Process
What is Fagan Inspection?
• Invented in the early ‘70s by Michael Fagan of IBM
• Inspired by production engineering inspection
2. Overview
3. Preparation
4. Inspection
5. Rework
6. Follow-up
Inspection Characteristics
• Budgeted, planned and scheduled
Author Inspector
Reader Moderator Developer of work Reader Member of inspection
An inspector who An inspector product An inspector who team. Often chosen to
guides the responsible for enters all the defects represent specific role-
examination of the organizing and found on the defect designer, tester,
product reporting on list technical writer, SQA,
inspection etc.
Why are inspections rarely used?
• Professional Ignorance
• Not heard of them (why?)
• Assumed to be a synonym for ‘review’
• Organizational Ignorance
• Culture works against revealing or admitting mistakes (pass around for ‘comment’)
• Lack of resources and facilities
• Difficult
– Inspection is a ‘precision instrument’ – easily broken