Solution To Microwave Engineering Pozar Chapter 14 Exercise 16 With MATLAB

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POZAR chapter 14: RF MICROWAVE SYSTEMS. Exercise 16 __ 10/11/2020 13:56:18.

Click any to open the MATLAB script solving this exercise. Run script to read question and calculate solution.
On 1st run, the exercise is solved and the results are stored in .mat file. Parameters can be modified to solve
exercise variations. MATLAB student licences are cheap and there is a type that does not even require to be
registered in any university or college. All comments welcome.
To download and install MATLAB as well as review help on specific commands click any MATLAB icon:

Ground radars control a more or less (depending on ground) circular perimeters. The same way that for any given radar specs, too fast, too low rcs targets
are missed, the transmitter power limits the furthest distance for detection. If an echo is produced by a target further away from the outer perimeter and
reaches receiver with enough signal power, such echo may cause false target within range: the target is beyond perimeter, but it shows up as if close
enough to be displayed on PPI.

PRF=1/Tr Pulse Repetition Frequency determines the unambiguous range of a radar.

Therefore it's immediate to see Rmax_unamb=c0/(2*PRF)

This is not the same as max range that the radar transmitter can reach for the receiver to detect a target.

No need for MATLAB script to solve this exercise.

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POZAR chapter 14: RF MICROWAVE SYSTEMS. Exercise 16 __ 10/11/2020 13:56:18.

Sample Radar Related Mathworks Application Notes

There are many Radar related examples already implemented and publicly available, following a small sample:

Simulink Model of Monostatic Radar with One Target


Signal Parameter Estimation in a Radar Warning Receiver


Mono-Static Radar Design start point


Bi-Static Radar Design start point


Ground Clutter Mitigation with Moving Target Indication (MTI) Radar


Basic Radar Scenario Viewer

Provided gallery ScenarioViewerExample.m depicts different scenarios (no terrain, 2D)

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POZAR chapter 14: RF MICROWAVE SYSTEMS. Exercise 16 __ 10/11/2020 13:56:18.

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POZAR chapter 14: RF MICROWAVE SYSTEMS. Exercise 16 __ 10/11/2020 13:56:18.

Where is the whole collection of exercises?

This exercise is part of the collection of exercises Microwave Engineering POZAR 4th ed solved with MATLAB available in this website:

How can one get the main literature reference?

For instance from:

What about the solutions manual?

It's freely available

For educational purposes only:

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