Outcome:: Plants and Animal's Unit
Outcome:: Plants and Animal's Unit
Outcome:: Plants and Animal's Unit
- By the end of the day 75% of students will be able to know about the part of plant.
- By the end of the day 75% of students will be able to share their information and experience.
Outcome: Describe the basic parts of a plant and describe how the main parts of the plant
help keep it alive.
Link to prior learning: The student should know about the part of plant to be able to do some activities. That
they have been taught in KG1.
Critical thinking: student will use their critical thinking to think about the part of plant and the need of plants.
Communication: student will communicate with teacher by using Microsoft teams to learn about parts of
Collaboration: student will collaborate with each other to solve the picture about the part of plant.
Parts of plant
Common misconceptions for learners: Ways of identifying and addressing these misconceptions:
Some student don’t know about Show them the picture of part of plant and ask them again
the part of plant. about it.
Resources/equipment needed:
The teacher will say, good Students will say good morning
morning boys and girls. for the teacher
Teacher will ask the students Student will say what is today
what is today? ‘Wednesday”
Teacher will ask the student Student will say the date 21
what is the date? Students will say this month is
Teacher will ask the student October
what is the month? Students will tell the teacher
Teacher ask the students about what they know about the
what we know about the part part of plant.
of plant.
Resources & Time Main activities (30 minutes)
Teacher will talk about the parts Students will answer what they
of plant. know about the part of plant.
Teacher will show the student Students will answer what the plant
examples. need.
Teacher will ask the students about Students will tell the teacher what
what the plants need to be alive. of those plant they can eat.
Teacher will show the students Students will put the part of plant in
different picture and ask them if the correct place in the picture.
we can eat this plant or not. Students will draw a plant and write
Teacher will show the students a a parts of plant.
picture of plant and ask them to
put the part of plant in the
correct place.
Teacher will ask the students to
draw a plant with write the parts
of plant.
Differentiation activities (Stretch): ask the low students to draw the plant if
they can’t write the parts of plant.
Differentiation activities (Support): give a class dojo point for the good
Resources Plenary (5 minutes)
Teacher will ask the students Each student will tell the teacher
what we learn today. about what they learn today.