Detailed Lesson Plan in Expository Text: (Formerly: Central Mindanao Technical Institute)

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(Formerly: Central Mindanao Technical Institute)

Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte

Detailed Lesson Plan in Expository Text

School North Central Mindanao College Grade Level Grade 8
Teacher Richelyn C. Garcia Learning Area English

Teaching Date October 28, 2020 Quarter 1st 

Teaching Time 2:00- 2:40 P.M. Section Emerald

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian
literature as a mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies in
processing textual information strategies in examining features of
a listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words and
propaganda techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a
Standard  persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring use of
properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals
for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning At the end of the lesson , 75% of the learners will be able to:
Competencies/Objectives a. identify the features of expository texts
b. scan for signal words to determine the text type; and
c. appreciate the importance of expository text in our daily lives

Opportunities for Integration

 Dealing activities together with the classmates willingly.

II. Content Features of Expository Text

III. Learning Resources
a. Reference  Curriculum Guide 
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials  
from Learning
Resource(LR) Portal
b. Other Learning
IV. Procedures
a. Review previous
lesson/Presenting a new Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
lesson A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer

Charm, kindly lead the Our Almighty Father, thank you

prayer. for giving us another day to
learn something and see again
my classmates. As we spend
the rest of the day in school,
please guide us always. Give
us your blessing so we can
gain wisdom through our
teachers. Lord, we humbly ask
you to protect us always and
keep us away from any danger.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

b. Greetings
     Good morning class! Good Morning, Teacher

c. Checking of Attendance
     Who is absent this
morning? None, teacher.
     Very good!

d. Checking of Assignment
     Do you have any
None, teacher.

e. Review
     Who can recall your
previous topic?
     Yes, Eliza?
Our last topic was all Informal
     Very good!

Who can give me examples

of Informal writing? Examples of Informal writing
are writing a letter to a friend
or writing a diary entry.

f. Classroom Rules
Listen, eyes on me and be
quiet. If you want to answer,
raise your right hand silently
and please make sure to
state your answer in a
complete sentence.
b. Establishing a purpose B. Lesson Proper (10min)
for the lesson
A. Motivation

To start the lesson, I want you to look at

the given picture below.

Guide Questions:
Now, what did you notice about the
pictures presented?

Yes, Samantha?

Very good!

Now, what is the difference between a

newspaper article, textbooks and a I noticed ma’am
magazine to a fairytale book? that all of the
pictures are what
we are using in
our daily lives that
they gives us

Excellent! Now who can guess what kind of articles,
texts are the pictures presented above? textbooks, and
magazines states
wherein fairytale
Very Good! Fairytale books are examples books are based
of narratives while a newspaper is an on imagination
example of expository text. and it organizes
its events around
  a character or
Now, based from the given activity, what is idea 
our lesson for today?

I think Ma’am
those are
Very good, Richard! Your answer is examples of
correct! Our topic for today is all Features Expository Texts.
of Expository Text. Please read our
objectives, Mario.

I think ma’am our

topic for today is
all Expository text.

Thank you, Mario.   

Are the objectives clear to you class? a. identify the

features of
b. Unlocking of Difficult terms expository texts
     We will define some words that we will b. scan for signal
use later. words to
determine the text
Text- a spoken or written piece that has a type; and
communicative function. c. appreciate the
importance of
Expository text- a type of text that expository text in
provides facts using a clear, non-narrative our lives.

Is it all clear to you class?

If that so then let us proceed to our


Yes Ma’am!

c. Presenting
examples/instances of c. Presentation (5 min)
new lesson
We are now going to have our
discussion on the Features of
Expository Text.

In the pictures that you saw earlier, you

were able to know examples of
Expository Text.

Now, what makes expository texts

different from other types of texts?
Ma’am expository
text differs from other
types of texts
because it provides
factual information
about a topic using a
clear, non-narrative
structure with a
major topic and
Very good! Expository texts can also
include topics such as historical,
scientific or economic information.
d. Discussing new
concepts and practicing d. Discussion (10min)
new skills #1 This morning, we will know another
lessons, bear with me this morning
because we are going to talk about the
Features of Expository Text.

A text may come in various forms that

serve different purposes such as texts
that explain, argue, entertain, persuade,
and inspire. A text that explains and
gives facts is called expository text.

Here are the Characteristics of

Expository Texts

Expository texts should have the

following characteristics:
a. Expository texts should provide
information about a particular topic
b. These types of texts are usually
written in paragraphs. It should contain a
main idea, supporting details that explain
the main idea, and a concluding
c. information presented in an expository
text should be organized in a clear text
Language used in expository text is
domain-specific in terms of vocabulary to
precisely explain the topic.

Here are some other examples of an

Expository Text aside from the
common one like newspapers, textbooks
and magazines. These examples shown
below are paragraph or texts in which it
provides factual information about
growing up with siblings.

Example of an Explanation
Expository Text
Growing up with An expository text
siblings should have a title
A sibling could be The first
the best gift paragraph
anyone could ask discusses the
for. They are main idea of the
people who you expository text. In
would share a this case, the
thing or two, writer talks about
someone you an what his/her
wrestle with one siblings mean to
minute and play his/her life.
with the next
First, having a This paragraph
sibling made me continues to
become more discuss the
patient. Because importance of
my siblings are his/her siblings.
mostly rowdy and This paragraph
would often play explains attitudes
nonstop, I have and values the
grown to become writer has gotten
more patient because of
when asking his/her siblings.
them to behave.

Second, my
siblings are also
the first friend I
ever had. They
taught me to trust
them with things
that may concern
me and not to be
afraid to share my
feelings with
My siblings may The conducting
be the cause of paragraph
my headaches focuses more on
most of the time, the summary of
but they are my what the
family. They will paragraph s
love me most about.
when no one else

In this example, the writer focused on

why his/her siblings are important in
his/her life. Notice that the discussion
circled about what attitudes and values
the writer learned from having siblings
and how they changed or developed the \
writer as a person. because the topic is
more on a personal exposition, the
structure and organization of ideas in the
text do not need to be complicated. We are facing right
now in midst of
Who can give me an example of pandemic where
expository text? most of the people
suffer like lose their
Yes, Charity? jobs and
poverty and this
virus the so called
corona virus had
already killed
millions of people.

Very good! Perhaps your example is

factual information because we know a
lot of people are experiencing that way.
e. Discussing new
concepts and practicing e. Discussion (5min)
new skills #2
Next we’re going to tackle about the
Text Structures of Expository Texts

Expository texts are usually clearly structured to

help readers in getting and understanding
information. They are used by the writers to
present and explain information. These text
structures are the following:

Text Description Signal

Structure words
DescriptionLists such as, for
characteristics, example, for
features, and instance,
examples to most
describe a important, in
subject front, beside,
Sequence Lists down first, second,
items in third, before,
chronological not long after,
order after that, at
the same
time, finally,
Comparison Compares and like, unlike,
and contrasts two but, in
Contrast subjects or contrast, on
topics the other
also, too, as
well as
Cause and Explains one therefore, so,
effect or more this led to, as
causes and its a result,
resulting because, if…
effect/s then…,
cause, effect,
in order to
Problem Discusses a solution,
and question or a solve, effect,
Solution problem and hopeful,
gives a concern,
solution or an challenge,
answer resolve

In the sample expository text, the text structure

is more of a sequence as it lists down the most
important values the writer has learned from
having siblings. He or she enumerated these
values and how he or she acquired and related
these values to having siblings in his or her life.

Now, who can give me examples of expository

text using any text structures presented above?
had already
invented a
vaccine for
the Covid 19
However, we
can’t assure
that we can
live normally
Very good! What type of structure did she use?

Excellent! Comparison
and contrast

Alright! Is our lesson for today all clear to you

class? Yes Ma’am!


Now let’s proceed to our activity. Are you

Yes we are!
f. Developing Mastery
(leads to formative Developmental Activies (5min)
Activity #1

I will group you into five (5). Every

group will write an Expository text
with their assigned type of
structure. Each group will choose
a representative to present their

Group 1: You will be assigned for

DESCRIPTION type of structure

Group 2: You will be assigned for

SEQUENCE type of structure

Group 3: You will be assigned for (students to as tasked)

type of structure

Group 4: You will be assigned for


Group 5: You will be assigned for

of structure
g. Finding practical
application of concepts Guide Question: (5min)
and skills in daily life
As a teenager, what do you think is
the importance of expository texts It is important most
in your daily lives? especially right now we
need to know information
that are fact or true. So
we are being guided and
we are aware of what is
happening around us.

Yes! You’re absolutely correct!

What else? It is also important Ma’am
because it will enhance
our capabilities to write
expository texts.
Very good!
h. Making generalization
and abstraction about (5min) 
the lesson
Guide Question:

Do you have any questions or None teacher!

i. Evaluating Learning
Quiz (5min)

Directions: Read the given

selection below. Write down all the
signal words on a ½ sheet of paper
and identify what type of text
structure it is.

(Example: such as-description)

Waste Management
Waste management deals with the
monitoring and prevention of
wastes to care for our environment.
It is essential because it prevents
us from acquiring diseases that
can be contracted from improper
waste disposal. Our government
and some private organizations
have tried to address the issue on
improper waste disposal. An
example is encouraging people to
surrender and throw recyclable
wastes such as PET bottles in
particular places. Some countries
have wastes surrendered and
exchanged with money or other
products. Another way to practice (students to the task)
waste management is through
recycling and up cycling programs
which are advocated by many
organizations. They encourage
people to recycle and repurpose
materials to reduce wastes thrown,
prevent the emission of
greenhouse gases, and at the
same time bring out creativity. An
example of up cycling and
recycling products is repurposing
plastic wastes to become
alternatives to hollow blocks. There
are also programs that promote
waste reduction such as stores that
encourage the use of eco bags to
put grocery items instead of plastic
bags. Some stores also try to
reduce selling products with
containers or wrapping and instead
encourage consumers to bring
containers as an alternative. There
may be efforts exerted by
government and non-government
organizations in terms of saving
the environment in programs such
as waste management and waste
reduction. The most important
thing is that people should be fully
informed and involved in such
activities in order to make a
j. Additional Activities for
application or Homework:
remediation Advance study about Strategies in reading
expository texts.
V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

Prepared by:                                       Checked and Observed:

Richelyn C. Garcia                                       Gerly G. Brola
 Student Teacher                                                   Observer

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