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Act 1 Scene 5 Activities Part 2 - Danny T

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Analysing Lady Macbeth: Act I – Scene V – Close Passage

Scene Synopsis

In Inverness, Macbeth’s castle, Lady Macbeth reads to herself a Letter she has
received from Macbeth. The letter announces Macbeth’s promotion to the
thaneship of Cawdor and details his meeting with the witches. Lady Macbeth
murmurs that she knows Macbeth is ambitious, but fears he is too full of “th’ milk of
human1. kindness” to take
Read lines 16-23. the stepsdoes
What judgements necessary
Lady Macbeth tomake
her husband king (1.5.15).
in terms She to act and
of his capacity
resolves to convince
fulfill her
his ambition? husband
Provide to do
TWO quotes whatever
to support is required to seize the crown. A
your response.
messenger enters and informs Lady Macbeth that the king rides toward the castle,
A: The judgements that Lady Macbeth make about her husband, Macbeth, is that she thinks her husband is basically
and that Macbeth
too weak to take is
way as Thiswell. Asthrough
is shown she awaits
the quotes her“Buthusband’s
I worry aboutarrival,
whether she
or not you have
what it takes to seize the crown” & “You don’t have the mean
delivers a famous speech in which she begs, “you spirits / That tend on mortal streak that these things call for”.

thoughts, meMacbeth
2. Lady here, defies
/ And her fill me beliefs
Christian frombythe crown
calling upon theto“spirits
the // toethattop-full / Ofthoughts”
tend on mortal direst to give her
cruelty” (1.5.38–41).
strength in guidingSheMacbeth’s
resolves to put
actions. Locatehera line
natural femininity
in the text that; aside so that she can
do the bloody deeds necessary to seize the crown. Macbeth enters, and he and his
a) Demonstrates Lady Macbeth’s symbolic rejection of her womanhood, and her aspiration to adopt the
wife discuss the ‘active’
king’sandforthcoming visit. of
‘brutal’ characteristics Macbeth
an ambitious tells
man.his wife that Duncan plans to
depart the next day, but Lady Macbeth declares that the king will never see
A: “Come, you spirits that assist murderous thoughts, make me less like a woman and more like a man, and fill
tomorrow. She tellshead
me from hertohusband to have
toe with deadly patience and to leave the plan to her.

b) Conveys Lady Macbeth’s rejection of her feminine ‘emotion’.

A: “Thicken my blood and clog up my veins so I won’t feel remorse, so that no human compassion can stop my
femininity Letter it!
evil plan or prevent me from accomplishing tomorrow

promotion unsexher role as a feminine ‘nurturer’kindness

c) Shows Lady Macbeth rebuking and adopt a lethal disposition.
A: “Come to my female breast and turn my mother’s milk into poisonous acid, you murdering demons,
wherever you hide, invisible and waiting to do evil!
king bloody plan
3. List TWO personality characteristics that Lady Macbeth embodies. Provide a quote to support your choice of each

A: The two personality characteristics that I would describe Lady Macbeth is evil & sinister. Evil acts of Lady
Macbeth have been portrayed through the quote “Hurry home so I can persuade you and talk you out of
whatever’s keeping you from going after the crown”.

Sinister acts of Lady Macbeth have been delineated through the quote “Thicken my blood and clog up my veins so
I won’t feel remorse”.

4. Lady Macbeth utters a plea to the spirits to “unsex” her. Explain what symbolic meaning evoked from this quote.

A: The symbolic meaning to “unsex” Lady Macbeth means to take away her female characteristics and fill her with the
manly and cold-blooded killer characteristics.

5. Explain the effect created by the symbolic imagery of Lady Macbeth surrendering her breast “milk” for “gall”. (Gall is
similar to poison)

A: The effect created by the symbolic imagery of Lady Macbeth surrendering her breast milk for “gall” (Poison) was to
fill her with evil and cold feelings for power over Scotland.

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