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Vector Analysis: 1.1 Scalars and Vectors

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Electro-Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines Unit 1

Lecture Notes 1

Chapter 1
Vector Analysis
Vector analysis is a mathematical subject which is much better taught by math-
ematicians than by engineers. Most junior and senior engineering students, however, have
not had the time (or perhaps the inclination) to take a course in vector analysis, although
it is likely that many elementary vector concepts and operations were introduced in the
calculus sequence. These fundamental concepts and operations are covered in this
chapter, and the time devoted to them now should depend on past exposure.
The viewpoint here is also that of the engineer or physicist and not that of the
mathematician in that proofs are indicated rather than rigorously expounded, and the
physical interpretation is stressed. It is easier for engineers to take a more rigorous and
complete course in the mathematics department after they have been presented with a few
physical pictures and applications.


The term scalar refers to a quantity whose value may be represented by a single (positive
or negative) real number. The x, y, and z we used in basic algebra are scalars, and the
quantities they represent are scalars. If a body is falling a distance L in a time t, or the
temperature T at any point in a bowl of soup whose coordinates are x, y, and z, then L, t,
T, x, y, and z are all scalars. Other scalar quantities are mass, density, pressure (but not
force), volume, and volume resistivity, Voltage is also a scalar quantity, although the
complex representation of a sinusoidal voltage, an artificial procedure, produces a
complex scalar, or phasor, which requires two real numbers for its representation, such as
amplitude and phase angle, or real part and imaginary part.

A vector quantity has both a magnitude and a direction in space. Mostly it is concerned
with two- and three-dimensional spaces only, but vectors may be defined in n-
dimensional space in more advanced applications. Force, velocity, acceleration, and a
straight line from the positive to the negative terminal of a storage battery are examples
of vectors. Each quantity is characterized by both a magnitude and a direction.. A field
(scalar or vector) may be defined mathematically as some function of that vector which
connects an arbitrary origin to a general point in space. It is usual to find it possible to
associate some physical effect with a field, such as the force on a compass needle in the
earth's magnetic field, or the movement of smoke particles in the field defined by the
vector velocity of air in some region of space. Note that the field concept invariably is
related to a region. Some quantity is defined at every point in a region. Both scalar fields
and vector fields exist. The temperature throughout the bowl of soup and the density at
any point in the earth are examples of scalar fields. The gravitational and magnetic fields
of the earth, the voltage gradient in a cable, and the temperature gradient in a soldering-
iron tip are examples of vector fields. The value of a field varies in general with both
position and time.

B. I. Neelgar, ECE, GMRIT

Electro-Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines Unit 1
Lecture Notes 1


With the definition of vectors and vector fields now accomplished, one can now proceed
to define the rules of vector arithmetic, vector algebra, and (later) vector calculus. Some
of the rules will be similar to those of scalar algebra, some will differ slightly, and some
will be entirely new and strange. This is to be expected, for a vector represents more
information than does a scalar, and the multiplication of two vectors, for example, will be
more involved than the multiplication of two scalars.

To begin, the addition of vectors follows the parallelogram law, and this is easily, if
inaccurately, accomplished graphically. Figure 1.1 shows the sum of two vectors, A and
B. It is easily seen that A + B = B + A, or that vector addition obeys the commutative
law. Vector addition also obeys the associative law,
A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
Note that when a vector is drawn as an arrow of finite length, its location is defined to be
at the tail end of the arrow. Coplanar vectors are vectors lying in a common plane, such
as those shown in Figure 1.1. Both lie in the plane of the paper and may be added' by
expressing each vector in terms of "horizontal" and "vertical" components and then
adding the corresponding components. Vectors in three dimensions may likewise be
added by expressing the vectors in terms of three components and adding the
corresponding components. The rule for the subtraction of vectors follows easily from
that for addition, for we may always express A - B as A + ( -B); the sign, or direction, of
the second vector is reversed, and this vector is then added to the first by the rule for
vector addition. Vectors may be multiplied by scalars. The magnitude of the vector
changes, but its direction does not when the scalar is positive, although it reverses
direction when multiplied by a negative scalar. Multiplication of a vector by a scalar also
obeys the associative and distributive laws of algebra, leading to

(r + s)(A + B) = r(A + B) + s(A + B) = rA + rB + sA + sB

B. I. Neelgar, ECE, GMRIT

Electro-Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines Unit 1
Lecture Notes 1

Figure 1.3 (a) The component vectors x, y, and z of vector r. (b) The unit vectors of the
rectangular coordinate system have unit magnitude and are directed toward increasing
values of their respective variables. (c) The vector Rpo is equal to the vector difference ro
- rp.


Consider a vector r extending outward from origin. A logical way to identify this
vector is by giving the three component vectors, lying along the three coordinate axes,
whose vector sum must be the given vector. If the component vectors of the vector r are
x, y, and z, then r = x + y + z. The component vectors are shown in Figure 1.3a. Instead
of one vector, we now have three, but this is a step forward because the three vectors are
of a very simple nature; each is always directed along one of the coordinate axes. In other
words, the component vectors have magnitudes which depend on the given vector (such
as r), but they each have a known and constant direction. This suggests the use of unit
vectors having unit magnitude, by definition, and directed along the coordinate axes in
the direction of the increasing coordinate values. We shall reserve the symbol a for a unit
vector and identify the direction of the unit vector by an appropriate subscript. Thus ax,
ay, and az are the unit vectors in the rectangular coordinate system.3 They are directed
along the x, y, and z axes, respectively, as shown in Figure 1.3b.
If the component vector y happens to be two units in magnitude and directed toward
increasing values of y, we should then write y = 2ay. A vector rp pointing from the origin

B. I. Neelgar, ECE, GMRIT

Electro-Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines Unit 1
Lecture Notes 1

to point P(1, 2, 3) is written rp = ax + 2ay + 3az. The vector from P to Q may be obtained
by applying the rule of vector addition. This rule shows that the vector from the origin to
P plus the vector from P to Q is equal to the vector from the origin to Q. The desired
vector from pel, 2, 3) to Q(2, -2, 1) is therefore

RpQ = rQ - rp = (2 - l)ax + (-2 - 2)ay + (1 - 3)az = ax - 4ay - 2az

The vectors rp, rQ, and RpQ are shown in Figure 1.3c.
This last vector does not extend outward from the origin. However, it is already learnt
that vectors having the same magnitude and pointing in the same direction are equal, so it
can be seen that parallelism must, of course, be maintained during the sliding process.
If a force vector F is considered, or indeed any vector other than a displacement-type
vector such as r, the problem arises of providing suitable letters for the three component
vectors. It would not do to call them x, y, and z, for these are displacements, or directed
distances, and are measured in meters (abbreviated m) or some other unit of length. The
problem is most often avoided by using component scalars, simply called components,
Fx, Fy, and Fz. The components are the signed magnitudes of the component vectors. We
may then write F = Fxax + Fyay + Fzaz. The component vectors are Fxax, Fyay, and
Any vector B then may be described by B = Bxax + Byay + Bzaz . The magnitude of B
written |B| or simply B, is given by

Each of the three coordinate systems will have its three fundamental and mutually
perpendicular unit vectors which are used to resolve any vector into its component
vectors. However, unit vectors are not limited to this application. It is often helpful to be
able to write a unit vector having a specified direction. This is . easily done, for a unit
vector in a given direction is merely a vector in that direction divided by its magnitude. A
unit vector in the r direction is and a unit vector in the direction of the
x + y2 + z2

vector B is

B. I. Neelgar, ECE, GMRIT

Electro-Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines Unit 1
Lecture Notes 1

Example 1: Find the unit vector extending from origin toward the point G(2, -2, -1)

Sol: The vector extending from origin to G is

The magnitude of G is

And finally the desired unit vector is

1.4 The Dot product

Given two vectors A and B, the dot product or scalar product, is defined as the product of
magnitude of A, the magnitude of B, and the cosine of the smaller angle between them,

A • B = |A| |B| cosθ

The dot product is a scalar and it obeys Commutative law i.e A • B = B • A

If the vectors A and B are represented in the form of components as A = Axax +
Ayay + Azax and B = Bxax + Byay + Bzax then the dot product gives a sum of nine
scalar terms, each involving the dot product of two unit vectors. Since the angle between
two different unit vectors of the Cartesian coordinate system system is 90º then
ax • ay = ay • az = ax • az = az • ax = ay • az = az • ay = 0
The remaining three items involve the dot product of a unit vector with itself which is
unity giving finally

A • B = AxBx + AyBy + AzBz

Also A • A = A2 = |A|2
One of the most important applications of the dot product is that of finding the
component of a vector in a given direction. As shown in Fig. 1.4 a in the next page, the
scalar component of B in the direction specified by the unit vector a as

B. I. Neelgar, ECE, GMRIT

Electro-Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines Unit 1
Lecture Notes 1

B • a = |B| |a| cosθBa = |B| cosθBa

In order to obtain the component vector of B in the direction of a, multiply the component
(scalar) by a, as illustrated by Figure 1.4b. For example, the component of B in the
direction of ax is B . ax = Bx and the component vector is Bxax, or (B. ax)ax. Hence, the
problem of finding the component of a vector in any desired direction becomes the
problem of finding a unit vector in that direction, and that we can do.
The geometrical term projection is also used with the dot product. Thus, B . a is the
projection of B in the a direction.

In order to illustrate these definitions and operations, consider the vector field G = yax -
2.5xay + 3az and the point Q(4, 5, 2). We wish to find: G at Q; the scalar component of G
at Q in the direction of aN = (1/3) (2ax + ay - 2az ); the vector component of G at Q in the
direction of aN; and finally, the angle θGa between G(rQ) and aN.

Solution. Substituting the coordinates of point Q into the expression for G, we have
G(rQ) = 5ax - 1Oay + 3az

The scalar component is

G•aN = (5ax -10ay + 3 az) • (1/3)(2ax + ay -2az)=(1/3)(10-10-6) = -2

The vector component is obtained by multiplying the scalar component by the unit vector
in the direction of aN, (G. aN )aN = -(2)(1/3)(2ax + ay - 2az) = -1.333ax - 0.667ay +
1.333az The angle between G(rQ) and aN is found from

G • aN = |G|cosθGa

-2 = √25+100+9 cosθGa
Thus θGa = 99.9º

B. I. Neelgar, ECE, GMRIT

Electro-Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines Unit 1
Lecture Notes 1

1.5 The Cross Product

Given two vectors A and B, we shall now define the cross product, or vector product, of
A and B, written with a cross between the two vectors as A x B and read "A cross B."
The cross product A x B is a vector; the magnitude of A x B is equal to the product of the
magnitudes of A, B, and the sine of the smaller angle between A and B; the direction of
A x B is perpendicular to the plane containing A and B and is along that one of the two
possible perpendiculars which is in the direction of advance of a right-handed screw as A
is turned into B. This direction is illustrated in Figure 1.5. Remember that either vector
may be moved about at will, maintaining its direction constant, until the two vectors have
a "common origin." This determines the plane containing both. However, in most of our
applications we shall be concerned with vectors defined at the same point.
As an equation we can write

where an additional statement, such as that given above, is still required to explain the
direction of the unit vector aN. The subscript stands for "normal."

Figure 1.5 The direction of A x B is in the direction of advance of a right-handed

screw as A is turned into B.

Reversing the order of the vectors A and B results in a unit vector in the opposite
direction, and it can be seen that the cross product is not commutative, for B x A = -(A x
B). If the definition of the cross product is applied to the unit vectors ax and ay, we find
ax x ay = az, for each vector has unit magnitude, the two vectors are perpendicular, and
the rotation of ax into ay indicates the positive z direction by the definition of a right-

B. I. Neelgar, ECE, GMRIT

Electro-Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines Unit 1
Lecture Notes 1

handed coordinate system. In a similar way ay x az = ax, and az x -ax = ay. Note the
alphabetic symmetry. As long as the three vectors ax. ay, and az are written in order (and
assuming that ax follows az, like three elephants in a circle holding tails, so that we could
also write ay, az, ax or az, ax, ay), then the cross and equal sign may be placed in either of
the two vacant spaces. As a matter of fact, it is now simpler to define a right-handed
rectangular coordinate system by saying that ax x ay = az.
A simple example of the use of the cross product may be taken from geometry or
trigonometry. To find the area of a parallelogram, the product of the lengths of two
adjacent sides is multiplied by the sine of the angle between them. Using vector notation
for the two sides, we then may express the (scalar) area as the magnitude of A x B, or |A
x B|.

The evaluation of a cross product by means of its definition turns out to be more
work than the evaluation of the dot product from its definition, for not only must we find
the angle between the vectors, but we must also find an expression for the unit vector aN.
This work may be avoided by using rectangular components for the two vectors A and B
and expanding the cross product as a sum of nine simpler cross products, each involving
two unit vectors

A X B = AxBx ax X ax + AxBy ax X ay + AxBz ax X az

+ AyBx ay X ax + AyBy ay X ay + AyBz ay X az
+ AzBx az X ax + AzBy az X ay + AzBz az X az

We have already found that ax x ay = az, ay x az = ax. and az x ax = ay. The three
remaining terms are zero, for the cross product of any vector with itself is zero, since the
included angle is zero. These results may be combined to give

A x B = (AyBz - AzBy)ax + (AzBx - AxBz)ay + (Ax By - AyBx)az

written as a determinant in a more easily remembered form,

B. I. Neelgar, ECE, GMRIT

Electro-Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines Unit 1
Lecture Notes 1

B. I. Neelgar, ECE, GMRIT

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