Holocaust Denial and Distortion
Holocaust Denial and Distortion
Holocaust Denial and Distortion
1) What is difference between Holocaust denial, Holocaust distortion and Holocaust misuse?
3) Why do you think people deny, distort and misuse the Holocaust?
How do people recognise Holocaust denial and distortion?
Holocaust denial and distortion are motivated by agendas that are neither about the Holocaust nor about
greater understanding of a documented historical event. Some Holocaust deniers, so-called “revisionists,”
claim to be authentic scholars, when instead they manipulate facts to support a particular ideological
position. Hiding their anti-Semitic intent under the guise of free speech, they claim to offer an alternate
version of Holocaust history. Because legitimate scholars do not doubt that the Holocaust happened,
Holocaust denial plays no role in legitimate historical debate. To evaluate if a claim falls within the
spectrum of Holocaust denial and distortion, consider the following:
Is the source reliable? Has the source made other historical claims that were exaggerated or false?
Does the source present selected facts to support the claim?
Does the source follow accepted methods of historical inquiry?
Does the source reveal a particular ideology or belief?
Does the claim fit within the generally accepted history of the Holocaust?
What does the source want you to believe after exposure to the information?
5) Why do you think denying the Holocaust happened is legal in Australia and the United
States, but illegal in many European countries?
The Nazi persecution of the Jews began with hateful words, escalated to discrimination and
dehumanization, and culminated in genocide. The consequences for Jews were horrific, but suffering and
death was not limited to them. Millions of others were victimised, displaced, forced into slave labour, and
murdered. The Holocaust shows that when one group is targeted, all people are vulnerable. Today, in a
world witnessing rising anti-Semitism, awareness of this fact is critical. A society that tolerates anti-
Semitism is susceptible to other forms of racism, hatred, and oppression.