Nommel S. Tercero Technopreneurship 101 Sbee3C Prof. Dandi L. Fresno

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Nommel S.



Write a short essay (minimum of 100 words) discussing

“The Importance of Technopreneurship to Society and to Oneself.”

 Technopreneurship is a combination of technology and entrepreneurship. Technology made our

life easier and faster every year with the development in our life, society, and the environment.
While technopreneur were using technology for the purpose of entrepreneurship, thinking and
acting to gain opportunity to develop and create wealth among the community. All around the
world groups of informed, skilled and motivated people are striving to achieve more responsible
ways of living. Many social structures fail to meet the needs of the people. We need to innovate,
invent and create new possibilities and technology for the betterment of our self and everyone
that could benefit on it.

List down the top 20 technology we have in the 21st Century. Give a short description of each

1. Smart Phone
each individual owns this compact small powered like computers
2. 3D printing
can replicate an 3D image as an actual object
3.  E-cigarettes
alternative echo friendly cigar
4. Gene editing
scientist can now edit genes from animal and even human embryo
5. High-density battery packs
this battery can power cars or even a house
6. Mobile operating systems
a software that been use to create programs
7.  Multi-use rockets
recently Elon Musk cost efficient space rockets
8. Online streaming
a digital world to access or watch videos along continents
9. Robotic exoskeletons
use in medical and mechanical works in factories
10. Touchscreen glass
dosen’t need mechanical keyboard
11. Social media
a platform where socializing and communication are in common
12. 3G, 4G and 5G
the evolution on internet speed transfers
13. Virtual Reality
an imaging that can produce reality
14. Quantum computing
fastest computers to predict and solve problems
15. Online gaming
a digital world where gamers play
16. electric cars
it can be a self driving car or powered by electricity
17. Artificial intelligence
created to match or surpass human intelligent to par with working society
18. Bluetooth
the first reliable source to transfer data
19. Nano technology
smallest technology on date
20. High powered lasers
beam that produce a power in different aspects of technology

Give three examples of Businesses and three examples of Entrepreneurship. Compare and contrast the
given examples of businesses as opposed to entrepreneurship.


 Child Care Service

 Home Cleaning Service
 Sari-sari store


 Online Store
 Travel Management
 Program Creator

Business doesn’t focus on innovation of things that can be improved but rather than making profit in its
company to be more successful than others while entrepreneurship focuses on making new things or
innovate, and this improve the social, emotional, and financial standards of a society.
List down as many as you can (minimum of 50 examples), examples, or types of technology, whether
product, processes, system, or hardware and software (the knowledge we use to produce and use the

1. Google Glass 21. POrtable camera 41. c++

2. Makerbot Replicator 22. iPAd 42. Chrome
3. Segway Scooter 23. GPS 43. MOzilla
4. Digital Piano 24. CamCoder 44. Airconditioner
5. Drone 25. Nintendo 45. Refrigirator
6. Raspberry Pi 26. Robotics 46. Induction Stove
7. Learnign Thermostat 27. iPod 47. Lasers
8. Portable computer 28. Walkman 48. Scanning machine
9. Fitbit 29. Java 49. DSLR
10. Netflix player 30. Windows 50. E Bike
11. Discman 31. Linux 51. E ciggarete
12. Virtual Goggles 32. Google 52. Vacum
13. Apple 33. Microsoft 53. Youtube
14. Cellphones 34. eBooks 54. Facebook
15. Printer 35. Anti-Virus 55. Twitter
16. Flat Screen 36. Tablets 56. Blog
17. Wii 37. ATM 57. Wireless charger
18. PS4 38. HTML 58. Power Bank
19. Playstation 39. Websites 59. Sim Card
20. DVD player 40. MRI Scanner 60. Microchip


1. True 11. True 21. False

2. False 12. False 22. False
3. True 13. True 23. True
4. False 14. False 24. True
5. True 15. True 25. False
6. True 16. True 26. False
7. True 17. False 27. False
8. False 18. False 28. False
9. False 19. True 29. True
10. True 20. True 30. False

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