Communicate Risks Using Heat Map PDF
Communicate Risks Using Heat Map PDF
Communicate Risks Using Heat Map PDF
How to
communicate risks
using a heat map
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Introduction 2
Internal audit Monitor
Plan Implement
Mitigation Identify
Risk Owner Risk
Strategy Risk
Share Plan
Mitigate Response Assess Potential Impact
Avoid Strategy Risk Likelihood
Organisations use a variety of ways to identify potential impact and likelihood of occurring. This tool,
entity-wide risks (eg, surveys, workshops, risk factors a risk heat map, is used in the risk assessment process
disclosed in financial reports, etc.). When the entity- and is a great for facilitating communication.
wide risks are identified then each risk is assessed for
When a heat map is used in workshops to assess assessment shown in figure 2. The horizontal axis
the risks by individual managers, the discussions shows the likelihood of a given risk occurring, that
can be enhanced, for they can see how risks in one is, the likelihood that the risk will materialise and
part of the organisation impacts another part of become an issue. The vertical axis shows the potential
the organisation. The resulting heat map can also impact that the risk will have on the objective or goal
be used to communicate the risk assessment to not being achieved should it materialise. The colours
senior management, audit committees, and boards are risk areas (eg, green coloured boxes are in the low
of directors. The heat map also enables a business area; yellow boxes are in the medium area; red boxes
conversation about mitigation alternatives. in the high area). The risks are plotted on the heat map
based upon the “Potential Impact” and “Likelihood” of
Organisations may want to start out by using occurring (Risk = Impact × Probability/Likelihood of
a qualitative only (3x3) heat map to do the risk occurring).
High 3 6 9
Potential Impact
Medium 2 4 6
Low 1 2 3
Defining Your Metrics
High 3 6 9
Material: difficult to achieve
multiple objectives
Potential Impact
Low 1 2 3
The percentages, metrics, and definitions would come understands what they are and how they are used in
from your organisation’s policies and what is used the risk assessment process. This common language
in your organisation. It is important to get approved is an added benefit in the communication process of
terminology for the percentages, metrics, definitions, assessing risks.
and terms so that everyone in the organisation
Figure 5: Enterprise Risk Assessment Scale (5x5)
Potential Impact
Significant: more challenging 13
> $340k–$1.95m: 14
to achieve some objectives 11
Medium 12
> $25k–$340k: Inconsequential: may have 10
some undesirable outcomes 15
Risk Legend
(10) Obsolence Risk % ranges 0-10% >10–25% >25–50% >50–90% >90–100%
(11) Customer Concentration or Distribution Risk
(12) Manufacturing Risk
(13) NPI Risk
(14) Supply Chain Risk
(15) EH&S Risk
(16) Physical Asset Risk
The information herein was adapted from Risk Assessment For Mid-sized Companies: Tools for Developing a Tailored
Approach to Risk Management, by Scott McKay, CPA, CFE, CIA, CCSA, Copyright © 2011 by the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.
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