Narcisa Avila
Narcisa Avila
Narcisa Avila
This Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court assails the
July 30, 1999 decision1 and January 19, 2000 resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-
G.R. CV No. 50899.
The subject of this controversy is a portion of a 433-square meter parcel of land located
in Poblacion, Toledo City, Cebu. The entire property is designated as cadastral lot no.
348 registered in the name of Anunciacion Bahena vda. de Nemeño. Upon her death,
ownership of the lot was transferred by operation of law to her five children, petitioners
Narcisa Avila, Natividad Macapaz, Francisca Adlawan, Leon Nemeño and Jose Bahena.
These heirs built their respective houses on the lot.
In 1964, respondent Benjamin Barabat leased a portion of the house owned by Avila.
His co-respondent, Jovita Barabat, moved in with him in 1969 when they got married.
Avila subsequently relocated to Cagayan de Oro City. She came back to Toledo City in
July 1979 to sell her house and share in the lot to her siblings but no one showed
interest in it. She then offered it to respondents who agreed to buy it. Their agreement
was evidenced by a private document dated July 17, 1979 which read:
Nga ang maong lote ug balay ana-a mahimutang sa Poblacion, Toledo City kansang
mga utlanan mao kining musunod:
Respondents stopped paying rentals to Avila and took possession of the property as
owners. They also assumed the payment of realty taxes on it.
On January 6, 1983, respondents received a letter from Atty. Joselito Alo informing
them that Avila had sold her house and share in lot no. 348 to his clients, the spouses
Januario and Nanette Adlawan. Considering the sale to the spouses Adlawan as
prejudicial to their title and peaceful possession of the property, they demanded that
Avila execute a public document evidencing the sale of the property to them but Avila
Respondents filed a complaint for quieting of title with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
Toledo City, Branch 29.3 Docketed as Civil Case No. T-53, the complaint was
subsequently amended to include annulment of the deed of sale to the spouses
Adlawan, specific performance, partition and damages as additional causes of action.
Respondents anchored their claim over the property to the July 17, 1979 private
document which they presented as Exhibit "A."
Avila denied having offered to sell her property to respondents. She claimed that
respondents gave her an P8,000 loan conditioned on her signing a document
constituting her house and share in lot no. 348 as security for its payment. She alleged
that she innocently affixed her signature on Exhibit "A" which was prepared by
respondents and which they now claim as a private deed of sale transferring ownership
to them.
The trial court rendered its May 9, 1995 decision in favor of respondents. It declared
Exhibit "A" as a valid and lawful deed of sale. It nullified the subsequent deed of sale
between Avila and the spouses Adlawan. Avila was ordered to execute a formal and
notarized deed of sale in favor of respondents. It also held petitioners liable for moral
damages and attorney's fees.
Aggrieved, petitioners filed an appeal with the Court of Appeals. In its July 30, 1999
decision, the appellate court affirmed the decision of the RTC in toto. Petitioners sought
a reconsideration but it was denied. Hence, this petition.
Petitioners claim that the appellate court erred in ruling that the transaction between
respondents and Avila was an absolute sale, not an equitable mortgage. They assert
that the facts of the case fell within the ambit of Article 1602 in relation to Article 1604
of the Civil Code on equitable mortgage because they religiously paid the realty tax on
the property and there was gross inadequacy of consideration. In this connection,
Articles 1602 and 1604 provide:
Art. 1602. The contract shall be presumed to be an equitable mortgage, in any of the
following cases:
(1) When the price of a sale with right to repurchase is unusually inadequate;
(3) When upon or after the expiration of the right to repurchase another instrument
extending the period of redemption or granting a new period is executed;
(4) When the purchaser retains for himself a part of the purchase price;
(5) When the vendor binds himself to pay the taxes of the thing sold;
(6) In any other case where it may be fairly inferred that the real intention of the
parties is that the transaction shall secure the payment of a debt or the performance of
any other obligation.
In any of the foregoing cases, any money, fruits, or other benefit to be received by the
vendee as rent or otherwise shall be considered as interest which shall be subject to the
usury laws.
Art. 1604. The provisions of Article 1602 shall also apply to a contract purporting to be
an absolute sale.
They also claim that the court erred in denying them the right to redeem the property
and in ruling that there was implied partition by the acts of the parties.
For Articles 1602 and 1604 to apply, two requisites must concur: (1) the parties
entered into a contract denominated as a contract of sale and (2) their intention was to
secure an existing debt by way of mortgage.4 Here, both the trial and appellate courts
found that Exhibit "A" evidenced a contract of sale. They also agreed that the
circumstances of the case show that Avila intended her agreement with respondents to
be a sale. Both courts were unanimous in finding that the subsequent acts of Avila
revealed her intention to absolutely convey the disputed property. It was only after the
perfection of the contract, when her siblings began protesting the sale, that she wanted
to change the agreement.
Furthermore, contrary to petitioners' claim, the trial court found that it was respondents
who took over the payment of real property taxes after the execution of Exhibit "A."
There is no reason to depart from these factual findings because, as a rule, factual
findings of the trial court, when adopted and confirmed by the Court of Appeals, are
binding and conclusive on the Court and generally will not be reviewed on appeal to
us.5 There is no reason for us to deviate from this rule.
Petitioners' claim of gross inadequacy of selling price has no basis. They failed to
introduce evidence of the correct price at the time the land was sold to respondents in
1979. How can we therefore conclude that the price was grossly inadequate? In the
absence of evidence as to the fair market value of a parcel of land at the time of its
sale, we cannot reasonably conclude that the price at which it was sold was
Petitioners' rely on Article 1623 in relation to Article 1620 of the Civil Code to justify
their right of redemption. This is incorrect.
Art. 1620. A co-owner of a thing may exercise the right of redemption in case the
shares of all the other co-owners or any of them, are sold to a third person. If the price
of the alienation is grossly excessive, the redemptioner shall pay only a reasonable one.
Should two or more co-owners desire to exercise the right of redemption, they may
only do so in proportion to the share they may respectively have in the thing owned in
Art. 1623. The right of legal pre-emption or redemption shall not be exercised except
within thirty days from the notice in writing by the prospective vendor, or by the
vendor, as the case may be. The deed of sale shall not be recorded in the Registry of
Property, unless accompanied by an affidavit of the vendor that he has given written
notice thereof to all possible redemptioners.
Petitioners' right to redeem would have existed only had there been co-ownership
among petitioners-siblings. But there was none. For this right to be exercised, co-
ownership must exist at the time the conveyance is made by a co-owner and the
redemption is demanded by the other co-owner or co-owner(s).7 However, by their own
admission, petitioners were no longer co-owners when the property was sold to
respondents in 1979. The co-ownership had already been extinguished by partition.
The regime of co-ownership exists when the ownership of an undivided thing or right
belongs to different persons.8 By the nature of co-ownership, a co-owner cannot point
to any specific portion of the property owned in common as his own because his share
in it remains intangible and ideal.9
Being an express judicial admission, it was conclusive on petitioners unless it was made
through palpable mistake or that no such admission was in fact made.13 Petitioners
proved neither and were therefore bound by it.
The purpose of partition is to separate, divide and assign a thing held in common
among those to whom it belongs.14 By their own admission, petitioners already
segregated and took possession of their respective shares in the lot. Their respective
shares were therefore physically determined, clearly identifiable and no longer ideal.
Thus, the co-ownership had been legally dissolved. With that, petitioners' right to
redeem any part of the property from any of their former co-owners was already
extinguished. As legal redemption is intended to minimize co-ownership,15 once a
property is subdivided and distributed among the co-owners, the community ceases to
exist and there is no more reason to sustain any right of legal redemption.16
Under the law, subject to certain conditions, owners of adjoining urban land have the
pre-emptive right to a lot before it is sold to third parties, or the redemptive right if it
has already been sold. In particular, Article 1622 of the Civil Code provides:
Art. 1622. Whenever a piece of urban land is so small and so situated in that a major
portion thereof cannot be used for any practical purpose within a reasonable time,
having been bought merely for speculation, is about to be re-sold, the owner of any
adjoining land has a right of pre-emption at a reasonable price.
If the re-sale has been perfected, the owner of the adjoining land shall have a right of
redemption, also at a reasonable price.
When two or more owners of adjoining lands wish to exercise the rights of pre-emption
or redemption, the owner whose intended use of the land in question appears best
justified shall be preferred.
However, this provision does not apply here. Aside from the fact that petitioners never
raised it as an issue, the conditions provided for its application were not met. While the
property may be considered as urban land, it was not shown or even alleged that its
area and location would render a major portion of no practical use within a reasonable
time. Neither was there any allegation to the effect that the disputed property was
bought merely for speculation.
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED. The July 30, 1999 decision and January
19, 2000 resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 50899 are AFFIRMED.