1) The document discusses a study on teachers' perceived causes and problems of curriculum implementation in tertiary institutions in Cross River State of Nigeria.
2) A questionnaire was used as the research instrument, consisting of sections on respondent demographics, perceived problems of curriculum implementation, causes of problems, and possible solutions.
3) The results identified major problems like teachers' inability to apply ICT and lack of facilities. Causes included increased enrollment against decreased funding affecting implementation.
4) The study concluded there is a need for more results-oriented educational policies to address challenges in the curriculum implementation process.
1) The document discusses a study on teachers' perceived causes and problems of curriculum implementation in tertiary institutions in Cross River State of Nigeria.
2) A questionnaire was used as the research instrument, consisting of sections on respondent demographics, perceived problems of curriculum implementation, causes of problems, and possible solutions.
3) The results identified major problems like teachers' inability to apply ICT and lack of facilities. Causes included increased enrollment against decreased funding affecting implementation.
4) The study concluded there is a need for more results-oriented educational policies to address challenges in the curriculum implementation process.
1) The document discusses a study on teachers' perceived causes and problems of curriculum implementation in tertiary institutions in Cross River State of Nigeria.
2) A questionnaire was used as the research instrument, consisting of sections on respondent demographics, perceived problems of curriculum implementation, causes of problems, and possible solutions.
3) The results identified major problems like teachers' inability to apply ICT and lack of facilities. Causes included increased enrollment against decreased funding affecting implementation.
4) The study concluded there is a need for more results-oriented educational policies to address challenges in the curriculum implementation process.
1) The document discusses a study on teachers' perceived causes and problems of curriculum implementation in tertiary institutions in Cross River State of Nigeria.
2) A questionnaire was used as the research instrument, consisting of sections on respondent demographics, perceived problems of curriculum implementation, causes of problems, and possible solutions.
3) The results identified major problems like teachers' inability to apply ICT and lack of facilities. Causes included increased enrollment against decreased funding affecting implementation.
4) The study concluded there is a need for more results-oriented educational policies to address challenges in the curriculum implementation process.
Read any research related to teaching as the noblest of all professions then fill out the matrix below.
Despite the wide recognition and acceptance
accorded the role of curriculum as a career of the The research instrument use for the study national philosophy in Nigerian educational system, was a questionnaire developed and there seems to be problems in the implementation of validated by the researchers and two this important educational blue-print. Many laudable goals of the curriculum have failed to pass the educational evaluators. The instrument has planning stage of the curriculum due to faulty four sections, A, B, C and D. Section A was implementation. Well-conceived curriculum ideas have designed to seek information of the remained virtually inert and dysfunctional. The personal data of the respondents, Section B outcome of this is the bred of graduates of higher required the respondents to indicate their institution who are found to be grossly deficient in practical and professional competences (Izuagba and perceived problems of curriculum Afurobi 2009). The result of this state of affair implementation and Section C sought according to Idaka and Joshua (2005) is the information on the possible causes of the production of half baked, ill-trained and sometimes problems of curriculum implementation. confused graduates. This problem and other related Section D on the other hand was designed problems should be a cause for concern to all patriotic and serious minded stake holder of the educational to elicit information on the possible sub-sector. Against this background, this study was solutions of the problems of curriculum designed to investigate teachers’ perceived causes implementation. In sections B, C, and D, and problems of curriculum implementation. each item has a two-point rating scale of Agree (A) and Disagree (D).
PERCEIVED PROBLEMS OF CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION IN TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS IN CROSS RIVER STATE OF NIGERIA. Judging from the results on Table 1, there is indication that majority of the items had mean responses of 1.55 and above which shows that these items significantly constituted Curriculum implementation is a very problems to curriculum implementation. This agreed with important aspect of the curriculum Offiong (2005), Lassa (2007) and Alade (2011) that pointed process. Hence, it is the bedrock of at teachers’ inability to apply ICT in teaching, lack of facilities any school success or failure. among others as problems of curriculum implementation. The results in Table 2 revealed that 15 of 16 items had a mean of However, Nigeria tertiary institution 1.55 and above and are ranked in the order of degree from curriculum is bedeviled with porous the highest with a mean of 2.00 to the least of 1.55 mean. implementation. The failure is Only one item was considered not to be significant with a attributed to implementation dormancy mean of 1.50. The finding of this supports the earlier position of Izuagba and Aforobi (2009) that as a matter of fact, it was as well as faulty educational policy. the upsurge in enrolment against the backdrop of a sharp fall The study however concluded that in the finances of tertiary institutions that adversely affect there is need for a paradigm shift of curriculum implementation. Results in Table 3 on the other faulty policy to result oriented policies hand, indicated that items 1-10 are significant possible solutions to the problems of curriculum implementation in that would meet the challenges of tertiary institution. Item 11 is not considered significant, curriculum processes. hence can not address the problem of curriculum implementation.