Unit 6: Part I: Listen and Learn 1
Unit 6: Part I: Listen and Learn 1
Unit 6: Part I: Listen and Learn 1
1. W sh Xi l osh .
I am Prof. Xie.
2. W sh Zh nggu r n.
I am a Chinese.
3. W hu shu Y ngy .
I can speak English.
4. W y hu shu Ey .
I also can speak Russian.
5. W b ba m ma d u b hu shu w iyue.
Both my parents cannot speak (any) foreign languages.
6. T men zh hu shu Zh nggu hu .
They can only speak Chinese.
Here are some words for other languages: D y - German Ey - Russian F y -
French R y - Japanese Zh nggu hu - Chinese Zh ngw n - Chinese
'y ' means 'speech'. 'hu ' is 'speech' too. 'w n' refers to a written language, but 'Zh
nggu hu ' and 'Zh ngw n' can be used interchangeably.
'hu ' means 'to be able to'. 'hu shu ...' means 'to be able to speak...'
Pay attention to the position of 'd u' which means 'all'. In the sentence 'W b ba
m ma d u b hu shu ...' the adverb 'd u' is placed after 'b ba m ma'. Never say:
'D u w b ba m ma...'
Unit 6
Part I: Listen and Learn 2
Click on the speaker icon of the following sentences and listen to the recording. The
Chinese characters are in big5 format.
1. Zh sh w d di.
This is my brother.
2. T sh g ngch ngsh , z i Sh ngh i g ngzuo.
He is an engineer and works in Shanghai.
3. T b hu shu Y ngy .
He cannot speak English.
4. T hu shu R y .
He can speak Japanese.
5. T z i xu Y ngy .
He is learning English.
'z i' is a grammatical marker which indicates that an action is or was in progress.
'z i xue Y ngy ' means '...is learning English.'
Unit 6
Part I: Listen and Learn 3
Click on the speaker icon of the following sentences and listen to the recording. The
Chinese characters are in big5 format.
1. Zh sh W ng Xi ohu .
This is Wang Xiaohua.
2. T sh c ng B ij ng l i de.
He came from Beijing.
3. T Y ngy shu de h n h o.
He speaks English very well.
4. T h i hu shu F y h D y .
He can also speak French and German.
5. T xi nz i z i xu R y .
He is learning Japanese now.
Pay particular attention to the word order in the sentence:
W xi nz i z i xu Zh ngw n.
I am learning Chinese now.
'n l ' or 'n l n l ' is a polite way to respond to the compliment such as 'You
speak Chinese very well.' Never respond to it saying: 'Xi xie!' Chinese people are
modest and humble. They will not say 'xi xie' to respond to compliments.
Unit 6
Part I: Listen and Learn 4
Click on the speaker icon of the following sentences and listen to the recording. The
Chinese characters are in big5 format.
1. N h i hu shu sh nme w iy ?
What other foreign language can you speak?
2. W zh hu shu Y ngy .
I can only speak English.
W xi nz i z i xu Zh ngw n.
I am learning Chinese now.
3. N Zh ngw n shu de b cu .
You speak Chinese very well.
4. N l , shu de b h o.
No, not that well.
5. N hu bu hu xi Zh nggu z ?
Can you write Chinese characters?
6. B hu . W b hu xi Zh nggu z .
No, I cannot write characters.
'b cu ' is synonymous to 'h n h o'.
Unit Six
Part II: New Sentence Modules
Unit 6
Part III Practice Makes Perfect
How to say the following phrases? Please speak out. If you forget, click on the phrases.
Please click on the speaker icon and listen to the question. Answer the questions based
on your own situation.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Now try to say find a Chinese looking person and make a conversation with him.
You come across a Chinese looking person. Greet him in Chinese. Try to identify where
he came from. Is he from Beijing or Shanghai? Is he married? Does he have children?
What does he do? Does he speak English? Make compliments on his English. Tell him
where you live. Give him your telephone number. Say good-bye.
(Note: This type of conversation is very normal in China.)