Next Generation Bioweapons
Next Generation Bioweapons
Next Generation Bioweapons
April 2002
The Author.................................................................................................. ii
Acknowledgments ..................................................................................... iii
I. Introduction .............................................................................................1
II. The Former Soviet Union’s Biological Warfare Program .....................3
III. Genetic Engineering, Bioterrorism and Biowarfare ...........................11
IV. Six Paths to Enhance Biothreats.........................................................17
V. Six Ways Science Can Improve Biodefense........................................23
VI. Conclusions ........................................................................................27
Notes ..........................................................................................................29
The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and do
not reflect the official policy or position of the U.S. Government,
Department of Defense, or the USAF Counterproliferation Center.
The Author
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my Air War
College faculty advisors, Dr. Barry Schneider and Col (Dr.) Jim Davis,
who serve as the Director and Deputy Director of the USAF
Counterproliferation Center, respectively. Their encouragement,
mentoring, and guidance significantly contributed to the value of this
work. I also must thank my wonderful wife Cathy and our sons, Ty and
Drew, for their understanding and support throughout my entire Air Force
Next Generation Bioweapons . . . 1
I. Introduction
The history of warfare and the history of disease are unquestionably
interwoven. Throughout the history of warfare, disease and non-battle
injury have accounted for more deaths and loss of combat capability than
from actual battle in war itself. The most striking example is the great
influenza pandemic during World War I that killed 20 million people or
more worldwide in 1918.1 Although this was a naturally occurring event,
what if a country could create a biological agent that could yield the same
catastrophic loss of life on the enemy? That, in essence, is the potential
effect of applying genetic engineering2 for biological warfare (BW) or
bioterrorism (BT).
Today, we face not only natural diseases (including emerging
infectious diseases), but also threats of BW or BT, possibly with
genetically engineered agents, that may resist known therapies. In simple
terms, genetic engineering is the process of human intervention to transfer
functional genes (DNA) between two biological organisms. In the
BW/BT context, it is the manipulation of genes to create new pathogenic
characteristics (increased survivability, infectivity, virulence, drug
resistance, etc). Organisms with altered characteristics are the “next
generation” biological weapons.
In this century, it is widely predicted that advances in biology and
biotechnology will revolutionize society and life as we know it. At the
same time, the “black biology” of biotechnology which can be used to
create biological weapons, will be one of the gravest threats we will face.
In this era when cloning and “designer genes” are topics of the evening
news, much has been written about biowarfare and bioterrorism resulting
from genetically altered microbes, and it is often difficult to discern fact
from fiction. This paper has two purposes. The first part consolidates
2 . . . Next Generation Bioweapons
“Temple Fortune”
(Strain 836).21 He was the first to weaponize glanders, and supervised the
first Soviet tests with the Marburg virus (an Ebola-like virus).22
Alibek disclosed that by 1992 the Russians possessed a grand total of
fifty-two different biological agents or combination of agents, including
deadly Marburg, Ebola, and smallpox viruses, that could be weaponized.
The most infectious and easiest to manufacture and transport microbes
were labeled “battle strains.”23 The favorite “battle strains” were anthrax
(Strain 836), Pasechnik’s super-plague, and a special Russian strain of
tularemia (Schu-4). By 1991, Alibek stated that Russian scientists had
“improved” all three of these so that they could overcome all immune
systems and current medical treatments.24 In May 1998, Alibek testified
before the U.S. Congress:
Scientific Reports
In late 2001, anthrax spores in letters mailed through the U.S. Postal
Service resulted in more terror than actual morbidity. In the three months
following the anthrax letter attacks, five people died of inhalational
anthrax and a total of 18 others had contracted some form of the disease.64
Over 50,000 people took broad-spectrum antibiotics, and many more
people purchased antibiotics for future prophylaxis. “Anthrax anxiety”
was reported on the nightly news. Hundreds of thousands of the “worried
well” deluged the medical care system.
Yet, as bad as anthrax-by-mail was, an outbreak of a biologically
engineered pathogen could be potentially even more devastating.
Although highly lethal, the anthrax of September 2001 was determined to
be a well-known strain and it was not contagious (spread from person to
person). Although anthrax spores are highly stable and can remain viable
for years, compared to other pathogens a relatively large number of
organisms is required to cause illness.65 These facts may explain why
investigators found traces of anthrax spores in many office buildings and
post offices, but only a few people actually contracted the disease.
Furthermore, if evidence of an anthrax attack is determined (as was the
case just after September 11), people can be screened for exposure and/or
14 . . . Next Generation Bioweapons
treated with antibiotics that are highly effective if taken before symptoms
begin. There is also an FDA-approved vaccine for anthrax.
Genetically engineered pathogens would likely prove to be a more
difficult challenge than the 2001 anthrax attacks. Most likely they would
be novel in characteristics with either higher transmissivity,
communicability, or antibiotic resistance. Such “tailoring” of classical
pathogens could make them harder to detect, diagnose, and treat. In
effect, they would be more militarily useful.66 Obviously, a vaccine would
not be available for a novel pathogen. Biological warfare expert Steven
Block outlines other qualitative differences and attributes possibly
expected from genetically engineered pathogens. They could be made
safer to handle, easier to distribute, capable of ethnic specificity, or be
made to cause higher morbidity or mortality rates.67
The entire DNA sequence of the smallpox genome is known, and
some scientists fear that it has already been genetically manipulated.68
Although the only authorized laboratories in the world for smallpox are
the CDC in Atlanta and the Russian State Research Center for Virology
and Biotechnology in Koltsovo, it is believed that cultures may exist
elsewhere in the FSU and possibly have been transferred to other nations
of concern or to non-state organizations.69 Ken Alibek described in his
book Biohazard that the FSU was working on genetic modifications of
smallpox in 1992.70 Because it was eradicated from the world’s
population in 1980, any release of even the original form of the disease
would affect millions of people and constitute an epidemic of worldwide
concern. Certainly, a biologically “improved” strain of smallpox would be
At about the same time The Cobra Event became popular in 1997, the
United States Department of Defense released Proliferation: Threat and
Response, which identified trends in biological warfare capabilities.
These included the increasing use of genetically engineered vectors and
the growing understanding of both infectious disease mechanisms and the
immune defense system.81 An annex to Proliferation: Threat and
Response stated “the current level of sophistication of BW is
comparatively low, but there is enormous potential—based on advances in
modern molecular biology, fermentation, and drug delivery technology—
for making sophisticated weapons.82 The most recent Report of the
Quadrennial Defense Review (September 2001) also recognizes that “the
biotechnology revolution holds the potential for increasing threats of
biological warfare.”83
Also in 1997, a group of academic scientists met to discuss “the threat
posed by the development and use of biological agents.” This JASON84
Group provides technical advice to the U.S. government and “facilitates
the contributions of scientists to problems of national security and public
benefit.” Their meeting concentrated on the near-term future threat of
biological warfare, specifically on genetically engineered pathogens and
The JASON Group that met in 1997 grouped potential genetically
engineered pathogens into six broad groups of potential futuristic threats.85
generate healthy tissue to treat a disease. For example, such cloning could
be used to grow pancreatic cells to produce insulin to treat diabetes, or to
grow nerve cells to repair damaged spinal cords.104
Already sheep, mice, swine, and cattle have been cloned. However,
success (defined as births of live animals) rates are low.105 Initial cloning
work with human embryos to produce omnipotent stem cells has been
reported.106 Theoretically, the stem cells could in turn grow into virtually
any cell type and serve as replacement tissue in diseases like diabetes.107
Researchers have also used a virus to insert a jellyfish gene into a rhesus
monkey egg and produced the first genetically altered primate.108 The use
of embryos and germ cells has raised many ethical questions.
VI. Conclusions
3. Tom Mangold and Jeff Goldberg, Plague Wars (New York: St. Martin’s Press,
1999), 92.
4. Ken Alibek with Stephen Handelman, Biohazard (New York: Random House,
1999), 43; see also, Lester C. Caudle III, “The Biological Warfare Threat,” in Textbook of
Military Medicine: Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare, eds. Frederick
R. Sidell, Ernest T. Takafuji, and David R. Franz (Washington D.C.: Office of the
Surgeon General, US Army, 1997), 454. Biopreparat constituted only half of the Soviet
BW program. See Alibek’s Biohazard.
10. Mangold and Goldberg, 94-5, 164; Col John Alexander, Future War:
Non-Lethal Weapons in the Twenty-First Century (New York: St Martin’s Press, 1999),
30 . . . Next Generation Bioweapons
19. Alibek, 40-2, 155-6; Alexander, 191. Immediately after the 1972 Biological
Weapons Convention treaty, President Brezhnev initiated the largest biological weapons
program in history.
22. Ibid.
32. Plague War, Frontline, PBS Home Video, Public Broadcasting Service, FROL-
1706, 1998, 60 minutes.
33. A.P. Pomerantsev, N.A. Staritsin, Yu V. Mockov, and L.I. Marinin, “Expression
of Cereolysine AB Genes in Bacillus anthracis Vaccine Strain Ensures Protection Against
Experimental Hemolytic Anthrax Infection,” Vaccine, Vol. 15, No. 17/18, 1997, 1846-
34. Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg, and William Broad, Germs: Biological
Weapons and America’s Secret War (New York, Simon and Schuster, 2001), 218-220.
35. Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg, and William J. Broad, “U.S. Germ Warfare
Research Pushes Treaty Limits,” New York Times, 4 September 2001, A1, A6.
36. Laurie Garrett, The Coming Plague (New York: Penguin Books, 1994), 10.
37. Peter R. Lavoy, Scott D. Sagan, and James J. Wirtz, Planning the Unthinkable:
How New Powers Will Use Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons (Ithica, NY:
Cornell University Press, 2000), 5.
38. Malcolm R. Dando, The New Biological Weapons: Threat Proliferation, and
Control (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc, 2001), 11.
43. Tucker, 5.
44. Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Newsletter, vol. 9, issue 2,
(Summer 2001), 4.
49. Peter L. Hays, Vincent J. Jodoin, Alan R. Van Tassel, Countering the
Proliferation and Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (New York: The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc., 1998), 9; Zilinskas estimates that it may only take five years for
scientists working for “proliferant governments or subnational groups” to develop
biological weapons from the new biotechnologies. R.A. Zilinskas (Ed.) Biological
Warfare: Modern Offense and Defense (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2000).
50. Tucker, 9.
53. Laurie Garrett, The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World of
Balance (New York: Penguin Books, 1994), 53.
56. Claire M. Fraser and Malcolm R. Dando, “Genomics and Future Biological
Weapons: The Need for Preventive Action by the Biomedical Community,” Published
online: 22 October 20001 by Nature Publishing Group @ http//, p. 1.
57. Even crop duster aircraft and mosquito sprayer equipment are potential delivery
mechanisms for bioterrorism.
59. Ian O. Lesser, et. al, Countering the New Terrorism (Santa Monica, CA:
RAND, 1999), 7-38. Although the total number of terrorist events worldwide has
declined in the 1990s, the percentage of terrorist events resulting in fatalities (and total
numbers of fatalities) increased; Ehud Sprinzak, “The Lone Gunman,” Foreign Policy,
November/December 2001, 72-3. According to Sprinzak, today’s “megalomaniacal
hyperterrorists” are innovators and developers. They incessantly look for original ways
to surprise and devastate the enemy. They think big, seeking to go beyond
“conventional” terrorism and, unlike most terrorists, could be willing to use weapons of
mass destruction. If the intent of terrorists is to inflict mass casualties, then biological
agents are likely to be used.
Next Generation Bioweapons . . . 33
60. Richard Preston, The Hot Zone (New York: Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1994).
Tom Clancy’s Executive Orders and Michael Critchton’s The Andromeda Strain were
other popular books on pathogens.
62. Preventing Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Strategy for the 21st Century,
(Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, reprinted August 2000), vii.
63. Garrett, 6; Block, 59. New infectious diseases are thought to emerge due to
situations where humans now live in close proximity to animals.
65. Block, 45. The minimum lethal dose for inhalational anthrax (reported to
be5,000 to 10,000 spores) is high compared to some other biological agents.
69. Ibid., 355; Sheryl Gay Stolberg with Melody Peterson, “U.S. Orders Vast
Supply of Vaccine for Smallpox,” New York Times, 29 November 2001, B-8.
70. Alibek, 258-61; Block, 49. The FSU’s biological warfare program was
massive, totaling over 18 complexes and 60,000 workers. Considering that this dwarfed
the worldwide commitment to the Human Genome Project, there is significant concern
about what the FSU bioscientists were able to accomplish. Despite President Yeltsen’s
order to close the Russian BW program, biological warfare research is thought to
continue in the FSU.
74. Asymmetric warfare is the use of less technological, less expensive, and/or
more unconventional weapons, tactics and strategies. Historically, this has taken the
34 . . . Next Generation Bioweapons
form of guerilla warfare, but today includes cyber war and the use of weapons of mass
77. Ibid., 28. The potential to inflict damage on the enemy is obvious. Less clear is
how to protect friendly troops from disease while spreading it among the enemy.
79. Zilinskas, 6.
90. Rachel Nowak, “Disaster in the Making,” New Scientist, 13 January 2001, 4-5.
93. A minimal genome can be defined as the smallest set of genes that allows
forreplication of the organism in a particular environment.
94. Philip Cohen, “A Terrifying Power,” New Scientist, 30 January 1999, 10.
95. Carina Dennis, “The Bugs of War,” Nature, 17 May 01, p. 232-235.
97. Zilinskas, 13. The bacteria E. coli have been genetically engineered to produce
commercial quantities of valuable complex proteins, including insulin, human growth
hormone, interferon, hepatitis B surface antigens, and angiotensin.
102. Nowak, 4-5; see also, Stanley L. Robbins, Ramzi S. Cotran, and Vinay
Kumar, Pathologic Basis of Disease, Third Ed. (Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company,
1984), 158. The immune response compromises all the phenomena that result from the
specific interaction of cells of the immune system with antigens (foreign material).
Entrance of an antigen into the body can have two possible outcomes: (1) a humoral
immune response, involving the synthesis and release of antibody molecules within the
blood and extracellular fluids; or (2) cell-mediated immunity, manifested by production
of “sensitized” lymphocytes capable of interacting with antigens such as bacterial toxins
and cause neutralization of the toxin, or they can coat the antigenic surfaces of
microorganisms and render them susceptible to lysis by complement or to phagocytosis
by macrophages. In the second type of reaction, the sensitized cells are responsible for
such actions as rejection of foreign tissue grafts and resistance against many intracellular
microbes, i.e., viruses, fungi, and some bacteria.
104. Jose B. Cibelli, Robert P. Lanza and Michael D. West, with Carol Ezzell,
“The First Human Cloned Embryo,” Scientific American, January 2002.
106. Cibelli, x.
107. Gina Kolata, “Company Says It Produced Embryo Clones,” New York Times,
26 November 2001, A-14.
108. Sharon Begley, “Brave New Monkey,” Newsweek, 22 January 2001, 50-52.
120. Fraser and Dando, 4; see also Dando, 127. Polymorphisms are differences in a
specific gene. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) arise from the change of just one
base pair in the DNA sequence. SNPs are markers that may lead to the genetic basis of
many diseases. Theoretically, a SNP or sets of SNPs may provide new targets for new
drugs, toxins, or bioregulators.
122. Mildred K. Cho, David Magnus, Arthur L. Caplan, Daniel McGee and the
Ethics of Genomics Group, “Ethical Considerations in Synthesizing a Minimal Genome,”
Science, Vol 286, 10 December 1999, 2087-2090.
128. Robins, 158. See footnote 102 for definitions of humoral and cell-mediated
141. Lt Col George W. Christopher, LTC Theodore J. Cieslak, MAJ Julie Pavlin,
and COL Edward M. Eitzen, “Biological Warfare: A Historical Perspective,” Journal of
the American Medical Association, Vol 278, No.5, 6 August 1997, 412-417.
146. Amy Smithson, et. al, Ataxia: The Chemical and Biological Terrorism Threat
and the U.S. Response, October 2000, as quoted by Peters in “Behind in the Biowar,” 33.
147. Elizabeth Becker and Tim Weiner, “New Office to Become a White House
Agency,” New York Times, 28 September 2001.
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