Economic Analysis For Business BA5101 Unit-I Two Mark Questions

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1. What is micro economics?
According to Watson,” Microeconomics is the theory of the small, of
the behaviour of the consumers, producers and markets”.

2. Define scarcity
According to McConnell, “scarcity is a situation in which there is not
enough of resources to meet all human needs”.

3. Write a note on PPF?

PPF is a curve that illustrate the production possibilities of an
economy- the alternative combinations of two goods that an economy
can produce with given resources and technology.

4. State the fundamental economic problem

 What to produce
 How to produce
 For whom to produce

5. Briefly write on negative externalities

A negative externality occurs when an individual or firm making a
decision does not have to pay the full cost of the decision.

6. Briefly write on positive externalities

It is slightly more difficult to identify than their negative
counterparts. They are often associated with government or
charitable interventions in the market.

7. List down the role of government

 Role of government in price stability
 Regulatory role of government
 Promote health and nutrition
 Secure property rights and political stability
 Research and development


1. Explain in detail Micro economics and Macro economics. How they

2. Explain Scarcity and Efficiency.
3. Describe the economic growth and stability in detail.
4. Explain PPF. State the importance of PPF.
5. Explain the role of market in detail.



1. What is market structure?

The market structure variables that determine the magnitude and
characteristics of competition are the basis of categorisation of the
structure of the industry.

2. Write down determinants of demand

 Price of the commodity
 Income of the consumer
 Tastes and Preferences
 Prices of related goods
 Advertisement
 Consumer Expectations

3. State the meaning of demand and supply

The demand for anything, at a given price, is amount of it, which will
be bought per unit of time, at that price”.
The supply of goods is the quantity offered for sale in a
given market at a given time at various price.
4. What is elasticity of demand?
If the percentage change in quantity demanded is divided by the
percentage change in one of the variable which affect the demand,
then it is called ‘Elasticity of demand’.

5. What is meant by price elasticity of demand?

Elasticity of demand may be defined as the ratio of the percentage
change in demand to the percentage change in price.

6. Briefly explain the concept of Cross elasticity of demand

Cross- elasticity of demand for a good is defined as change in
demand of that good due to change in price of another good.

7. State the supply functions

The equation which is formed with the use of these factors is called
supply function. Supply function can be represent as
Sx=f(Px, Py, C, T, O, F, W, N,T)

8. Define consumer surplus

The concept of consumer surplus is defined as “ Excess of the price
which a consumer would be willing to pay rather than go without a
thing over that which he actually does pay, is the economic measure
of this surplus satisfaction”.

9. What is economies of scale?

Economies of scale is when output increases leading to rise of long-
run average total cost.


1. Discuss the meaning of demand and its various types.

2. Define price elasticity of demand. How it can be measured
3. Write detailed note on Law Diminishing Marginal Utility
4. Write an explanatory note on law of returns to scale.
5. What do you understand by economies and diseconomies of scale?


1. what is product market?

The total value of goods exchanged in product market each year is
measured by gross domestic product. The demand side management
of product market includes consumption expenditures, investment
expenditures, government purchase and net exports.

2. What is firm?
Firm is an organisation that produces and sells goods with the goal of
maximising its profits.

3. What is firm equilibrium?

A firm is a unit engaged in the production for sale at a profit and
with the objective of maximising profit”

4. List the various forms of market

 Perfect Market
 Imperfect Market
a. Monopoly
b. Monopolistic competition
c. Oligopoly
d. Duopoly
5. Write a short note on perfect market
Perfect competition is a market structure characterised by a
complete absence of rivalry among the individual firm.

6. Define entrepreneur
Land, labour and capital combines in them in the right proportion,
then initiates the process of production and bears the risk involved in
it. This factor is known as the entrepreneur.

7. Define Market efficiency

The term market efficiency refers to the process by which resource
are maximised to generate more productive value than they use,
every resource is optimally allocated to serve each person in the best
way while minimising waste and inefficiency.

8. What is meant by price discrimination

Price discrimination is charging different prices for the same product
or same price for the differentiated product.

9. Define monopolistic
According to J.S. basins, “ Monopolistic competition is market
structure where there are a long number of small sellers, selling
differentiated but close substitute products”

10.What is factor market?

It refers to markets where the factors of production are bought and
sold such as the labour markets, the capital market, the market for
raw materials, and the market for management.


1. What is market structure? Explain the characteristics and

determinants of market structure.
2. Define ‘oligopoly.’ Explain how p[rice and output decision are
taken under conditions of oligopoly under conditions of oligopoly.
3. Describe the determinants and type of market efficiency.
4. Explain demand and supply of factor.
5. Explain interaction of product and factor market.



1. Define multiplier
Investment multiplier tells us that when there is an increment of
aggregate investment, income will increase by an amount which is K
times the increment of investment.
2. Define national income
National income is that part of the objective income, of the
community, including of course, income derived from abroad, which
can be measured in money”

3. Define GDP
Total monetary value of all finished goods and services being
produced in the specified territory of the country during the current
financial year is known as GDP.

4. What is net national product?

Derivation of NNP is by subtracting the depreciation allowance from
GNP, adding the net factor income from abroad to the net domestic

5. What is aggregate demand?

Aggregate demand is the total demand for final goods and services in
the economy (y) at a given time and price level.

6. What is aggregate supply?

 The supply of output of final consumer goods and services in a
 The output of capital goods which are also called investment
goods or product goods because they help in producing further

7. Write a note on effective demand

It represents that aggregate demand or total spending consumption
expenditure and investment which matches with aggregate supply.
Effective demand=National Income=National Output.

8. Write down features of demand side management

 Determinants of employment
 Say’s law falsified
 Role of investment
 Capitalistic Economy

9. What is fiscal policy?

By fiscal policy is meant the use of public finance or expenditure,
taxes, borrowing, and financial administration to further our
national economic objective.


1. Explain the meaning and features of national income
2. What is aggregate supply demand? What are its components?
3. Explain the aggregate supply in detail
4. What is aggregate demand? What are its components?
5. How fiscal policy related to growth and price stability?



1. Define unemployment.
Unemployment occurs when people are without job and they
actively looked for work within the past four weeks or are waiting to
take up an appointment.
2. Define Okun’s law
Okun’s law refers to the relationship between increases in
unemployment and decreases in a country’s gross domestic product
3. What is Philip curve
Indicated a negative statistical relationship between the rate of
change of money wage and the unemployment rate.
4. Define money market equilibrium
Incorporating an interaction between the money market and the
market for goods and services to determine simultaneously national
income and the rate of interest. The model was later extended to take
account of the labour market, the price level ,and financial assets
otter than money or real capital.
5. What is money market?
The money market is the collective name given to the various
firms and institutions that deal various grades of near money.
6. What are money market instrument?
 Call/ notice/term money
 Commercial bill
 Treasury/ T-bills
 Commercial papers
 Certificates of deposits
7. List the impact of inflation
Inflation take place when money income is expanding relative to
the output of work done by the productive agents for whom its the
8. State any two causes of inflation
 Increase in demand for goods and services
 Increase in public expenditure
 Increase in private expenditure
 Decrease in supply for good and services
 Shortage of supplies of factors of production.
 Hoarding by the traders
9. What is deflation?
Deflation is a situation when the value of money increases in the
international market.


1. What is aggregate supply? Discuss the aggregate supply curve

2. Explain okun’s law with its uses and criticism
3. Define inflation. List the various causes and effects of inflation
4. What is inflation? Analyse its impact on the various section of the
5. Discuss the fiscal and monetary measures taken to reduce inflation

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