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Review Article
Received: May 24, 2018; Revised: June 11, 2018; Accepted: June 12, 2018; Published: June 15, 2018
Abstract: It has been reported that water at the interface of a hydrophilic thin film forms an exclusion zone, which has a higher density than ordinary water. The structured water or
fourth phase water has a molecular structure that is arranged in a liquid crystal. This structured water appears to have a simulative effect on plant growth. Structured water is being
used in agriculture, dairy, poultry, medicine and construction industries with unbelievable benefits. There was both qualitative and quantitative yield improvement. Structured water
did not contain energetic toxins, bring forward high oxygenation states, increases energy along with regulates and balances the soil minerals at the same time exhibits anti oxidant
Keywords: Exclusion zone, hydrophilic, liquid crystal, structured water
Citation: Dubey P.K., et al., (2018) Structured Water: An Exciting New Field in Water Science. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, ISSN: 0975-3710 & E-ISSN:
0975-9107, Volume 10, Issue 11, pp.- 6346-6347.
Copyright: Copyright©2018 Dubey P.K., et al., This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Introduction This important finding implies that water itself can affect the growth and bioactivity
Agriculture is the largest sink for fresh water on this Planet. Therefore, the of live beings. Structured water is a molecular arrangement of water molecules
conservation of water on farm is of vital importance for sustainability and dealing that exists when water is near hydrophilic (water loving) surfaces. Much like ice,
with the effects of climate change such as droughts. The best possible way to get water molecules join together in hexagonally structured single layer sheets. As the
rid of the water stress is the usage of structured water features various studies hexagonal layers grow, protons are ejected into the nearby water.
observing the structure of water with Raman spectroscopy and infrared
spectroscopy. In addition, there are a variety of methods to alter the structure of Conversion of ordinary water to structured water
water without changing composition [1]. Unlike waters being used in many Ordinary water can be converted in to structured water by one of the following
agricultural applications, structured water: methods,
1) Contains no energetic toxins By running it through or over some obstructions, such as smooth pebbles creating
2) Brings forward high oxygenation states eddies/vortex
3) Increases the energy Put water container in proximity of the magnet.
4) Regulates and balances the soil minerals By swirling the water in a container
A first look at the structure of water was happened almost a century ago. The By clamping magnets on to the pipes conducting water (it can be used in drip or
tetrahedral modeling of hydrogen bond was initially suggested via X-Ray Analysis sprinkler irrigation) [10].
in 1938 and went through nearly eighty years of disbelief [2-4]. An absolute
pioneer in the field of structured water is Prof. Gerald Pollack from the University Properties of Structured water
of Washington, who termed the fourth phase of water. This is what he calls the 1. It inhibits deposition/incrustation of dissolved substances, the phenomenon is
fourth phase of water and is often referred to as structured water. Through Nuclear not understood, yet it has useful application in saving boilers and connecting pipes
Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, it is able to see this hexagonal from incrustation and choking.
structure and there are scientific publications in research journals on this topic 2. It has slightly concave meniscus.
[5,6]. Ultimately, this greater hydration of cells walls may lead to greater yield in 3. It is having low surface tension and greater wetting property.
plants. So, the structured water is highly applicable in the field of agriculture. 4. Its pH is slightly above 7, which enables it to be assimilated in body fluids.
An exciting new field in water science: Recently it was claimed that there is a 5. It neutralizes the acidic chlorine effect.
fourth phase of water similar to a liquid crystal, in addition to the three phases of 6. Structured water breaks clumps of water molecules and strengthens hydrogen
water: solid, liquid, and gas [7]. This fourth phase takes place at the interface of bondage.
hydrophilic material .as water molecules are arranged along the polarity of the
surface. Since its density is higher than ordinary water, microspheres in a Benefits of structured water in the field of Agriculture
suspension are excluded as the water is structured, and, based on this 1. Soil health will improve and become more capable of supporting plant growth.
phenomenon; it was named as an exclusion zone [8-10]. Also, electric potential as 2. Soil will become more efficient in the delivery of nutrients to plants
high as −200 mV has been observed to develop across the boundary of the 3. Plants will become more capable of absorbing nutrients from the soil
exclusion zone and outside of this region (exclusion zone negative). This potential 4.The water holding capacity of soil will increase and after 1-3 months, the water
is generated by the dissociation of water molecules into negative ions (OH-) and needed for irrigation will gradually reduce (20-50 %), it can get economical as well
protons as it is structured. as environmental benefit.
5. Crops will turn out healthier and will stay fresher for longer time. [2] Kuehne T. (2013) Nat. Commun, 4,1450.
6. The stems of the flowers and plants will become stronger and thicker; [3] Morgan J. (1938) The Journal of Chemical Physics, 6 (11), 666.
sometimes double the size and strength. [4] Anonymous (2013) Mainz Scientists Confirm Original Tetrahedral
7. The quality and quantity of crops will dramatically increase. Model of the Molecular Structure of Water.
8. Leaves and flowers will grow in more vibrant colors and trees will respond very [5] Chara Osvaldo, Andres N., McCarthy and Grigera J. R. (2011) Physics
well to structured water by growing faster and stronger. Letters, 572-576.
Structured water exhibit antioxidant properties and appears to exhibit the same [6] Tiezzi E. (2013) Ann Chim, 5.
properties as an antioxidant, since no antioxidant components were added in the [7] Pollack G.H. (2013) Seattle, WA: Ebner & Sons.
water. He concluded that the water can play an essential role in bioactivities of [8] Zheng J.M., Chin W.C., Khijniak E., Khijniak E. and Pollack G. H.
cells, depending on its antioxidant effects, based on its structure. Water itself can (2006) Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 127(1), 19–27.
be an active constituent in cell biology, as are many other cellular molecules [11]. [9] Zheng J. and Pollack G.H. (2003) Physical Review E: Statistical,
The structured water has been found to be increased crop yield e.g. winter wheat Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
(28 %), corn (17 %), cucumber (32 %) and tomato (32 %). It increases milk [10] Seong G.H., Lee H.S., Lee B.C. and Bahng G.W. (2017) International
production and fertility in cattle, meat and egg production in poultry. It results both Journal of Cell Biology, 75-79.
qualitative and quantitative yield improvement [12]. The effect of using structured [11] Cheng C.S., Chung, W.J., Hsu I.C., Wu C.M. and Chin W.C. (2012)
water during higher temperature (340C) has an significant impact on speed of Journal of Biological Physics, 38(1), 113–120.
germination (83.18) against natural water (75.93). Fresh seeds at 28 0C when [12] Husain S.M. and Abbas haider (2007) Institute of horticultural
structured water was used has recorded higher first count (61 %) followed by sciences, university of Agriculture, Fasilabad, 38-42.
340C (61 %). Seeds treated with structured water have recorded higher [13] Pallavi H.M., Varun N., Karthi K.P. and Manoj R. (2017) Navsari
germination percent (89 %) compared to normal water (86%). Fresh seed lots Agricultural University, Gujarat.
treated with structured water maintained at 28 0C has recorded higher
germination per cent of 97 on par with old seed lot at 28 0C (96%). Similarly,
seedling length of 13.31 cm was recorded in structured water compared to normal
water (12.81 cm). They concluded that structured water enhances the
performance of aged seeds under heat stress in tomato [13].
Structured water is still in this progression and needs more scientific inquiry. While
still moving slowly in academic research, structured water is already breaking
through on the commercial level.
0C : Degree Celcius
% : Per Cent
cm : Centimetre
mV : Milli Volt
NMR : Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
OH- : Hydroxyl
Author statement: All authors read, reviewed, agree and approved the final
Ethical approval: This article does not contain any studies with human
participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
[1] Roy R. (2004) Materials Research, Boston, MA, Nov. 28, 2004.