Sprint Mechanics in World-Class Athletes: A New Insight Into The Limits of Human Locomotion
Sprint Mechanics in World-Class Athletes: A New Insight Into The Limits of Human Locomotion
Sprint Mechanics in World-Class Athletes: A New Insight Into The Limits of Human Locomotion
The objective of this study was to characterize the tion of velocity (V). FY-V, RF-V, and PY-V relationships
mechanics of maximal running sprint acceleration in were well described by significant linear (mean R2 of
high-level athletes. Four elite (100-m best time 9.95– 0.892 ± 0.049 and 0.950 ± 0.023) and quadratic (mean
10.29 s) and five sub-elite (10.40–10.60 s) sprinters per- R2 = 0.732 ± 0.114) models, respectively. The current
formed seven sprints in overground conditions. A single study allows a better understanding of the mechanics
virtual 40-m sprint was reconstructed and kinetics of the sprint acceleration notably by modeling the
parameters were calculated for each step using a force relationships between the forward velocity and the main
platform system and video analyses. Anteroposterior mechanical key variables of the sprint. As these findings
force (FY), power (PY), and the ratio of the horizontal partly concern world-class sprinters tested in
force component to the resultant (total) force (RF, which overground conditions, they give new insights into
reflects the orientation of the resultant ground reaction some aspects of the biomechanical limits of human
force for each support phase) were computed as a func- locomotion.
Elite athletes specialized in the short sprint (60 or 100 m) When considering elite athletes, the lack of experi-
constitute a unique model to investigate some aspects of mental data still prevents us from thoroughly under-
human limits (Denny, 2008). Their specific muscular, standing the determinants of sprint performance (Morin
physiological, and biomechanical features have fre- et al., 2012). Recent experimental measures have been
quently been investigated as they are considered the previously reported, but analyses have generally focused
fastest human runners on Earth (Ben Sira et al., 2010; either around a single mark of the sprint distance during
Slawinski et al., 2010). Regarding world-class sprinters acceleration [e.g., starting phase (Slawinski et al., 2010;
in particular, their 100-m race characteristics have been Debaere et al., 2013a; Kawamori et al., 2014; Otsuka
systematically described in official events such as World et al., 2014), the 8-m mark (Kawamori et al., 2013), the
Championships or summer Olympic Games (Taylor & 16-m mark (Hunter et al., 2004), the 45-m mark
Beneke, 2012; Krzysztof & Mero, 2013). Such an (Bezodis et al., 2008)] or on the constant-maximal speed
approach has the obvious advantage of allowing the phase of the sprint (Weyand et al., 2000, 2010;
characterization of the best 100-m performance ever and Bergamini et al., 2012). Thus, it would be of great inter-
the few fastest men who present at the given time an est to have the opportunity to describe from a mechanical
extreme motivation and theoretically optimal technique standpoint the sprint acceleration phase: in particular,
and physical shape. In return, because of the constraints this would allow the characterization of (a) individual
inherent to such international events, these conditions force−velocity (F-V) and power–velocity (P-V) relation-
usually have the drawback of allowing the measurement ships and (b) key variables of the sprint technique.
or estimation of only a few basic variables [e.g., forward Numerous studies have investigated the F-V relation-
velocity, flight time, and contact time (Taylor & Beneke, ships in functional tasks (Rahmani et al., 2001;
2012) or step length and step frequency (Krzysztof & Samozino et al., 2010). Classically, the following theo-
Mero, 2013)] from video footage generally provided by retical parameters have been derived from the linear F-V
television stations. relationships: (a) the maximal velocity (V0) calculated
Rabita et al.
by extrapolation to zero force; (b) the maximal force et al., 2012), this limitation prevents real and definitive
(F0) calculated by extrapolation to zero velocity; and (c) insights into the human determinants of sprint accelera-
the maximal power output (Pmax), maximal value of the tion performance. Firstly, in treadmill conditions, sub-
product of F and V variables. Regarding the sprint jects started in a crouched position instead of using
running task in particular, experimental investigations starting blocks, which is a substantial issue considering
have been developed using instrumented treadmills to the importance of this phase in 60- and 100-m perfor-
perform measurements throughout the entire accelera- mance (Harland & Steele, 1997; Slawinski et al., 2010).
tion phase. The subject’s forward velocity was given by Secondly, the maximal velocities reached by the athletes
the speed of the belt and the anteroposterior force pro- on the treadmill were substantially lower than those
duction can be directly obtained by force sensors posi- recorded in overground conditions (Morin et al., 2012).
tioned under the motorized treadmill frame (Morin et al., For example, Chelly and Denis (2001) and Morin et al.
2010). Characterizing F-V relationships by means of (2012) measured maximal treadmill velocity around 6.5
such methodologies allows to assess the ability of the and 7.5 m/s, respectively, which is far from the maximal
neuromuscular system to generate maximal power. This speed reached by elite sprinters during field sprints (e.g.,
ability, influenced by interrelated factors [e.g., muscle 12.5 m/s for Usain Bolt’s 100-m World Record).
fiber composition, architectural characteristics, anatomi- In the present study, we had the unique opportunity to
cal joint configuration, levels of neural activation, and study the mechanical determinants of sprint performance
technical aspects (for review, see Cormie et al., 2011)], in nine high-level sprinters, including four world-class
was shown to be correlated with sprint performance athletes (among them was the 2013 60-m indoor Euro-
(Morin et al., 2012) as previously demonstrated in other pean champion in Göteborg, Sweden, see Materials and
sport activities (Dorel et al., 2005, 2010). Moreover, it methods section). The second main originality of this
helps determine the individual mechanical profile of the study was that the acceleration phase was studied for the
athlete in his specific sprint running task (Morin et al., first time in field conditions (starting blocks and tartan
2012). track equipped with force plates) during a quasi-standard
On the other hand, the measurement of the ground training session.
reaction force (GRF) for each step of the acceleration The aims of this study were (a) to describe the sprint
phase allows not only to quantify the horizontal compo- acceleration mechanics (i.e., spatiotemporal patterns,
nent of this GRF but also its contribution to the total kinetics, F-V, P-V, and RF-V relationships) in elite and
GRF. Indeed, previous investigations (Morin et al., 2011; sub-elite sprinters in order to give a new mechanical
2012), by transposing the concept of effectiveness used insight into the limits of human sprint acceleration; and
in pedaling mechanics, calculated the ratio of force (RF) (b) to analyze the correlations between these parameters
during treadmill sprint running. This RF parameter and sprint performance in order to further investigate the
reflects the orientation of the resultant GRF at each step determinants of sprint acceleration performance.
and then the athletes’ ability to apply force effectively We hypothesized that, as already reported on recent
onto the ground (i.e., in the forward direction). Interest- treadmill studies, the mechanical profile of elite and
ingly, these authors showed that the mean RF parameter sub-elite sprinters maximally accelerating on a track can
obtained on the treadmill was highly correlated to the be characterized (a) by the F-V relationship using a
track 100-m performance. They also proposed an index linear model and (b) by the P-V relationship using a
of force application technique (DRF) computed as the quadratic model. We also hypothesized that the higher
slope of the linear RF-horizontal velocity relationship acceleration of world-class sprinters compared with sub-
from sprint start until top speed. This DRF parameter elite athletes is related to a higher maximal power asso-
reflects the capability to limit the systematic decrease in ciated with a better (i.e., more forward) orientation of the
RF as speed increases. In other words, it reveals the force onto the ground.
athlete’s aptitude to maintain an efficient sprint tech-
nique despite increasing speed. DRF has also been shown
to be highly related to 100-m performance (Morin et al., Materials and methods
2011, 2012). Noticeably, these studies also highlighted Participants
that the resultant GRF produced over sprint acceleration
Nine elite or sub-elite sprinters (age: 23.9 ± 3.4 years; body mass:
was not correlated to sprint performance. 76.4 ± 7.1 kg; height: 1.82 ± 0.69 m) gave written informed
The above-mentioned literature shows that the use of consent to participate in this study, conducted according to the
F-V, P-V, and RF-V relationships because of the close declaration of Helsinki and in accordance with the local ethical
link between their associated variables and field perfor- committee. The elite group (E) was composed of four athletes who
mance have undoubtedly contributed to a better under- had been medalists in a sprint event during the (a) 2011 outdoor
World championships (Daegu, South Korea) and/or (b) 2012
standing of the mechanical determinants of sprint outdoor (Helsinki) and/or 2013 indoor (Göteborg, Sweden) Euro-
running; however, they have only been recorded and pean championships (including the 60-m champion) and/or final-
studied in sprint treadmill conditions. Consequently, ists in the 2012 Summer Olympics (London). Their personal
even if these data were collected in elite athletes (Morin 100-m best times ranged from 9.95 to 10.29 s. The sub-elite group
Sprint mechanics in elite athletes
(SE, n = 5) was composed of French national-level sprinters AY = FY m
(100-m records range from 10.40 to 10.60 s).
with m as the body mass.
This expression was integrated once over time to provide
Material and experimental protocol instantaneous anteroposterior velocity of the COM (VY) at time t:
Participants were tested at the indoor stadium of the French Insti-
tute of Sport (INSEP) during a quasi-standard sprint training
session. After a 45-min warm-up managed by their personal coach,
VY = V0Y + ∫ AY dt
the athletes performed seven sprints: 2 × 10 m, 2 × 15 m, 20 m, t
Rabita et al.
Table 1. Mean values (SD) of the main sprint performance and spatiotemporal parameters, force-, power-, and RF-velocity relationships for the whole
group (n = 9) and for both subgroups (elite, E: n = 4; sub-elite, SE: n = 5)
Variable Mean all (SD) Mean E (SD) Mean SE (SD) Difference ES (Cohen’s d)
(n = 9) (n = 4) (n = 5) (%E)
Sprint performance
10 m time (s) 1.85 (0.10) 1.79 (0.02) 1.90 (0.12) −6.1 1.10
15 m time (s) 2.50 (0.10) 2.40 (0.02) 2.58 (0.09) −7.5 1.80
20 m time (s) 3.05 (0.13) 2.94 (0.02) 3.13 (0.13) −6.5 1.46
30 m time (s) 4.08 (0.18) 3.93 (0.03) 4.20 (0.15) −6.9 1.50
40 m time (s) 5.10 (0.25) 4.90 (0.07) 5.27 (0.21) −7.6 1.48
40 m maximal velocity (m/s) 9.78 (0.52) 10.24 (0.19) 9.33 (0.31) 8.9 3.64
Spatiotemporal parameters
Contact time
tc blocks (ms) 396 (33) 376 (13) 412 (36) −9.6 1.09
Maximal contact time (ms) 193 (28) 191 (18) 193 (30) −1.0 0.07
Minimal contact time (ms) 94 (4) 94 (5) 94 (4) 0.0 0.0
Aerial time
ta blocks (ms) 75 (20) 81 (13) 70 (25) 13.6 0.55
Maximal aerial time (ms) 124 (7) 120 (6) 128 (5) −6.7 1.14
Minimal aerial time (ms) 50 (13) 42 (13) 56 (10) −33.3 1.04
Step frequency
Sf blocks (Hz) 2.14 (0.17) 2.20 (0.12) 2.09 (0.21) 5.0 0.64
Minimal frequency (Hz) 3.92 (0.34) 3.94 (0.44) 3.90 (0.44) 1.0 0.11
Maximal frequency (Hz) 4.87 (0.23) 4.95 (0.12) 4.80 (0.30) 3.0 0.65
Step length
Sl blocks (m) 0.99 (0.11) 0.96 (0.16) 1.01 (0.06) −5.2 0.45
Minimal step length (m) 1.11 (0.12) 1.18 (0.07) 1.06 (0.14) 10.2 1.00
Maximal step length (m) 2.19 (0.11) 2.22 (0.10) 2.17 (0.12) 2.3 0.45
Force- and power-velocity parameters
Averaged FZ (N/kg) 17.3 (0.5) 17.2 (0.4) 17.5 (0.5) −2.0 0.59
Averaged FY (N/kg) 3.3 (0.3) 3.5 (0.6) 3.1 (0.2) 9.7 1.75
Averaged PY (W/kg) 20.8 (2.2) 22.5 (1.1) 19.4 (1.9) 13.9 1.99
Averaged RF (% FTOT) 19.2 (1.3) 20.3 (0.7) 18.3 (1.0) 9.7 2.31
V0 (m/s) 11.38 (0.84) 11.90 (0.23) 10.99 (0.97) 7.6 0.12
FY0 (N) 776 (93) 855 (60) 744 (90) 13.0 1.19
Relative FY0 (N/kg) 9.77 (0.84) 9.95 (0.67) 9.62 (1.06) 3.3 0.39
Theoretical PYmax (W) 2328 (295) 2550 (283) 2150 (158) 15.7 1.35
Measured PYpeak (W) 2421 (321) 2695 (244) 2201 (158) 18.3 1.53
Relative PYmax (W/kg) 29.3 (2.3) 31.1 (0.8) 27.8 (2.2) 10.6 1.43
Relative PYpeak (W/kg) 30.5 (2.9) 32.9 (1.2) 28.5 (2.1) 13.4 1.51
RF0 (%) 70.6 (5.4) 71.6 (2.6) 70.1 (7.3) 2.1 0.02
DRF −0.067 (0.007) −0.064 (0.003) −0.069 (0.009) −7.8 0.71
Mean difference RFxyz − RFxy (% RFxyz) 0.25 (0.06) 0.29 (0.03) 0.21 (0.03) 27.6 1.33
Measured block parameters
Block clearing anteroposterior velocity (m/s) 3.37 (0.27) 3.61 (0.08) 3.17 (0.19) 12.1 1.60
FYblocks (N) 679 (110) 783 (59) 596 (46.9) 23.9 1.70
Relative FYblocks (N/kg) 8.56 (1.18) 9.59 (0.53) 7.74 (0.82) 19.2 1.56
PYblocks (W) 1156 (270) 1415 (118) 949 (124) 32.9 1.72
Relative PYblocks (W/kg) 14.5 (3.0) 17.3 (1.3) 12.3 (1.9) 28.8 1.64
RFblocks (%) 58.9 (5.4) 63.0 (2.6) 54.9 (4.3) 12.8 1.46
Minimal and maximal parameters referred to the values recorded on the whole acceleration phase (0–40 m) excluding the block phase. ES, effect size;
RF, ratio of force.
bouts were performed with the same maximal involvement regard- phase at null velocity. An index of force application technique
less of the total distance (10- to 40-m). After computation, all data (DRF) was computed for each participant as the slope of the linear
were then pooled from the seven sprints and used to draw overall RF-V relationship. For details, see Morin et al. (2011, 2012),
F-V, P-V, and RF-V relationships. EJAP.
Using linear and second-order polynomial regressions from Given the bilateral nature of the start phase, F-, P-, and RF-V
these individual relationships, theoretical parameters were quanti- regressions were quantified excluding the values measured in the
fied: (a) FY0, maximal anteroposterior force theoretically pro- blocks. The maximal theoretical values must be differentiated
duced over one contact phase at null velocity; (b) V0, maximal from the maximal values measured from the 18 recorded contact
anteroposterior velocity reached when the anteroposterior force is phases and noted as FYpeak, VYpeak, and PYpeak. The start was specifi-
equal to zero; and (c) PYmax, maximal anteroposterior power iden- cally analyzed and the parameters measured in the block phase
tified as the apex of the P-V relationship. Regarding RF-V rela- were noted as FYblocks, PYblocks, and RFblocks.
tionships, RF0 represents the theoretical maximal contribution of The following step spatiotemporal variables were measured
anteroposterior force to the total force produced over one contact using the force platform system: contact time (tc, in s), aerial time
Sprint mechanics in elite athletes
Fig. 1. Typical signals of instantaneous vertical (FZ), anteroposterior (FY), and lateral (FX) component of the ground reaction force (in
N) obtained during the 10-, 15-, 20-, 30-, and 40-m trials that correspond to the following location of the force-plate area: (a) 10-m
trials: Zone 1 (−1.4 to 5.2 m; 0 corresponding to the starting line); (b) 15-m trials: Zone 2 (4.6–11.2 m); (c) 20-m trial: Zone 3
(12.4–19.0 m); (d) 20-m trial: Zone 4 (22.4–29.0 m); (e) 20 m trial: Zone 5 (32.4–39.0 m).
(ta, in s), step frequency (Sf ) and step length (Sl). Regarding the differences (expressed in percentage of elite group values) and the
block phase, the following spatiotemporal parameters were com- effect size (ES, Cohen’s d) were calculated. For this effect size
puted: calculation, the results were interpreted as negligible, small,
tc blocks, contact time in the blocks, measured during the stabili- medium, or large for ES lower than 0.2, between 0.2 and 0.5,
zation phase just before the start (where FZ = body weight), rep- between 0.5 and 0.8, or higher than 0.8, respectively. When they
resents the period from the time corresponding to a change higher were suitable (P < 0.05, least chi-square method), linear and
than 10 N of FZ to the block clearance (defined as the moment the quadratic regression models were used to fit the relationship
forward foot takes off from the block and where FZ = 0). between the different mechanical variables and the running veloc-
ta blocks, aerial time from the blocks, period between the block ity. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were used to examine the
clearance and the beginning of the following foot contact. relationships between spatiotemporal or mechanical variables and
Sf blocks, step frequency from the blocks, calculated as follow: the performance. The critical level of significance was set at
P < 0.05.
S f blocks = 1 ( t c blocks + t a blocks )
Sl blocks, step length from the forward block to the contralateral
foot landing position. Results
Forty-meter performance and
spatiotemporal parameters
Statistical analysis Table 1 summarizes the mean values (SD) of the track
Results were expressed as mean (± SD). To assess whether the performances recorded during each sprint trial (from 10-
running pattern was similar for each of the seven sprints, the to 40-m). The 40-m was run in 5.10 ± 0.25 s, with a top
repeatability of the sixth step (for details, see Data processing speed of 9.78 ± 0.52 m/s. Table 1 also presents the
section) was quantified for time performance, total distance, step
length, and contact time using the ICC and CV (Hopkins, 2000). In values during or immediately after the first propulsion
order to compare elite and sub-elite athletes, considering the small from the starting blocks together with the minimal and
population inherent to the selection of high-level athletes, only the maximal values recorded during different sprints. The
Rabita et al.
Fig. 2. Spatiotemporal characteristics of the step (a) during (contact time, in ms) or immediately after [aerial time (ms), step frequency
(Hz), step length (m)] the first propulsion in the starting blocks and (b) during the acceleration phase (second to last steps) depicted
against the forward velocity (m/s).
changes in the main spatiotemporal characteristics of the R2 = 0.950 ± 0.023). Table 1 also presents the theoretical
step when velocity increases are presented in Fig. 2 for maximal values calculated from these relationships (FY0,
all subjects. The contact time decreased on average by V0, Pymax, RF0) and the slope of the RF-V relationship
about 50% between the first (blocks) and second steps (DRF index). On average, the athletes reached PYmax at
and the same relative decrease occurred between the around the sixth step (6.22 ± 1.2 steps).
second step and the 40-m minimal contact time (last In order to assess the part of the lateral force produced
step) (Table 1). Mean values of aerial time just after by the sprinters, we quantified the difference between RF
the start (between the blocks clearing and the contact of variables expressed with respect to (a) FTOT, the resultant
the second step) were about five times lower than the force measured on x, y, and z axes, and (b) FTOTyz, the
propulsion time in the starting blocks. This aerial time resultant force measured in the sagittal plan only (y and
decreased by around one-third on average after the z axes). The mean difference, expressed in percentage of
second step and increased linearly with the velocity to FTOT was 0.25 (± 0.03) %.
reach the same values as contact time. While step fre-
quency was smaller by half at the first step compared
with the second step, step length did not change. Correlations between mechanical and
Between the second and last steps, step frequency performance variables
and step length increased by about 20% and 50%, The correlation analyses of spatiotemporal parameters,
respectively. force, and power are presented in Table 2.
Sprint mechanics in elite athletes
Fig. 3. (a) Anteroposterior component of the ground reaction force (FYmean, in % theoretical anteroposterior maximal force, FY0); (b)
anteroposterior power output (PYmean, in percentage of theoretical maximal power, PYmax); (c) ratio of force (RF, in % of the total force)
and (d) total force (in N/kg) in relation to the anteroposterior velocity (in % V0, theoretical maximal velocity). For each relationship,
the mean R2 are presented on graphs. Thin (individual models) and thick lines (mean trend curves) are shown for information and clarity
world-class and sub-elite sprinters. The main findings of the recent study by Debaere et al. (2013b) who
this study show that (a) while step length increases regu- reported that high-level sprinters are capable of devel-
larly during the acceleration phase, step frequency is oping in the starting phase (0–10 m) a step frequency
almost instantaneously leveled at the maximal possibil- higher than 95% of the step frequency reached at
ity of elite athletes; (b) F- and P-V relationships during maximal speed during a 60-m sprint. The acceleration
sprints performed in realistic field conditions were well of high-level athletes is afterwards quasi-exclusively
described by linear and quadratic models, respectively; related with the increase in step length (Debaere et al.,
and (c) the effectiveness of force application greatly 2013b). The mechanical mechanisms leading to such
accounts for the difference in the performance between spatiotemporal patterns are partly described by kinetics
highly trained athletes. data.
Spatiotemporal parameters have shown that the step The individual F-V relationships are aptly described
frequency very quickly reached the maximal values by linear models (Fig. 3; mean R2 = 0.89). These results
(80% at the first step and about 90% after the third were expected from previous treadmill findings
step) and then remained constant throughout the accel- (Jaskolska et al., 1999; Morin et al., 2011, 2012) despite
eration phase (Fig. 2). These results are consistent with the fact that some of the sprint mechanics variables
Rabita et al.
Table 2. Pearson’s correlation coefficient between performance and spatiotemporal or mechanical variables
Block clearing speed (m/s) Measured 40-m maximal speed (m/s) 40-m performance (m/s)
Spatiotemporal parameters
Mean step frequency 0.120 0.424 0.236
Maximal step frequency 0.070 0.236 0.176
Mean step length 0.631 0.518 0.544
Maximal step length 0.394 0.467 0.444
Force components
Averaged FZ (N/kg) −0.241 −0.216 −0.388
Averaged FY (N/kg) 0.775* 0.904*** 0.816**
Averaged FTOT (N/kg) −0.021 −0.137 −0.228
Force- and power-velocity relationship variables
Theoretical FY0 (N/kg) −0.129 0.108 0.079
Theoretical V0 (m/s) 0.878*** 0.819** 0.803**
Theoretical PYmax (W/kg) 0.868** 0.932*** 0.932***
Averaged PY (W/kg) 0.919*** 0.958*** 0.903***
RF-velocity relationship variables
RF0 0.135 0.071 0.149
Averaged RF 0.821** 0.899*** 0.933***
DRF 0.634 0.470 0.408
Block parameters
FY blocks (N/kg) 0.873** 0.836** 0.850**
PY blocks (W/kg) 0.964*** 0.909*** 0.902***
RF blocks (%) 0.858*** 0.741** 0.829***
*, **, and *** denote a significant correlation at P < 0.05, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively. RF, ratio of force.
differ between treadmill and overground running velocity expressed relatively to the theoretical maximal
(McKenna & Riches, 2007). Regarding the individual speed, i.e., independently of the athlete’s performance.
P-V relationships, the quadratic models present lower In this context, the use of current motorized pulling
coefficients of determination (Fig. 3; mean R2 = 0.73). devices (e.g., Kawamori et al., 2014) adequately leveled
This could be explained by (a) the very few number of should be very useful in order to specifically calibrate the
steps in the ascending part of the relationship inherent in training sessions.
the high acceleration capability of the sprinters who Regarding the correlations between sprint perfor-
produce their maximal power after about six steps; (b) mance and the measured mechanical variables, the
possible asymmetry between right and left legs consid- analyses strengthen the previous findings of Morin et al.
ering that the actions of both lower limbs were taken into (2011, 2012). Firstly, performance parameters of the
account in the models; and (c) interstep variability acceleration phase were highly related to theoretical
because of the great muscle coordination complexity of maximal and averaged velocity and power measured in
the sprint start phase. Nevertheless, the quadratic model the forward direction and obtained from F-V and P-V
is still acceptable (mean R2 = 0.73), as shown by the relationships. Secondly, theoretical maximal anteropos-
strong correlation between the predicted theoretical terior ground reaction force (FY0) was not significantly
maximal power (Pmax) and the maximal measured power correlated with these performance parameters, whereas
(Ppeak) (R = 0.91; P < 0.001). To our knowledge, the the averaged anteroposterior force was. These results
present study is the first to describe these biomechanical suggest that the ability of the athletes to generate high
relationships in elite athletes from sprint exercises per- net anteroposterior (horizontal) GRF, especially at high
formed in the field and almost similar to competition velocity, seems more essential to improve sprint accel-
conditions. This novelty offers new insight into sprint eration and thus overall performance than their capabil-
mechanics in humans as it allows for the first time ity to produce very high levels of resultant GRF. The
linking the horizontal force or power output to the asso- latter represents the total resulting force output from all
ciated realistic velocity. The fact that the population was lower limbs muscle actions (i.e., how much total force is
partially composed of world-class athletes, including the produced), whereas the former represents the horizon-
2013 60-m indoor European Champion, strongly sug- tally oriented component of this resultant GRF (i.e.,
gests that the modeled F-V and P-V relationships what part of this total force production is oriented in the
mechanically characterize the current human limits of forward direction). Thirdly, neither the resultant GRF,
the sprint acceleration. From a practical viewpoint, the nor its vertical component was significantly related to
use of these relationships should be very useful for train- any of the sprint acceleration performance parameters.
ing as it allows the specific and individual determination The present findings, in conjunction with previous
of a range of power by means of a simple variable: the studies (Kyröläinen et al., 2001; Nummela et al., 2007;
Sprint mechanics in elite athletes
Brughelli et al., 2011), both confirm the mechanical ships clearly show that elite sprinters are able to
logic that horizontal net GRF is paramount to accelerate produce higher horizontal force at any given velocity
the body forward. It seems important to notice that than sub-elite sprinters; (b) the RF-V relationships show
the vertical GRF has a major influence on the sprint that this higher horizontal force production was caused
mechanics as the athletes have to produce the vertical by a better (i.e., more forward) orientation of the force
force needed to overcome the negative vertical accelera- onto the ground given that (c) the sub-elite sprinters did
tion because of gravity. However, our results support the not show lower resultant force production but on the
argument that the vertical component of the GRF is not contrary, a tendency to produce higher FTOT than elite,
by itself a determinant of performance in high-level ath- especially at high velocities. The fact that elite athletes
letes during the sprint acceleration phase. These results are able to orient their GRF vector more effectively than
also clearly confirm that the biomechanical determinants sub-elite athletes explained part of the difference
of the sprint acceleration phase differ from those related between these two groups in terms of anteroposterior
to the final top-speed phase. Indeed, the study by power production (Fig. 4). Moreover, this increased
Weyand et al. (2000), who analyzed a heterogeneous effectiveness in elite sprinters is due to specific neuro-
population of subjects (overground maximal 100-m muscular properties (coordination, muscle-tendon
speed ranged from 6.2 to 11.1 m/s) during a treadmill mechanical properties, joint moment-angle relation-
top-speed test, concluded that human runners reached ships, etc.) that lead in fine to their better technical
faster top speeds by applying greater support forces to ability of force application. Indeed, more powerful spe-
the ground. More recently, using a subtle one-legged and cific muscle groups (e.g., hip extensors) and muscle
backward moving protocol, the same research group groups involved in the foot–ground interaction (e.g.,
(2010) brought the specification that the mechanical ankle joint stabilizers) could also be involved in an
limit for top speed was in the maximal vertical GRF appropriate coordination and high joint moments that
possibly produced within the stance phase duration, not finally result in a better orientation of the resultant force
in the absolute maximal level of vertical GRF subjects produced. Further research focusing on the determi-
could produce, should movement conditions allow it. nants of a high RF is therefore requested.
This importance of vertical GRF production in top-speed The DRF variable reflects the ability of runners to
performance is in line with some results of Morin et al. produce and maintain high levels of RF over the entire
(2011, 2012) who also found during treadmill tests in a acceleration despite the overall straightening up of their
population with different sprint levels – including body with increasing speed (Morin et al., 2011, 2012).
moderate-level physical education students together with As such, this index of force application technique is
national-level sprinters and one world-class sprinter closely linked to the sprinter’s training background.
(maximal speed ranging from 7.8 to 11.2 m/s) – that the These authors demonstrated that this parameter was
only sprint performance parameter significantly related highly related to performance in a heterogeneous popu-
to the vertical GRF production was the field 100-m top lation; however, this was not the case in the present
speed. study, which could be explained by the fact that the
As mentioned earlier, in optimal motivation and present population was exclusively composed of highly
physical shape conditions, the capability of an athlete to trained athletes. Briefly, the fact that the mean RF param-
generate maximal power during a sprint acceleration eter was significantly related to performance and not the
mainly depends on (a) his neuromuscular characteristics DRF variable simply reflects that the slowest well-trained
and musculoskeletal mechanical properties and (b) his sprinters, who orient their ground reaction forces less
sprint technical ability to move his body mass forward. effectively than the speediest athletes, do not, however,
This technical ability could be reflected overall by the deteriorate this ability more than them with increasing
way an athlete orients horizontally the ground reaction speed.
force vector (e.g., Hunter et al., 2005; Morin et al., Finally, our results show that all the variables signifi-
2011, 2012). Firstly, our results revealed the negligible cantly related to the mean and maximal 40-m speed were
part of mediolateral forces confirming, for the entire also highly related with the block clearing speed
acceleration phase, similar findings related to the start- (Table 2). These results are in agreement with previous
ing phase in well-trained athletes (Debaere et al., studies that showed the essential contribution of the
2013a). Secondly, the fact that averaged RF is one of starting phase in the sprint performance (Harland &
the mechanical variables most highly correlated with Steele, 1997; Slawinski et al., 2010; Debaere et al.,
the 40-m performance (R2 = 0.93; P < 0.001) strength- 2013a). However, despite the very good linear adjust-
ens the hypothesis that the orientation of the total force ment of the F- and RF-V relationships, theoretical values
that high-level sprinters applied to the ground during extrapolated to zero velocity axis (FY0 and RF0) showed
sprint acceleration is more important to performance no significant correlation with sprint performance. In
than its magnitude (Morin et al., 2011, 2012). These contrast, both the anteroposterior force and the ratio of
findings were well summarized in Fig. 4, which differ- force measured or computed from the starting block
entiates elite from sub-elite athletes: (a) F-V relation- phase did. These results suggest that (a) FYblocks and
Rabita et al.
Fig. 4. (a) Anteroposterior component of the ground reaction force (FYmean, in N/kg; (b) anteroposterior power output (PYmean, in W/kg);
(c) ratio of force (RF, in %) and (d) total force (in N/kg) were presented against the anteroposterior velocity (in m/s) for the elite
(E; dark gray) and sub-elite (SE; light gray) groups. For each group, the linear or polynomial adjustments were computed excluding
the block values (presented for information).
Sprint mechanics in elite athletes
in world-class and sub-elite sprinters. As such, they and would complement the F-, P-, and RF-V models to
yielded new insights into some aspects of biomechanical characterize the mechanics of the sprint acceleration.
limits in human locomotion, notably by modeling the From a practical viewpoint, the results of the present
relationships between the realistic velocity reached by study should be useful for coaches to determine the
athletes on overground conditions and three key strengths and weaknesses of their elite sprinters.
variables of the sprint: the anteroposterior force, the ratio
of force, and the anteroposterior power output. The Key words: Force orientation, performance, power
opportunity to tests such sprinters allowed further output, running, elite sprinters.
insights into the mechanical determinants of high-level
sprint performance. Beyond the expected ability to
produce high-power output or forward force component,
the effectiveness of force application during the accel- Acknowledgements
eration phase, represented by the averaged ratio of force, We are very grateful to Guy Ontanon and the elite athletes of the
is one of the abilities most closely linked to performance. National Institute of Sport (INSEP) for their involvement in the
This was not the case for the total amount of force that a experimentations. We also thank Dimitri Demonière and Michel
sprinter can produce. Furthermore, the muscular and Gilot and their athletes for participating in this study. Authors
want to thank Dr. Gaël Guilhem for his general comments on
technical athletes’ capability during the starting phase, this investigation. We are grateful to Dr Caroline Giroux, Stevy
represented by anteroposterior force and the ratio of Farcy, and Virha Despotova for their collaboration during the
force recorded in the blocks, is essential for performance experimentations.
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