Final Lesson 6 Individual Task
Final Lesson 6 Individual Task
Final Lesson 6 Individual Task
Individual Task
Name of Instructor
Date Submitted October 3, 2020 Rating
Enumerate at least three (3) RHIS Processes that resulted from the three factors of the
PRISM conceptual framework.
One of the RHIS Processes that resulted from the three factors of the Performance of
Routine Information System Management (PRISM) conceptual framework is the Data
Collection. Next to RHIS Process to mention that resulted from the three factors of the PRISM
conceptual framework is the Data transmission. And lastly is the data processing. Accordingly,
Processes are the backbone of performance. RHIS processes described are accepted norms.
However, in the PRISM framework, use of information is considered an output rather than a
process. Also, data quality indicators such as completeness and timeliness are used for assessing
processes of data collection and transmission, which create confusion between data quality as an
output and RHIS processes. The PRISM framework clarifies this confusion by adding specific
indicators for measuring RHIS processes, such as existence of procedures for data collection and
transmission and consequences for not following these procedures.