Lesson Plan With Assure Model
Lesson Plan With Assure Model
Lesson Plan With Assure Model
EDUC 3316
Dr. Yilmaz
Assure Model
Analyze Learners:
My students are elementary school students and they are in 3rd grade. Generally they are
7-8 years old. There are 26 students in my class; 15 males and 11 females. There ethnicities are
17 of them Hispanics, 5 of them African Americans, 2 of them Asian, and 2 of them White.
Their general abilities are being able to see, hear, read, write, speak, and understand. Their
special abilities are to be able to count, multiply, divide, and measurement. My students’ learning
styles are visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and logical/mathematical. The socioeconomic status of
my students are average. Some of my students are struggling with certain math skills, but are
curious to learn more about geometry. I expect from my students to try their best when doing
According to the Texas standards, the student will need to apply mathematical process
standards to select appropriate units, strategies, and tools to solve problems involving customary
(3) (A) represent fractions of halves, fourths, and eighths as distances from zero on a number
(B) determine the perimeter of a polygon or a missing length when given perimeter and
(C) determine the solutions to problems involving addition and subtraction of time
intervals in minutes using pictorial models or tools such as a 15-minute event plus a 30-minute
weight; and
(E) determine liquid volume (capacity) or weight using appropriate units and tools.
For this lesson plan, I’m planning on using visual strategies when teaching them
geometry and measurement. Since they’re going to learn about fractions, time, and volume, I will
show them pictures and images to understand better the concepts I’m teaching.
Some technology I can use in my classroom can be a smartboard and my computer. I’ll
be using the textbook also as a guidance. Materials I’ll be using are colorful fraction strips, a
clock, geometry shapes, a math interactive notebook, and a pencil. With the help of this
materials, my students are going to have a visual of how the fraction and time concepts work.
When I’m arranging my classroom, I want the seats and desks facing the front of the board, so
Before my students come into my classroom, I want to be prepared with everything from
my lesson plan. I’ll have their bellwork ready and give it to them when they enter my class. After
that, we’re going to read that day’s objective and start the new topic. They’re going to get their
interactive math notebooks and be ready to write their notes down. Then, I would like to show
them a video related to the topic we are learning. I’m going to have their handouts ready and
When I’m doing my lecture, I would like to do it as fun and engaging as possible. I want
my students to learn in an educational and enjoying way. I don’t want my lectures to be boring
because then my students are not going to learn properly. I would like to use some educational
math games that are related to the topics they’re learning, using Kahoot.
At the end of my class, I would like to give my class an exit ticket to evaluate if they
understood the lesson well. If some of my students scored low on the exit ticket, I’m going to
first ask them, what they didn’t understand from the lesson or what they’re struggling with.
Then, I would try my best to improve my lesson plan and focus on how my students learn best,