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Exercise 1: Foliated Metamorphic Rocks Under The Microscope

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Jalmasco, Caleb D.


Exercise 1: Foliated Metamorphic Rocks under the Microscope

1. Slate

The sample is made of fine-grained sediments from parental rocks such as shales.
Some minerals such as mica exhibits high relief, although not visibly seen due to the scale.
Banding of light and dark colors were also observed, implying that the sample is a metamorphic
rock. Crystals were observed to have a preferred orientation, at NE-SW, also resulting to the
bandy appearance of the rock. The oblique foliation was not parallel to the band of colors since
the sample underwent another metamorphism. Augen texture were also seen in the mylonite,
with sizes ranging less than 2 mm. Veins filled by quartz were also observed in the sample.
Since the sediments are fine-grained and due to lack of information, description of its shapes,
contacts, or as to whether crystals are interlocking were not made.

Figure 1 Thin Section of the Slate sample under PPL

In summary, the sample is a fine-grained metamorphic rock because the grains are less
than 2 mm in size. The rock is made of sheets of mica that were obliquely foliated due to
pressure and temperature. Minerals shows a preferred orientation along NE-SW. It has a
mylonite texture with small augens and elongated quartz vein. The rock is slate.
2. Phyllite

The sample is made up of interlocking crystals. These crystals have low to moderate
relief. Many of the smaller crystals of muscovite and biotite mica show a preferred or parallel
orientation along the NE-SW axis. This oblique foliation gives the sample a bandy appearance,
implying that the rock is a metamorphic rock. Under cross-polar, the subhedral to euhedral
equidimensional grains exhibits undulating extinction, which means that these are quartz. Some
were completely extinct at the time picture was taken. These grains are porphyroblasts since it
is relatively bigger to the surrounding crystals. It is observed that some bigger grains have long
contact, implying that the sample was buried at depth where compaction occurs. Biotite mica
were identified due to its 2nd order interference colors. Layers of biotite mica interlock with
muscovite mica, which was identified from its 2nd to 3rd order interference color.

Figure 2 Thin Section of the Phyllite sample under XPL

In summary, the sample contains fine- to medium-sized crystalline grains as they are
less than 2 mm with some being larger than 0.06 mm. The sample is made of interlocking
subhedral to anhedral crystals of various sizes and shows a preferred alignment along NE-SW.
Some minerals that were observed are quartz, muscovite mica, and biotite mica. It has a
porphyroblastic texture as seen in some quartz grains. The rock is phyllite.
3. Schist

The thin section shows interlocking grains of different sizes. The surrounding smaller
grains of biotite mica and muscovite mica shows a roughly preferred orientation along NE-SW,
giving the rock a bandy appearance, implying that the rock is a metamorphic rock. Under
crossed polar light, the larger equidimensional grains of garnet are isotopic and porphyroblasts,
Some of the garnet porphyroblasts have inclusions of different compositions. Biotite mica were
identified due to its 2nd order interference colors. Layers of biotite mica interlock with muscovite
mica, which was identified from its 2nd to 3rd order interference color. These layers were
obliquely foliated. Monocrystalline quartz, as shown by monochromatic grains, exhibits a
granoblastic texture.

Figure 3 Thin Section of the Schist sample under XPL

In summary, the sample contains medium-sized crystalline grains as they are less than 2
mm but larger than 0.06 mm. The sample is made of interlocking layers of biotite and muscovite
mica and shows a rough preferred alignment along NE-SW. Garnet porphyroblasts were also
seen and contains intrusion of other minerals. Monocrystalline quartz exhibiting granoblastic
texture are also present. Due to the presence of garnet and abundance of mica, the rock is
garnet mica schist.

4. Gneiss
The thin section shows interlocking grains of olivine and pyroxene, as shown by grains
with greenish and pinkish-gray colors, and other minerals such as quartz and feldspar. The
surrounding grains of pyroxene are feldspar, as seen by its cleavage, and quartz. Under plane
polarized light, the outlines of the subhedral to anhedral grains can easily be distinguished.
These grains contain microfractures. Pyroxene was identified by its high relief, pale brown to
green colors and traces of cleavage. These elongated crystals have a preferred orientation at
NE-SW. The dark brown patches are likely to be zircon minerals. There are two colorless
crystals that surrounds the grains, the colorless feldspar and quartz. Due to the abundance of
pyroxene, the sample is pyroxene gneiss.

Figure 4 Thin Section of Gneiss sample under PPL

5. Hornfels

The thin section shows fine-grains of mica crystals that are not parallel to each other.
The horizontal banding is observed, implying that the original deposition of the rock during its
formation was maintained. Elongated mica crystals were observed due to its green to dark
brown appearance and moderate to high relief. The surrounding grains are smaller grains and
quartz. Under plane polarized light, the outlines of the subhedral to anhedral grains can easily
be distinguished. The dark brown patches in biotite micas are likely to be zircon minerals. The
rock is hornfels.

Figure 5 Thin Section of Hornfels sample under PPL

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