This document contains an English activity worksheet for 5th grade students. The worksheet includes exercises like matching questions to answers, filling in personal details, finding words in a word search, choosing favorite subjects, circling preferences, and drawing school supplies. The activities focus on practicing vocabulary around common school subjects and personal details.
This document contains an English activity worksheet for 5th grade students. The worksheet includes exercises like matching questions to answers, filling in personal details, finding words in a word search, choosing favorite subjects, circling preferences, and drawing school supplies. The activities focus on practicing vocabulary around common school subjects and personal details.
This document contains an English activity worksheet for 5th grade students. The worksheet includes exercises like matching questions to answers, filling in personal details, finding words in a word search, choosing favorite subjects, circling preferences, and drawing school supplies. The activities focus on practicing vocabulary around common school subjects and personal details.
This document contains an English activity worksheet for 5th grade students. The worksheet includes exercises like matching questions to answers, filling in personal details, finding words in a word search, choosing favorite subjects, circling preferences, and drawing school supplies. The activities focus on practicing vocabulary around common school subjects and personal details.
Arts- Music- English E V L I B O Z B A J T K H W H V C F U V Q H S U N M Q X U E H U N Y W S E L B G A J G D A L Y M E I J T K E A X Z P R H V C D L I E Q V E U A B W F M R L G M A C E P R E L Q C A C J N I R R M S R U P D A K E O E A Y J W S D L T M F R K I B E C N E I C S L A R U T A N N K M Z Z T S Y H R I V S K K S L E M O F N X J E W C M I L P M A T H S I S L T B G O J C Z F W Q Y C H Y T I Y R G S W V P T R T V R N K L L J D D B S Z Z H Q H C H D W K K V Q X B
4) Answer
1- What is your favourite subjetc?
My favourite subject is ______________
5) About you. Circle the correct option.
1- I like / I don´t like Maths.
2- I like / I don´t like English. 3- I like / I don´t like Music. 4- I like / I don´t like Arts. 5- I like / I don´t like Natural Science. 6) School objects. Read , colour and draw 1) Three green rulers. 2) Seven red books.