FrameworkForOperationsResearch PDF
FrameworkForOperationsResearch PDF
FrameworkForOperationsResearch PDF
Special thanks to: Dr Boakye Boatin (TDR), Dr Janis Karlin Lazdins-Helds (TDR), Dr
Eline Korenromp (the Global Fund), Dr Carla Makhlouf Obermeyer (WHO), Dr Flor-
ence Nantulya (UNAIDS), Dr Peter Olumese (WHO), Dr Ikushi Onozaki (WHO) and
Dr Franco Pagnoni (TDR) for their technical input throughout the project implemen-
tation and to Dr William Brieger and Dr Amy Ellis of the Johns Hopkins School of
Public Health for providing support in drafting and finalizing the framework.
The production team included Beatrice Bernescut, Cheryl Toksoz and Rosie Vanek.
The Framework for Operations and Implementation Research in Health and Disease Control Programs is a result
of a collaborative effort between the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the Special
Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) and an inter-agency technical working
group. The culmination of this collaboration was a three-day meeting held in Geneva in April 2008 and
attended by over fifty participants representing the Global Fund, TDR, the World Health Organization
(WHO), the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), the World Bank, field-based programs, policy-makers and research communities
from all over the world, which finalized and endorsed the framework.
The overall goal of the document is two-fold: to standardize the practice of OR across the international
health community and to stimulate the integration of OR into health programs. In general, OR needs
to be integrated as an essential part of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) efforts. Thus, the concept of
M’OR’E could become a new paradigm enhancing the practice of integrating monitoring, research and
evaluation dimensions as one common component into program management systems. It would not only
strengthen program implementation, but would also facilitate more effective utilization of M&E resources
(currently recommended at five to ten percent of overall Global Fund grant budgets).
The range of target audiences for this document is wide and varies from policy-makers to program man-
agers, from researchers to program implementers, from donors to government agencies, from technical
organizations to civil society and other stakeholders.
The document is divided into three main sections. Section A contains an overview of OR definitions,
scope and uses. Section B is the OR process flowchart and offers a step-by-step 16-item checklist of major
activities required in the planning, implementation and follow-through (dissemination and use) of OR at
the country level. Section C provides case studies of OR activities from the field and an annotated refer-
ence list of available handbooks, guidelines and other tools for OR. Feedback from people who use this
document will help make improvements in future editions.
We strongly suggest that programs and partners use this tool to incorporate OR in a systematic way, so
that we can maximize the “learning” and quality of the scale-up of health services.
Dr Abdullah S. Ali The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Revolutionary United Republic
Government of Zanzibar of Tanzania
Professor John Gyapong Health Research Unit, Ghana Health Service Ghana
Dr Nguyen Binh Hoa National Hospital of TB and Respiratory Disease Viet Nam
Dr Omar Sam Health Services Department of State for Health The Gambia
and Social Welfare
Professor Richard Speare Anton Breinl Centre for Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Australia
James Cook University
Step 1: Organize the research group 19
Step 2: Determine issues or problems to study and frame research questions around these 21
Step 3: Develop a research proposal to answer OR/IR questions 23
Step 4: Obtain ethical clearance 24
Step 5: Identify funding sources and obtain support for OR/IR 25
Step 6: Establish a budget and financial management procedures 25
Step 7: Plan for capacity building and technical support 26
Step 8: Monitor project implementation and maintain quality 27
Step 9: Pre-test all research procedures 28
Step 10: Establish and maintain data management and quality control 29
Step 11: Explore together with stakeholders interpretations and recommendations 30
arising from the research findings
Step 12: Develop a dissemination plan 31
Step 13: Disseminate results and recommendations 32
Step 14: Document changes in policy and/or guidelines that resulted from the research 32
Step 15: Monitor changes in the revised program 33
Step 16: Consider ways of improving the program that can be tested 33
through further research
Annexes 48
Section A - Concepts
In this document Operations Research (OR) represents Implementation Research (IR) as well. 11
Section A - Concepts
• help program managers and staff understand how Methodology for Developing
their programs work the Framework
9. A discussion of OR would not be complete without 11. The Global Fund joined efforts with TDR to develop
reference to rapid assessment procedures (RAP). In Annex this framework. Three major processes were undertaken
A, one can see a close affinity with OR in terms of emphasis to design the framework. The first consisted of a review
and methods. The annex also refers to the area of forma- of available and existing tools and guidelines in order
tive research which can help in designing and monitoring to extract common lessons and themes. Internet search
interventions being tested through OR/IR. was the primary tool for identifying these tools and
guidelines for the simple reason that if one could access
10. Finally, during the working meeting on OR/IR held in these tools on the internet for this review they would
Geneva as part of the development of this framework, par- be likely be in the public domain and therefore also
ticipants agreed on the statement below as reflecting the accessible to users of the framework. The framework
scope of OR/IR. draws on a number of multilateral and bilateral disease
control programs that provide funds for research that
Any research producing practically-usable knowledge addresses questions concerning how to make these
(evidence, findings, information, etc) which can improve programs function better.
program implementation (e.g., effectiveness, efficiency,
quality, access, scale-up, sustainability) regardless of the 12. The second step was based on country visits where
type of research (design, methodology, approach) falls known OR/IR had taken place as part of a disease
within the boundaries of operations research. control program. The goal was to be broadly repre-
sentative. Initially, seven countries in different regions
with a focus on different diseases (TB, HIV and malaria)
were selected. Country visits consisted of in-depth
interviews with program managers, managers of the
actual research grants and the research team members
themselves. An interview guide was developed for this
purpose and senior professional staff from TDR and
WHO undertook the visits with assistance from Global
Fund Portfolio Managers and country-based program
managers and researchers. The guide encouraged data
collection in a way that tested the major steps in OR/IR
as outlined in this framework. Due to logistical chal-
lenges it was only possible to visit five countries prior to
the drafting of this framework.
Section A - Concepts
Applications of OR/IR: Types of Issues/ commonly relevant to other high-burden countries, the
Questions OR/IR Can Address publication of the results should have international as well
as national influence.”
14. According to RBM/WHO (2003), planners of OR
should ask, “What are the operational gaps (problems) 18. A program might not be reaching its coverage goals.
which, if solved, could enhance malaria control activi- Maybe this is due to procurement and supply problems
ties in your country? List them under health system, or maybe to low levels of compliance. If the problem
preventive and control measures, and community issues” focuses on procurement and supply, a set of research
(WHO, 2003).
Section A - Concepts
questions might ask whether a program is having trouble in Haiti (Loechl et al., 2005). This is a good example of
getting the right quantity or amount of commodities and OR used to identify and overcome program bottlenecks.
supplies (drugs, diagnostics, ITNs, condoms, etc.) or once The report “describes the methods and results of OR
procured, these are not reaching the target groups (see undertaken to assess the effectiveness of World Vision’s
box). This may be the result of supply chain issues which food-assisted maternal and child health and nutrition
can be overcome by better supply chain management, (MCHN) program in the Central Plateau region of Haiti.
stocking, restocking practices, supplies forecasting etc. The research had three main objectives: (1) to assess
but it may also have to do with the 4As - accessibility, af- the effectiveness of implementation and operations of
fordability, acceptability and availability, which are linked the program relative to plans; (2) to assess the quality
to demand and supply and also the system issues below. of delivery of the various services; and (3) to explore the
perceptions of different stakeholders (i.e., beneficiaries
19. The commodities may have poor quality or reduced and field implementers) regarding program operations
potency because of packaging problems, expiry dates and service delivery and the motivational factors that
monitoring, storage problems, use and misuse, compli- may affect staff’s performance and job satisfaction. The
ance and adherence, the extent to which use guidelines overall goal was to identify constraints to effective opera-
are adhered to, torn ITNs. Or adverse events which give tions; it was more important to identify and implement
the impression that the tool is not good or is unsafe may corrective actions that will ensure smooth implementa-
be interfering with appropriate use. tion of the program and its various components. The
report is directed to program managers, researchers, and
20. The commodities may be facing unexpected out- development professionals who are interested in applying
comes such as resistance to drugs, adverse reactions, OR methods to evaluate and strengthen similar MCHN
faults in case detection etc. Most problems are linked to programs with a food aid component in developing
the system and examples are given in the box. countries.”
Section A - Concepts
Examples from the Field 27. Partners found that the need to build capacity to
conduct OR was an important lesson that emerged, as well
25. Examples of OR/IR implementation were gathered from as the need to clearly establish the research work plan, a
field visits and contributors at the working group meeting data quality and monitoring system, process and outcome
in Geneva. These give some idea of the scope and steps indicators and general training and guidance in project
involved. More detailed case studies are found in Section C management. Upon completion of the study, research
as full examples and in the annotated reference section. findings were disseminated to national health programs
and other national stakeholders. Because the research
was planned and executed in the context of an existing
Nicaragua: Examining the Effectiveness program, research results were immediately translated into
of Testing and Treatment Programs programmatic changes and utilized to inform subsequent
for Malaria operations research.
Section A - Concepts
The Gambia: Testing Effectiveness of ACTs • Practice of the TB DOTS strategy was low.
to Treat Malaria • TB drug dispensing practices were not in accordance
with National TB Control Program guidelines.
30. The National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) of • TB information provided to clients was limited.
The Gambia, in collaboration with the Medical Research • TB stigma was strong.
Center (MRC), WHO and several NGOs, is conducting
OR to examine the effectiveness of artemisinin-based 33. Policy recommendations arising from the study includ-
combination therapy (ACTs) (Coartem©) at national ed training private providers in use of national guidelines
public health facilities. With the use of mixed methods, and developing linkages and working relationships be-
this OR aims to examine community compliance and tween public and private sector from national to commu-
acceptability of Coartem to treat malaria in children aged nity level in order to improve the quality of this important
six months to five years. Treatment is being provided source of care. (Source: Quality Assurance Project, 2004).
by NMCP at health facilities and research data is being
collected and managed by MRC. This research received
full ethical approval of the study protocol from national Mekong Region: Improving Malaria
and institutional ethics committees, which helped to vet Control Among Vulnerable Populations
and strengthen the research plan.
34. Improving malaria control in vulnerable populations
31. Although research is currently ongoing, several les- such as among hard-to-reach ethnic minorities remains a
sons have already emerged. A focus on creating a strong challenge. Barriers such as poverty, isolation, geographic
consensus and collaboration among study partners has and cultural barriers hamper access to and use of health
enabled research activities to proceed on time and with the services. In an attempt to increase control of malaria,
involvement and support of all stakeholders. The inclusion WHO and the Asian Development Bank joined efforts to
of a well-established and experienced research institution sponsor OR to inform the development of behavior change
in the study has strengthened the quality and rigor of the communications (BCC) programs for the vulnerable
research and has allowed other study partners to focus populations of the Mekong region. Program managers
on other activities, such as project implementation and and data collectors across the region were trained to use
monitoring. A dissemination strategy has been created that a standardized research methodology which included
plans to communicate study findings through a variety of household surveys and focus group discussions (FGDs).
mechanisms, including ongoing reports to implementing Implementation challenges were numerous, and consisted
study partners and stakeholders, community members, largely of a lack of capacity to conduct surveys in difficult
and the presentation of findings to the wider public settings where language barriers existed. A lack of database
through conferences, press, and the publication of findings management and reporting and inadequate follow-up
in scientific journals. from central stakeholders were also problematic.
Cambodia: Treating Tuberculosis in the 35. In spite of these difficulties, research results provided
Private Sector important information that was used to adjust program-
matic interventions and increase access to malaria control
32. In 2003 little was known about the role of the private efforts. Improvements to better monitor interventions were
sector in treating TB in Cambodia. The first step was also instigated. BCC materials were adjusted based on OR
to undertake OR to learn the nature and extent of TB findings and awareness about malaria control and health
management in the private sector. Interviewers reached services was increased among vulnerable populations.
doctors, pharmacists, pharmacy staff, drug sellers and TB OR also highlighted the urgent need to increase national
patients. Trained research staff posing as “Mystery Clients” expertise in social sciences and anthropology and to build
also approached the private providers. Key findings in- national capacity to conduct research. (Source: Mekong
cluded the following: Malaria Project).
Section A - Concepts
Partners and Sources of Support need arises. Ideally, such OR/IR should produce results in
in OR/IR a timely manner so that findings can be integrated into
grant implementation to improve program performance.
36. Several large international donor partners have been The fact that little is presently known about whether
sponsoring OR/IR in the context of their support for and how countries are using this research opportunity
national health and disease control programs. Below prompted staff at the Global Fund to engage TDR to
are some examples - including but not limited to - TDR, take research experiences from the field and draw on
USAID, and the Global Fund. Other partners who focus the rich resources of published guidelines to develop a
more on research include the International Bank for simple, user-friendly framework to enhance likelihood
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD, the World of OR/IR being planned, implemented and its results
Bank), Rockefeller Foundation and CODESRIA (with used, not only with Global Fund grants but with re-
more examples found in Annex B). TDR has for 30 years sources from a variety of donors including those within
sponsored IR aimed at: countries. [One can find OR guidance for Global Fund
proposals currently at the following website
• Assessing the real-life, setting-specific, large-scale]
effectiveness of disease control tools, products and
approaches in order to provide the evidence that 39. USAID has developed research over the years to
policy-makers need to take decisions on options and address child and reproductive health and HIV efforts,
to set realistic implementation targets. as for example the Applied Diarrheal Diseases Research,
• Identification of common critical implementation Horizons, and Applied Research for Child Health pro-
problems that are susceptible to research and their grams. These programs not only provide country-specific
consumer-related determinants which, if addressed, information and lessons learned but have also resulted in
could result in effective large-scale equitable access to production of handbooks and guidelines to aid others in
interventions. conducting similar research.
• Development of practical solutions to implementation
problems and testing whether new implementation
strategies based on these solutions are effective and
can significantly improve access under real-life condi-
tions of routine disease control.
• Determination of the best and most cost-effective
way to introduce new implementation strategies into
the public and private-health care systems and ap-
proaches to facilitate their full-scale implementation,
evaluation and modification as required.
38. Since its inception, the Global Fund has made funds
available for countries to conduct OR as part of a broad-
er M&E effort. Countries have the option to include such
research in their proposals or to add OR/IR studies as the
Step 1: Organize the research group program managers and staff will rarely conduct the
OR themselves, but may contract with a university,
2. At the beginning of planning for OR/IR, the people research institute, NGO or even another unit within
involved in the particular health or disease control a health ministry (e.g., a planning/research unit) to
program need to think carefully about who will carry out the day-to-day research activities. Program
be involved in carrying out the actual research. managers therefore need to identify and choose the
Possibly the first few steps outlined below will be researchers relatively quickly. Depending on national
led by the program people themselves so that regulations, the choosing of a research group may
the OR/IR will be based in real program needs. need to be put up for competitive bid or it may simply
be a matter of requesting a proposal from an experi-
a) Selecting the researchers enced and trusted group.
3. Because of their major work responsibilities,
4. An important criterion for choosing an appropriate 6. While the actual research will most likely be con-
research team will likely be the availability of members ducted by a team from a well-known research organi-
with multidisciplinary backgrounds. Since OR/IR deals zation, others will have a valuable perspective on the
with real-life program challenges, researchers may need a practical issues the research is addressing. Since the
mix of backgrounds such as public health management, ultimate aim of the research is to benefit health policy
health behavior change, epidemiology, biostatistics, and programming, and may in fact be tied to improv-
clinical services and laboratory investigation, to name a ing the performance of a specific health or disease
few. As people begin to consider the first step below, the control program, it is important for program manag-
nature of the OR/IR will become clearer and so will the ers/implementers and program beneficiaries/affected
specific research skills needed. people to be kept informed about and involved in the
progress of the research and offer their suggestions.
b) Form an advisory committee or working
group 7. This is not to suggest that major stakeholders actu-
5. After researchers are chosen, the program manag- ally play a role in conducting the research. This may
ers and staff still have an important role to play in the introduce some bias in the results since it may be the
OR/IR to ensure the results meet program needs. A performance of the implementers that is under study.
working relationship between program managers/staff In research - even of the operational or applied kind -
and the researchers must be built. Since OR should be it is still important to maintain objectivity.
a relatively short process, this relationship does not
have to involve establishing a formal group. A simple 8. Advisory committee meetings can be used to up-
advisory committee or working group that consists date committee members and seek their advice about
of five to six people including researchers, program any implementation problems encountered. Toward
managers and if possible, constituencies of people the end of the research the advisory committee can
affected by the issue/problem could meet on a regular play an active role in planning dissemination activities.
basis (e.g., monthly) to ensure that there is ownership
of the results by all concerned parties and that the
results are put to use in a timely fashion. An example
of how researchers and program staff work together
in Nigeria is found in Annex E.
1. Identifying the health program implementation issue 11. Prior to framing research questions, it is important
or problem, to take into account any research, project reports or as-
sessments which may have previously been conducted
2. Considering underlying reasons for the issue or that might provide insight into research questions.
problem that can be examined through OR, and Conducting a literature review is essential in developing
research questions pertaining to all three levels outlined
3. Proposing possible solutions that can be tested above. In addition to learning what other OR has been
to address the issue or problem. conducted so that efforts are not unnecessarily duplicat-
ed, learning from others’ experience can provide insight
into OR design and provide a foundation on which to
build. For example, a program needs assessment may
have been conducted that documents the extent and
reasons for drug stock-outs in clinics. Based on the
report of the assessment, the problem (level 1) and its
underlying causes (level 2) may already be known and
OR designed for testing possible strategies for improved
program delivery (level 3) can be done. Or, research
emerging from other local groups or universities about
ARV adherence may examine similar research questions,
and these existing resources can be used as a starting
point for suggesting possible problem-solving ap-
proaches that can be tested.
1. Identifying Reports at a health clinic may show that despite Monitoring data from several districts in the
the Problem the presence of a program offering antiretrovi- state/province may show that less than 40 percent
rals (ARVs) to HIV-positive clients, the prevalence of pregnant women who register for prenatal care
of opportunistic infections (OI) such as diarrhea are getting the required two doses of intermittent
and pneumonia among clients has risen. An OR preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp). This
question arising at this stage may be “Why are reflects only those who register. A look at recent
HIV-positive clients experiencing poorer health data from a Demographic and Health Survey
outcomes?” An OR study examining this question (DHS) indicates that, on average, only 70 percent
might discover that HIV-positive clients are not of pregnant women attend prenatal care at least
adhering to their treatment regimens and are twice. This means that the country is far behind
therefore more susceptible to developing other the RBM targets of 80 percent of IPTp by 2010. An
illnesses. OR study might want to find out why women are
not getting this preventive medicine.
2. Considering An OR question at this level may be “Why are Two types of questions may be addressed at
the Reasons HIV-positive clients not adhering to their treat- level two. First, the research team might ask,
ment regimens?” Research might discover that “Why are more pregnant women not attending
clients are not adhering to their regimens for prenatal care?” Secondly, “For those who attend,
several reasons, such as poor communication why are they not getting two doses of IPTp?”
between clients and staff; low-income clients do For the second question, the researchers may
not have enough money to afford transportation discover that women tend to register very late for
to the clinic to refill their prescriptions; clinic their first prenatal care visit and not have time to
hours are too short and clients cannot afford complete two IPTp doses. There may also be lo-
to miss work to visit the clinic during the day; cal beliefs that a pregnant woman should not let
clients are reluctant to visit the clinic because people, including prenatal care staff, know she is
of the perceived stigma associated with seeking pregnant until the pregnancy is really showing.
services there; or clients are discouraged from Others may believe pregnancy is “normal” and
returning to refill their prescriptions because of so there is no rush to register. Finally even if they
frequent drug shortages. attend, there may be shortages of drugs for IPTp.
3. Testing For example, in regards to the barriers to drug At this level the research team in consultation
the Solutions adherence discussed above, one possible solu- with program staff may learn that the issue of
tion to address the problem of drug stock-outs “hiding” the pregnancy may be the major issue,
may be to conduct an in-service training for especially for younger or low-parity women. The
clinic staff to improve drug forecasting. Another group may decide to test two approaches, one
potential solution may be to develop clinic-based based in the clinic and the other in the community.
performance standards that inform the basis for The clinic approach may be to train the health
problem solving among staff. Also, OR could be staff with better interpersonal communication
designed to examine and compare the effective- skills, especially stressing confidentiality and
ness of both of these approaches. combine this with offering prenatal care registra-
tion any day of the week so no one will suspect
a woman is coming because she is in the early
stages of pregnancy. The second approach may to
train older and trusted women in the community
to administer the first does of IPTp in homes.
12. A good place to start a literature review is with PubMed and the “gray” or informal literature (e.g.,
local documentation such as project reports and project documents and reports) is found in Annex C.
university dissertations/theses/projects. To learn more Case studies of OR/IR experiences that can provide
about relevant research conducted elsewhere, one lessons and offer guidance about conducting the
can check Medline or PubMed on the internet, both research are found in the toolkit.
of which can be used to search for relevant reference
materials. An example of how to conduct a search on
Step 5: Identify funding sources and links with the goals of the broader grant and meets any
obtain support for OR/IR criteria specified by the granting organization.
21. Funding for OR/IR may come from different sourc- 23. This does not stop a group or agency from develop-
es. The Global Fund encourages countries to include ing an OR/IR proposal and checking with other poten-
ideas for OR/IR within their proposals to the Global tial funders who might be interested. One needs to do a
Fund and has an OR checklist on its website under the thorough search of the types of foundations and donors
technical resources for proposal writing. TDR advertises who might fund the idea – e.g., find out who funds HIV/
new grant announcements on its website. Pharmaceu- AIDS studies at the community level. This will require
tical companies and others who produce disease con- talking to various donor agencies in the country to learn
trol products often offer small grants for OR/IR in the about their interests and priorities. The first step is often
countries where they work. Foundations ranging from sending a potential foundation, donor or funding agen-
the more established (Rockefeller) to the newer (Gates) cy a short letter of intent that briefly describes the in-
list grant opportunities on their websites (see Annex B). tended project. If the funder is interested, they may ask
It is usually the case that most research funders have for a more detailed proposal.
an established agenda and often do not accept unso-
licited proposals not falling within their agenda, which
can change from year to year. Bilateral donors often set Step 6: Establish a budget and
aside a small amount of funds for OR/IR related to the financial management procedures
implementation of programs they are assisting in order
to make these relevant to the countries concerned. 24. Funding agencies will expect that the researchers
will have devised a comprehensive budget and can
22. Specifically, if one is in the process of preparing for justify the need for each item. Since researchers are
a large donor grant, one should check out the provi- planning OR, researchers may have budget items that
sion and requirements for OR/IR in that particular grant. relate to the research itself as well as to any program-
Make sure that the actual instructions are read carefully ming activities that are being tested. The chart below
and followed to ensure that the OR/IR request actually outlines some of these cost/budget items. Guides and
manuals in the Toolkit (Section C) provide more details 27. One must balance the need for longer-term
and examples. institutional capacity development with the immedi-
ate need to acquire the skills and capacity to conduct
25. Any research project should include on its administra- OR now. This is because OR tries to answer the
tive staff a financial officer (accountant). This is usually a near-term questions that will make a health or disease
person already on the research institution’s staff and a rea- control program function better. For example, some
sonable portion of this person’s salary is included in the programs receive annual or mid-term reviews on their
budget. The financial officer keeps track of expenditures performance. Results from OR may be needed to
and reports regularly to the team. The funding agency provide evidence that the program has gained knowl-
may also require an independent audit of project expen- edge to overcome the difficulties it faces in achieving
ditures. results so that funding can be continued. Therefore
capacity-building plans should not consider sending
people off to another country for a five-year doctorate
program but rather find ways to help those involved
in the project right now do their jobs better.
• Funds are adequate and provided in a timely instruments under the type of circumstances where
manner (keep an eye on the budget) they will be used in the field, possibly in a different
• Materials and instruments needed for each day’s community not within the study area with similar
activities are adequate and provided in a timely characteristics to the study community.
• Logistics are functioning to ensure that field staff 38. Instruments may be available from similar studies
can move around from the same country or from other countries in
• Data quality is maintained through daily review the region. It certainly saves time to adapt available
of instruments completed research tools, but if these were developed in a
• Data entry/transcription begins within 24 hours of different environment or focused on a different health
data collection in order to provide timely feedback issue, the adapted product still needs to be pre-tested
if data quality problems are observed in the relevant environment.
During wrap-up and analysis ensure that: 39. One aspect of the pre-testing is to ensure that
• A clear data-analysis plan is in place including the instruments are formatted in a language that the
mock/dummy tables, charts respondents can understand. Translation and back
• A report outline is ready and agreed upon by all translation are needed to ensure that the concepts
• There is agreement about analysis procedures, and variables as expressed in a local language match
statistical tests and software those that the researchers intended. The instruments
• Preliminary analysis is reviewed by the team should be written using translated questions and
before final analysis items so that each data collector is consistent in
• Findings are reviewed by researchers and administering the instrument.
stakeholders to come up with interpretations
and suggestions for action 40. If there is a survey, one might pre-test 10 to 20
questionnaires with people with similar characteristics
During dissemination ensure that: to those who will be included in the full study. One
• Key audiences have been identified could try a few in-depth interviews and a couple of
• Preferred methods and media for reaching each FGDs to see whether people respond appropriately.
audience are ascertained Ideally with qualitative interviews (FGDs, in-depth
• Briefings, presentations are prepared and reviewed interviews, etc.) it is helpful to both tape-record and
• Briefings, presentations are scheduled and take handwritten notes. Remember to clear the use of
delivered tape recording as part of the ethical review process.
• Follow-up is done to ensure commitment to
utilizing results to improve programs, policies 41. The pre-testing process should help identify
• Program managers and researchers monitor questions that are misunderstood or difficult to com-
implementation of findings prehend. The pre-test may identify questions where
everybody gives the same or similar answer with no
variety. One might see that mothers respond affirma-
Step 9: Pre-test all research tively concerning use of health services but are unable
procedures to show their child’s growth charts and immunization
card. One might be trying to observe drugs kept at
37. Research instruments, whether quantitative (ques- home for malaria but find that no one admits to keep-
tionnaires, observation checklists) or qualitative (FGDs, ing these. These are examples of problems that raise
in-depth interviews) should be both valid and reliable. an alarm and indicate that certain questions or items
Valid instruments elicit the “truth” from respondents. should be dropped or changed. If major changes are
Reliable instruments provide consistent information. made, a second pre-test may be needed.
If questions are vague and use complicated language
or if checklists seek items that are difficult to observe, 42. Two groups of people can be involved in the
then they may not achieve the aims of validity and pre-testing process to strengthen their skills and
reliability. It is therefore necessary to test out the contributions to the research project. One group is
the actual interviewers and field assistants. As part of explain, for example, health service utilization behav-
their training they can be involved in the pre-testing. ior, more complex (and expensive) software may be
The second group is the data management staff. They required. The research institution may already have
will gain insights into the nature and the quality of the a license to use these software programs or the cost
data to help them develop the most appropriate data may need to be added to the budget.
entry formats and analysis procedures.
47. Qualitative software helps code and sort informa-
tion in typed transcripts. Qualitative software does
Step 10: Establish and maintain not replace the need for the researchers to thor-
data management and quality oughly read all available data. There is always the
control basic and reliable option of hand coding and analysis
where no software packages or software competen-
43. Quality data management begins with the design cies exist. Research teams must develop analysis plans
of the research instruments. As noted above, these showing clearly how the data will be analyzed and
need to be pre-tested to ensure that they elicit rea- for example, develop “content analysis tables” that
sonable and truthful responses. Review by colleagues clearly show/compare views of all respondents by all
and experts who compare the instruments against relevant quotations on all the key study variables.
the research questions and objectives is needed to
ensure that the data collected actually corresponds to 48. Data entry (computer entry of survey results,
with variables that should be studied. In short, one typing of interview transcripts) should begin while
needs to ensure that the study variables are opera- data collectors are still in the field. Data entry clerks
tionalized to reflect the objectives of the study. should be trained on the job with actual completed
instruments. In the process of entering data, the data
44. The instruments must be easy for the data col- clerks are likely to identify additional problems, and
lectors to use. Ambiguities for both respondents and if data collection is still going on in the field, they
data collectors should be removed. Well-supervised can send these instruments back for clarification and
training of data collectors in real-life field conditions correction before it is too late. As a reminder, ensure
is required to ensure that all use the instrument that all needed equipment and supplies for data
accurately and in the same way. management are included in the budget.
45. During field work, research supervisors should 49. Some quantitative data entry programs like EpiInfo
be trained to observe the data collectors regularly. allow for double entry and/or a checkfile that limits
Senior researchers must be in the field to ensure entries to accepted values and compares entries. If
that the data collectors take the project seriously. double entry is not feasible, then it is possible
The research supervisors need to review all study to spot some problems when running simple frequen-
instruments at the end of each day (questionnaires, cies where inappropriate values may become apparent.
FGD transcripts, in-depth interview transcripts, Concerning typed transcripts of qualitative interviews,
observational checklists, etc.) for completeness and one can have the interviewer/moderator review and
accuracy. Before field work begins the next day the compare these with the hand-written versions.
supervisors - together with members of the research
team - should organize a short feedback session with 50. Missing values should be caught at all stages –
the data collectors to discuss general concerns about daily review, data entry, and simple frequency analy-
data quality. After this, individual data collectors can sis. One should be sure there are no missing values
meet with supervisors for personal feedback. because one never knows whether a blank means
that the question was not asked or that the person
46. The team should consider software needs for data did not respond or that the interviewer forgot to fill
entry. If one is going to be doing simple quantitative in the response. Missing information may occur in
analysis that involves frequencies and tests of associa- both qualitative and quantitative instruments due to
tion, EpiInfo Version 6 may be adequate. If one plans oversight. For example, FGD moderators may forget
to test multiple associations and develop a model to to ask a follow-up probe.
Step 11: Explore together with of findings/conduct of study. The study may have
stakeholders interpretations and found that there are respected women’s associations
recommendations arising from the in the community that were crucial in selecting and
research findings supporting the community volunteers. These now
become stakeholders in the future success of IPTp
51. The next phase, the “follow-through”, involves program coverage. Another finding may have pointed
the actual dissemination and use. Prior to dissemina- to the role of something like a public service com-
tion it is important for the research team and the mission that is responsible for staff placement and
stakeholders (e.g., community leaders, program man- promotion. It may be the actions of this group in
agers/staff, donors) who were members of the project frequently transferring staff that made it difficult for
advisory committee or working group to review the health workers to develop a trusting relationship with
results and have a clear and shared understanding of community members. Reaching out to these “new”
the implications of these findings. stakeholders with the appropriate messages should
be considered by the committee/group.
52. The first meeting about the findings should occur
within a week after data entry is finished and a set of
preliminary frequency tables or qualitative interview
summaries can be produced. The group can pick out
the highlights and make suggestions for further analy-
sis. For example, the study may have documented that
only 25 percent of women in the community got two
doses of IPTp during their last pregnancy. FGD respon-
dents explained that younger and older women are
most likely to register late. The data management team
could then compare age with IPTp coverage to pres-
ent at the next meeting. If the project also addressed
alternative delivery mechanisms and found that, in
communities where local volunteers were used, it was
the volunteers who got women started on IPTp, then,
rather than programs to improve interpersonal com-
munication and confidentiality at clinics, the group
might ask the data team to provide more information
from the in-depth interviews to explain why women
preferred the community volunteer approach.
and policy-makers are more likely to listen to citizen 66. The International Food Policy Research Institute
groups. Sometimes respected former national leaders (Loechl, 2005) describes a personalized process for
are good advocates. There may be key journalists or disseminating the results of a child nutrition program
media personalities who have good experiences in in Haiti. Structured feedback was provided.
promoting certain health and related issues. Identify-
ing and involving the most effective advocacy voice The results of this first round of OR were presented
must be part of the dissemination plan. in Haiti and discussed with the program staff. A
one-and-a-half-day meeting was held to identify
and prioritize potential solutions to address the
Step 13: Disseminate results and operational constraints identified and to develop a
recommendations plan of action to implement corrective actions to
strengthen program operations and improve the
62. Dissemination itself involves carrying out quality of service delivery. The tools used to guide
the suggested steps and activities as planned. this process and the action plans agreed upon by
The research team needs to involve the advisory the … staff are presented in the final section of [the]
committee as mentioned. An important role of the report. A second round of OR will be conducted …
committee is serving as a reality check. Marin and to monitor the implementation of the corrective
Bertrand (2003) ask, “Were results of the OR study measures and to document improvements in
judged to be credible/valid in the local context?” program operations.
This question, they say, “refers to the judgment of
stakeholders (policy-makers, researchers, donors,
program managers). It is assumed that utilization Step 14: Document changes in
of results would be limited if stakeholders seriously policy and/or guidelines that resulted
questioned the validity of the results.” from the research
63. They also ask, “Was the research relevant for the 67. Marin and Bertrand (2003) encourage OR
national program?” The answer is “based on the teams to ask, “Did the implementing/collaborating
perceptions of the same stakeholders listed above. organization(s) “act on” the results (i.e., continue to
Relevant research addresses a priority problem of the implement the activities tested in the OR study after
program, whether a national program of the Ministry its completion if effective or not implement/discon-
of Health or a more local program of an NGO.” tinue this activity if ineffective)?”
64. Issues like timing, venue and opportunity need to 68. They explain that “ “acting on the results” consists
be considered. There are several elements to timing, of implementing the actual services of the intervention
including presenting the results after the research has or the activities to support those services (e.g., training
been fully concluded. Early results may be misleading courses, development of service delivery guidelines,
and create false expectations. The presentation of changes in allocation of personnel, production and
results also needs to be timed for when it is most testing of IEC materials, supervision, monitoring) if
likely to be used. If a country completes its budgeting the intervention was effective, or not implementing
process in June or a donor requires that renewal or discontinuing these services and activities if the
proposals for a grant are due in July, it does little good intervention proved not to be effective.”
to present the results in August.
1. This section consists of three parts. The first part offers two additional case studies supplied by attendees of
the consultative meeting/workshop on OR/IR that reviewed the first draft of this document. The second section
offers links to a sample of existing handbooks, guidelines, and other reference materials that can help people
plan OR/IR. Finally there is a brief list of references to materials quoted in Sections A and B.
Burkina Faso: Examining Treatment ers witnessed a “therapeutic grazing” that led some
and Care Practices for People Living patients from one sector to another according to the
with HIV/AIDS availability of support or aid. Caregivers were unsuc-
cessful at understanding or controlling these multiple
9. In Burkina Faso, CBOs and NGOs were the first to recourses.
set up HIV/AIDS prevention, testing and counseling
and psychosocial support for people living with HIV. 10. In response to this issue, a research project entitled
When antiretroviral treatment (ART) became avail- “Treatment and care practices for people living with
able at the end of the 1990s, the same organizations HIV/AIDS in Burkina Faso” was proposed. Its aim was to
opened medical facilities and started providing global get a precise knowledge of actual care practices in vari-
care with the support of many foreign funding agen- ous settings, in order to understand patients’ behaviors
cies and local donors. In 2005, various care practices and needs and harmonize the provision of care. The
co-existed within the context of the National Pro- main issues that were explored and treated included:
gramme for ART. Thus, caregivers as well as program circumstances of testing and provision of counseling in
supervisors had little knowledge about the type of three sectors; access to various types of care and factors
care provided in all facilities, the distribution of the influencing selection; care practices; patients’ follow-up;
people living with HIV between the public, private factors of adherence to ART; prevention; caregivers’
and CBO/NGO sectors, the profile of populations attitudes towards professional risk; collaboration and
treated and the reasons for their choice of a health coordination between health-care facilities.
facility amongst various options. Moreover, caregiv-
The chosen approach was based on three phases: different as expected by health professionals, but were,
rather, complementary to global care and used as such
• The first phase was devoted to a situation analysis by patients. Practices in private health facilities, on the
and review of sources that allowed priority-setting other hand, were very difficult to study due to patients’
through a multistakeholders consultation through and caregivers’ reluctance to participate in the study,
an advisory committee. and are still beyond the reach of collaboration efforts. An
important result was the extent of difficulties in access
• During the second phase, a multidisciplinary study to care for patients living in rural areas due to the lack of
was held by a team composed of two public health CBOs and NGOs. After the study, a national conference
institutes and members of people living with HIV/ was planned to tackle the issue of free access to HIV
AIDS (PLWHA) organizations as well as the national global care for PLWHA in Burkina Faso.
AIDS program. After fieldwork based on interviews
with patients and caregivers, observation, collec- 13. The process of conducting this OR brought together
tion of documents, followed by data analysis, the various stakeholders and provided them with an oppor-
study produced quantitative and qualitative results tunity to share individual and collective experiences, as
on a range of issues which were discussed by the well as to discuss practical or strategic issues. This ability
advisory committee. to exchange experiences, increase collaboration and
build capacity was as important for project outcomes as
• The third phase was participative. The most the results of the study.
relevant results and a synthesis of objective and
felt needs were selected. Three two-day work- Source: Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé,
shops were held with stakeholders (caregivers Ministry of Health, Burkina Faso
from private, public and NGO sectors, PLWHA
associations, policy-makers, program managers)
in Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso. The results
were presented, then groups were allocated
priority topics on which a detailed discussion
allowing experience-sharing provided concrete
recommendations. A final report was produced by
the research team.
Neufeld, V. and N. Johnson, Eds. (2001). Forging Links for analyzing findings and for disseminating the results.
Health Research: Perspectives from the Council on Health The annexes contain useful examples from actual field
Research for Development. Ottawa, IDRC Books. experience.
Varkevisser, C., I. Pathmanathan, et al. (2003). Designing OR provides decision-makers with information to en-
and Conducting Health Systems Research Projects: Volume able them to improve the performance of their pro-
2 Data Analyses and Report Writing. Amsterdam, KIT/ grams. The Global Fund believes that OR has an im-
IDRC. portant role to play in the success of the programs it
funds, and strongly encourages proposals with an OR
This publication is meant to be used in combination component. Global Fund-supported programs are rec-
with Volume 1: Proposal Development and Fieldwork. ommended to spend five to ten percent of their grant
Volume 2 consists of 13 training modules that cover budget on M&E, which can include spending on rele-
data analysis, report writing and planning for imple- vant OR.
mentation of recommendations.
Available at
Available at
WHO/HTM/RBM (2003). Operations Research for Malaria
Control, Learner’s Guide Part 1, WHO.
Werner, A. (2004). 1: An Introduction to
Implementation Research A Guide to Implementation This module is addressed to health personnel respon-
Research. Urban Institute Press. sible for malaria control at national and sub-national
levels of the health-care system. The content of the
Evaluation research provides information that informs module is flexible enough to allow the emphasis to
the effective and efficient use of community resources be placed according to specific training needs while
to promote social goals. This book explores how one informing professionals of the basics and methods of
type of evaluation research - implementation research OR. The module is divided into two parts - the Learner’s
- can assist those designing and operating social Guide covers basic concepts and information together
programs. with a series of problems and hints or partial solutions
to them. The exercises in the Learner’s Guide include
Available at both individual and group work.
Available at
WHO (2001). Expanding Capacity for Operations
Research in Reproductive Health: Summary Report of a
Consultative Meeting. Geneva, WHO. WHO/HTM/RBM (2003). Operations Research for Malaria
Control, Tutor’s Guide Part 2, WHO.
The strategic objective of this consultation was to
promote capacity building in OR and to identify ways This module uses a training method based on learning
to increase resources in support of OR. Specifically, the by problem-solving to facilitate the understanding of
consultation sought to create a shared understanding OR in different epidemiological situations. The main
of the definition and benefits of OR, define the need objective of this module is to inform professionals of
for OR capacity building, identify effective strategies for the basics and methods of OR. This will help health
capacity building, develop donor plans for mobilizing workers operating in different epidemiological and
resources for OR capacity building and identify areas socioeconomic circumstances to understand the use
for collaboration. and methods of OR for decision-making, M&E of
malaria control activities. The module is divided into
Available at two parts - the Learner’s Guide Part 1 and the Tutor’s
reports/WHO_expand_capacity.pdf Guide Part 2. The Tutor’s Guide is designed to stimulate
active learning and has been conceived for group work.
WHO/The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and
Malaria Guide to Operational Research Programs Sup- Available at
ported by the Global Fund. Geneva. tional_research_tg.pdf
WHO/TDR (2005). Guidelines for Preparing a Grant Selected Examples of Publications on Opera-
Application to the TDR Steering Committee for tions Research, Translating Research Findings
Implementation Research. into Action and Research Dissemination
These guidelines are intended to assist social science Canadian International Immunization Initiative Phase 2
and public health researchers to apply for collaborative Operation Research Grants: Project Profile.
research grants from the Steering Committee on IR of
the Special Programme for Research and Training in The Canadian International Immunization Initiative was
Tropical Diseases (TDR). The TDR Programme, part of initiated in 1998 to increase and intensify routine im-
WHO’s Programme on Communicable Diseases (CDS), munization for all children of the world. This document
is a lead international partnership/co-sponsorship in provides a project profile for their Phase 2 OR grants.
research, product development and training related to
infectious diseases that disproportionately affect poor Available at
and marginalized populations. S/11237718311CIII2.pdf
Available at
ir_guidelines.htm Africa_OR/TA_Project_2 (1999). Strengthening
Reproductive Health Services in Africa through Operations
Research. Nairobi, Population Council.
Winch, P., J. Wagman, et al. (2000). Qualitative Research
for Improved Health Programs: A Guide to Manuals for The Africa Operations Research and Technical Assistance
Qualitative and Participatory Research on Child Health, (OR/TA) Project 2 was implemented by the Popula-
Nutrition and Reproductive Health. Washington DC, JHU/ tion Council. The program was supported by USAID
AED/USAID. to provide technical assistance to program managers
and policy-makers to assist them in pilot-testing in-
This guide is designed for program managers, re- novative and alternative strategies when restructuring
searchers, funders of health programs and others who their programs. This report discusses research studies
are considering using qualitative research methods achieved during the project that used social science
to help them design more effective health programs and other research methods to provide decision-makers
and/or evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of with empirically-based and scientifically-valid answers to
existing programs. This guide describes some of the service delivery problems.
existing manuals for conducting qualitative research
on health and provides information to help would-be Available at
users select the manuals that are most appropriate to Capacity_Bldg/strengthen%20RH%20in%20Africa.pdf
their needs.
Available at
CEPROD (2003). Using Data to Improve Service In this descriptive study with a pre- and post-evaluation
Delivery: A Self-Evaluation Approach. of an intervention, community perceptions of fever,
health-seeking behavior and current treatment practices
This guide will help frontline health workers use the data for children were ascertained through qualitative research
collected at health facilities to solve common problems in and surveys in order to inform the feasibility and accept-
service delivery and improve their response to community ability of and the willingness to use artemether-lumefan-
needs. The overall aim of the guide is to promote greater trine (Coartem) for treatment of malaria/fever in children
use of existing service data to improve health services. It aged 6-59 months at the community and household level
does not require the collection of additional data. in a rural malaria-endemic area in Ghana. Study results
suggest that a Home Management of Malaria strategy
Available at with Coartem using trained community-based agents
ting/self_evaluation/self-evaluation%20guide%20 supervised monthly is feasible, acceptable, and can
(English).pdf achieve high levels of compliance. However, if the inter-
vention is to be sustainable, the agents need to be paid.
Desclaux, A., Lanièce, I., Ndoye, I., Taverne, B. (eds), Available at
2004. The Senegalese Antiretroviral Drug Access Initiative pubmed/16827701?dopt=Citation
- An Economic Social Behavioural and Biomedical Analysis.
Crawley, J., J. Hill, et al. (2007). From evidence to action?
The book presents the results and analyses of the Challenges to policy change and program delivery for ma-
study outcomes and process of OR conducted during laria in pregnancy. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 7(2): 145-55.
the National ART Programme in Senegal and helps to
understand the pitfalls and successes in four main areas: This paper discusses the factors that influence whether
access to treatment, adherence, treatment efficacy and strategies for preventing and treating malaria in pregnancy
impact and program’s impact on the health system. A are successfully translated into national policy and program
multidisciplinary research program was set up gathering implementation, and identifies key OR issues. The provi-
epidemiologists, virologists, economists, anthropolo- sion of clear policy guidance on malaria in pregnancy and
gists, clinicians, psychiatrists, and public health profes- its translation into evidence-based guidelines that are made
sionals in a team composed of scientists, program widely available at a country level are central to improving
managers, health professionals and representatives of malaria control in this particularly vulnerable group.
PLWHA associations. The outcomes of the research led
to reorienting the program regarding economic access, Available at
among other topics. As a result, free access for patients article/PIIS1473309907700269/abstract
was implemented in 2003, the Senegalese ARV Drug
Access Initiative becoming then the first program of
its kind to do so. Stakeholders’ participation was an Davis, D., M. Evans, et al. (2003). The case for knowl-
ongoing process, even on topics that were less easy edge translation: shortening the journey from evidence
to control for the national program, such as patients’ to effect. The British Medical Journal 327(7405): 33-5.
perceptions of treatment or the circulation of ARV drugs
in the informal drug market. Attempts to reduce the gap between evidence and prac-
tice have been many and include educational strategies
Available at to alter practitioners’ behavior and organizational and ad-
ministrative interventions. This paper explores three con-
structs aimed at improving understanding of and reduc-
Chinbuah, A. M., J. O. Gyapong, et al. (2006). Feasibility ing barriers to implementing evidence-based practice.
and acceptability of the use of artemether-lumefantrine
in the home management of uncomplicated malaria in Available at
children 6-59 months old in Ghana. Tropical Medicine & pubmed/12842955?dopt=Citation
International Health 11(7): 1003-16.
Dobbins, M., P. Rosenbaum, et al. (2007). Information valid results and accurate interpretation of findings. OR
transfer: what do decision-makers want and need from effectively influenced disease control policy and practice
researchers? Implementation Science 2: 20. in rural South Africa by providing relevant answers to local
questions and engaging policy-makers.
The purpose of this study was to undertake a systematic
assessment of the need for research-based information Available at
by decision-makers working in CBOs. It is part of a more
comprehensive knowledge transfer and exchange strategy
that seeks to understand both the content required and Ellis, A. A., P. Winch, et al. (2007). Home management
the format/methods by which such information should of childhood diarrhoea in southern Mali-implications
be presented. Preferred formats for receiving information for the introduction of zinc treatment. Social Science &
were executive summaries, abstracts, and original articles. Medicine 64(3): 701-12.
These findings support the importance of developing
interactive, collaborative knowledge-transfer strategies, Formative research is being conducted in a number
as well as the need to foster relationships with health-care of countries to prepare for the large-scale promotion
decision-makers, practitioners and policy-makers. of this new treatment. In-depth and semi-structured
interviews with parents, community health workers
Available at and traditional healers were conducted to examine the
ender.fcgi?tool=pubmed&pubmedid=17608940 household management of diarrhea in Mali in prepara-
tion for the introduction of a short course of daily zinc
for childhood diarrhea at the community level. The
Durrheim, D. N., S. Frieremans, et al. (1999). results that emerged from this study suggest that a
Confidential inquiry into malaria deaths. The Bulletin joint therapy of zinc and oral rehydration solution (ORS)
of the World Health Organization 77(3): 263-6. should be well accepted in the community. Mothers-in-
law and fathers, who play a significant role in decisions
The results of a confidential inquiry into mortality attrib- to seek treatment for sick children, as well as traditional
uted to malaria in South Africa’s Mpumalanga Province healers, should also be considered when designing
are being used to guide the design of strategies for new programs to promote zinc. Similarities with OR
improving the management of cases and reducing the conducted for a previous generation of diarrhea control
probability of deaths from the disease. programs are discussed.
A series of OR studies were conducted to refine malaria Advocates of family planning and HIV service integra-
diagnosis in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa between tion require evidence of service delivery strategies that
1995 and 1999. The principal positive attributes of the comprehensively and effectively respond to the con-
OR studies were high local relevance, greater ability to traceptive needs of HIV/AIDS clients without detracting
convince local decision-makers, relatively short lag-time from HIV/AIDS services. To help generate such evidence,
before implementation of findings, and the cost-effective FHI undertook an OR study of the costs and effective-
nature of this form of research. Potential negative features ness of integrating contraceptive services into voluntary
elicited included opportunities forfeited by using scarce HIV counseling and testing (VCT) services. The study
resources to conduct research and the need to adequately findings reinforce assumptions that integration of
train local health staff in research methodology to ensure contraception into VCT has the potential to reduce
HIV-positive births, in addition to extending the benefits
of contraception to all clients who want to prevent OPS/DPC/CD (2005). Operations Research on the Use of
pregnancy. After strengthening the content and cover- Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Malaria. Guayaquil.
age of the intervention, more research is needed to
be able to make a definitive statement about whether As one of the activities of the Amazon Network for
integration of family planning services into VCT can Surveillance of Anti-malarial Drug Resistance, a meet-
indeed result in contraceptive uptake. ing on OR on the use of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs)
for malaria was held in the city of Guayaquil in May
Available at 2005. In the context of introducing RDTs to diagnose
ports/Integration_Kenya_Lessons.htm malaria, research needs were defined and issues related
to quality assurance, implementation, and evaluation of
effectiveness and impact were discussed.
Glasgow, R. E., E. Lichtenstein, et al. (2003). Why don’t
we see more translation of health promotion research to Available at
practice? Rethinking the efficacy-to-effectiveness transi- ravreda7-rdts-guayaquil.pdf
tion. American Journal of Public Health 93(8): 1261-7.
The gap between research and practice is well Quality Assurance Project (2002). Vendor-to-Vendor
documented. One of the underlying reasons for this Education to Improve Malaria Treatment by Drug Outlets
gap is addressed in this article: the assumption that in Kenya. Operations Research Results. Bethesda, Quality
effectiveness research naturally and logically follows Assurance Project.
from successful efficacy research. These two research
traditions have evolved different methods and values; Private drug outlets have grown increasingly important
consequently, there are inherent differences between the as the main source of malaria treatment for residents
characteristics of a successful efficacy intervention versus of malaria-endemic areas, although the quality and
those of an effectiveness one. Moderating factors that quantity of information about this source of treatment
limit robustness across settings, populations, and inter- is deficient. In Kenya, an OR study tested an innova-
vention staff need to be addressed in efficacy studies as tive, low-cost approach for improving the prescribing
well as in effectiveness trials. Greater attention needs to practices of private drug outlets. The approach, called
be paid to documenting intervention reach, adoption, Vendor-to-Vendor Education, involved training and
implementation, and maintenance. Recommendations equipping wholesale counter attendants and mobile
are offered to help close the gap between efficacy and vendors with customized job aids for distribution to
effectiveness research and to guide evaluation and rural and peri-urban retailers.
possible adoption of new programs.
Available at
Available at vendorkenya.pdf
The Quality Assurance Project (QAP) undertook a
study in Niger to improve adherence to cotrimoxazole
Madon, T., K. Hofman, et al. (2007). Implementation therapy, the antibiotic recommended there for treat-
Science. Science 318: 1728-1729. ing childhood pneumonia. QAP designed and tested
program job aids for health workers and caretakers
This paper discusses how researchers and funders need to aimed at improving drug adherence. The job aids were
use systems approaches that translate research not only supplemented with training in counseling techniques
to clinical practice but also to global health programs. for the health workers. A second program addressed
the number of doses of cotrimoxazole given to
Available at caretakers at the first visit. The findings of the study
have important implications for policy changes and
program design.
Available at
Quality Assurance Project (2004). The Zambia HIV/AIDS Smith, C., M. B. Bingman, et al. (2006). Effective
Workforce Study: Preparing for Scale Up. Bethesda. Research, Dissemination: Lesson from NCSALL.
Focus on Basics: Connecting Research & Practice 8(C).
This report presents the findings of a study conducted
at 16 health-care sites in Zambia offering VCT, preven- Over the past ten years, NCSALL has tried a variety
tion of mother to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT), of approaches to disseminating research. This article
and ARV therapy. The purpose of the study was to assist reviews their experiences and shares some lessons
the government of Zambia in determining whether learned about disseminating research findings.
it will have sufficient staff to be able to scale up VCT,
PMTCT and ARV treatment to reach its targeted Available at
numbers of clients. The report analyzes the time taken
to carry out the prescribed tasks involved in each of
the services, analyzes the extent to which the services Walley, J., M. A. Khan, et al. (2007). How to get research
are following the national service delivery standards, into practice: first get practice into research. Bulletin of
describes the present workforce involved in providing the World Health Organization 85(6): 424.
these services, and analyzes the human resource costs
associated with the present workforce arrangements. The problem of failing to get research into policy and
It then uses these findings to project the staffing and practice is well known. The aim should not be to perfect
related staffing costs of scaling up services. techniques of feeding results to decision-makers, but
to start from the perspective of the decision-makers
Available at even before devising the questions. This means “getting
ORMZambiaWorkforcel.pdf practice into research”.
Available at
Sanders, D. and A. Haines (2006). Implementation 85/6/07-042531.pdf
research is needed to achieve international health goals.
PLoS Med 3(6): e186.
WHO/HRP (2006). Turning Research into Practice: Sug-
Health research needs to focus not just on the growing gesting Actions from Case Studies of Sexual and Reproduc-
divide in health status between the world’s rich and the tive Health Research. Geneva, WHO/HRP.
poor but also on the unacceptable gap between our
unprecedented knowledge of diseases (including their This document is the result of two expert meetings
control) and the implementation of that knowledge, that reviewed case studies of utilization of sexual and
especially in poor countries. Directed and innovative reproductive health research in order to elicit lessons
research is needed to analyze the causes of this situation that researchers, program managers and others could
and to point toward solutions at the global and local apply to increase the use of findings emerging from OR.
levels, both within and outside the health sector. Unless The document presents guidelines for optimizing the
mainstream research organizations actively promote use of research findings as well as suggesting how to
OR, and policy-makers demand that the implementa- monitor the extent to which research-based evidence is
tion of interventions and programs be rigorously used for policy change.
evaluated, the substantial gap between knowledge and
its implementation will persist in the health field. Available at
Available at
pmed.0030186 WHO/HTM/TB (2005). TB/HIV Research Priorities in
Resource-Limited Settings: Report of an Expert Consultation.
Geneva, Switzerland.
Marin MC and Jane T. Bertrand, Evaluation Manual Eval- World Health Organization. Expanding Capacity for
uating Operations Research Utilization: Guidelines for Operations Research in Reproductive Health: Summary
Assessing Process and Impact. Frontiers in Reproductive Report of a Consultative Meeting, WHO, Geneva,
Health, Population Council, Family Health International Switzerland, December 10–12, 2001, © World Health
and Tulane University, 2003 Measure Evaluation (2008) Organization 2003.
PLACE in Zimbabwe: Identifying Gaps in HIV Prevention
among Orphans and Young People in Hwange District,
2006. Carolina Population Center, University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Annex A
Definitions of Operations and Implementation Research
Annex B
Examples of Organizations that Fund/Support Operations Research
Annex C
Literature Review Procedures and Relevant Journals
Annex D
Sample Consent Forms and Independent Review Board
Annex E
Linkage between Researchers and Public Health
Annex A
• Diagnostic studies are used to assess the nature 5. Special Program of Research, Development and Re-
and extent of a health or service delivery problem. search Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) (2006)5
• Evaluative studies are used to evaluate ongoing addressed the following question about OR: “In re-
innovative health interventions. lation to the research question, what level of in-
• Intervention studies are used to test, usually teraction exists between the research group and
through a quasi-experimental research design, the service delivery programs? Close interaction be-
the effectiveness of service delivery interventions tween researchers and service delivery programs is
explicitly designed to address a specific service particularly important in the case of OR.”
delivery problem.
Annex A
Annex A
for International Development (A.I.D), Office of Population Designing HIV prevention programs for persons of color
Contract No. CCC-3030-C-00-3008-00 with HIV. 2003.
Annex B
Bill & Melinda Gates The foundation is now accepting grant proposals
Foundation for the first round of Grand Challenges Explora-
tions, a US $100 million initiative to encourage Grand Challenges in Global Health
bold and unconventional global health solutions.
Proposals will be accepted online through the Introduction.aspx
Grand Challenges Explorations website through
30 May 2008.
Council for the CODESRIA, the Council for the Development of
Development of Social Science Research in Africa is headquar-
Social Science tered in Dakar, Senegal. It was established in
Research in Africa 1973 as an independent pan-African research Research Mandate and Objectives
organization with a primary focus on the so-
cial sciences, broadly defined. It is recognized
not only as the pioneer African social research Training Grants and Fellowships
organization but also as the apex nongovernmen-
tal center of social knowledge production on the
Global Fund to Fight The Global Fund was created to finance a
AIDS, Tuberculosis dramatic turnaround in the fight against AIDS,
and Malaria tuberculosis and malaria. These diseases kill Checklist on Round 8 Operations/
over six million people each year, and the num- Implementation Research
bers are growing. Operations research proposals
must be submitted as part of national disease rounds/8/R8OpRChecklist_en.doc
control proposals.
links to Operations Research Information for
Applicants planning on including Operations
Research in their proposal:
52 52
Annex B
Tropical Disease The Special Program for Research and Training
Research Program in Tropical Diseases (TDR) is an independent
global program of scientific collaboration. Research Lines
Established in 1975 and cosponsored by the
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), htm
the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), the World Bank and the WHO, it aims Strategic Emphases
to help coordinate, support and influence
global efforts to combat a portfolio of major emphases/default.htm
diseases of the poor and disadvantaged. TDR
focuses on neglected infectious diseases that Calls for Applications
disproportionately affect poor and marginalized
The French The ANRS in France leads and funds research
National Agency in all relevant fields (basic science, clinical
for Research on research, social sciences, etc.) on AIDS and
AIDS and Viral viral hepatitis. A quarter of its budget is devoted
Hepatitis (ANRS) to research in developing countries and OR is
one of the priorities of the Agency since 2005.
The ANRS accepts grant proposals two times
a year (September and March). Proposals in
developing countries have to be submitted by
a team of researchers from both North and
South institutions in accordance with the ethic’s
charter of the agency.
53 53
Annex c
One of the most common places to start gathering Gray Literature is a term used for studies and reports
examples of previous studies that can inform a new that are not formally published in a scientific journal
research effort is PubMed. This service is based on or by a book publisher. These reports contain much
the internet and provides free abstracts of published useful information about health and disease control
articles and links to journals that contain the full article. program efforts as well as good descriptions of the
overall health system and disease characteristics in
The two pictures here show the PubMed as one would particular countries and locations. Some of the orga-
find it on the web. The web address is in the first picture. nizations listed in Annex B have such reports on their
The “for” line below the PubMed logo is used to enter websites. Some websites have tabs for “publications”
search terms and as seen in the second picture, retrieve a where these studies and reports can be found. Below
list of articles. The more terms one adds, the fewer selec- are a few examples.
tions are provided. One needs to balance this process
in order to get enough helpful articles without missing Tropical Disease Research Program Publications
important information. The central part of this webpage
gives more guidance on how to conduct a search.
UNICEF Publications
Some of these journals also provide their articles free (for
example, Malaria Journal:,
while others require a subscription or payment for BASICS (child survival) Publications
downloading a specific article. There are services where
researchers working in developing countries can request
free copies of articles. One place where people can ac- International Development Research Center Publications
cess articles for free is: Health InterNetwork Access (English)
to Research Initiative (French)
The HINARI program, set up by WHO together with ma- Quality Assurance Project Publications
jor publishers, enables developing countries to gain ac-
cess to one of the world’s largest collections of biomedi-
cal and health literature. Over 3,750 journal titles are now Council for the Development of Social Science Research
available to health institutions in 113 countries, benefiting in Africa
many thousands of health workers and researchers, and (English)
in turn, contributing to improved world health. (French)
Free online journals can be found at: Gray literature can also include internal reports from
the national ministry of health and unpublished
BioMed Central (BMC) dissertations and theses from local universities and
54 54
Annex c
The following chart provides just a few examples. In doing literature reviews it is possible to see the types and
names of journals that published studies of interest. The websites of these journals will enable researchers to
review their scope and purpose as well as their instructions to authors.
Annex D
Annex D
Page 1 of 4
Annex D
The title of the study is “Knowledge and Perception of Voluntary Antenatal HIV
Counseling and Testing Among Women in _____: A Case Study of _____ North Local
Government Area of _____ State.”
Background Information
HIV infection is increasing common among pregnant women in _____. HIV is the virus
that causes AIDS. Infection is possible through contact with infected blood and other
body fluids, from mother-to-child during pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding.
Mother-to-child HIV infection is responsible for more than 90% of HIV infection in
children. Weare trying to understand the acceptability and demand for confidential
antenatal HIVcounseling and testing (VCT) by pregnant women and want to know what
people in the community think about VCT. We hope that this information will encourage
the government, health specialists, and businesses to take more action to prevent and
control mother-to-child transmission of HIV and introduce nevirapine therapy in the
country. You are registered here for antenatal care. We would therefore like you to
participate in our study. Your participation is voluntary. No one else will know whether
or not you participated. We expect up to 800 women to participate in the study over the
next 6 weeks. Participation will take less than 45 minutes of your time.
Page 2 of 4
Annex D
2. Focus Group Discussion: Men and women in the community will be invited to
participate in discussion sessions to know individual and collective opinions and
views about VCT. These discussions will be taped and last for about 30-45
If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw your consent and discontinue
participation at any time without prejudice.
By signing below, you confirm that you have been informed about the study of the
impact of tuberculosis on work performance and agree to participate. If there
is any part of this explanation that you do not understand, you should ask the
investigator before signing.
Page 3 of 4
Annex D
DATE _________________________________________________________________
INVESTIGATOR ________________________________________________________
Page 4 of 4
Annex D
Page 1 of 4
Annex D
The title of the study is “Knowledge and Perception of Voluntary Antenatal HIV
Counseling and Testing Among Women in _____: A Case Study of _____ North Local
Government Area of _____ State.”
Background Information
HIV infection is increasing common among pregnant women in _____. HIV is the virus
that causes AIDS. Infection is possible through contact with infected blood and other
body fluids, from mother-to-child during pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding.
Mother-to-child HIV infection is responsible for more than 90% of HIV infection in
children. We are trying to understand the acceptability and demand for confidential
antenatal HIV counseling and testing (VCT) by pregnant women and know what people
in the community think about VCT. We hope that this information will encourage the
government, health specialists, and businesses to take more action to prevent and
control mother-to-child transmission of HIV and introduce nevirapine therapy in
the country. You are a resident of this community; we would therefore like you to
participate in our study. Your participation is voluntary. No one else will know whether
or not you participated. We expect up to 800 women in a survey and other men and
women in this community to participate in the group discussions of the study over the
next 6 weeks. Participation will take less than 1 hour of your time.
Page 2 of 4
Annex D
2. Focus Group Discussion: Men and women in the community will be invited to
participate in discussion sessions to know individual and collective opinions and
views about VCT. These discussions will be taped and last for about 30-45
If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw your consent and discontinue
participation at any time without prejudice.
By signing below, you confirm that you have been informed about the study of the
impact of tuberculosis on work performance and agree to participate. If there
is anypart of this explanation that you do not understand, you should ask the
investigator before signing.
Page 3 of 4
Annex D
DATE _________________________________________________________________
INVESTIGATOR ________________________________________________________
Page 4 of 4
Annex D
PURPOSE: We (_____ University) are doing a study with women who come to here
to be tested for HIV. We want to learn about things that influence women’s decisions to
talk with their partners about their HIV status. We also want to learn about how partner
violence is related to women’s decision to tell their partners about their HIV status.
Because you have come here to have an HIV test, we would like to talk to you about
your experience.
PROCEDURES: If you decide to join this study, we will set up a date to meet with
you in three months’ time. The survey that we would like you to take will last about one
hour. You will be asked questions about yourself and your decision to come in for an
HIV test, and how you involved your partner in your decision. Questions will ask things
like; What were the main reasons that you came in for HIV testing? Did you talk about
getting tested with your partner before you came? How did your partner react when
you told him that you wanted to be tested? Have you ever had any partners who have
physically hurt you? If you decide to participate in the study, you will be paid 1200 Tsh
for your time and travel costs.
RISKS/DISCOMFORTS: Some of the topics that you will be asked about are personal
and may make you feel sad or upset. Should you become upset, you can stop the
interview at any time and talk to a counselor. There is also a risk that your partner may
find out that you talked to us and may become unhappy. However, everything that you
tell us during the interview will be kept secret within the research team. You will not
receive any medical benefits from being in this study, and it will require about an hour
of your time.
BENEFITS: You may find that there are some benefits to being in this study. You may
enjoy talking with an interviewer about your personal experiences, and should you want
to, counselors will be able to talk with you. Also, the things that you tell us will help
us make a program that may help other women in similar situations, and improve the
services available to people who want to get an HIV test.
CONFIDENTIALITY: If you take this survey, many things will be done to protect
your privacy. We will not tell the MMC staff or anyone else anything about what you
have told us. Even if someone asks us, we will not tell them anything. Your interview
will take place at the HIV test site, and what you tell us will be marked with a number
rather than your name. Anything that you tell us will be seen only by members of the
research team, and will be kept in a locked cabinet for no longer than 3 years.
Page 1 of 2
Annex D
Persons to Contact: If you have any questions about this study in the future, please
contact the person in charge of this study, _____. You can call her phone number 123-
456-7890 or come and talk to her at _____ location. If you feel you have been treated
unfairly in this study, or have other questions, you may call the local Office for Research
Subjects at 456-789-0123.
If this form has been read and explained to you and you agree to be in this study, please
sign or make your mark below.
Print name of subject
________________________________________________ _______________
Signature or Mark of Subject Date
________________________________________________ _______________
Signature of Person Obtaining Consent Date
________________________________________________ _______________
Witness to Consent if Subject Unable to Read or Write Date
(Must be different than the person obtaining consent)
CHR#: ___________________________
Page 2 of 2
Annex D
NOTE: All new applications must include this checklist. All items must be checked.
If not applicable, write (N/A).
1. Application
2. Grant/Contract Proposal (including budget pages)
3. Complete Research Plan: (address each item under the following Headings)
a. Research Question(s)
b. Rationale ( Motivation, Summary of Importance of the Research)
c. Methods:
i. Study Design and Rationale
ii. Population (sample size, inclusion/exclusion criteria, gender, age and
iii. Procedures (including the recruitment process)
iv. Questionnaire/Interview Instrument
v. Methods of Intervention
vi. Methods for Dealing with Adverse Events
vii. Methods for Dealing with Illegal Reportable Activities
d. Risks/Benefits:
i. Description of Risks
ii. Description of Measures to Minimize Risks
iii. Description of Level of Research Burden
iv. Description of Benefits
e. Disclosure/Consent Processes - Description of the Process
f. Confidentiality Assurances
i. Plans for record keeping and data security
ii. Location of the data
iii. Person responsible and telephone number
iv. Who will have access to the data
v. Plans for disposition of the data at end of the study
vi. Certificate of Confidentiality (sensitive biomedical, behavioral or
other type of study)
g. Collaborative Agreements (name of the institution/person and a description
of the collaboration)
h. Other IRB Approvals (e.g. collaborating institutions)
4. Study Instruments:
a. Recruitment Materials (flyers, newspaper ads, etc.)
b. Consent Form(s)
c. Assent Form(s)
d. Disclosure Letter(s)
e. Telephone Script(s)
f. Interview Instrument(s) or Draft Questionnaire(s)
Page 1 of 2
Annex D
NOTE: An Original + three (3) copies of the CHR Application, Research Plan, study
instruments and all supporting documents must be submitted with two exceptions
noted above.
Principal Investigator:
Project Title:
Page 2 of 2
Annex D
Study Title:_________________________________________________
Does this consent form contain each element, if appropriate: Check If you
all that respond
apply N or NA,
Y N NA explain
1. That the study involves research
2. An explanation of the purposes of the research
3. That the study is being conducted by Johns Hopkins and the
[Name of the Principal Investigator]
4. An explanation of how selected for the study
5. An explanation of why selected for the study
6. The expected duration of the subject’s participation
7. A description of the procedures to be followed
8. Identification of any procedures which are experimental
9. A description of any benefits to the subject or to others which
may reasonably be expected from the research
10. A description of any reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts to
the subjects
11. A disclosure of appropriate alternative procedures or courses of
treatment, if any
12. A statement that participation is voluntary
13. A statement that the subject can withdraw at any time and will not
affect any benefits that they would normally receive or they will not be
penalized for withdrawing from the study
14. The consequences of a subject’s decision to withdraw from the study
15. A statement under which the subject’s participation may be
terminated by the investigator, where appropriate
16. A statement describing the extent, if any, to which confidentiality of
records identifying the subjects will be maintained
17. An explanation of whom to contact for information about the research
study itself [name and phone number for primary investigator]
18. An explanation of whom to contact for answers to pertinent questions
about the research and research subject’s rights [name
and phone number for CHR]
19. For research involving more than minimal risk, a statement that Johns
Hopkins does not have a program to provide compensation any injuries
or bad effects which may be incurred by the subject which are not the
fault of the investigator
20. Language is understandable and written at the eighth-grade level
and in no smaller than 12 point type. If not written at 8th grade level,
please provide at what reading level the consent form was written
Completed by _________________________________________________
Page 1 of 1
Annex E
70 70
The Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Chemin de Blandonnet 8
1214 Vernier
Geneva, Switzerland
[email protected]
Photo Credits
ISBN 92-9224-110-9