E63 Cable Tiles
E63 Cable Tiles
E63 Cable Tiles
JULY 2010
Cable Tiles
Issue July 2010
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Page No.
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1
2. PRODUCT ..................................................................................................................... 2
3. TESTING AND INSPECTION ........................................................................................ 3
4. TECHNICAL SCHEDULES ............................................................................................ 4
Deviations from the Technical Specification....................................................................... 5
Recommended Spares, Special Tools, and Test Equipment ............................................. 6
Cable Tiles
Issue July 2010
This specification provides for the design, manufacture, testing in factory, supply, delivery
and off-loading on site for the Cable Tiles.
It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to furnish equipment, which shall meet in all
respects the performance specification and will have satisfactory durability for the prevailing
site conditions.
The Contractor shall furnish all material and labour not herein specifically mentioned or
included, but which may be necessary to complete any part of the work or work as whole, in
compliance with the requirements of this specification.
The detailed design arrangement of the equipment shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor subject to the approval of the ECG Engineer.
The Cable Tiles supplied shall also fully comply with the following ECG specifications,
Except where modified all equipment and materials shall be in full accordance with IEC
(International Electrotechnical Commission) and ISO (International Standards Organisation)
standards and recommendations. If relevant IEC or ISO standards and recommendations
are not available in any case or cases then relevant British Standards or National Standards
shall apply if available.
When IEC, ISO, BSI or National Standards are referred to the edition used shall be that
current at the date of Tender, together with any amendment issued to that date.
Cable Tiles
Issue July 2010
Where the use of a standard other than IEC, ISO or BSI is agreed then this standard shall be
used, where applicable. Where other standards are proposed in place of IEC, ISO or BSI
Standards, confirmation shall be provided that the provisions of the standards are equivalent
to or exceed those of the equivalent IEC, ISO or BSI standards.
Copies of any standards proposed in substitution for IEC, ISO or BSI standards must be
submitted with the Tender accompanied where necessary by English translations of the
appropriate sections.
Not withstanding any descriptions, drawings or illustrations which may have been submitted
with the Tender, all details other than those shown in the ‘Deviation from the Technical
Specification Schedule’ and approved by the ECG Engineer shall be deemed to be in
accordance with the Specification and the standard specifications and codes referred to
No departures from the specification except those shown in the ‘Deviation from the
Technical Specification Schedule’ and approved by the ECG Engineer are to be made
without the written approval of the ECG Engineer.
The Cable Tiles shall comply with the latest editions of and amendments to, the
standards/specifications listed below:
2) The material used for the tile must be rot-proof, resistant to a wide variety of virgin
and tipped soil conditions, be able to withstand termite activities and shall be
impervious to water.
4) The width, thickness and length of the tile shall be 300 mm, 12 mm, 1000 mm
5) The tile ends shall be cleanly cut, square with longitudinal axis of the tile and shall
have no sharp edges, shall be drilled with a 12 mm hole with centre 150 mm and
25 mm from the end with a suitable peg or cable tie provided to enable tiles to be
connected together.
Cable Tiles
Issue July 2010
6) The tile shall have the following words written on both the top and bottom part of it
and it shall be on one side of the tape only.
I. Top part of the tile –“CAUTION” shall be written along the tape repeatedly
seven (7) times on every one (1) meter of the tape. The size of the
characters shall be 37 mm high and 6 mm thick. The spacing between each
character shall also be kept at 2 mm. A maximum space of 37 mm shall also
be maintained between each “CAUTION” word.
II. Bottom part of the tile -“BURIED ELECTRIC CABLE BELOW” shall be written
along the tape repeatedly two (2) times on every 1 meter of the tape. The
size and thickness of each character shall be the same as above. However,
the spacing between each word shall be 13 mm.
The space between the Top and Bottom print shall be maintained as 55 mm.
8) The cable warning tile shall function effectively for at least 40 years.
9) The offered warning tile shall conform to applicable codes and standards, such as:
ENATS Technical Specification No. 12-23 - Polyethylene Protection Tape for Buried
Electricity Supply Cable, or to an equivalent standard. The bidder shall demonstrate
that the offered Cable Warning tape complies with this standard or an equivalent
10) The Purchaser shall approve the written layout and words of the cable warning tile
Testing certification to confirm the tile adheres to the impact requirements of BS 2484 shall
be provided by the tenderer.
Cable Tiles
Issue July 2010
Signed: __________________
Company: __________________
Cable Tiles
Issue July 2010
The Tenderer shall set out below a tabulated statement showing clearly section by section
compliance and departures from the Specification and details of alternative proposals. The
Tenderer will be deemed to have complied with the Specification in all respects and as
written unless qualified in this Schedule.
Signed: __________________
Company: __________________
Cable Tiles
Issue July 2010
The Tenderer is required to provide a list of recommended spares for a 5 year period. All
unit prices quoted shall be valid for any spare parts ordered by the Purchaser in this period.
Details of all special tools and test equipment (including prices where not included in main
offer) required should also be provided. All unit prices quoted shall be valid for tools and test
equipment ordered by the Purchaser during the Contract Period.
Signed: __________________
Company: __________________
Cable Tiles
Issue July 2010