Noc20 Me06 Assigment 12

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roiowwt@rgtlimaciny ‘About the Course Unit 13 - Week 11: Finite volume method - II ‘Course outine Week: Prerequshe (Computtionl Fis Dynami Week 2 Claatoaton of ‘Week pie Equatens Wook & Parable Eoustions Week HyperboseEauations Week 7 staay Anas Weck Vertty Seam Week MAC Aion tees ot os0y tomectontisen enon octane Wook 12: SIMPLE Algor Assignment 11 ‘The de date for submitting thi asgnment hs posse Due on 2020-04-15, 23:59 IST, ‘As per ou ecrds you havent subi hs assignment +) Whi an fhe flowing represen sinus any eqon wh constant properties wou ey soueetane? 1 point “ve on never came ‘conte Anewors me £3) Thesis fain cnt face coir with ceil citirence sche oul gi canbe writen 1 point Jor 8= pu Ato — PAE Je Se = mu SH rate k We $= pds S822 a Sete tpapepenrincorc. serpin Anew IB meds A SSH 1) Thenetnaeoutow tom th tween ct Pie 1 point ER = AAs + ake ade tats DA = pect mode + plade + pics DE = Aus aloha + flake poiA, powers. Aeceotes Aree: EF a Ae aha + Ponda ~ 0A, 1) titel deotzed easton of two dmenioral cameron dftsion acute ting tote up sehen ctict paints ~t1Fe. 01) Da + Nes Ol Dut FeO) Du +t) ~ Fos0ll t,o anomeric. ‘Accent Aree: Da lifes dl) ©) mh on fe flowing comet? 10m ‘Th Scaberough earn ured a 2 recoerary condone convergent arava ata “The Scorn eer s Uat 263 ace canton fr conan erate ath, “The Sarah ener suet a6 Seth cent and paces constr fo conmegi trae maths to, me america Soar ‘Accented Anewor: “a Seaereh omarion used 3 aula conto for comeyEn rave method 7) Quscate Uptram intrposton or Cnvsctve Kinase scan i sacand oxsr acuta epee, pom ceva owners: 15) For tia row probit cot Pel number seo kroun est Fert number pom scsi hraers:

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