Urdaneta City University Graduate School and Advance Studies San Vicente, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Urdaneta City University Graduate School and Advance Studies San Vicente, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Urdaneta City University Graduate School and Advance Studies San Vicente, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
“To utilized to help you further find out and develop better and more effective ways to
teaching various fields. It is said that the quality of education system cannot exceed the quality of
our teachers and this is something which we, in the Department recognize, not only the
department but the rest of the country as well, and we hope that with this we will further develop
ways to take your learners be more creative, to be more analytical and to prepare them for
lifelong learning because after all, we know that learning does not stop with formal schooling,
learning is a lifetime journey.
This was developed through years of rigorous research and consultations, which were conducted
by the Research Center for Teacher Quality involving many of you, teachers because you are
also consulted, we want to hear the experiences of the best and the most effective teachers and
we’d also like to thank the Australian Government for supporting the Philippine Government in
this very important work.”
-Leonor Magtolis Briones
What are some important features of Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
The PPST captures teacher quality requirements in the K to 12. Among others, it gives a
focus on: (i) mother tongue to facilitate teaching and learning; (ii) learners in difficult
circumstances; (iii) strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy; (iv) positive use of ICT; and
(v) classroom communication strategies.
ARTICLE XIV SECTION 6. The national language of the Philippines is Filipino. As it
evolves, it shall be further developed and enriched on the basis of existing Philippine and other
ARTICLE XIV SECTION 2. 1) Establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and
integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people and society;
PPST has a domain called Content Knowledge and Pedagogy. This is at the core of the K to
12 Program, and sends a message to teachers that for them to be considered quality teachers, they
should know what to teach and how to teach it, among others.
PPST also has four career stages, namely, Beginning, Proficient, Highly Proficient, and
Distinguished. There are 37 indicators in each career stage showing developmental progression
from beginning to distinguished practice.
In 2013. RA 10533 (K-12 Reform) was signed into law this prompted the:
- Need to revisit NCBTS as a Framework for Teacher Quality, and address teacher quality
requirements in the K-12 (Work on teacher standards was approved by the joint Advisory Board
chaired by Former Sec Armin Luistro)
The PPST articulates teacher quality through well define domains, strands and indicators
It is a public Statement of Professional Accountability helping teachers:
1. Reflect on their practice
2. Aspire for personal growth
3. Engage in professional development
The PPST compliments the reform initiatives on teacher quality such as the
1. K-12 reform
2. The Philippine Qualifications Framework
3. The ASEAN Integration and Internationalization
4. The changing character of the 21st Century Skills
5. The standards defines what teachers are expected to know, be able to do, and value in their
The PPST articulates distinctive areas of the teaching profession into 7 Domains
Domain 1- Content knowledge and Pedagogy- quality teachers know what to teach and how to
teach it.
Domain 2- Learning Environment –maintain a learning focus environment
Domain 3- Diversity of Learners- respond the learner diversity
Domain 4- Curriculum and Planning- Plan and design effective instruction
Domain 5- Assessment and Reporting – Use a variety assessment tools to inform and enhance
the teaching learning process.
Domain 6- Community Linkages and professional Engagement – establish School - Community
relationships and uphold professional ethics.
Domain 7- Personal Growth and Professional Development- engage in professional reflection in
assume responsibility for personal and professional learning.
1. Beginning teachers are expected to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of teaching
principles and strategies
2. Proficient Teachers are expected to independently apply the Teaching Principles and
3. Highly Proficient teachers are expected to consistently display a high level of performance
in their teaching practice, mentor colleagues and work collegially with other staff
4. Distinguished Teachers are expected to embody the highest standards for teaching,
grounded in global best practice, and lead colleagues in promoting quality teaching and
These domains comprise 37 strands that refer to more specific dimensions of teacher practice.
Each strands has indicators which describes, complete, observable and measurable teacher
practices for career stage.
The PPST is…
Internationally compliant
K-12 align
Philippine Contextualize
The PPST based on D.O 42 S.2017
Shall be used as a basis for all learning and development programs for teachers to ensure
that teachers are properly equipped, to effectively implement the K-12 program.
For performance appraisal for teachers shall be based on the professional standards
The professional standards provides a common language for teachers, teacher educators and
Stake holders to make sense of the various tools performance management system and initiatives
of the Department of Education