Retirement Village Brandon Park Drive Development Plan Part 1
Retirement Village Brandon Park Drive Development Plan Part 1
Retirement Village Brandon Park Drive Development Plan Part 1
This Development Plan for 6-30 Brandon Park Drive, Wheelers Hill, Victoria, 3150 has
been prepared in accordance with Schedule 4 to the Development Plan Overlay of
the Monash Planning Scheme. The intent of this Development Plan is to inform the
future development of the site and to introduce an appropriate planning and design
framework to guide the detailed design process. It will also provide a platform for
community consultation within the City of Monash, where it is extremely important that
all members of the community receive access to this Development Plan for the proposed
comprehensive care retirement village.
Forecasts for the City of Monash indicate that between 2015 and 2036 the population
will increase by 13.5% to 208,000. This would mean by 2036 over 36,000 residents in
the City of Monash will be aged over 65. This is an additional 5,000 residents who may
seek a move to a retirement village or may require aged care. The City of Monash’s local
planning policy acknowledges that its population is noticeably ageing and there is a clear
preference for older people to remain in familiar environments within the municipality.
This changing demographic requires strategies to ensure there is appropriate purpose
built housing available now and into the future.
The former Brandon Park High School site provides an outstanding opportunity
to accommodate a comprehensive care retirement village based on its location,
infrastructure and accessibility. This proposal has sought to reflect the stringent
requirements of the Development Plan Overlay and in doing so meets many of the
community expectations raised when the site was rezoned by the State Government.
The proposed comprehensive care retirement village recognises the extent of existing
trees on the site. The retention of trees has been a focus of the proposed retirement
village, where there has been an emphasis on retaining stands of vegetation that add
character to the site, including the row of Sugar Gums adjacent Strada Crescent, the
stand of native vegetation on the site’s southern boundary and the significant vegetation
on the north west corner of Collegium Avenue and Brandon Park Drive. A generous
allocation of land for public use equating to 16.4% of the site has also been ensured for
this proposal.
01 Ryman Healthcare - Comprehensive Care Retirement Village // Development Plan // Beca Pty Ltd
In regards to village buildings, the proposal is consistent with the Development Plan
Overlay requirements for setbacks and height controls. The buildings are heavily
articulated, comprising materials and finishes to complement the site, surrounding areas
and the Monash Garden City Character. Extensive basement car parking will be provided
to further improve neighbourhood amenity and reduce impervious surfaces in favour of
grassed and landscaped areas.
The proposed retirement village represents a dedicated and meaningful use of the site
for the benefit of the entire community. Compared to residential living, retirement
villages have a reduced impact across the neighbourhood. For example, in this retirement
village scenario traffic originating from the site will be approximately one third of that
generated by contemporary residential development.
Included as appendices of this Development Plan are detailed architectural drawings
and specialist reports to be considered in conjunction with analysis throughout. All
are encouraged to understand the full extent of the proposal and we look forward to
working with Monash City Council and the public to deliver a high quality comprehensive The table below further provides a snapshot of development compliance with the Monash
care retirement village to service the community well into the future. Planning Scheme and the Development Plan Overlay.
Heritage Conserve heritage buildings and areas A row of sugar gums located along the east boundary of the site are protected by a Heritage
Overlay and will be retained
Development Plan Building height A graduation in building heights across the site (2 to 5 storeys) Compliant – there is a graduation of building heights to a maximum of 5 storeys
Overlay (DPO)
Setback Development setback a minimum of 4.5 metres opposite existing houses Compliant - a setback of minimum 7 metres to Collegium Avenue has been provided
East-west link East-west pedestrian and bicycle link from Strada Crescent through to Brandon Park Drive Compliant – the link would also incorporate a community garden
Open space Provision of 15% open space including public open space 16.4% of the site has been allocated as land for open space including public open space
Significant Trees Retention of mature canopy trees, including those within 15 metres of the Collegium All significant trees within front setbacks of buildings, public open space and street reserves
Avenue and Academy Avenue frontages would be retained
Ryman Healthcare - Comprehensive Care Retirement Village // Development Plan // Beca Pty Ltd 02
1 Introduction
Beca Pty Ltd (Beca), on behalf of Ryman Healthcare The site of the proposed comprehensive care retirement village is located at
(Australia) Pty Ltd (Ryman), has prepared this 6-30 Brandon Park Drive, Wheelers Hill. The key characteristics of the site and
the surrounding area include:
Development Plan for 6-30 Brandon Park Drive,
Wheelers Hill, Victoria, 3150 (‘the site’) in accordance A 5.76 hectare predominantly flat site, which is the former Brandon Park
with Schedule 4 to the Development Plan Overlay of Secondary College and is currently vacant
the Monash Planning Scheme. This Development Plan Some established vegetation, including a row of sugar gums that are
outlines key considerations and objectives for the protected by Heritage Overlay – Schedule 102
proposed comprehensive care retirement village on
Existing vehicle access off Collegium Avenue, close to the corner of
the site. This proposed retirement village will suitably
Brandon Park Drive
address the needs of relevant aging members of the
community within the City of Monash and broader Neighbourhood classified as type E character, which is derived from post
suburbs. 1965 development and features sloping topography to Dandenong Creek
and a curvilinear subdivision pattern
In accordance with the City of Monash Planning
Central location within Brandon Park Major Activity Centre, where
Scheme, the proposed comprehensive care retirement
Brandon Park Shopping Centre is immediately to the west of the site
village is best defined under the relevant land use terms
as a retirement village. This is due to the nature of Commercial land use interfaces to the west and north; residential to the
north, east and south; and educational to the north and south
prospective residents living at the village predominantly
of post-working age and potentially utilising on-site Excellent vehicle connectivity to the surrounding road network and direct
low and high care services. access to public transport, where bus stops are located immediately west
and south of the site
This Development Plan will provide an assessment
of the site, address key legislation and policy, and Having regard to the above characteristics, Ryman Healthcare has
produced a compliant scheme that responds to the requirements of
will detail all elements of the proposed village. This
the DPO and which offers important demographic housing options
Development Plan should be considered in conjunction for the aging community within the region.
with all accompanying design drawings and appendixed
03 Ryman Healthcare - Comprehensive Care Retirement Village // Development Plan // Beca Pty Ltd
1.1 Ryman Healthcare
Ryman Healthcare is one of Australasia’s leading providers of retirement
living options for people over the age of 65. The company has built a repu-
tation building high quality retirement villages and employing professional
and caring staff.
CARE COMFORT Ryman’s villages provide a range of retirement living and care options, in-
cluding independent townhouses and apartments, serviced apartments and
a care centre providing rest home, hospital & dementia level care.
Ryman Healthcare - Comprehensive Care Retirement Village // Development Plan // Beca Pty Ltd 04
1.2 Development Objectives
The proposed comprehensive care retirement village design aims to meet relevant State and Local Planning Poli-
cy objectives and requirements outlined in Schedule 4 to the Development Plan Overlay. Key legislation has been
outlined in Section 3 and further addressed in Section 5. Objectives that will guide the proposed retirement village
design concept include:
Respect to Monash’s Garden City Character through high quality design and finishes of buildings, recreational
amenities and landscaped areas
Appropriate building setbacks and graduation in building heights across the site to compliment surrounding
neighbourhood character
Retention of trees within setbacks of buildings, land for public use and street reserves, and wherever possible
throughout the site
Provision of 16.4% land for public use as well as significant landscaped open space throughout the site
Appropriate access to the road network and the provision of adequate on-site car parking plus new, on-street
public car parking at no cost to the community
1.4 Development Plan Inputs
This Development Plan has been prepared with the input of a multi-disciplinary team, and is supported by the
following technical reports:
1.3 Development Plan Objectives
The purpose of this Development Plan is to demonstrate how the proposed retirement village design concept address- Development Plan Beca Pty Ltd
es the provisions of Schedule 4 to the Development Plan Overlay of the Monash Planning Scheme, known as DP04
and to provide suitable material for public comment and notification. In particular, the Development Plan will: Architectural Design and Drawings Ryman Healthcare (Australia) Pty Ltd
Provide an assessment of the site and its surrounds
Urban Design Report Associate Professor Clinton Bird
Outline design responses to key legislation and policy
Communicate plans for a high quality and attractive urban development Landscaping Plan and Report Suzanne Sullivan Landscaping Ltd
Address traffic management, car parking, and the provision of pedestrian and bicycle paths
Urban Design and Landscaping
Outline open space and landscaping strategies, including the protection of significant trees Fitzgerald Frisby Landscape Architects (FFLA)
concepts reviewed by
Describe sustainable design initiatives and innovative design solutions
The Development Plan once approved will inform the future development of the site and provide an appropriate Traffic Engineering Assessment Traffix Group
planning and design framework to guide the detailed design and permit approval process.
Stormwater Infrastructure Report Adams Consulting Engineers
Forecasts for the City of Monash indicate that between 2015 and 2036 the population will increase by 13.5% to
208,000. This would mean by 2036 over 36,000 residents in the City of Monash will be aged over 65. This is an
Services Infrastructure Investigation Lucid Consulting Australia
additional 5,000 residents who may seek a move to a retirement village or may require aged care. It is therefore
extremely important that all members of the community receive access to this Development Plan for the proposed
Geotechnical Investigation Reports Tonkin & Taylor
comprehensive care retirement village to assist its understanding of how the Plan responds to and meets this
significant housing issue.
05 Ryman Healthcare - Comprehensive Care Retirement Village // Development Plan // Beca Pty Ltd