161 15 PAS 28 Investment in Associate
161 15 PAS 28 Investment in Associate
161 15 PAS 28 Investment in Associate
The determination of significant influence should include currently exercisable/convertible potential voting rights. However, in the computation for the share of the
investor over the net P/L of the investee, potential voting rights are excluded.
Only applicable to investment in ordinary shares; investment in preference shares may be accounted at FVPL or FVOCI but not equity method since these are non-
voting share
If the excess is attributable to an undervaluation of a depreciable asset, the excess is amortized over the remaining life of the depreciable asset; when the excess is
attributable to nondepreciable asset, the excess is expensed when the asset is sold. When the assets of the investee is undervalued, depreciation and amortization
or COGS are normally understated resulting to overstatement of the investee’s net income. The amortization is charged to/against with the Investment Income and
Investment in Associate accounts.
If the assets of the investee are fairly valued, the excess of cost over the carrying amount is attributed to goodwill. Goodwill is not amortized but the entire
investment is tested for impairment at the end of each reporting period (since goodwill is not recognized as a separate account).
Includes share in other long-term interest in an associate such as long-term receivables, loans and advances, and investment in preference shares, excluding trade
and other long-term receivables with adequate collateral.
Under appropriate assumptions both methods give the same result
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date
Except when an individual associate does not generate cash inflows from continuing use that are largely independent of those from other assets of the reporting
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- The investor’s share of those changes is recognized directly in equity of the investor
9. Adjustment of investee’s operations
- The investor uses the most recent FS of the associate in applying the equity method.
Different reporting dates: the associate shall prepare for the use of the investor FS as of the same date as the FS of the
investor unless impracticable9
- Adjustments shall be made to conform the associate’s accounting policies to those of the investor’s, if their policies are different.
- P/L from upstream and downstream transactions between an investor and an associate are only recognized in the investor’s FS to
the extent of the unrelated investors’ interest in the associate 10.
10. Upstream transactions: sales of assets from the associate to the investor
- The unrealized profit from these transactions must be eliminated in determining the investor’s share in the P/L of the associate 11
11. Downstream transactions12: sales of assets from the investor to the associate
- The unrealized profit from these transactions must be eliminated in determining the investor’s share in the P/L of the associate
12. Sale of depreciable asset: the profit on sale of the equipment is realized as the asset is used over the remaining life of the asset
13. Loss of significant influence – occurs when the investor loses the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of
the investee
- Can occur with or without change in the absolute or relative ownership interest
- Can occur as a result of contractual agreement.
14. Discontinuance of equity method13: from the date it ceases to have significant influence over the associate. The entity shall account for
the investment as follows:
- FVPL, or FVOCI, or Nonmarketable investment at cost or investment in unquoted equity instrument
- Measurement: on the date of loss of significant influence, the investor shall measure any retained investment in associate at fair
value14 . This shall be treated as the fair value at initial recognition.
15. Equity method not applicable15: if the investor is a parent that is exempt from preparing consolidated FS or if all of the following apply
- The investor is a wholly-owned subsidiary, or a partially owned subsidiary of another entity and the other owners do not object to the
investor not applying the equity method
- The investor’s debt and equity securities are not traded in a public market or over the counter market
- The investor did not file, or it is not in the process of filing FS with SEC for the purpose of issuing any class of instruments in the
public market
- The ultimate or any intermediate parent of the investor produces consolidated FS available for public use that comply with PFRS
16. Associate held for sale: it is accounted for under PFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
- Measured at lower of the carrying amount and fair value less cost of disposal
17. Investment of less than 20%: it is presumed that the investor does not have significant influence, unless such influence can be clearly
demonstrated. The investment shall be accounted at
- COST METHOD: usually applied with respect to investment in unquoted equity instrument or nonmarketable equity investment
- The investor and investee are treated as separate entities
- No distinction between preacquisition and postacquisition dividends. Dividends are treated as dividend income 16.
18. Investment in associate achieved in stages17: the acquirer shall remeasure the previously held equity interest at FV and recognize the
resulting gain or loss in P/L (referred to as Fair Value Approach)
- The existing interest in the associate is remeasured at FV, any changes in FV is included in P/L 18
- The FV of the existing interest plus the cost of the additional interest acquired constitutes the total cost of the investment for the
initial application of the equity method
- The total cost of the investment for the initial application of the equity method minus the carrying amount of the net asset acquired at
the date significant influence is obtained equals excess of cost over carrying amount or excess of net FV
The difference between the reporting date of the associate and that of the investor shall be no more than three montπhs.
The investor’s share in the associate’s P/L resulting from upstream and downstream transactions are eliminated.
Will only be considered when the same has been sold to third parties; then it is deemed realized.
No clear-cut guidance on how to eliminate downstream profits but it is to be treated like that of upstream transactions profit.
PAS 28, Basis for Conclusion 18, requires an investor that continues to have significant influence over an associate to apply equity method even if the associate is
operating under severe long-term restrictions that significantly impair the ability to transfer funds to the investor.
The difference between the carrying amount of the retained investment and the fair value shall be included in profit or loss.
The investment is accounted either by FVPL, FVOCI, or Nonmarketable investment at cost or investment in unquoted equity instrument
Unless share dividend and cash received in lieu of share dividends
No guidance in PAS 28. Shall follow the provisions of PFRS 3 Business Combination
If the existing investment is accounted for at FVOCI, any unrealized gain or loss at the date the investee becomes an associate is reclassified to retained earnings.
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