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Qualitative Article Annotation


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Course: Research Methods in Business

Table of Contents
1 Section 1: Information of the article.........................................................................................3

1.1 Title of the Article:............................................................................................................3

1.2 Name of the Author(s):.....................................................................................................3

1.3 Source of the Article:........................................................................................................3

2 Section 2: A preliminary analysis............................................................................................3

2.1 Research purpose:.............................................................................................................3

2.2 Nature of research:............................................................................................................3

2.3 Research model:................................................................................................................3

2.4 Conclusion:.......................................................................................................................4

3 Section 3: Empirics & Methods...............................................................................................4

3.1 Research method:..............................................................................................................4

3.2 Data collection:.................................................................................................................5

3.3 Sampling Technique:........................................................................................................5

4 Analysis & goodness of measures:...........................................................................................5

5 Critical Review.........................................................................................................................6
1 Section 1: Information of the article

1.1 Title of the Article:

Analysis of antecedent factors in academic achievement and student retention

1.2 Name of the Author(s):

 Rony Setiawan
 Ariesya Aprillia
 Nonie Magdalena

1.3 Source of the Article:

 Journal Name: Asian Association of Open Universities Journal
 Publication Details: 22 March 2020, Vol. 15 No. 1, 2020, pp. 37-47

2 Section 2: A preliminary analysis

2.1 Research purpose:

The study sought to analyze the inner and outer factors that contribute to educational
achievement and student performance separately across five distinct variables which are student,
family, university, academic advisor, and professor.

2.2 Nature of research:

The nature of this research is causal analysis which is also called the explanatory approach. In
order to explain the cause & effect interaction between the factors, this research method is often

2.3 Research model:

The following model shows that there are five variables correlated with academic success and
retention of pupils. There are ten hypotheses and methodological observations from the scientific
model, based on literature studies performed by researchers:

1. H1. Students have a positive effect on educational success.

2. H2. Families had a positive impact on educational performance.
3. H3. Universities had a positive effect on student success.
4. H4. Lecturers have a positive effect on student results.
5. H5. Academic advisors had a positive influence on educational outcomes.
6. H6. Students have a favourable effect on the retention of students.
7. H7. Families had a positive influence on the retention of children.
8. H8. Universities had a favourable effect on the retention of pupils.
9. H9. The professor has a positive influence on the retention of pupils.
10. H10. An academic counsellor has a positive influence on the retention of students.

The first five theories explain the positive impact of several factors on student academic success,
while the other hypotheses describe the positive influence of several factors on student retention

2.4 Conclusion:
The research presented the two empirical facts that student enthusiasm has a major motivating
influence on the level of educational success and that teacher expertise has a positive impact on
both student educational performance and participation rates.

3 Section 3: Empirics & Methods

3.1 Research method:

The method used in this study is a mixed methodology that is both quantitative and qualitative.
The study used the methodology of quantitative data collection from primary survey sources, and
the method of qualitative information collection was used to clarify various relationships with
the different publications reported in the article. The paper further analyses the linear regression
of five distinct variables. In order to ensure the outcomes of proper testing, multiple sequence
checks such as reliability, normality, and heteroscedasticity are carried out. The researchers
accomplish triangulation by using different approaches, which improves the quality of the
findings (Setiawan et al., 2020).

3.2 Data collection:

For data collection, the primary and secondary sources were used. The surveys were distributed
to the participating university students in Indonesia in order to gain in-depth information on the
variables of this report. In addition, the statistics were multiplied by 2.5, as researchers found
that 9 faculty programs and 27 sample programs were the focus of this survey. As investigators,
seven hundred university students were used by the researchers. As an alternative source for
reliable knowledge on the relationship between variables, evidence from secondary sources from
previous research has also been quoted.

3.3 Sampling Technique:

University students in Indonesia were the target group for this survey. For the sending and
distributing of surveys among the chosen university students, a basic random sampling technique
was used. 713 University X students were administered the study with questionnaires indicating
a hundred percent response rate. They came from seventeen programs under the university's
oversight that were subject to this study. The primary participants in this survey were women
(55.3 percent), 18-20 years of age (57.9 percent), students from university cities (63.7 percent)
and students with families (92.1 percent). In addition, the continuum is a subgroup of the
population, so researchers choose a subset with the same features to guarantee that the sampling
distribution includes the whole population.

4 Analysis & goodness of measures:

In order to obtain a better understanding of the phenomenon, which improves accuracy, stable,
insightful and well-developed efficiency, the researchers used various approaches, data sources
and interviews to achieve triangulation. The researchers made sure that the content was obtained
from authoritative bases, such as data bases and journals. Furthermore the researchers guarantee
that private comments are reserved to protect personal identity confidentiality and that no
modifications are made to the sources of first-hand information. The findings are analyzed by
multiple linear regression that is carried out in SPSS software. Several checks, such as the
reliability, normality, and validity of the study, were also carried out to ensure reliable research

5 Critical review
The investigator gathered accurate data to obtain correct knowledge about the research. The five
factors intended to impact academic achievement and student retention were included in this
study. The current analysis should involve more endogenous variables in order to provide a
detailed interpretation of the findings. One of the shortcomings of the current research was the
inability to administer interviews that might help to gain contextual information considered
essential in order to achieve the objectives. This methodological research was mostly carried out
at a private university and thus no university can generalize the analytical results. In order to
expand and develop the scope of the present theoretical results, the current research should
involve more universities. In checking the hypothesis, this analysis uses linear multiple
regression to evaluate the causal association between five independent variables and two
variables which are dependent, so use of more complex study model may be give more accurate
findings, including variables of moderation or mediation processing using a variety of tools,
including path or ANOVA analysis.

However this paper presents the study with a proper and thorough conclusion, which helps the
conclusions to be gathered more effectively. Additionally, in the report of each of the variables, a
thorough conclusion was given. This paper also gives insights into efficient university
administration related to higher education management.
6 References
Setiawan, R., Aprillia, A., & Magdalena, N. (2020). Analysis of antecedent factors in academic
achievement and student retention. Asian Association of Open Universities Journal. Retrieved
from <>

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