Regulation of Succinate Dehydrogenase in Escherichia Coli

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Journal of General Microbiology (Ig72), 72,29-35

Printed in Great Britain

Regulation of Succinate Dehydrogenase in Escherichia coli

Departamento de Microbiologia, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas,
Instituto Politicnico Nacional, Mexico 17, D. F., Mexico

(Accepted for publication 10 March 1972)

Washed suspensions of Escherichia coli oxidized succinate when previously
grown on succinate but not on glucose. A slower rate of oxidation occurred with
bacteria grown with peptone as carbon source. These differences were due to altera
tions in the level of succinate dehydrogenase activity. Glucose repressed the biosyn
thesis of the enzyme, whereas succinate acted as specific inducer and did not
increase the activity of fumarate hydratase, malate dehydrogenase or NADH
Aerobic growth also increased the levels of membrane-bound
succinate dehydro
genase. Induction of succinate dehydrogenase by added
succinate followed the expected kinetics. Addition of glucose caused a decline in
succinate dehydrogenase. Succinate dehydrogenase
the rate of biosynthesis of
appears to play an important
respiratory role since amytal (an NADH-oxidase
inhibitor) inhibited growth only slightly when succinate was used as carbon
as compared to the strong
source inhibition of growth when glucose was used as
carbon source.

Succinate dehydrogenase is the only membrane-bound enzyme of the tricarboxylic acid
cycle in Escherichia coli (Marr, 1960) and, therefore, it may participate in respiration
besides functioning in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Changes in the environment may con
sequently affect both respiratory activity and the functioning of the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
Influence of growth conditions on the biosynthesis and activity of membrane-bound de
hydrogenases and cytochromes of bacteria is well documented (Gray, Wimpenny & Moss
man, 1966; Cavari, Avi-Dor & Gressowicz, 1968; Rufz-Herrera & De MOSS, 1969).
Preliminary studies (RubHerrera, 1968) have suggested that the carbon growth substrate
was important in governing the synthesis of succinate dehydrogenase in E. coli. This study
presents further data on the mechanisms which control the biosynthesis of succinate
dehydrogenase in this bacterium.
Organism and growth conditions. Escherichia coli HfrH, obtained from J. A. de MOSS,
University of California, San Diego, U.S.A., was maintained on nutrient agar (Difco) and
grown on the medium described by Sypherd & Strauss (1963) with 5 pug of thiaminelm1
and either I % glucose or 0.5 % succinate. This medium is referred to as ‘synthetic
medium’; for ‘complex medium’, nutrient broth (Difco) at 0.4 % was added. Bacteria were
grown at 37 “C for 4 to 5 h, the medium being sparged with about 2 volumes of sterile
air/volume of culture/min. For anaerobic conditions, cultures were sparged with a mixture
of 95 %N2 + 5 % COz. Bacterial density was measured by means of a Klett
photocolorimeter using a green filter and the protein content was calculated from the
turbidity with an appropriate calibration curve.
3 MIC 72
Preparation of bacteria-free extracts and bacterial envelopes. Bacteria were centrifuged,
washed with 0.05 wphosphate buffer, pH 7.3, and broken with a 10 kHz Branson Sonifier
(Heat Systems Ultrasonics, Plainview, New York, U.S.A.) for three successive periods of 15
s each. The extract was centrifuged at 4008 for 15 min and the supernatant used as crude
extract. Bacterial envelopes were isolated by resuspending the bacteria in 0.5 ml of 0.05 M-
tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.3, containing 20 % sucrose and 2 mg lysozyme (Sigma Chemical Co.
Inc., St Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.)Jml and frozen in an acetone-solid C02 mixture. After
thawing at 37 "C, the treatment was repeated four times. Five ml of 0.05 M-phosphate buffer
containing 10 pg DNase (Sigma Chemical Co.)/ml were added and rapidly mixed until the
viscosity decreased. The crude extract was centrifuged at 50000g for 10 min, the supernatant
removed and the residue resuspended in I ml of phosphate buffer and centrifuged at 5008 in a
linear sucrose gradient (50 to 20 %) for 20 min. Bacterial envelopes appeared as an opalescent
band within the gradient.
Determination of respiratory activity. Oxygen uptake was measured with a Clark oxygen
electrode (Yellow Spring Instrument Co. Inc., Ohio, U.S.A.), attached to a Perspex
cylindrical chamber with a capacity of 3-2 ml.
Measurement of succinate uptake. Samples (5 ml) of bacterial suspensions in 0.05 M
phosphate buffer, pH 7-3, at a turbidity of 360 Nett units (= 1.4 mg dry wt bacterialml) were
incubated with 0-2 ml0.05 M-[ I ,4-14Cz]succinate (sp.act. 0.01 pCi/pmol) (Calbiochem Inc.,
La Jolla, California, U.S.A.). At intervals, I ml samples were removed and mixed with I ml
0.1 M-KCN (at o "C) and filtered through membrane-filters (0.47 pm pore diameter,
Millipore Corporation, Bedford, Massachusetts, U.S.A.). The bacteria were washed with 5
ml of ice-cold on I M-KCN. Radioactivity of the cells was measured with a Geiger counter
Cphillips, Model 4035) which had an absolute efficiency of 2.5 % for 14C. No correction for
self-absorption was made.
Enzymatic activities. Succinate dehydrogenase was measured by the method of Ells (1959).
Rate of dichloro-indophenol reduction was measured with a Maroc V (Jobin et Ivon,
Arcueil, France) spectrophotometer coupled to a Photo-Volt Model 43 recorder. Activity was
expressed as bE,,,.,/min/mg of protein. Fumarate hydratase was measured by the method of
Massey (1955), and activity expressed as AE,,,/min/mg of protein. Malate dehydrogenase
was measured as described in the brochure Enzymes, Enzyme Reagents from Worthington
Biochemical Corp., Freehold, New Jersey, U.S.A. Activity was expressed as AE,Jrnin/mg
protein. NADH dehydrogenase was measured as follows: 0.2 ml of 0.0015
M-NADH was mixed with 2.7 ml of 0.05 M-phosphate buffer, pH 7.3, and 0.2 ml of bacterial
extract. Activity was measured as described for succinate dehydrogenase and expressed as
AE,,Jmin/rng protein.
Protein was measured by the method of Lowry, Rosebrough, Farr & Randall (1951).

Succinate was not as good a carbon source as glucose for the growth of Escherichia coli.
When both substrates were added to a synthetic medium, diauxic growth occurred with
glucose being used first. The effect of glucose was attributed to alterations in the respira
tory activity as glucose-grown bacteria did not oxidize succinate (Table I). Differences in
respiratory activity between glucose- and succinate-grown bacteria correlated with the
activity of succinate dehydrogenase in extracts from the two types of bacteria (Table I).
However, permeability to [ 1,4-~qC;lsuccinate was not greatly affected by the conditions of
growth (Fig. I).
Succinate dehydrogenase in E. coli




01 2 3 4 567
Time (min)

Fig. I. Uptake of [1,4-W,]succhate into Escherichiu coli. Bacteria were grown for 4 h in complex
of [1,4J'Cajsuccinate was followed as
medium alone or with succinate or glucose added. Uptake
described in Methods. 0. Succinate-grown bacteria; 0, glucose-grown bacteria; x , bacteria
grown in complex medium alone.

Table I. Eflect of carbon source on respiratory and succinate

dehy dr ogenase activities
Respiratory activity Specific activity
Substrate of succinate
IA I dehy drogenase

Medium Additional Glucose Succinate (AE,,olminlmg carbon

source (pl O&nin/mg protein) protein)
Synthetic Complex Glucose Succinate None 0'12
Glucose Succinate 0.04
0.~7 1-32 0.39

Isolated bacterial envelopes readily oxidized succinate and NADH, but not glucose.
NADH oxidation by envelopes from glucose- and succinate-grown bacteria was about the
same but succinate was oxidized more rapidly by envelopes from succinate-grown bacteria.
These differences were related to the activity of the corresponding eves (see Table 2).
The effect of succinate as inducer of succinate dehydrogenase was specific since its
addition to complex medium significantly increased the synthesis only of succinate
dehydrogenase, whereas fumarate hydratase and malate dehydrogenase were not affected
(Table 3). Glucose did not repress the latter two enzymes as much as it did succinate
dehydrogenase (Table 3).
The absence of oxygen during growth also affected the respiratory activity and the levels
of succinate dehydrogenase. Bacteria grew poorly with succinate as carbon source under
anaerobic conditions and had 25 % of the respiratory activity with succinate and only 8 %
32 J.

Table 2. Enzymatic and respiratory activities in envelopes isolated from

Escherichia coli grown aerobically in complex medium
Specific activities of
Respiratory activity. r A \
Substrate Succinate NADH
r A \ dehydrogenase dehydrogenase
Additional Succinate NADH (AGoolminlmg (AE,o/m;in/mg carbon source (pl O,/min/mg
protein) protein) protem)

Table 3. Eflect of culture condition on the synthesis of several enzymes from the tricarboxylic
acid cycle from Escherichia coli grown aerobically in complex medium
Enzyme activity
Additional Succinate Fumarate Malate carbon source dehydrogenase* hydrataset
None 0-022 AEJmin/mg protein. 2
Glucose Succinate 0-850 AE,,o/min/mg protein.
* AEaoo/min/mg protein. t 0.350 0.161 0.360

of succinate dehydrogenase activity as compared with bacteria grown aerobically. The

amount of succinate dehydrogenase present in glucose-grown cells was independent of the
oxygen concentration.
Kinetics of succinate dehydrogenase induction were measured under conditions where
succinate was not the limiting factor for growth (Fig. 2). After succinate was added to the
growth medium, the induction of the enzyme followed the classical kinetics described by
Jacob & Monod (I 961) for an inducible system. When chloramphenicol (50 ,ug/ml) was
added simultaneously with succinate, no increase in activity of succinate dehydrogenase
was obtained.
In a further experiment repression by glucose of the enzyme system in bacteria growing
on succinate was followed (Fig. 3). Synthesis of succinate dehydrogenase stopped
immediately after glucose was added to the medium and existing enzyme decayed rapidly
indicating that either it has a rapid turnover rate or that glucose favours its degradation or
When glucose was removed from succinate-containing medium, enzyme synthesis was
immediately restored following similar kinetics to that shown in Fig. 2. The role of succinate
dehydrogenase in respiration of the bacterium was investigated by observing the effect of
amytal on growth. Amytal inhibits NADH dehydrogenase of mito chondria (Chance &
Hollunger, 1963) and also NADH oxidase from Agrobacterium tume faciens (Kurup,
Vaidyanathan & Ramasarma, I 966). With an envelope preparation from Escherichia coli 0.6
mM-amytal inhibited NADH oxidation by 40 % but had no effect on succinate oxidation.
If amytal inhibited NADH oxidation, but not succinate oxidation, addi tion of amytal to a
medium with substrates which were oxidized via NAD would bring about
0.3 - -

0.2 -x .- Y 0.1 -
Succinate dehydrogenase in E. coli 33

0 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25

Growth (mg protein/ml)
Fig. 2. Induction of succinate dehydrogenase in Escherichia coli. Escherichia coli was grown in
aerated complex medium for 130 min and 0.5 % succinate then added. Samples were removed,
washed in buffer containing 50 pg chloramphenicol/ml and sonicated. Specific activity of
succinate dehydrogenase, 0, is expressed as E,,,/min/mg protein. Total activity, 0, is for I ml
culture medium.

0.06 r Y



._ I
._ c.' I

Glucose --

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Growth (mg protein/ml)

Fig. 3. Repression of succinate dehydrogenase by glucose in Escherichia coli. Bacteria were

grown in complex medium for 3 h and 0-75 % glucose was added. At intervals samples were
removed and treated as described for Fig. 2. Specific activity, 0, and total activity, 0, are
expressed as in Fig.2.
34 a stronger inhibition than when it was added to a
medium where the respiratory substrate was succinate. Thus 0.1 mwarnytal inhibited growth
of E. coli in complex medium by 30 % when glucose was present but only by 10 % when
succinate was added instead of glucose. When I mmamytal was used, growth inhibition was
60 % and 20 % respectively.

The formation of succinate dehydrogenase in Escherichia coli is controlled by the environ
mental conditions. Its repression by glucose is another example of an enzyme subject to
catabolite repression (Magasanik, 1961). Glucose had little effect on the synthesis of malate
dehydrogenase and the permeability system for succinate. Glucose does repress the
synthesis of succinate dehydrogenase in Haemophilm paraintuenzae (White, I 967) and
Staphylococcus aureus (Collins & Lascelles, 1962). With E. coli grown in complex medium,
the formation of enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle is also repressed by glucose (Gray
et al. 1966). We found a more specific effect of glucose since fumarate hydratase was not
repressed by the carbohydrate.
The induction of succinate dehydrogenase in Escherichia coli HfrH by succinate is similar
to that reported by Cavari et al. (1968) who found that the activity of succinate dehydro
genase increased about sixfold when E. coli was grown in a succinate-containing medium as
compared to the activity shown by bacteria grown in a medium containing fumarate or
Our data on the levels of succinate dehydrogenase in aerobically and anaerobically grown
cells agree with those reported by Gray et al. (1966), Hino & Maeda (1966), and Cavari et
al. (1968). Location within the membrane confers special characteristics to succinate de
bydrogenase, as has been discussed by Cerletti, Gioveno, Testolin & Binotti (I 968) ; of
special interest is that succinate dehydrogenase may have a respiratory role according to our

This work was carried out with the financial help from the C.O.F.A.A. of the Instituto
Polittcnico Nacional and a grant from the Research Corporation, Brown Hazen Fund.

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