Step Standards 3-5

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The document discusses the implementation of a math unit on counting Christmas ornaments for pre-kindergarten students based on STEP standards.

Pre-assessments and post-assessments were used to evaluate student learning on counting objects from 1-10 and comparing quantities. Formative assessments were also incorporated.

Based on the pre-assessment results, most students were proficient in counting from 1-10 but some needed more support and practice to become proficient. A few students showed they were highly proficient and may need more of a challenge.

Running Head: STEP STANDARDS 3-5 1

STEP Standards 3-5

Darnelle King

Grand Canyon University: ECH-680

December 9, 2020.
STEP Standards 3-5 2

STEP Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy

Pre- and post-assessments are used to assess the learning that takes place from participating in a
learning activity. The pre-assessment is given to students before instruction, in order to
determine their prior knowledge of the topic, or inaccurate knowledge, which is sometimes the
case. After students have participated in the unit, they are given the post-assessment, which can
be the same as the pre-assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures
the same concepts.
Formative assessment is acceptable, work with your mentor teacher to determine the best way to
collect data in your classroom.

Pre-Assessment - Copy and paste the pre-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’ knowledge of the topic
prior to implementing the unit lessons. Include the scoring criteria used to determine whether the student is Highly
Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient, Minimally Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and
measurable objectives.
Students will be assessed on standards PK. MATH.3a. [NY-PK.CC.3a.]. Teacher will show
different Christmas trees with different number of ornaments. Each student will get a chance to
count the number of ornaments on their tree and write the number in their notebooks. Number of
ornaments will be between one and ten. Teacher will ask students to compare the trees using
language “this tree has the most ornaments” or “this tree has less ornament.”

Pre-Assessment Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ knowledge on the topic,
collect and analyze the pre-assessment data to determine if you will need to modify the standards,
learning goal, or measurable objectives that will be addressed during instruction.

Number of Students

Highly Proficient (90%-100%) 4

(80%-89%) 6

Partially Proficient
(70%-79%) 10

Minimally Proficient
(69% and below) 0

Pre-Assessment Analysis: Whole Class

After conducting the pre-assessment with the class, I noticed that the children already know how to count.
Most of them were able to count the Christmas ornaments on the Christmas tree by using 1:1
correspondence. The students who are at partially proficient needed teacher support and prompting and
STEP Standards 3-5 3

might need to practice this skill more to be proficient.

Post-Assessment – Copy and paste the post-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’
knowledge of the topic after implementing the unit lessons. The post-assessment can be the same
as the pre-assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures the same
concepts. Include the scoring criteria used to determine whether students are Highly Proficient,
Proficient, Partially Proficient, Minimally Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal
and measurable objectives.
Students will complete a counting sheet with different number of Christmas ornaments.
STEP Standard 4 - Unit and Lesson Planning
During the design phase, you will carefully construct activities that are geared toward improving learning outcomes in your specific
disciplines. Each activity should align to instructional goals and demonstrate your understanding of the pre-assessment data results,
contextual factors, student learning needs, and management strategies.

Collaborate with your Cooperating Teacher/Mentor to design a unit of instruction that aligns to state content standards. Be sure to
include technology integration and demonstrate how you will differentiate your lessons to meet the needs of individual students.

Note: When implementing the unit of study, you will be choosing one of these activities to video record, review, and reflect on your teaching in
the STEP process.

Grade Level: Pre-Kindergarten

Unit/Subject: Christmas/Mathematics & ELA

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

National/State Learning PK. MATH.3a. [NY- PK. MATH.6. [NY- PK. MATH.9. [NY- PK. MATH.9. [NY- PK. MATH.10. [NY-
Standards PK.CC.3a.] When PK.CC.5.] Recognizes PK.OA.2.] Duplicates PK.OA.2.] Duplicates PK.MD.1.] Identifies
List specific grade-level counting objects, says whether the number of and extends simple and extends simple measurable attributes
standards that are the focus the number names in objects in one group is patterns using concrete patterns using concrete of objects, such as
of the lesson being presented. the standard order, more than, fewer than, objects (e.g., what objects (e.g., what length or weight, and
pairing each object or equal to (the same comes next?). comes next?). describes them using
with one and only one as) the number of appropriate vocabulary
number name and each objects in another PK. ELAL.7. [PKR.3.] PK. ELAL.7. [PKR.3.] (e.g., small, big, short,
number name with one group. Note: Include Develops and answers Develops and answers tall, empty, full,
and only one object groups with up to five questions about questions about heavy, light).
(1:1 correspondence). objects. characters, major characters, major
events, and pieces of events, and pieces of PK. ELAL.7. [PKR.3.]
PK. ELAL.7. [PKR.3.] information in a text. information in a text. Develops and answers
Develops and answers questions about
questions about characters, major
characters, major events, and pieces of
events, and pieces of information in a text.
information in a text.
Specific Learning Students will be able Students will be able Students will be able Students will be able Students will be able
Target(s)/Objectives Based to count items from to compare groups of to make predictions to to create and name to describe sets of
on state standards, identify one to ten with 90% objects by saying extend a pattern using their own patterns. objects using words
what is intended to be accuracy. which group is greater, interactive Christmas like short, big, tall,
measured in learning. less or equal. objects with 90% empty, full, heavy or
accuracy. light.
Academic Language Christmas, Christmas Christmas, Christmas Christmas, Christmas Christmas, Christmas Christmas, Christmas
General academic vocabulary tree, Santa, tree, Santa, tree, Santa, tree, Santa, tree, Santa,
and content-specific reindeer, reindeer, reindeer, reindeer, reindeer,
vocabulary included in the Rudolf, Rudolf, Rudolf, Rudolf, Rudolf,
unit. sleigh, sleigh, sleigh, sleigh, sleigh,
candy cane, mistletoe, candy cane, mistletoe, candy cane, mistletoe, candy cane, mistletoe, candy cane, mistletoe,
north pole, north pole, north pole, north pole, north pole,
gingerbread gingerbread gingerbread gingerbread gingerbread

Unit Resources, Materials,  Zoom  Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom

Equipment, and  Christmas tree  Christmas Pattern worksheet Pattern worksheet YouTube
Technology with socks sheet YouTube YouTube Big and Small read
List all resources, materials, ornaments  Gingerbread Christmas Cookie Day A-B-A-B-A a Book of aloud
equipment, and technology worksheets man google read aloud Pattern Play read Christmas Santa Claus
to be used in the unit.  YouTube slides aloud google slides
 Pete the Cat Comparing objects
Saves google slides
read aloud

Depth of Knowledge 1. How many 1. Which object 1. What comes 1. What name 1. Which object
Lesson Questions objects do you has the greater next? would you is taller?
What questions can be posed see? number of 2. Can you give to this 2. Which object
throughout the lesson to 2. Which set has items? continue the pattern? is shorter?
assess all levels of student more? 2. Which object pattern? 2. How do you 3. Which object
understanding? 3. Which set is has the fewer know this is has the most
 Level 1: Recall greater? number of an “ABC” items?
 Level 2: Skill/Concepts 4. Which set has items? pattern? 4. Which object
 Level 3: Strategic fewer? 3. How do you has less items?
Thinking know that this 5. Which Santa
 Level 4: Extended number is Claus is taller?
Thinking greater?
Anticipatory Set Students will listen to Teacher will show Students will listen to Students will discuss Students will listen to
How will students’ prior the read aloud Pete the students two the read aloud the patterns from the read aloud Big and
knowledge be activated as Cat Saves Christmas Christmas trees, one Christmas Cookie Day previous day and talk Small by Elizabeth
well as gain student interest by Eric Litwin while with a lot of ornaments by Tara Knudson. about what names to Bennett.
in the upcoming content? the teacher pauses on and another with less. call them, whether
each page to check for Students will discuss using ABC or 123.
understanding and ask which tree is their
them to count the favorite and why.
items on each page
from the illustration.
Presentation of Content
Multiple Means of  Students will  Students will  Students will  Students will  Students will
Representation review google review google review google review google review google
Describe how content will be slide graphic slide graphic slide graphic slide graphic slide graphic
presented in various ways to organizer. organizer. organizer. organizer. organizer.
meet the needs of different  Students will  Students will  Students will  Students will  Students will
learners. view screen view screen watch read watch read watch read
share by share by aloud story on aloud A-B-A- aloud story on
teacher of teacher of YouTube. B-A a Book YouTube.
different different  Students will about Pattern  Students will
Christmas Christmas extend Play by Brian compare
trees with stockings with patterns from P. Cleary. different
different gifts. a pattern shaped Santa
number of  Students will worksheet. Clauses on
ornaments. compare google slides.
 Students will gumballs on
watch read gingerbread
aloud story on men.
Multiple Means of  Review  Review  Review  Review  Review
Representation vocabulary Christmas vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
Differentiation words from stocking words from words from words from
Explain how materials will be the story with tradition with the read aloud the read aloud the read aloud
differentiated for each of the ELL. ELL. with ELL. with ELL. with ELL.
following groups:  Students with  Students with  Do a picture  Do a picture  Do a picture
 English Language special needs special needs walk of the walk of the walk of the
Learners (ELL) can start by will use story before story before story before
 Students with counting items stocking reading it to reading if with reading if with
special needs with the holding one- students with students with students with
 Students with gifted number to-five gifts. special needs. special needs. special needs.
abilities showing on  Allow gifted  Allow gifted  Allow gifted  Allow gifted
Early finishers (those who each object. students to use students to students to students to
finish early and may need  Allow gifted stocking model name patterns model
additional sources/support) students to holding up to answering found in the answering
model how to 15 gifts. questions story. questions
count the  Early finishers about the read  Early finishers about the read
objects can draw their aloud. can create aloud.
without the own stocking  Early finishers their own
numbers containing any can create patterns using
showing. number of their own Christmas
 Early finishers gifts they patterns using ornaments.
can draw choose. Christmas
items inside ornaments.
notebooks to
match any
number of
their choice.

Application of Content
Multiple Means of  Using the read  Students will  Using the read  Using the read  Students will
Engagement aloud story, view google aloud story, aloud story, review google
How will students explore, students will slides showing students will students will slides showing
practice, and apply the listen and two listen and listen and two different
content? answer Gingerbread answer answer size Santa
questions men per slide. questions questions Clauses on
about what is Each about what is about different each slide for
happening in Gingerbread happening in patterns found them to
the story. man will have the story. inside the compare.
 Using PDF different  Using the book.
document, number of pattern
student will gumballs on worksheet
take turn to them. Students students will
count will compare make
ornaments on the predictions to
Christmas Gingerbread extend
trees. They men by saying patterns.
will practice which has the
writing the greater, less or
numbers in whether equal
their number of
notebooks. gumballs.
Multiple Means of  Allow ELL to  ELL can  ELL can use  ELL can  Use graphic
Engagement count in their respond using their home respond using organizer to
Differentiation home their home language their home review
Explain how materials will be language. language. when reading language. adjectives
differentiated for each of the  Use the  Review patterns to  Students with such as tall,
following groups: illustrations to vocabulary of extend them. special needs short, empty,
 English Language support greater than  Students with will focus on full.
Learners (ELL) students with and less than special needs more simple  Use small
 Students with special needs with special can read and patterns from group to
special needs with the read needs extend simple the book. review
 Students with gifted aloud. students. AB patterns.  Gifted adjectives with
abilities  Allow gifted  Gifted  Gifted students can students with
Early finishers (those who students to students can students can read a page special needs.
finish early and may need model writing compare read complex aloud for the  Gifted
additional sources/support) the numbers. numbers more patterns such class and students can
 Allow early than ten. as AABC. identify compare up to
finishers to  Early finishers  Early finishers patterns from three images
draw number can move on can move on the book. of Santa
of items inside to draw their to create their  Early finishers Clauses.
their own own patterns. can move on  Early finishers
notebooks and Gingerbread to create their will illustrate
practice man with any own patterns. two items, one
writing the number of that is light
numbers. gumballs. and one that is
Assessment of Content
Multiple Means of  Students will  Students will  Students will  Students will  Students will
Expression complete a compare create name the take turn to
Formative and summative counting Christmas patterns patterns they select
assessments used to monitor sheet with stockings by using created the Christmas
student progress and modify different saying which Christmas previous day. items from
instruction. Christmas has the ornaments of google slides
ornaments. greater different based on
number of colors. instructions
gifts, the less on each slide
number of such as the
gifts and bigger item,
which has the heavier
equal number item, the item
of gifts. that is empty
Multiple Means of  ELL students  ELL can  Allow ELL to  Allow ELL to  ELL students
Expression Differentiation can respond response using create/read read/name will review
Explain how materials will be using their their home patterns using patterns using slides in their
differentiated for each of the home language. their home their home home
following groups: language.  Students with language. language. language.
 English Language  Students with special needs  Students with  Students with  Teacher will
Learners (ELL) special needs will compare special needs special needs model the
 Students with will complete stockings can create can name their activity using
special needs with only one containing simple simple small group
 Students with gifted to five one-to-five patterns. patterns. for students
abilities ornaments. gifts.  Gifted  Gifted with special
Early finishers (those who  Students with  Gifted students can students will needs.
finish early and may need gifted abilities students can create name their  Gifted can do
additional resources/support)
can complete compare complex complex activity
sheet with stockings patterns. patterns. independently.
ornaments up containing  Early finishers  Early finishers  Early finishers
to 15. more than ten can move on can move on can move on
 Early finishers gifts. to create to create and to illustrating
will move on  Early finishers additional name one animal
to practice can create patterns. additional that is fast and
writing their own patterns. one thing that
numbers stockings with is slow.
inside their different
notebooks. number of
gifts and
compare them.
Extension Activity and/or Homework
Identify and describe any Students will complete Students will complete Students will complete Students will decorate Students will complete
extension activities or assigned counting assigned comparing assigned Christmas a Christmas tree on assigned comparing
homework tasks as activity on Seesaw. quantities activity on patterns activity on Seesaw using different lengths activity on
appropriate. Explain how the Link to the activity is Seesaw. Link to the Seesaw. Link to the patterns. Link to the Seesaw. Link to the
extension activity or attached below. activity is attached activity is attached activity is attached activity is attached
homework assignment below. below. below. below.
supports the learning
targets/objectives. As
required by your instructor,
attach any copies of
homework at the end of this

Monday’s home assignment

Tuesday’s home assignment

Wednesday’s home assignment

Thursday’s home assignment

Friday’s home assignment

STEP Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit

You will implement all lesson activities, correlating formative assessments and the summative
post-assessment. Choose one of the lesson activities to video record a 5-10-minute segment,
review, and reflect on your teaching. Have your cooperating teacher/mentor review the recording
and provide feedback, if possible.

Use an online video platform such as Loom, YouTube, or Vimeo to upload your completed video.
Be sure that others can access and view your linked video prior to submitting.

Video Recording Link:
Summary of Unit Implementation:
Students were assessed on counting Christmas ornaments between the number one and 15. PK.
MATH.3a. [NY-PK.CC.3a.] When counting objects, says the number names in the standard
order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one
and only one object. (1:1 correspondence).

Summary of Student Learning:

After the pre-assessment student were able to count from one to ten using Christmas ornaments,
knowing that each number is paired with each ornament when counting. They were also able to
write the numbers that matches their assigned Christmas tree.

Reflection of Video Recording:

The group seen in the video of the pre-assessment activity was highly proficient in counting from
one to 20 using 1:1 correspondence. After watching the video, I noticed that almost all students
except for one was fully engaged in the activity and may need a little more challenge. It gave me
an insight as to where I can take this group of students and even allow them to independently
count items.

I am happy I took the route of splitting the class into small groups to conduct the pre-
assessment. It was more manageable and students were able to participate more freely. My
mentor teacher and I were able to group students by abilities.

At certain points in the lesson there was a lagging time which I could have filled by singing a
song or asking the teacher assistant to continue the conversation. I have to remember to treat the
virtual space just like in-person.

At one point when one of the students mentioned that the Christmas trees shaped like a triangle I
could have used that opportunity to asked about other shapes that they see such as the circular
Professional Disposition Statement 2

ornaments. Also, when I assigned each child a Christmas tree I could have asked who has the
tree with the most or fewest ornaments. I missed that teaching opportunity.

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