Liu Xiaobo was a Chinese writer and human rights activist who advocated for political reform and abolishing the communist one-party system in China. He was imprisoned multiple times for his activism, including an 11-year sentence from 2008 until his death in 2017 due to kidney failure. Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 while incarcerated, and served as an inspiration for political reform in China through his writings and advocacy.
Liu Xiaobo was a Chinese writer and human rights activist who advocated for political reform and abolishing the communist one-party system in China. He was imprisoned multiple times for his activism, including an 11-year sentence from 2008 until his death in 2017 due to kidney failure. Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 while incarcerated, and served as an inspiration for political reform in China through his writings and advocacy.
Liu Xiaobo was a Chinese writer and human rights activist who advocated for political reform and abolishing the communist one-party system in China. He was imprisoned multiple times for his activism, including an 11-year sentence from 2008 until his death in 2017 due to kidney failure. Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 while incarcerated, and served as an inspiration for political reform in China through his writings and advocacy.
Liu Xiaobo was a Chinese writer and human rights activist who advocated for political reform and abolishing the communist one-party system in China. He was imprisoned multiple times for his activism, including an 11-year sentence from 2008 until his death in 2017 due to kidney failure. Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 while incarcerated, and served as an inspiration for political reform in China through his writings and advocacy.
Liu Xiaobo was a Chinese writer, philosopher, and human rights
activist. He was born on December 28th, 1955 in Changchun and died on July 13th, 2017. In 1982 he graduated with a BA in literature, and then gained an MA in literature in 1988. His main accomplishments stem from advocating for political rights in China and moving towards abolishing the communist one-party system.
Even though Liu Xiaobo advocated for
human rights, he was not fondly looked upon by the Chinese government, and was imprisoned multiple times. His incarcerations are, but not limited to:
“There is no force that can put an
June 5, 1989: He was end to the human quest for arrested for his alleged freedom” ~ Liu Xiaobo role in the Tiananmen movement Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace prize in 2010 while still May 18, 1995: Taken incarcerated, one of three individuals to ever achieve that feat. into custody for launching a petition The Nobel Peace prize is a highly valued campaign for the prize that is awarded to people who have government to re- done extraordinary feats towards evaluate the Tiananmen promoting peace nationally and event internationally.
January 2005: Put
under two-week house arrest Liu Xiaobo serves as an inspiration for a lot of December 8, 2008: Chinese citizens. He wrote many literary critiques Taken into custody about the Chinese government that would later be before the release of the censored in China, served as an advisor to student Freedom Charter 08 protestors during the Tiananmen protest, and initiated and imprisoned for 11 a week-long four-person hunger strike on June 2, years, eventually dying 1989. after serving 8 and a half from kidney failure His actions were incredibly influential towards the Chinese government reform of the 1980s. Although he was imprisoned many times and suffered many hardships such as being divorced and leading a hunger strike, his words were heard across China to ensure Chinese politics underwent major political reform.