CQI-9v3Forms and Process Tables3-11-16lp
CQI-9v3Forms and Process Tables3-11-16lp
CQI-9v3Forms and Process Tables3-11-16lp
Facility Name:
Process Table E
Process Table F
Low Pressure Carburizing
Process Table G
Sinter Hardening
Process Table H
Ion Nitriding
Personnel Contacted:
Name: Title: Phone: Email:
Name: Company: Phone: Email:
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
Is material from different steel Different steel mill heats or metals which require
mill heats or metals which different heat treat parameters, such as but not
may preclude achieving the limited to, austentizing, quenching, or tempering
specified metallurgical times and/or temperatures shall be processed
properties prevented from separately in order to achieve specified
being processed together? metallurgical properties.
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
Section 3 - Equipment
The heat-treat equipment including furnaces,
generators, and quench systems shall have proper
Do furnaces, generators, and process controls and related equipment. Examples
3.1 quench systems have proper include temperature, carbon potential/dew point,
process control equipment? gas flows, quench monitoring system including
agitation, temperature control, etc. as listed in the
applicable Process Tables, Section 1.0.
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
CQI-9Special Processes: Heat Treat Systems AssessmentVersion 3, Issued 10/11
Job Identity:
Shop Order Number:
Part Number:
Part Description:
Heat Treat Requirements:
CQI-9Special Processes: Heat Treat Systems AssessmentVersion 3, Issued 10/11
Job Identity:
Shop Order Number:
Part Number:
Part Description:
Heat Treat Requirements:
CQI-9Special Processes: Heat Treat Systems AssessmentVersion 3, Issued 10/11
Job Identity:
Shop Order Number:
Part Number:
Part Description:
Heat Treat Requirements:
CQI-9Special Processes: Heat Treat Systems AssessmentVersion 3, Issued 10/11
Job Identity:
Shop Order Number:
Part Number:
Part Description:
Heat Treat Requirements:
CQI-9Special Processes: Heat Treat Systems AssessmentVersion 3, Issued 10/11
Job Identity:
Shop Order Number:
Part Number:
Part Description:
Heat Treat Requirements:
CQI-9Special Processes: Heat Treat Systems AssessmentVersion 3, Issued 10/11
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat
treater is conforming to the customer's requirements.
Continuous furnace frequencies are per lot (work order) or as specified, whichever is more frequent.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #'
NA - Requirement not applicable
A1.1 All furnaces, generators and quench systems shall have temperature indicating instruments.
3.1 Continuous strip charts and/or data loggers are required for temperature and carbon monitoring unit, e.g., dew point, oxygen
3.7 probe, IR gas analyzer, etc.
A1.3 1.18 A program for furnace and generator burnout is required (applies to carbon bearing atmospheres).
A1.4 3.2 Furnace weigh scales shall be verified quarterly and calibrated annually at a minimum.
Dew pointers, 3-gas analyzers, spectrometers, and carbon IR combustion analyzers (shim stock analysis), used to verify
A1.5 3.2
carbon potential in furnaces, shall be calibrated annually at a minimum.
A1.6 3.2 Verification of calibration of spectrometers, and carbon IR combustion analyzers, shall be checked daily or prior to use.
A1.7 3.2 Verification of calibration of 3-gas analyzers with zero gas and span gas shall be performed weekly at a minimum.
Oxygen probe controllers shall be calibrated quarterly (single-point or multi-point calibration) or semi-annual (multi-point
A1.8 3.2
calibration only; single-point calibration not allowed).
All hardness test equipment (for each scale used) shall be calibrated annually minimum, and verified daily or prior to use, per
A1.9 2.16
the applicable ASTM standard, ISO standard, JIS standard, or approved standard.
A1.10 2.16 Files for testing hardness shall be verified per the Customer requirement.
Refractometers (typically used to check polymer quenchants and washer solutions) shall be verified prior to use (with distilled
A1.11 3.2
water) and calibrated annually (per manufacturer's requirements) at a minimum.
A2.1 3.2 Thermocouples and calibration of thermocouples shall conform to Section 3.1
A2.2 3.2 Pyrometry Instrumentation and Calibration of instrumentation shall conform to Section 3.2
3.2 CQI-9 requires a System Accuracy Test (SAT) check of the control thermocouple in the Qualified Work Zone per Section 3.3
A2.3 3.3
A2.4 3.4 TUS shall be performed annually and after major rebuild per Section 3.4
Temperature uniformity tolerance for hardening furnaces shall be +/- 15oC (or +/- 25oF). Temperature uniformity tolerance for
tempering furnaces shall be +/- 10oC (or +/- 20oF).
A2.5 3.5 Recorded temperature(s) for austentizing processes shall be controlled within +/- 10 oC (or +/- 15oF) of the set point as
evidenced by continuous recording pyrometers. Furnace temperature shall be controlled with soak times starting at the lower
tolerance limit (as defined above).
For Continuous Furnaces, this requirement applies to the Qualified Work Zone.
A2.6 3.5 Recorded temperature(s) for tempering and precipitation hardening processes shall be controlled within +/- 5 oC (or +/- 10oF) of
the set point as evidenced by continuous recording pyrometers. Furnace temperature shall be controlled with soak times
starting at the lower tolerance limit (as defined above).
A3.3 1.4 Monitor primary furnace atmosphere control(s) Continuous recording with Continuous recording with
2.14 sign-off every 2 hours or sign-off every 2 hours or
3.7 each batch for processes each lot for processes
under 2 hours. Alarm under 2 hours). Alarm
systems (if set per systems (if set per
acceptable limits) satisfy acceptable limits) satisfy
the sign-off requirement. the sign-off requirement
A3.7 1.4 Monitor time in furnace, cycle time or belt speed. Each batch Twice/shift & after any
2.14 change in the belt speed.
A3.8 1.4 Monitor load size or fixturing or loading rate as Each batch Twice/shift & after any
2.7 applicable. change in loading rate.
A3.9 1.4 Quench Delay Time - Each batch Each basket for pusher-
2.12 Quench delay time shall be based on the time type continuous furnaces
that the furnace door starts to open to the time where the loaded basket is
the load is at the bottom of the quench tank. quenched.
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat treater is conforming
to the customer's requirements.
Continuous furnace frequencies are per lot (work order) or as specified, whichever is more frequent.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #'
NA - Requirement not applicable
Item # Related
HTSA Category/Process Steps
Question #
1.0 OK / NOK / NA
B1.1 3.1 All furnaces, generators and quench systems shall have temperature indicating instruments.
B1.2 3.1 Continuous strip charts and/or data loggers are required for temperature and carbon monitoring unit, e.g., dew point, oxygen probe, IR gas
3.7 analyzer, etc. For salt bath, only temperature is required to be recorded.
B1.3 1.18 A program for furnace and generator burnout is required. Not required for retort gas nitriding.
B1.4 3.2 Furnace weigh scales shall be verified quarterly and calibrated annually at a minimum.
B1.5 3.2 Dew pointers and gas analyzers, used to verify proper atmosphere in furnaces, shall be calibrated annually at a minimum.
B1.6 2.16 All hardness test equipment (for each scale used) shall be calibrated annually minimum, and verified daily or prior to use, per the applicable ASTM
standard, ISO standard, JIS standard, or approved standard.
B1.7 2.16 Files for testing hardness shall be verified per the Customer requirement.
B1.8 3.2 Refractometers (typically used to check polymer quenchants and washer solutions) shall be verified prior to use (with distilled water) and calibrated
annually (per manufacturer's requirements) at a minimum.
2.0 OK / NOK / NA
B2.1 3.2 Thermocouples and calibration of thermocouples shall conform to Section 3.1.
B2.2 3.2 Pyrometry Instrumentation and Calibration of instrumentation shall conform to Section 3.2
B2.3 3.2 CQI-9 requires a System Accuracy Test (SAT) check of the control thermocouple in the Qualified Work Zone per Section 3.3
B2.4 3.4 TUS shall be performed annually and after major rebuild per Section 3.4.
B2.5 3.5 Recorded temperature(s) shall be controlled within +/- 10oC (or +/- 15oF) of the set point as evidenced by continuous recording pyrometers.
Furnace temperature shall be controlled with soak times starting at the lower tolerance limit (as defined above).
For Continuous Furnaces, this requirement applies to the Qualified Work Zone.
B2.6 3.2 Infrared pyrometers shall be calibrated annually using proper calibration methods or an approved manufacturer's procedure.
B3.3 1.4 Monitor primary furnace atmosphere control(s). Each batch (rotary Continuous recording with Daily
2.14 furnaces only) or sign-off every 2 hours.
3.7 continuous recording with Alarm systems satisfy the
3.8 sign-off every 2 hours. sign-off requirement
Alarm systems satisfy the
sign-off requirement
B3.4 1.4 Dissociation of ammonia shall be checked in gas Each batch and every 4 Every 4 hours Daily N/A
3.7 nitriding. hours minimum
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat treater is conforming
to the customer's requirements.
Continuous furnace frequencies are per lot (work order) or as specified, whichever is more frequent.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #'
NA - Requirement not applicable
Item # Related
HTSA Category/Process Steps
Question #
B3.5 1.4 Gas ratios for ferritic nitrocarburizing shall be checked. Each batch Every 2 hours minimum
B3.6 1.4 Check salt chemistry (soluble oxides) in salt baths Daily
2.14 used for austenitizing, or decarburization on the parts.
B4.2 1.4 Surface hardness Each batch Every 2 hours minimum Each batch
B4.3 1.4 Core hardness (when specified) Each batch Every 4 hours Each batch
B4.4 1.4 Case depth (when specified) Each batch Every 4 hours Each batch
Generators Salt Bath OK / NOK / NA
FREQUENCIES Furnace Furnace*
Quench Media Controls If Applicable
B5.1 2.12 Polymer Quench Media
3.14 Concentration Daily Daily
Quenchability Check; e.g., cooling curve, viscosity, or Semi-annually Semi-annually
B5.2 2.12 Water Quench Media
3.14 Suspended solids Semi-annually Semi-annually
B5.3 2.12 Salt Quench Media
3.14 Analysis & Contaminants Semi-annually Semi-annually Semi-annually
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat
treater is conforming to the customer's requirements.
Continuous furnace frequencies are per lot (work order) or as specified, whichever is more frequent.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
C1.1 3.1 All furnaces and quench systems shall have temperature indicating instruments.
C1.2 3.1 Continuous strip charts and/or data loggers are required for temperature sensors.
C1.3 2.16 All hardness test equipment (for each scale used) shall be calibrated annually minimum, and verified daily or prior to use, per
the applicable ASTM standard, ISO standard, JIS standard, or approved standard.
C1.4 3.2 Furnace weigh scales shall be verified quarterly and calibrated annually at a minimum.
C1.5 3.2 Refractometers (typically used to check polymer quenchants and washer solutions) shall be verified prior to use (with distilled
water) and calibrated annually (per manufacturer's requirements) at a minimum.
C2.2 3.2 Pyrometry Instrumentation and Calibration of Instrumentation shall conform to Section 3.2.
C2.3 3.2 CQI-9 requires a System Accuracy Test (SAT) check of the control thermocouple in the Qualified Work Zone per Section 3.3.
C2.4 3.4 Temperature Uniformity Survey (TUS) TUS frequency shall be quarterly and after major rebuild per Section 3.4.
Temperature Uniformity tolerance for solution and aging furnaces shall be +/- 5oC (+/- 10oF).
Temperature Uniformity tolerance for annealing furnaces shall be +/- 15oC (+/- 25oF)
Minimum and maximum temperature ranges shall be defined. Exception: If the operating range of the Qualified Work Zone is
equal to or less than 85oC (155oF) then only one temperature is required to be tested. The test temperature shall be within
the operating range of the Qualified Work Zone.
For Continuous Furnaces, this requirement applies to the Qualified Work Zone.
C2.5 3.5 For Solution Treating and Aging: Recorded temperature(s) shall be controlled within +/- 5C (or +/- 10F) of the set point as
evidenced by continuous recording pyrometers. Furnace temperature shall be controlled with soak times starting at the lower
tolerance limit (as defined above).
For Continuous Furnaces, this requirement applies to the Qualified Work Zone
C2.6 3.5 For Annealing Furnaces: Recorded temperature(s) shall be controlled within +/- 10C (or +/- 15F) of the set point as
evidenced by continuous recording pyrometers. Furnace temperature shall be controlled with soak times starting at the lower
tolerance limit (as defined above).
For Continuous Furnaces, this requirement applies to the Qualified Work Zone
C2.7 3.2 Infrared pyrometers shall be calibrated annually using proper calibration methods or an approved manufacturer's procedure.
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat
treater is conforming to the customer's requirements.
Continuous furnace frequencies are per lot (work order) or as specified, whichever is more frequent.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
C3.3 1.4 Monitor process cycle time Each batch Twice/shift & after any
2.14 change in the indexing
or belt speed.
C3.4 1.4 Monitor load size or featuring as applicable. Each batch Twice/shift & after any
2.7 change in loading rate.
C3.5 1.4 Quench Delay Time - Each batch Each basket for pusher
2.12 Quench delay time shall be based on the time that the type or roller hearth
furnace door starts to open to the time the load is at continuous furnaces.
the bottom of the quench tank.
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing
the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat treater is conforming to the customer's requirements.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
D1.1 2.16 All hardness test equipment (for each scale used) shall be calibrated annually
minimum, and verified daily or prior to use, per the applicable ASTM standard,
ISO standard, JIS standard, or approved standard.
D1.2 2.16 Files for testing hardness shall be verified per the Customer requirement.
D1.3 3.2 Refractometers (typically used to check polymer quenchants and washer
solutions) shall be verified prior to use (with distilled water) and calibrated
annually (per manufacturer's requirements) at a minimum.
D2.1 3.2 Infrared pyrometers shall be calibrated annually using proper calibration
methods or an approved manufacturer's procedure.
All process parameters shall be checked the beginning of every shift, tool change, or any equipment
repair. In absence of process parameter alarms, also check process parameters at end of shift or lot
(whichever is the greater frequency).
D3.1 1.4
2.12 Quench Temperature Alarm system for high and low
temperature is required.
D3.2 1.4 Monitor cycle time Check cycle time at start up and
2.14 after any process change.
D3.3 1.4 An energy monitor or signature monitor is This requirement applies to each
2.14 required and shall be equipped with alarms power supply (not per coil).
3.16 set at acceptable limits.
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing
the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat treater is conforming to the customer's requirements.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing
the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat treater is conforming to the customer's requirements.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor
shall verify heat treater is conforming to the customer's requirements.
Continuous furnace frequencies are per lot (work order) or as specified, whichever is more frequent.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
E1.1 3.1 All furnaces, generators and quench systems (where applicable) shall have temperature indicating instruments.
E1.2 3.1 Continuous strip charts and/or data loggers are required for temperature and carbon monitoring unit, e.g., dew
3.7 point, oxygen probe, IR gas analyzer, etc.
E1.3 3.2 Furnace weigh scales shall be verified quarterly and calibrated annually at a minimum.
E1.4 3.2 Dew pointers, 3-gas analyzers, spectrometers, and carbon IR combustion analyzers (shim stock analysis), used to
verify carbon potential in furnaces, shall be calibrated annually at a minimum. This is applicable when used in
controlling carbon-bearing atmospheres.
E1.5 3.2 Verification of calibration of spectrometers, and carbon IR combustion analyzers, shall be checked daily or prior to
use. This is applicable when used in controlling carbon-bearing atmospheres.
E1.6 3.2 Verification of calibration of 3-gas analyzers with zero gas and span gas shall be performed weekly at a minimum.
This is applicable when used in controlling carbon-bearing atmospheres.
E1.7 3.2 Oxygen probe controllers shall be calibrated quarterly (single-point or multi-point calibration) or semi-annual (multi-
point calibration only; single-point calibration not allowed). This is applicable when used in controlling carbon-
bearing atmospheres.
E1.8 2.16 All hardness test equipment (for each scale used) shall be calibrated annually minimum, and verified daily or prior
to use, per the applicable ASTM standard, ISO standard, JIS standard, or approved standard.
E1.9 3.2 Refractometers (typically used to check polymer quenchants and washer solutions) shall be verified prior to use
(with distilled water) and calibrated annually (per manufacturer's requirements) at a minimum.
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor
shall verify heat treater is conforming to the customer's requirements.
Continuous furnace frequencies are per lot (work order) or as specified, whichever is more frequent.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
E2.1 3.2 Thermocouples and calibration of thermocouples shall conform to Section 3.1.
E2.2 3.2 Pyrometry Instrumentation and Calibration shall conform to Section 3.2.
E2.3 3.2 CQI-9 requires a System Accuracy Test (SAT) check of the control thermocouple in the Qualified Work Zone per
3.3 Section 3.3.
E2.4 3.4 TUS shall be performed annually and after major rebuild per Section 3.4.
Temperature uniformity tolerance for furnaces operating at austenitizing temperatures shall be +/- 15 oC
(or +/- 25oF). Temperature uniformity tolerance for tempering furnaces shall be +/- 10oC (or +/- 20oF).
E2.5 3.5 Recorded temperature(s) for austentizing processes shall be controlled within +/- 10 oC (or +/- 15oF) of the set point
as evidenced by continuous recording pyrometers. Furnace temperature shall be controlled with soak times
starting at the lower tolerance limit (as defined above).
For Continuous Furnaces, this requirement applies to the Qualified Work Zone.
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor
shall verify heat treater is conforming to the customer's requirements.
Continuous furnace frequencies are per lot (work order) or as specified, whichever is more frequent.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor
shall verify heat treater is conforming to the customer's requirements.
Continuous furnace frequencies are per lot (work order) or as specified, whichever is more frequent.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
E3.7 1.4 Monitor load size, fixturing or Each batch Twice/shift & after
2.7 loading rate as applicable. any change in
loading rate.
4.0 IN-PROCESS/FINAL TEST Batch Furnace Continuous
E4.1 1.4 Microstructure shall be Each batch Each production
2.15 checked at a minimum run or each shift
magnification of 100x and, at a minimum.
400x or above 400x.
Microstructural visual
references shall be
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat
treater is conforming to the customer's requirements.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
F1.3 3.1 Recording instruments are required for temperature and, hydrocarbon flow and pressure.
F1.4 3.2 Furnace weigh scales shall be verified quarterly and calibrated annually at a minimum.
F1.5 3.2 Hydrogen sensors and carbon IR combustion analyzers used to verify carbon potential in furnaces, shall be calibrated annually
at a minimum.
F1.6 3.2 Verification of calibration of spectrometers and carbon IR combustion analyzers, shall be checked daily or prior to use.
F1.8 2.16 All hardness test equipment (for each scale used) shall be calibrated annually minimum, and verified daily or prior to use, per the
applicable ASTM standard, ISO standard, JIS standard, or approved standard.
F1.9 2.16 Files for testing hardness shall be verified per the Customer requirement.
F1.10 3.2 Refractometers (typically used to check polymer quenchants and washer solutions) shall be verified prior to use (with distilled
water) and certified annually per manufacturer's requirements at a minimum.
Temperature uniformity tolerance for hardening and tempering furnaces shall be +/- 10 C or +/- 20 F.
F2.5 3.5 Recorded temperature(s) for austentizing and tempering processes shall be controlled within +/- 5 C or +/- 10 F of the set point
as evidenced by continuous recording pyrometers. Furnace temperature shall be controlled with soak times starting at the lower
tolerance limit (as defined above).
F3.4 1.4 Verify primary atmosphere control method by back-up method by microstructural evaluation of parts or coupon, or carbon
2.14 analysis of shim stock or carbon bar. Verification shall be daily.
F3.5 1.2 Prior to production (APQP), the surface area of the parts shall be calculated and documented for each load configuration.
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System AssessmentVersion 3, Issue 10/11
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat
treater is conforming to the customer's requirements.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
Cooling water temperature and flow rate Monitor each load. Alarm system is required
F4.1 1.4 Microstructure shall be checked at a minimum magnification of Daily per furnace (may rotate cells) or any time one of the
2.15 100x and, 400x or above 400x. Microstructural visual process parameters is out of specification.
references shall be available.
F4.4 1.4 Case depth (when specified) Daily per furnace (may rotate cells) or any time one of the
2.15 process parameters is out of specification.
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat treater is
conforming to the customer's requirements.
Continuous furnace frequencies are per lot (work order) or as specified, whichever is more frequent.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
G1.1 3.1
All furnaces, generators and quench systems shall have temperature indicating instruments.
3.1 Continuous strip charts and/or data loggers are required for temperature and carbon monitoring unit, e.g., dew point, oxygen probe, IR
3.7 gas analyzer, etc.
G1.5 3.2 Dew pointers, 3-gas analyzers, spectrometers, and carbon IR combustion analyzers (shim stock analysis), used to verify carbon potential
in furnaces, shall be calibrated annually at a minimum (applies to carbon bearing atmospheres).
G1.6 3.2 Verification of calibration of spectrometers, and carbon IR combustion analyzers, shall be checked daily or prior to use (applies to carbon
bearing atmospheres).
G1.7 3.2 Verification of calibration of 3-gas analyzers with zero gas and span gas shall be performed weekly at a minimum (applies to carbon
bearing atmospheres).
G1.8 3.2 Oxygen probe controllers shall be calibrated quarterly (single-point or multi-point calibration) or semi-annual (multi-point calibration only;
single-point calibration not allowed). This applies to carbon bearing atmospheres.
G1.9 2.16 All hardness test equipment (for each scale used) shall be calibrated annually minimum, and verified daily or prior to use, per the
applicable ASTM standard, ISO standard, JIS standard, or approved standard.
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, Issue 10/11
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat treater is
conforming to the customer's requirements.
Continuous furnace frequencies are per lot (work order) or as specified, whichever is more frequent.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
G2.4 3.4 TUS shall be performed annually and after major rebuild per Section 3.4.
Temperature uniformity tolerance for hardening furnaces shall be +/- 15ºC (or +/- 25ºF). Temperature uniformity tolerance for tempering
furnaces shall be +/- 10ºC (or +/- 20ºF).
G2.5 3.5 Recorded temperature(s) for sintering processes shall be controlled within +/- 10ºC (or +/- 15ºF) of the set point for processes operating
less than 1000ºC (1830ºF) and +/- 20ºC (+/- 35ºF) for processes operating greater than 1000ºC (1830ºF) as evidenced by continuous
recording pyrometers. Furnace temperature shall be controlled with soak times starting at the lower tolerance limit (as defined above).
For Continuous Furnaces, this requirement applies to the Qualified Work Zone.
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat treater is
conforming to the customer's requirements.
Continuous furnace frequencies are per lot (work order) or as specified, whichever is more frequent.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
G3.4 1.4 Verify primary atmosphere control method by back-up Daily Daily
3.7 ONLY.
G3.6 1.4 Quench Media Process Parameters - Oil
Temperature of water exchange system for quench One of the three options is One of the three options
chamber (does not apply to convection systems) required. is required.
Cooling water temperature and flow rate Monitor each load. Alarm system is required
G3.8 1.4 Monitor time in furnace, cycle time or belt speed. Each batch Twice/shift & after any
2.14 change in the belt speed.
G3.9 1.4 Monitor load size or fixturing or loading rate as Each batch Twice/shift & after any
2.7 applicable. change in loading rate.
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, Issue 10/11
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat treater is
conforming to the customer's requirements.
Continuous furnace frequencies are per lot (work order) or as specified, whichever is more frequent.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat treater is
conforming to the customer's requirements.
Continuous furnace frequencies are per lot (work order) or as specified, whichever is more frequent.
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
G4.1 1.4 Microstructure shall be checked at a minimum Per customer requirement Per customer
2.15 magnification of 100x and, 400x or above 400x. as specified in control requirement as specified
Microstructural visual references shall be available. plan. in control plan.
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat treater is conforming to the
customer's requirements.
Please note that the corresponding gas nitriding is Table "B" and the Plasma Ion Nitriding is is Table "H"
OK - Complies to requirement
NOK - Does not comply to requirement (Explain noncompliance in 'Related HTSA Question #')
NA - Requirement not applicable
H1.3 1.18 Vessel is to be free of contamination that may affect the process.
H1.5 3.2 Gas ratios controller / meters shall be calibrated / verified as recommended by the manufacturer. As an option gas composition may be analyzed using gas
mixture analyzer semi- annually and calibrated as recommended by the manufacturer.
H1.6 2.16 All hardness test equipment (for each scale used) shall be calibrated annually minimum, and verified daily or prior to use, per the applicable ASTM standard,
ISO standard, JIS standard, or approved standard.
H1.7 2.16 Files for testing hardness, if used, shall be verified per the Customer requirement.
H2.5 3.5 Temperature shall be controlled with thermocouples in the load for each batch placed as practical to represent the extremes of the load (max and min
temperatures) as evidenced by recording.
H2.6 3.2 Infrared pyrometers shall be calibrated annually using proper calibration methods or an approved manufacturer's procedure.
H3.2 1.4 Monitor vessel vacuum control(s). Each batch or recording per see H1.2 above with sign-off every 2
2.14 hours. Alarm systems satisfy the sign-off requirement. Control
3.7 plan to include the alarm setting. Alarms are to be checked
quarterly and alarms during the cycle are to be documented.
H3.3 1.4 Pump down of 75 microns per hour or less and leak up of 90 microns per hour or less Each Batch
2.11 are required prior to initiating the cycle
H5.2 2.11
CQI-9Special Processes: Heat Treat Systems AssessmentVersion 3, Issued 10/11
Temperature of solution (required if temperature is specified to be above ambient Each shift or as appropriate for cleaning the parts or per customer
temperature). and Control Plan