CV Mariusrotar Eng 2013

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Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) Marius Rotar
Address(es) Alba Iulia, Primaverii 16A
Telephone(s) 0731030124
E-mail [email protected]
Nationality Romanian
Date of birth 18.01.1974
Gender male

Desired employment / Researcher/Historian

Occupational field “1 Decembrie 1918” Univeristy of Alba Iulia

Work experience

Dates 1998-2012
Occupation or position held Researcher

Main activities and responsibilities Historical investigation

Name and address of employer “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Type of business or sector education

Education and training

Dates 2005 PhD in History “Babes Boylai” University of Cluj Napoca

Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/occupational 1997 MA in History Babes Boylai” University of Cluj Napoca
skills covered
Name and type of organisation 1996 BA in History Babes Boylai” University of Cluj Napoca
providing education and training
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s) Romanian

Other language(s) English

Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken Spoken
interaction production
Language C1 C1 C1 C1 C1

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(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Organizational skills and Ability to organize scientific manifestations

competences • trainer skills training programs for specialists in the field;
• Experience in organizing and managing teams of various types

Technical skills and competences Historical analysis (historical anthropology, history and anthropology of death, crematoria
and cremation modern history, history of alcoholism, history of atheism)
• discourse analysis
• interdisciplinary analysis

Computer skills and competences PC

Artistic skills and competences Bass quitar





1. Marius Rotar, Moartea în Transilvania in secolul al XIX-lea, vol. I-II. Ed. Accent, Cluj Napoca, 2006-2007, 946 p.
2. Marius Rotar, Eternitate prin Cenusa. O istorie a crematoriilor si incinerarilor umane in Romania secolelor XIX-XXI,
Iasi, Insitutul European, 2011, 560 p.
3. Marius Rotar, History of Modern Cremation in Romania, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne,
2013, 480 p.

Editor for collective volumes/proceedings:

1. Vasilie Popp, De funeribus plebejis Daco-Romanorum sive hodiernorum Valachorum et quisdam circa ea abusis -
Despre înmormântările comune la daco-romani, sau despre românii de astăzi şi despre unele superstiţii, Viena,
1817. Introduction, index, edition Marius Rotar, Iacob Mârza, Alba Iulia, Aeternitas, 2006.
2. Calinic I. Popp Serboianu, Crematiunea şi religia crestină, editie de Marius Rotar, Iasi, Institutul European, 2012.
3. Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2012.
4. Marius Rotar, Corina Rotar (coord.), Murire si moarte in Romania secolelor XIX-XXI. Lucrarile conferintei
Nationale, Alba Iulia, 11-12 octombrie 2007, Cluj Napoca, Accent, 237 p.
5. Marius Rotar, Marina Sozzi (coord.), Proceedings of Dying and Death in 18th-21srt centuries Europe International
Conference, Cluj Napoca, Accent, 2008.
6. Marius Rotar, Victor Tudor Rosu, Helen Frisby (coord.), Proceedings of Dying and Death in 18th-21srt centuries
Europe International Conference, Cluj Napoca, Accent, 2009.
7. Marius Rotar, Victor Tudor Rosu (coord.), Proceedings of Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, International
Conference, first edition, Alba Iulia, Altip, 2010.
8. Marius Rotar, Eric Venbrux, Marina Sozzi, Victor Tudor Rosu (coord.), Proceedings of Dying and Death in 18th-
21srt centuries Europe International Conference, Cluj Napoca, Accent, 2010.


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Surname(s) First name(s) © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010
1. Marius Rotar, Iacob Mârza, The Polymath Vasilie Popp or the Temptation of Change. On the first Romanian
Doctoral Thesis in Medicine (1817), in Transylvanian Review, Vol. XIX, No. 3 (Autumn 2010), p. 16-33 (CNCS A, ISI)
2. Marius Rotar, Mask of the Red Death: The Evil Politics of Cremation in December 1989 in Romania, in Mortality,
15, 1, 2010, p. 1-17 (BDI Scopus)
3. Marius Rotar, Death Inspectors or the professionals of Death at the end of nineteenth and the early twenty century
Transylvania, in Mortality, 17, 3, 2012, p. 240-255.
4. Marius Rotar, The historian and the death, in Philobiblion, XIII, 2010, p. 329-350 (CNCS B, BDI Ebsco)
5. Marius Rotar, Death and Bereveament in Romania, Death around the World, Pittu Laungani, John D. Morgan,
Stephan Palmer (coord.), vol. V, New York, Amityville, 2009, p. 163-180.
6. Marius Rotar, On cremation in Romania of nowadays, in Philobiblion, XV, 2012 (CNCS B, BDI Ebsco)


1. Murire si moarte in România secolelor XIX-XX, CNCSIS, AT, Contract no. 47, 2007-2008, 52500 RON – director of
the project.
2. Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe. International Conference, second edition, CNCS UEFISCDI, suport
Actiuni Stiintifice, 2009, Contract no. 181/m / 4000 RON – director of the project.
3. Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe. International Conference, third edition, grant ANCS, suport Actiuni
Stiintifice, Contract no. 110, 2010/ 21000 RON – director of the project.
4. Historical dimensions and contemporary perspective upon cremation Romania, CNCS UEFISCDI, PN II, TE,
605235 RON, 54/4.10.2011 – director of the project.

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Surname(s) First name(s) © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010

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