Gyptone Quattro 70: Acoustic Ceilings and Walls With Fine Perforations

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Gyptone Quattro 70
Acoustic ceilings and walls with fine perforations
Gyptone Quattro 70

Clean, light surfaces

with pleasant sound
Create aesthetic settings with a pleasant that you can create aesthetic settings with And if you are working on projects with
sound environment. pleasing acoustics. tough acoustic demands – in schools or
The new Gyptone Quattro 70 range allows kindergartens, for example – your Gyproc
you to design rooms with light, smooth and Gyptone Quattro 70 is an ideal solution for sales consultant can help with advice and
inviting surfaces – without compromising walls and ceilings in schools, offices and ideas about how to use Gyptone gypsum
on acoustic requirements. businesses, as well as in hotels, restaurants, ceilings to create inviting and pleasant
public buildings and many other settings rooms that meet all market requirements.
Gyptone Quattro 70 features fine perforati- – basically, in all environments where
ons measuring just 3 x 3 mm. As such, they aesthetic design has to be combined with
are barely visible and produce ceilings with good acoustics, and where the ultimate aim
a neat, clear look. At the same time, the is a durable, easy-to-clean solution with a
perforations assure such good sound long service life and thereby an attractive
total price.
Gyptone Quattro 70 is the perfect choice for all
rooms where you want to create an attractive, light
impression as well as a good sound absorption.
Gyptone Quattro 70

A world of inspiring
design opportunities
The Gyptone Quattro 70 range adds a new You can likewise design rooms in which
dimension. You can now create design with products from the elegant Quattro 70
an even cleaner, lighter impression. range are fitted on both walls and ceiling,
because Gyptone BIG can also be used as a
Combine wall and ceiling panels – any way wall absorber.
you want
The Gyptone Quattro 70 range allows you In short, you can have it pretty much
to combine Gyptone BIG – fixed acoustic anyway you want it!
ceilings that provide clean, unbroken ceiling
surfaces – with Gyptone demountable High-quality service and consultancy
system ceilings that allow full access to all Do not hesitate to contact us for consultan-
underlying installations. cy early in the process. With local consul-
tants backed by a global support organisa-
The broad Gyptone range provides archi- Gyptone Tiles are fully demountable ceiling tion, we will help you realise and transform
tects with almost unlimited opportunities tiles available with both visible and con- your visions into reality. For contact infor-
to convert their creative ideas into bright, cealed grid systems. You can also choose mation, see the back cover of this brochure.
inviting rooms with elevated aesthetic pro- Gyptone Plank: a range of special ceiling
perties and good acoustics – rooms where panels intended primarily for hallways and
it is pleasant to work, relax and spend time. corridors.
Rooms that reflect human life.
The Gyptone Quattro 70 range can be fitted to both
walls and ceilings, which means you can create a
consistent expression with excellent acoustics.
Gyptone Quattro 70 is a robust, hard-wearing solution
which helps to ensure a long service life.
Gyptone Quattro 70

Practical design and

economical solution
All products in the Gyptone Quattro 70 All in all, this means that Gyptone gypsum All Gyptone system ceilings are fully de-
range are simple to install and maintain. ceilings are significantly cheaper to main- mountable, allowing unhindered access
Designed to last, they can withstand the tain than other ceiling systems. And with a to all underlying installations. In the
effects of an active, busy environment. service life in excess of 50 years, this trans- Gyptone BIG fixed ceilings, installations
lates into an extremely economical solution. can be reached easily via almost invisible
Superior durability and simple maintenan- Gyptone is tested in real life Access Panels that provide much better
ce mean economical solutions access than other corresponding ceilings.
Gyptone acoustic ceilings are durable and Practical design with easy integration of
hard-wearing – they can easily withstand installations Paint again and again without losing
everyday use, even in ‘tough’ environments Gyptone ceilings are tried and tested, acoustic properties
such as schools and hallways. That is why complete and flexible systems developed All Gyptone ceilings can be painted repea-
Gyptone is the ideal ceiling solution in pla- with a view to ensuring simple and secure tedly without losing their acoustic proper-
ces where primary considerations are good installation, backed by smooth integration ties – unlike many other types of acoustic
acoustics backed by a long service life. of lights, ventilation units and sprinklers. ceiling. You can paint them over and over
It is also quick and simple to cut and adapt again. This translates into a long service
What is more, Gyptone acoustic ceilings are the individual panels with a knife. life and low operating costs. At the same
simple to maintain. They can be cleaned time, it means that you can always choose
with a moist cloth and a mild, ordinary The boards and tiles are strong, and can precisely the colour you want for your walls
cleaning agent – simple as that. support light fittings and other installations and ceilings.
weighing up to 3 kg. The tiles with Edge D2
for concealed grid systems can handle
weights of up to 1 kg.
Gyptone Quattro 70

BIG boards, tiles and planks

– for all purposes
Gyptone has a wide range of different Painting and filling Order samples
designs and sizes, and the panels are simple Gyptone Tiles and Plank products are sup- We will be happy to send you samples of
to adapt to any construction project. All plied painted white (NCS 0500) with a gloss one or more of our products.
products in the Quattro 70 range feature value of 5-9, cf. ISO 2813.
square perforations measuring 3 x 3 mm, For contact information, see the back cover
with centre-to-centre (cc) spacing of Gyptone BIG boards are supplied unpainted, of this brochure.
8.33 mm. with four tapered edges. These edges provide
a significantly improved foundation for
Acoustic properties flat filling and finishing the joins. The final
The precise acoustic properties of the indi- result is a smooth, attractive ceiling surface
vidual products are listed in our product with no visible joins. Use a short-haired
data sheets. You can pick up product data roller for the subsequent painting. Do not
sheets from your local sales consultant spray paint perforated panels, as this sub-
or download them (in English) from stantially diminishes the sound absorption properties.

A2-s1, d0.
Demountable ceilings Fixed ceilings

Gyptone Quattro 70 Gyptone Quattro 71

– Tiles – BIG boards

Panel size: 600 x 600 mm. Panel size: 1200 x 2400 mm.
Panel thickness: 10 mm (edges A+E), Panel thickness: 12.5 mm.
12.5 mm (edge D2). Perforated area: 9 %.
Perforated area: 11 %. Weight: 8 kg/m2.
Weight: 8 kg/m .

Gyptone Quattro 75 Gyptone Quattro 71

– Planks – Access Panel
Demountable ceilings designed speci-
Access panel incl. frame:
fically for corridors and walkways.
600 x 600 mm.
Opening dimensions: 510 x 510 mm.
Panel size: 300 x 1800/2400 mm.
Weight: Frame: 0.9 kg, Hatch 3.6 kg.
Panel thickness: 12.5 mm.
Perforated area: 10.5 %.
Perforated area: 10.5 %.
Panel thickness: 12.5 mm.
Weight: 8 kg/m2.
Gyptone Quattro 70 means cleaner air and pleasant
acoustics. The comfort level boosts job satisfaction and
efficiency in offices.
Gyptone Quattro 70

Healthy indoor climate and

sustainable construction
Gyptone acoustic ceilings contribute to a Activ’ Air ceilings break down 60 % of the This is the result of more than 20 years of
pleasant and healthy indoor climate. The harmful formaldehyde in the air, which focusing concertedly on environmental
products are also eco-friendly with low stems from sources including computer responsibility and a sustainable life cycle,
environmental impact. equipment, carpets, fittings and furnis- based on the ‘cradle to cradle’ principle.
hings, and paint.
Good indoor climate boosts efficiency Gyptone’s EPD – Environmental Product
As we spend up to 90 % of our lives indoors, Completely natural material Declaration – is therefore one of the very
the comfort level in offices and education in- All Gyptone products are made of gypsum, best on the market. An EPD is a document
stitutions, for example, is crucial to whether which is a completely natural material. that presents transparent and comparable
we feel at ease and able to work efficiently. We also use eco-friendly recycled paper. information about a product’s environmen-
That is why Gyptone works continuously The materials have been carefully chosen tal impact throughout its life cycle.
to develop ceiling solutions that contribute to ensure, that the products are fully recyc-
to generating an indoor climate that is lable, and that they do not emit hazardous
comfortable to spend time in and free from substances into the environment.
hazardous substances.
Best in class as regards sustainability
Cleaner air with Gyptone Activ’ Air Gyptone acoustic ceilings feature some of
Gyptone Quattro 70 and other Gyptone the lowest values on the market for carbon
products are natural products, free from emissions, and for consumption of water
emissions. And that is not all. Gyptone and energy.
acoustic ceilings can actually purify the
air and improve the indoor environment.
Find out more – contact us!

Email: Gyproc A/S
Hareskovvej 12
4400 Kalundborg

Tel. +45 59 57 03 30


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