Gyptone Quattro 70: Acoustic Ceilings and Walls With Fine Perforations
Gyptone Quattro 70: Acoustic Ceilings and Walls With Fine Perforations
Gyptone Quattro 70: Acoustic Ceilings and Walls With Fine Perforations
Gyptone Quattro 70
Acoustic ceilings and walls with fine perforations
Gyptone Quattro 70
A world of inspiring
design opportunities
The Gyptone Quattro 70 range adds a new You can likewise design rooms in which
dimension. You can now create design with products from the elegant Quattro 70
an even cleaner, lighter impression. range are fitted on both walls and ceiling,
because Gyptone BIG can also be used as a
Combine wall and ceiling panels – any way wall absorber.
you want
The Gyptone Quattro 70 range allows you In short, you can have it pretty much
to combine Gyptone BIG – fixed acoustic anyway you want it!
ceilings that provide clean, unbroken ceiling
surfaces – with Gyptone demountable High-quality service and consultancy
system ceilings that allow full access to all Do not hesitate to contact us for consultan-
underlying installations. cy early in the process. With local consul-
tants backed by a global support organisa-
The broad Gyptone range provides archi- Gyptone Tiles are fully demountable ceiling tion, we will help you realise and transform
tects with almost unlimited opportunities tiles available with both visible and con- your visions into reality. For contact infor-
to convert their creative ideas into bright, cealed grid systems. You can also choose mation, see the back cover of this brochure.
inviting rooms with elevated aesthetic pro- Gyptone Plank: a range of special ceiling
perties and good acoustics – rooms where panels intended primarily for hallways and
it is pleasant to work, relax and spend time. corridors.
Rooms that reflect human life.
The Gyptone Quattro 70 range can be fitted to both
walls and ceilings, which means you can create a
consistent expression with excellent acoustics.
Gyptone Quattro 70 is a robust, hard-wearing solution
which helps to ensure a long service life.
Gyptone Quattro 70
A2-s1, d0.
Demountable ceilings Fixed ceilings
Panel size: 600 x 600 mm. Panel size: 1200 x 2400 mm.
Panel thickness: 10 mm (edges A+E), Panel thickness: 12.5 mm.
12.5 mm (edge D2). Perforated area: 9 %.
Perforated area: 11 %. Weight: 8 kg/m2.
Weight: 8 kg/m .
Email: Gyproc A/S
Hareskovvej 12
4400 Kalundborg
Tel. +45 59 57 03 30